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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1963, p. 6

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ORONO IVEEKLY TMMES, THURSDAY, -MARCH 28, 1963 Ù'arnet Riekard Concerned With Cost 0f Elections Kendal News Mrs. Ralph McMaclî ý ntna motor -trip t o Xý!a-sl'ol tins Dast In an address '-o ,he 'Yfillbro0)ý ail, is that good legislation cornes dgtr-Mlw r n and Cavan Townghin Conservatve from the free expression of opirin ' McInn Association Yheld -'n Millbrook -in by people whose atm is to soerve Mrs. Neya Little has retut Tu<1('dav 'Durham .'C candidate their community to the best of Chicago to bie with her brol Garnet Rickard exnressed Mrg. Mr. ne at the mounting cost of toof I ".I have no ather interest in go- M.adMs 'n Iun letos ing zo Ottawa." ard faniilY have moved o "Telctons.raiegvrmn Mr. Richard outlined econom:c Adams tobacco -armn on t did not seek this election. We Nvant-t progress madie under *the Conser- Ln.H il ctegrow ed ta continue with our legislative aiegvriet n-ie en er programi and to bring down theitotal Canadian production rose by' We extend our deepest sy, earliest *budget on record. The 26.6 per cent; exports were up3ü- to the Hall family in the 1o government Was seriously obstruc- per cent; farm cash incarne Up 19.3 wife and mother. Mrs. M~ ted right from the beglnning of thle per cent; profits before taxes Up forer i Luxon amn rth w session in September by a party 17.4 per cent; miotor vehicle ehip- daeî and ateneth Kedal which was determined that Par-. ments by 63 per cent; steel ingot ditl her artents. Shenwil liament shouid not function under IProduction up 70 per cent andold id t byer parentsanti relatb a minority government. There age pensions ýup 41 percent.Th Wmes site wer 31biis n te rde Paer The PC candidate sai these ec- the home of Mrs. W. Turai when Parliament was dissolveti onomic ativances were especially Wednesday evening, Mar and~~~~~ te1663bdeetiaesSgifct when compareti with We were honoured by a vis had bn partly printed." the United States. Between 1956 our district president Mi "However, this is ail water un. and 1962 Canada's sales to other ilgnadhrduhe der the bridge nlow. We miust be countries bettered the United tonville. concerneti about the future of Can- States by almoat nine per cent The president, Mrs. E.C ada. Our democratic institutions while personal income increase1 in opened the meeting wîth ù will decay if we are to have re- Canada Was seven per cent better ing of the Ode followed peat performances of the Iast ees- than in the U.S. Canadian indus- Mary Stewart Collect. The sion after the .April 8 election., trial production was one per cent of last meeting were reati "This election must be the last better while mnanufacturing em- date of the Penny Sale for the next four or f ive years. Not ployment in Canada exceedeti that May the eleventh. The alone front the cost to the nation in the U.S. by 10 per cent. Hal is to be ours for thatS i dollars and cents but i legis- 'President Kennedy drew at- evenîng. More quilt blocl lative actionin the interests of ail tention ta the fact that Canada -jnot u en Canadians. had the best record of price etab- waven an Teis eyw "A clear majority for a Con- ilitY of any industrialized nation wst aktenas"ndisorw servativeý government will ensure in the world in 1962 and a 12-na - staiea .tiis. that the nation's business is car- tion comparison. showed that Can- hip. the mogtt was and] rieti out without further interrup- ada. was the most successful in caepainer gt ay andie tion. As a party, presently repre- keeping down the cast of liing. eaepiorsealie sented in every province, 1 believe Business Week of Dec. 29, 1962 cal was,, "One thing we wie can secure that majority. 'Your reported Canada chalked Up the our house to prevent accid help in Durham can give the gov- hîghest growth rate of any Atlantic Some said they "Tun ernment one of the 17 seats it community country." saucepan handies on thee needs for an overaîl majority.", Mr. Rickard sald tax compari-1iso a chilti running arci Mr. Rickard said 'unfortunately sons showedthat Canadians paid stove did not scald hini he could not rule out the ossibil- less taxes as a percentage of total they saw1 that ail stairs ity of another minority govern- national production than in the hantd-rail to prevent fallir ment. U.S., Belgium, Ita2Iy, France, Un- sairs, or sharp knivesm "lIt is not a situation that I wel- ited Kingdom, Germany anti the up beyond chlltren's reacb corne, but if that is what happens, Netherlantis. ltergents, lye etc were 10o1 we must learn to0 live with it at The candidate then went on tole upboard. Ottawa. Those who go there 'after quote - orne figures f romt the esti- After the Urrent evE April 8 must go there pledged to mates of the Ontario Departint1 meeting was turnied ovei act in Canada's interesta and not of Agriculture. The, Hon. William jconvenor Mrs. Cathcart ' ta pursue party ambitions. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture, onstrateti artificlal respirî "Let it be saiti of Canada's riext reported that the gross income of ing the bach-pressure parlianientftry representatives that Ontario farmers was an ail lime method. Each niembera they knew how ta act in the nation- high in 1962 reaching a total of part of the patient or the al interest, whether as members of one and a quarter billion dollars. After this strenuous exer the goveriinent or opposition par- Net lacOme fram Ontario farmiers ladies were able to er went Up from $869,285,000 ta $890,- lunch served by ourh "Il believre in performance not, 065,000 jna 1961, the last year for Mrs. A. Low andi Mrs. R. promises. But this promise 1 Will which figures were av ailable. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gardai mahe ta, the people of Durham, if "I am not saying ail îs weîî in and Mrs. Wallace Boughe they see fit ta send me f0 Ottawa agriculture, but -e re oving ed to Mount Forest tov on April 8, I will. speak for Can- liIn the right direction anrei- tives last weekenti. Theç ada. My whole municipal career, ing consideration f rom h Cn not meited in thst area. if it bas taught ne anYthing at servative governnient mWhich -arnm- ers neyer got under tihe f ormer ad-ti- t many figures.. ministration. around the ridlng, 1I b Mr., Rickard outiined the Fast- impresset i Wth the serx Service Station ern Fariners Assistance Act which, tude of people to ti he said,,the goveriiment was I)»ed- They want the facts and AT~ ~A Tged to introduce. 1-l also went squads, homig pigeons a ATTEN ANT'over an eight-point plan for nation- colouring books," Alert, neat, Intelligent, expeni- a e Imn.1"A nomdpbi enced preferreti, but not essen- "1I hope 1 haven't wearieti YOU1 ocracy's surest safeguard tial.,Age over 20. _____ * Apply: Conference UCW Holds TURNBLL'SAnnual Meeting In Brighton E sso Service The first annual meeting of the ounteti to $1214.75 anti was i- No. 401 Highway, Bay o Quinte Conference, 'United ided among five stutients Who had j Church Women, at Brighton was been specially recommendeti. The Newcastle openeti recently by a tievotional funti will continue this year, with Jservice conducteti by the Renfrew contributions fram ail organiza- j Nrthsid, wst ! ewtonvllle Presbyterial anti led by Mrs. M. tions. R. Lindsay. Regional Conference was set for _________________________ The president, Mrs. W. A. September 21, 22 and 23 at Ivy Lea Weatherheati, announceti the plan- wlth thxe therne "The Christian nng of three courses for leaders Woman Meeting thxe World." of Bible~ Teaching arrangeti at Mrs. Lilace 3arnes, immediate Five Oaks by Rev. Beveriy Oaten. past pres.iderit 0fthe ,Worid YWCA IRegistration ta be made throughî iliadatuyo W tl Ts Work in which teCrstia fintis Mrs. S. Saywell, Oshawa, Leader- esi. Chairman of the Finance Com- Mr.Byt rlaiwfeo mItte Mrs. M. C. Fisher, an- the minister of Fifth Avenue Pues- nounceti that the total allocation btra hrhh e okct for the Uniteti Church for this year lleaiatuyo "Wate S is $10,500,00. of which 10 per centBie-sytaU asaWatsa is undertaken by Unitedi Church Christian-" Women. Also a Unitedi Nations Seminar The amount butigetteti for by bas reservatioxis for, 30 United Callî ùI, Bay of Quinte women is $171.150. 'Churich Wormei, November 10 to Jicenscd She reported that the allocation 13. Mechnical CO)IIfor the past year was exceedeti by LEADERS' SCHOOL MecczncalCont; -rî>~ $900. for Over anti Abave Gifts. Ahl members were remix!ded that -who sPII inçtil It was emphàsized that worh $500. cari. ftir sh, equlp andi run a andqu a gwhich cold have been accom - daY sch6l1 for 30 chi.den ' itli a and qar 1plished in the Unitedi Church had Mea.1, twa perlods Per day (60 tgoundone when $11,000i the cffld1~rn). ihder the Church eh f C A R M A N Bay of QuinteCerce UCW ChrJîst in Chia, Hong Xong. Fumds C A iY N ad $21,000. la Toronto, CanferenCe Jshiou1d be forwarded thraugh the UCW were useti for projects other iBoard of World Mlissin, Unitedi PLTJMBING - HREATINCT, than that of the 'Unitedi Church. Church Hlouse, Toronto.-, -,, BUSARV FUND Mrs. Helen Hae of Grafton Phone 143 Orono Last year's Bursaiy Fund arn- She recomnfended "Close the un- der-production problem i the world, and the need of teachers and leaders in tbis field i ~r~ tries where over-population is a problem. Mrs. Chas., Hadd en urged the support of United Church Women In sending leaders to the Leaders' School at Quin-Mo-Lac, July 2 to il, for ail leaders of junior groups, either through funds or assisting GRASS Mrs. K. R. Ross of the Board oiC lWomen, Toronto, deait with "Timt- toi Look at Ourselves," i wliclb she expressed the real growttt-, shiown by~ reports of growing ri tian f ellowship, study, and greatj-t co.operation with inen's and w ;- men's groups at ail levels. Questions in regard to policy acud methods were directed to her froaL the floor, and she urged more use (Continued on page 9-) SEE'D No. 1 CANADIAN ALFALFA -.. $33.00 a bu. No. 1 REDCLOVERt.... ...... $26.00 a bu. No. 1 PURITY TIMOTIIY---$13.00 a bu. Robert Glanville Phone 15318 orono, Ointario sturday ks were Dolection 1____________________ Durham Progressive Conservatlive Association IN 1962 CANADA LED IN Percentage Increase ini Gross Nationaj Production United Klngdom up........... Common Market up....................... United States up ........................... CANADA up.............................. .d 2.5% 4.5% 6.8% 7.0% Percentage Increase În 1962 Exports Over 1961 Exports United i Klgdom np.................. 3.0% United States up....................4.e, Common Market Coutries up............... 6.4%o CANADA up............................. ......... 9.0% Keeping Consumer Prices DOWN France up. ............................. 5.4% United Kingdom up .... .... ............... 4.7% îtaîy Up.................................... 4. e% Germany up......................3.7/ Netherlands up.................................... 3.3% UJnited States up .......................... 1.1%, CANADA up ONLY....................... . 'Y 'KEEP YOUR FAITH IN CANADA' OUR CANDIDATE GARNET IUAU Keep Canadla s Economy Moving VOTE CONSERTATIVE VOTE IKR Durhanm Progressive Conservative Asociatlpn 1 \-'leek-end with her -ion and

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