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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1963, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUUSDAY MARCH 21, 196> ORONO W EEKLY TIMES Leti Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Estabiished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester The EÉ Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager The 0O Orono, Dear 1 1Ibej Tobacco Growing Controls terests You: Recent introduction of an amendment to Ontario legis- portse1 lation in connection with furtber controlling the grow ing of! one tobacco andthe refusai of, the Ontario FiueCure Tobacýco,, sugges Marketing Board to aiiow free-lance growers to pell their Hne tobacco througb the Boar d will no doubt cause considerable He ob. concern to those in the tobacco industry. ment fulinl Tbe new amendment would permit 'the destroying oi! ur -tobacco plants on farms wbere no growing rights exist or on stateiT farms where the grower had planted beyond bis acreage Mr. rights. There is littUe doubt tbat sucb an ameudment would tm give greater control on tbe quantity, of tobacco acreage tm planted. This along with the refusai to allow the sale of free- statelT lance tobacco through tbe Board's media would force free- Bowm; lance growers out o! business. t4tb II telling AlÉeady the cry has been beard tbat such procedure that is the elimination o! free enterprise. It appears that this is culturo so for flot everyone wouid be allowed to grow tobacco. The ada is privilege would exist for only those who held growing rigbts. omnyo the P( However the rigbt of the individuai to do as he wishes I 28th II or to make a living as, he wishes lis not always granted. stating This is seen where licensing and control g overns in who tions ii may serve or be in business such as transportation, tLele- are th phone, radio, T.V., milk service and gas, and other forms er. of business. The thougbt behind such action being that the yas control can be of a benefit to the industry as a wihole even Furt. though it may eliminate the desîre o! an individua~l to set up as ter: in a business wherever he wishes. ment1 The tobacco îndustry has bad its- problems as does any hr business. H1owever tbe control governing the amount to be grown~ sold bas eliminated in the past great build-up o! surpîuses. Honey' Other industries witb no control over production bave built bacco up buge surpluses and sucb as butter bas become a liability Ontari( to the Federal Treasury and tbus tbe taxpayers of Canada. ance ii unless Carnet Riekard Speaks At Orono A Progressive Conservative gov- policies as ARDA and tbe Federai ,erument will place the national in Grain Assistance Act.. Growing terest abead o! group interests, ex. employment and increased worker pediency or party policies even at skills are beginning to show as a the risk o! vilification and defeat. result of sucb programs as the Garnet Richard PC candidate in Federal - Provincial Vocational Durham pledged in Orono Mýonday. Training Plan, bie said. Speaking to thé Durham PC As-J "Expatnded Markets for our pro- ;sociation at its regular monthly1ducts and our m7ade-in-Canada pro- Meeting, Mr. Richard said: " Time1 ducts to replace imports are ai- and again 1 bave seen it proven byt ready a reality.. Further substan- actual experience tbat tbe greatest tial gains are assured by a con- moral satisfaction and material tinuation o! tbe government'5-i- progress bave come wben the com- aginative Trade Crusade. Mon good bas been placed ahead, "Let us see that We are not side- of group interests, when the jure )f'tracked by a Party of political ex- political expediency and the easy pediency," be~ said. 'way out bave been rejected and Mr. Rickard appealed for a courage bas been !ound to face the working majority for the Conserv- facts, no matter bow distasteful, ative gove;nment4 to end tbe un- tbey bave been at the moment 01ý certainty ,of the past year and t t0 some segments of our society." returu to stability and progress Tbe candidate referred to tbe de- producéd trade surpiuses, he ad -vauaionofthedolarlat. ayas However, Mr. Rickard warned -'a *6urageous act in tbe national ta aaacudnthv interest." He said the Liberals 'had sound and forward-moving econ- -tried to make a national f ield day omy unless ail groups sbared in the -out o! it and had charged the