ORONO WEEELY TM., THfmS»AY, APUJL.11th. 1963 Local News Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Virtie Wilson on ?.he 35th Anni- 'versary of: theïr wedding- wh ch they celebrated on &Yrl 4th. Mr. Charles .,Irmstrong h-ýas pu-- Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAN, APRIL 14, 1963 CHURCH SERVICES Orono - 11:00 ar. Leskard - 1:45 p.m.. Kirby - 3:00 p.m. SUNDAV SCHOOL Orono- 10:00 a.m. Leskard- 1:45 p.mn. Kirby- 2:00 p.m. .Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Con)ticctor who sells, instalis and guarantees C AIRMA N TLUMBING..-HIEATING Phone 143 Orone chased the home of thie late ',%r$. eI. C. Hall on Mill Street North. ftecent vistors Mith Mr. and M4re. * 7oý, 'ic lw ~v~~ ir .laughter mdl- son-in-1awM. and MVrs. John Mrs. W(l *obbledich -,Tent ,ist weekend w"ýth Mr. and Mrs. Lorne JnmsOl 3lackstock. MIr. 'ceorge Amtol fTm mins spent a :*ew .iays, recenily w it.s mother Mrs. Tohn. AM- ft'ng. Work is progressing on the :new chrch building. '£le iexcavat. ng has been completed ýand the 'foot- ings are now being poured. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin vste on Sunday with his mother *who is a patient, in the Lady of Mercyl : ospital, 'Îoronto. The meeting of the Clarke Town- ship teachers was held at No., 14 .mchool last Tuesday aftinon. P1auline Jewett was elected Ldb- erul Member of Parliament :or Northumberlanld with a majoriuy of 268 votes. A number of men and women ~started work at ',-he Orono Forestr v Station on Monday for the Sumnmer months.' The Orono Fire ùepartment are urging people tý'o cke care with grass fires. A fire should be care- fully watched at all Umes as ' tAh the winds of the past f ew days, It xi,,ý n.o. very .juickly. The Orono Hi-C's are planning a Dtorinybrook Fair and Auctioci for Saturday, :'.4ay :dlth. Mrs. A. 'Van den i-euvel leaves shortly for a trip ýW )lngland to visit ber parents lhere. is. Donald Staples a shower in jOshawa which was given for Miss M ary Penïound, daughter of Mr. Alan Penfound and the late Mrs. Penfound. The Clarke High School Glee Club journeyed to Toronto on '.ues- day where they joined with other Glee clubs for a sing f est andi after dinner somne attended a concert at Massey Hall whlle others went to see the -Acadmny award winning picture "Lawrence of krabla." oomnpanions * ..boating pleasur e y BOAT TRAILERS Côninîng husky steel construction, in-balance crudling, an& shock-absorbing suspension,, these frai lers by Otaco give t your boat a gentie, safe ride-along the highways and over 1 rough opprooches ta the water - for boat trgilingcLafscar.-, ~rebest. t- G Last year tiis Dunflop GoId Seal, would have cost you $22.5 . ' 670/15 NYON CONVENTIONAL Toay the price is$1174 hy If's a first line DunioGoIad Seal with a 1962 tread pattern. This is 1963-and now Dunlop is tooled up to produce a new tire. To m'ake way for it, we have to seIl off betweert 100 and Stires lIike' this. If you want to wait tIi the nèw 1963. DunopGoI Salis avial-fine. But if youwnta hone'st bargain on a 1962 GoId Seal, see your dealer now! PHONLýE 22811I YOUR DUNLOP SAFETY CENTRE RAINEY'S Confectionery CIIOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES Ne~I»ssIce Creain by butlk, brick or 1/2 Gallon Neilson's 1 lb. and 2 lb. Boxes of Chocolates SWirriff's and Hostess Potato'Chips A Large Assortment of Chocolate Bars For the Smoker: Pipes 75c to $7.00 Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarettes Agent for Bowmanville Cleaners t t ORONO, ONTARIO 1 Phone 14211