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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Apr 1963, p. 1

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Orono' eekly Ties N ýOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 ORONO WeEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1963 Mass, lBSuri n ed F<c C. A. Holmes, Preeldent o! lie ý'lorthumberland - Durham Tubeér- culosis and Healti Association, re- centiy announcod tint plane are being laid for a mass tuberculosis detection survey o! Durham CouÏn' ty on June 10, 1963. Michael Wladyka bhas beon ap- poin.ted General 'Ciairnian o! theo Survey Committoe.t in a statement îseued Mr. H-omes said: " The Nojrthumberland-Durham Tuberculosis and Health Associa- tion in co-operation with the On-, 'tario Departinent o! Heatù will bel conducting a tuberculin testLng and * X-ray eurvey o! ahl residents in- ,zludùig X-rays o! all the major In- dusýtrial employeee. "The tuberculoeis picture iu On- tario ca4nt be taien too lightly. *'.It le a constant batti e 10iep ~the incidence rate undercnto Çuriently, approximately fiep- pie per' day enter Ontario's sana-, Loria, 70 per cent o! ,wliom are in an advanced stage o! tuberculosis. "It ie only tirougli the efforts o! tic public that we can hope to ke fep tiese figures down, and Dur- hamn County isprepared to off er ils1 * citizens tlie opportunity o! being nl Part o! ths international figlit a- gans tberculosis." Mr. Homes added thaI tie rel- atý.veIy new "Heaf" nmethod o! tesîing will be usedi. "mhe Departmnent lias trnined three Épecial teame o! registered nurses in "Hon!" testing, an abso- lutely -painlees meîiod o! dininiet- ,eîing lie test.," The tuberculin test will indicate ïf any personlias ever been in di- -Tect contact with tuberculosis. It will nol show active disease, but nIl persons who show a ro- action will, be x-rayed, as well as ail persons over 40 yeare of age. It is in this nge group mtnthle hxigiest rate o! other lung and ciesî abnommalities le locnted. ihe Cheet X-ray ie capable o! find- inig lung and cheel area tumore zand enlarged hearts. Al suci findinge will be re- ported. ,Mr. Wladyia is now nppointing ,a committee 10, handle the invoived procedure connected with a pro- jeet o! tue magnitude. -It le ex.. pected tint by June 10, n total o! 10 pei, cent o! tic Durhamn popu- lation wiil be acîively working on vnrious survey committees. vey Plan- '198 Vote At, Total Local Miil Rate, Adlva.nce PoilsIcrae 54Mli ThDuea advanced poil held in Dur- n r a e 5. M il liam County at five centres regis- tered a total vote Of 198 ballots. Taxes in Clarke. Townshîp avYinu~sdfo 02ml o jr GardelerS To The advance polis were openf on taken a hike upwards this year. milis which offsets the' decrease Jr.GadenrsTo Saturday and Monday. ln the 1962 The greatest increase has been1 received in the Township rate. The election) the advanced POli register- applied to the Durhiam District total rate in Orono thus is 61.711 w?.. ed- a vote of 221. Hg Scolrt ic ba inmisreidential and 65.745 mils Viî T iotoéanacunt Of creased' 20 percent fromn 20.8 millîs c ommercial. This compares with The regular monthly meeting 0f Baktc.......... TeCut aehsicesdcmmercial ini 1962. Through the the Junior Gardeners Club met in Millbrook .................... 19 slightly f rom 11.8 milis in 1962 to new agreement More money Ja the Municipal Building, ýThursday Port Hope ..................1:10 12.024 mjIls in 1963. The Clarke handled 'by' the Police Trustees evening, Mardi 28th with an atten- Newcastle .................. 1j3 Township .rate for residential'and and in 'th'eir budget for the year dance of thirtY along with 8ome EBowmanville ................ 521 farm property ini the Township (ex- they ar-e including $700.00 for the visitèrs.Total........... 198: cludmng Orôno) lias, also increased i Lbrary along with $1500.00 for viîôr.slightly from 1798 milis to 18.253 street lighting or curbing and also The meeting opened with ropoat- The commercial and industrial engiaoor ing fees of $600.00 for the, ingth Grdners red.Thor'w d eprt f heScap oos ntr-rate increasod from 21.91 to 22.287. preliminary plans for water. Yoar Books were dÏstributed and ed in both t4, District and Pro-' In the Police Village Of OrQno Many o!, the Public School rates Glenda Tonnant, a new member vincial competitions. Three mem- the' Township rate lias decroased have1 remained at the saie level welcomed. bers being winners were Elaine under the new financial agreement as 1962 however the Orono, secion Mrs. Frairbrother gave a cletail- (Continued page 4) from 14.48 xills residential in 1962 rate lias been incroased f rom 22.5 ________________________________________________to 10.082 milîs. The latter mill rate to 23.816 residential and commoe-> O f also contiains a little over 3 milis cial 24.'5 to 26.463. With this rate IAfor Village ronds which allowe the total miii rate in Orono wlll ho im s N n e ~ m nj $5000.00 to be epent on new con- 85.527 residential and 92.208 miiýe srtonand maintenance. The commercial (1962 rates wore 80.1 * *commercial and, industrial rate is and 86.01 nuITs). On an assessment B o n c Ji>s fiec 14.116 cOmpared to 18.31 in 1962. of $3000.W0 in Oron the increase in, purposes, Township purposes, Gan- The Township Public Scliooi ar-, Prime Minister Diefenbaker's lie resented strongly the suggestion araska and the Higli School are as ea has decreased its rate to 20.279 decision flot to arm the Bomarc that Canada was letting down tie! follbws vwith 1962 