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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1963, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIIL 18, 1963 :VOLfUME 25, NUMBER 6 TUmes Collegiate- Choir To Clarke Teachers Sing ýIn Orono, Apr. 2 DiscussNîew Metods 28The Carke District Teacher's The__meetingofte____________ Association heid a meeting at on endmeeAin 7f he Hîh C Grop ,î ckhai-t School on.Monday alter- on Su day ic7 s o held innoon, April 9. Much timne was spent thuriy tervic s uril8 cAtomigTourist Ass ci ' arranging an interschool basébafl ùeurhosvckey , m as gthog i tournamnent to be held later during 'femptation attýndance was over at ionl O jJctCS the spring. tieenty.Miss Kent and Miss McKillop led twent. ibx led the devotions" a discussion among the junior wbch were on an Easter theme L)ept. R:uli:-ig teachers concernlng, primary with te reaing o the rucimethonds. Roti teachers attended t wit te radngof heCrcifxton The Great Pine Ridge Tourist îast year's summer course ini Tor-C froim Mark. This portion of our 1CQý,Dbci1 of which the Orono Cain- onto for Frim-ary Methods, andT %v~in as conluded: with1 ber of Commerce la a niember, passed on te the rest sampiçs anid "'Were You There" sung. by Fred bas sent a strong protest to the ideas for seatwork, àudio.visual e Wari~s ennsiVaillalS.Department of Highway a-, lS quipmertt, textboolks and improv- in connection wýith Our service, ta the Department of! Travel and ed methods of presenting material. %ishers were appointed and ar'- Publicity. Both protesta weýre ad- MrMdoan Mr. Bowen, prin-.b, rangements made for the girls to dressed to the respective minis- cipals who studed s3ool gulidance Y~ Wit in the choir loft. It was sug- ters. îast suminer, expaiiid to the sen- e gested that since some of thei Ylh C Mothers had offered on Permission to erect regional lor teachers the purpiose and nec- P nuxiorue ccaion tolen thir ighay signs on Highiway 401. basiessity for guidane I-niaterial thatb zupport, that, they bc invited to been denied by the departmierit of basbeenoursed anld woe effect be-ad our luncheon comnmittee for ighways wltb thie explanatioiifrtee 'ean l& n ih the intermnediate Choir o! forty, that signa are not ailowabi0 due toae he.c ursear 10n hoet ton-ing fron R. H. King Coilegiate department policy on 401 and otiier fo4r the day. The boys voluJnteeI(red t"freeways". cars to take the choir on a caval- fad tQMopor, lirugi/te Vl. The Tourist council stro-ngiy be- Local Nlewm, lIage and forestry. iieves il is essential that regionai Mr M. J. Tamblyn is a patientc Thescrtar reci n ivitvonhighwaysin shouid designate iii the R_'owmanviiie Memoriai Hos- Thsm Linday HireCGý an o t is area and especially on 401. pitai. ïend a Coference being held on h oncias i ht~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Reir, Otawa April 19, 20 and 21.jforming the regional organisation visited, at Yasteýr with Mr. -tnd Our president announce coi - <f tey were assured that such highi Mrs. S. J. Norton. Little Blake Van ÊÏial ai apointment o! a Correspon Iwar, ige oud3eYog hejA. Vani- den Heuvel and M.. and din S crta y, Je n am ý f ew perm itted on 401. den Heuvel returned with them .t d~gSecetryJea Tmbln.for a visit. ý Judy Tamblyn, Diane Gilb&trt Theý Council are asking for recon-1 r.Fena dyl ain ;;.d Mary Lynn Bailey volunteered 1sideration of thMe. reeanEddtit& aten1 te look ohmr ail advertising for aur! in the Bovmanvilie Hospital. 'E-oninybrook Fair and Auction" t. ____________________________ Me lelci in th-e Orono Municipal Buligon 'May 11th. Ated AM ein À. bowling party w %as suggestcd Z ed ILAI nflf laiti Ser Saturday evening i Bowmnan- ville, but since an aley couici not! 0 u h m S o t o n C u lie obtained it was postponed1 untl fD r a ' o t o n C u Tuesday evening,, the 16th. Tuesclay evening twenty High At the Duiiýam Sliorthorn Assoc- cess in Working witli People." C members gatbered at the Liber- lation annuail banquet beici in the rt( MicofCnen D- ty Bowl i BowmnanviIle sbortly Rrecreation centre i1n BlackstoclcM re0 amrnpe after s5even o'clock. We were lv- recently, 127 were in ottendance. ihorn AssocJ. it-atio soe bieyshar- iemb4 teamis for three gamnes Mr. George Carson, presidenit o! onAýoIto soebif l f aedcomùipetitioni and itilwas the Association acted as chairman so iMrs. Mumiforci 0f Hampton, pre-4 gee all dtmittecl that bigh for the' evening and priôr to thesieto th Dram Cut scores were more the reutOf banquet çalled upon the Rev. P. hrtonLais godluc:k than good managemfenkt. Romeril to say grace. Rev. Rom- Thi.e Lh;gh scorers were Charles eril then introduced 'a