gov-i general prosperity since ail were ernment's action had ru ined the inter-related. national economy and disgraced "We realize that agriculture is Canada In tbe eyes of the worid. bealtby only when the industrial "Like their Truth Squad, the and commercial worker is earninig Diefendoliar is sometbing tbe Lib- a fair wage and tbat industry pros- fera1s wouid ratber have the coun- pers oniy when there are markets try forget," said Mr. Rickard. for its products. The bourly-pald "Economie Miracle" worker, the wite-collar worker, Devaluationi and aggressive for- tbe lndustrialist and the prof es- ýeign trade promotion ýworked an sional plan ail depend on the pros- ,economic miracle in 1962, giving perity o! the average Canacian." Canada a growth rate In 1962 ex- "To accomplisb tbis state 'o! ceeding that o! every western nia- prosperity, we must bave faith 'nJ tion, ie stated. ourselves and confidence in our Under the Liberals tbe trade de- country" ficit in 1956 reacfied $700,000,000 Continued progress in agricul- wbile the iast two PC years bad ture is ensured by such far-seeing DUB ARRYl Beauty Preparation Expires March 3th STUTT'S PHARMACY Marketing. Board and the Ontario Mr. Honey is flot clouding issues. ler o th Edi orMinister o! Agriculture, Para. 9 o! II think you will agree that in thin 28r tote EiStor N whicb provides tbat the Board wll1 matter, as in others, he bas ae 28 eBaqureSt* ~ fix anid aliot "the 1963 production care toacuaEint his listeners with Po8t MarcbOntario acreage for cacb grower on the ihe .acts i~n the case, 'itor, basis of a cut of at least 40%1 from Yours Truly, )rono Weekly Times, the established -basic rnarketable Roger M. Xirkpatrick, )Ontario. acreage for the grower on his Research Chairman, Mr. Editor: f arm." Durbam Liberal Association. eg your indulgence In tbe lin-_____________________________ ;o! accuracy. _________________________________ ir issue, o!iMarcb l4tb re- -vative candidate in DurhamB w ma vil ýse htMr. Russell C. 623-558 Ywas "ClOuding the iss~ues,-1 1-5 8 bjected to Mr. Honey's state- that everytbing is Wonder- rural Ontario." Mr. Rickard FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 P.M. .,er quoted as denying sucb LaSt Comnp1ete 8:30 nents. Rickads potess atthisExcellent ail- 1color science fiction cOnflict with his previous nents tO rural audiences. Tie .962 reports Mr. Rickard asAN anth audience at Hampton "tpresent bouyant agri-j1. ml econoiny tbrougbout Can- 4-wD D sa bealtby sign of the econ- of the ,whole, nation." Again 3ort Hope Guide 'o! January SUNDAY-to WEDNES 1DAY 1963 reports Mr. 'Rickard o! 9in 'BethanY that "condi- complete show 7:30 p'm. n rural Ontario iu particular :e best tbey bave been inTHP AN O bryou quote Mr. :Rickard rming "mlîsleadinig" a- state- by Mr. Hloney "implying" OF THE OPERA" wouid be 40% less tobacco ilu Durham than lu 1962. Mr. The Greatest Thrii Ulassie of AiU Time 's exact words were that to-EstaCor Sgrowers were told. by theEat n or -o Goverument "no assist- in marketing your 1L962, crop B i es Dr u a sall growers reduce their ge by a minimum o! 40%." WelI-made horror entry from Engiand. Rickard may not be familiar Color. Aduit entertainment bhe Feb. 5th, 1963 agreemlent ,,e the Ontario Tobacco UNITER CHURCNC necinr Orono Pastoral R I E ' o f c i ,e ' I/ Charge___________________________ Minister ýCHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES Rev 13. E. Long T1 * SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1963 CHUiRCH SERVICES Orono 11:00 a.m. Leskard- 1:15 p.m. Kirby - 3:00 pm. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono- 10:00 a.m. Leskard -1:45 Kirby -2:00 pm. Mclaughlin Coal &, Supplies Ltd. wish to announce ANEW FREE £'z.ýRVICE POLICY For Our Residential'Furnace Oit Customers Including Annual Clecinout and 24 Hour Service Details of this plan wil be received in the mail by our Customers COAL & SUPPLIES LIMITED ORONO, ONTARO PHONE 1OSJ110 King St. West, Oshawa Poe7338 ïi eison's Ite ream ny fli, %brick or /2 uaiîon Neilso!n's 1 lb. and 2 lb. Boxes of Chocolates Stirriff's and Hostess Potato ,Chips A Large Assortntent of Chocolate Bars For the Smoker: Pipes 75e to $7.00 Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarettes Agent for Bowmanviile Cleaners Phone 723-3481 ORO.No, ONTAP.110 PHONE 1168J

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