rates in brackets. and 22.532. A decrease is also with nuclear warheads lias been United States and i ot contributing I Township properties, residential sliown in School Section 25 while in fully justified by recent events, to North Amherica defence by flot'and farmns 55.882. (50.98); Town- Schooi Section 2 an incrense of, 5.08ý Garnlet Rick-ard, P1C candidate n n ccepting nuclear warheads for ship properties, commercial 59.916 mills is noted for residential. mhis Durhami, said in Blnckýstook bn 'the twoj Bomarc bases in Ontario (54.81); Orono residential 47.711 incrense nlong with other increas- Saturday. and Qujebec. (47.48);, Orono commercial 51.745 es will total 10 milîs for properties Hewa rferig o rlesej"I thinK the whol olitrvrs15.3) in No. 2 sehool section or $30.00 on Friday of testimony given by Un- proves . hlat value o! experienced The Police Village rate has been a $3000.00 assessment. ited States Defence Secretaryý, leadership. The Prime Minîster il_ ______________________ Robert McNýýam.ara before a House lias been consistent rigit through- bofReresnttivs pprpration 1Out this carpaign in refusing nu-W"È%i0i%'A% sub-çommiittee in wvhich tlie ef-! clear a-ni.s for these bases, in j. AY'* c itr ra i fectiveness of the Bomiarc bases view o! the serlous limitations of U U U -UW~ U was challenged. the Bomnare. Mr. Rîckard said tint the Primie "There ie no suggestion that that the defence situation wajs NORAD and NATO dlefence, but E e i g I r n f luid and flexible. Canada's cotribution nius e aii "The ixlost imiportant issue in of Durharn i1 cannot recali any,, "T-t-e P.-iie M\inister's decison, effective One." the mninde of ail Canadians as tchey member of Parliament who lias,, not to arm the Bomarc nuclearly Th-,-candidate nîso outlined tlie cast their ballot on April th should devoted hie time and energy so does fot beave a vital gap in North advantngee to theBlackstock area be the iieed for a stable mnjority Lnstintingly to tiecpeople lie rep- American defence in view o! the of încreaeed tourist promotion government." Russell C. Honey, resents, M1r. Beel- said. fact that the United States has brought about by the devaluation Liberal Candidate for Durliam told Mr. and Mrs. Hloney greeted ail not fully implemented its Bomare of the dollar. He spoke aleo of fed, a meeting in Orono on Friday, ev- gueste, attending the dance and prograin and lias now stated that eral and provincial road devel- ening. Mr. Honey said thatit was euchre party. Mr. Honey nnd Mr. is only retains tic bases because1 opinent which lie said had con- his hope to be elected to support a Beer spoke at the intermission of the initial cost involved." 1 tributed mnterially to botter tog ovmeldbyM.adwr inôue y ry Mr.Rikar sid ha th d- 1mnsoe mpatm un ounorthe Pearson selected from the humer- Wade, Clarke Township Associa- cision to build Bomaic bases had j nrhr ato uhm ut.ous capable mon and women now tion Liberal President Who ncted been takon in .1959, whon the man- Harbour dovlopinent on- Lake offering themeelves as candidates as chalunan. jnod bomber had beon the roal JScugog carred out by the federni for the Liberal Party. Convenor o! the social'progr-am. threat to North Amnerica. govornment Will nîso assist the for -the evening was Mrs. M. J. "Inter-continental ballistic mis- area. "At tuis critical juncture n Our Tambln, Vic-Prosident o! Cen- silos'which 'can renach, thir ý tai-gel John, Hamilton, Cartwrighît history the future o! Canada, and tral Ontario South Women'a Lib-. lu a few finutes are now the liiely Township PC Association prosident, -o! our pnrliamentary systein o!f rlAscain danger. The Bomarc is no defence preided. About 200 attended the govorament rests upon the verdict - ayo h wohnrd h against these." meeting which was followed by a o! the people on 'election day. If any o! the wo huennre wo As regards nuclear ais for dance.MrRcad pe we elect a stable niajority govemn- ed dnig a are ui o Cnnada's NATO forces, Mr. Ric-,tOn 175 peop Pontypoolwee ment we can pull out o! the sea o! th ig ndcrd.Msi o to 75 eope l Potypol,%vhreindecision and confusion whicb te dancing wns supplied'by Mrs. kard said the govenmont's posi. E Bonwt r a aser tionwastha tu wold e r- le outlined the Conservative par- now permeates the very core o!f rw iiMr a aser viewd attheNATOconerene . ty's efght point policy for national our parîianmentary isiuin i nln l qaednig Ottawa in May, developrnent. Liberal candidate said in conclud- 1 Lunch wae served nand tea pour-, Ho streseed tint plans for de- ing hie brie! remarie. ed by Mre. ýM. H. Staples and Mi-à. The candidate snid the last tiing velopment of rural areas wiUl add Allan Beer, Provincial Liberal O. W. Rolpi. T silver candlebra hie wantod 10, do wns 10 try to make to the amenities o! Durham County candidate praieed Mr., Honey's at- centred the, lunch table whici was political \capital out o! Canadian, Bob Sisson, Durham PS Associ- tention to the affaire o! hie con. also nttrnctively docorated will- defence poiicy. Ho, said, however, ation president, presided. tituente. "As a iifolong resident 1yllow treamer nnd.tapers. Shown above is the champion Bnci row 1 to r. Ross Tamblyn, Mifdgets o! tic local longue, tuis Dane Rogerson, Jimmy Richard- ardson, Terry Cox, Buzzy Mvercer1 and Bob Luxton. Bottoin row, Gor- Reld,ý David Green, Arnold Wal- bY:eing the Orono Mîdget te-am. I son, Terry Grahamn, Ronnie ricb-GaeLctGoreVn amdnDtLvneronCareI lace, Allan Fisi and John Grady, 1

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