guest of his, Rei an DineGilbart and the Rev. W. Taylor of Jamaica who 10 corers were RnBs n said grace. FaeNicholson. Russell Osborne led a rousing Sortiy after nine o'clock the singsong with Mrs. George Carson gopreturned to the Acres for lVe- at the piano. Mr. Carson exÉpressed frsmet.his ileasure at havin g sucli a large ccI SO TRN UGCEEMONY attendance, and extended a special R0rH-OSPITPAL SATURDAY welcome to the 4-H Club members Two men f rom this area wil) The o>fficiai sod turning cere- and the Shorthom Lassies. stand for the p)osition of director mony o! the new Port Hope Dist- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting of for district 14 on the Ontario Flue- rict Hospital to0k place Saturday, Orono entertaiiied with several Cured Tobacco Growers' Market. April 13 at 2 p.m. musical numbers on violin and nrig Board. Wv. C. Keyes,. chairman o! if h piano. Mac .Frew, the present director -board, a representative of the On- John Riekard of Newcastle intro- for the district, will be opposeci by tario Hospital Services Commie- duced the head table guests. P-. G. Neweîî o! Newcastle. sion and L. 0. Sylvester, chairman Miss Mary Bradley, Hampton, Speaking at a meeting in Port of the fund raising comniittee, played a piano solo as di Dwight Hope of the Northumberland- spoke briefly at the ceremnony. Bradley also of Hampton. < 1 Durham Tobacco Growers Associ-, . H. S. Mimne, chairman of Uie Russell Osborne introduceci thelation, Mr. Newell said that if el- buildingcommittce, saici the con- guest speaker, Dr. J. McLean, etdh oi ih o or to rawth unkeaerosrcin5 manager of Breeders Incorporated of "the most qualified personneli nowdran u redyforsigingatKenipiville, -who spoke on "ýSuc-Ion the marketing boàrd and thel .a cost of $1,338,836.___________________________________ IThey Didn't t The swiftly moving events fol- lowing the entry o! Jesus into Jer- usacîni haciturneci Uic cries O! -Hosanna" imb cries O! "cruceify hlmn", andi now a great crOwd O! people stooci there watching as hl' bung suispendeci on Uic rougb wood by the nails drivea Urough -big bandas M ut, Irhey differeci 50 greatly, 1the crowd standing Uiere. SoMe were apenly enjoying Uic torture, mur- rorec inlatUicscene before themi. thers were îgnoirantly poking fun sud idicule. Some wcre grmmnly oarrying out distasteful orders as professionial soi-diers, anci still oUi- crs, a litIle group o! fearful, be- wleesorrow!ul -friencis, stooci de jecteci and de! cateci off 10 thc side o! those who expressgec their hatreci aud ignorance l inteccoml- menta Uiey shouteci aI hlm. Thcyl enemiâes sud friencis alike, haci one thing la commion. 'thcy didn't un- varying points of vlew: somfe were giaci 10 sec HlIm there beccause He remnindeci them o! their owa a arrowness sud selfishness. UJnderstand . - He stooci for something that was gooci, pure, and upli!tlng andi lhey would not shlow such to be Uic ex- pression ýo! their lives.' Others thought bow f oolish He haci been 10 insist unswervinglyon doing whal Hc thought was the will o! Goci. If Mc bad compromis- ed a lile here snd a 11111e< there,, Hc coulci have donc a greal dealo! good without arousing Uic hatreci o! those wbo oppoacc i Hm. If Hc hadn't made Uts conviotions 8a clear, been so ouîspoken about1 Goci,,pictureci so cicarly the necc o! mcn rcvealing so dcfinitcly tIli rclatioaship tb God,, and bat! been more aubtie in Hie association Wltb! theni, Uc coulci bave avoided ts agony Those who lovet! Hlm thougbt this cruel defeat. They haci caught a vision o!fHlm as the Son o! Goci, thc Son of Davidi, Who was expect- cd 10 set up an earthly kingdom. Insteaci He baci been batet! by lAis owvn People, jucigeci by the R1oman officiais, and! was now dying ^po Uic cross. Cruel de! cal. But they didn't underalanci., His enemies Isuntec i A, "You who would destroy Uic temple anci buildicii in threcisys, save your- self and corne down froni Uic cross." They didn'l undersland' that if.lAc camne down, Hec coulci nol save Iheni. That was why He was there. The chie! priesîs and the, scribes mocked Hlm sayiag, "Hc saveci others, but he cannot s ave Ilimseîf."1 Thcy didn't realize thal Uder mockcry was unrealizeci truUi. Hc couldn't save Himaci! If Hc wcrc 10 save others. The soici- !ers and! onc o! the criminass mocked HlIm also, but like the reet, lhcy dicin't underslanci. Inl rcpiy o 10tis -- the Isunla o! those who halet! Hlm, Uic mackery o! those, who mlaunderslood lm, the smalineas o! the thinking o! Ihose who loved Hlm,, he prayeci, "Father, forgive them, for lhcy know. not whst lhey do." THEY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND. Do we? Or do we stand smong the crowd one -moment 'shouting "Hosanna" anci the next acting la such a way that it says "lcruci!y Hlm?", (Continucd on Page 3) Leadership Training Workshops Profitable, 1 Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Presby- teriai UCW president, presided ov- ~ount~s Concil r two very profitable leadership ,training workshops held recently 1"1 for Oshawa Presbyteriai Unitedi ~ees qJu 3r ChurchWomnen. The northern sec- A rà 3rd'. tion met at Blackstock on April 1, April session o! the United Coun, and the southern section met aI ies Council wlll open at the United -Ebenezer on April 4, the programs Counties building ln, Cobourg on be ing almost identical. Tuesday, April 23rd. "Workers for Goci" was the The April meeting wras; in f ornm- theme, with the Bible referene er years thc session at which the froDm second, Timothy, "S8tudy to bud~get was introduceci and passeci. showyuref1Goiaonap But the budget meeting bas now prOv ed 'àa workMan who, bas no become a one-day affair held us, neeci to be ashamed, rlghtly hand-. .ially in late M~iarch, bo enable the ling the word-o! truth"l. Mrs. Ray . ontributing municipalities lime to Seott, a member'o! the presbyter- prépare andi present tiieir o*n ail leadership development coni- budgets. This year, thc coUnies mittee, used as the basis o! her announceci a sllght reductLion o! morning worship service the first 0:.15 nuls althoughi the budget total phrase o! the above passage, and 1was thie ali-time record one of $1,- Mra. S. G. Saywell, conférence Éj13,962. jleadership development chairman, ýThe slight reducti1on was possibl I built ber aflernoon worship ser- d ue to the increase in the counties vice upon , the phrase, "rightlýr assessment wbich rose to the re- haiidling the Word of truth." Each cord $82.728,215 or $3,049,973 over-, worship period was inspiring, aud the previous year. didl mucb. 10- prépare mincis and ,hearts for the program that follow- e.A very effective addition 10 the Ser ic ot ornlng worship was a solo, -Op- erv ce Vot en Mine Eyels," sung by Urs. 1-10 e jHarold MeLauglilin at Blackstock Favou s R. oney andi by 2Mra. Lloyd Down at Eben-, Mhe, x4-rxH -+ i. h"4neaod -- te majority for Liberal Russel Mrs. Neil Malcolm and. Mrs. 9loney in Durhl-atz andi also f or Dr 1Aia Downi, resppý,ctive presidents Pauline Jewett in Northumberlandi. o!f Blackstock and Ebenezer TI42W, The electeci Honey now bas a ma- expresseci a warm welcoiue tb jorlty o! 636 anud Dr. Jewett a niay- those aseembleci. - jorlty o! 505. P~OUR SESSIONS The new totals with the servicei During the morning, four miieUd- vote in brackets la as follows: taneous conf(erences were held, Mrs. Elleen CoulIs, NDP, 1901 (3); wt each leader-:bringing a short Wilbud Crandali, Social Credil, 161 report to thie re-assembleci audi- (3); Rulssel Uoney, Liberal, 8720 ence at the close.~ f(03); Garnet Rickard, Conserva- J- Vice.presidcnts and unit lead- tive, 8084 (26). ers miet with Preebyterial. vice- These figures are now officiai presidents, M\r-s. H. M. leyte andi wl-ti thoifc ý unt Aavinag been Mrs. 1. Mun<tay, respectively. compicplteci. Somne 18,88ý6 votes wvere Some suggestoans, were: (1) The cast in Durham with. 127 rejeet s. vice-president is 'la training' for The service voteý brought the total >preýsidency, and should also be a. to, 18994. 'Eligible -voters 21 ,85. chtirman o! some committee; (2.) unit ileadership ought 10 lead to - e vice-presidency; (3) keep study progranis in units short and inter- esting. Mrs. W. C. Ives, chairman Di Preabyterial ,commitîe on, co- operation i hita dcto I re ý II.Jand ,missionary education, wt Mrs. C. Hacidon, chairman o! the reorganization o! the bo ard." same committce in conference, as "The tobacco growers are the ber guest at Ebenezer, brought most misinformed farmn group in these points, (1) keep ln touch the country," he-said, as he eall- with ncw babies and their mothers cd for the publication bY the boardj by v isiting and by a yearly pieï-nie o! a weekly bulletin on the tobacco for mothers; (2) be ready, in co- situation not only in Canada but operation witb the local Christian throughout the world. education committee, 10 buy the Mr. Ncwell saic iBl 106 of the necessary study packets for the Provincial Governmcnt will give Messengers, Explorers, Tyro, CG the marketing board more power lt, etc., and support leaders o! than police or tax officiais, and these groups in every wayv possible as a resuit Uic members should 1(3) choose womnen who are minens- be qualified 10 bande Uic power. ely interested 10 plan mission pro- He said he disagreeci with the 40 grans, but incorporate new wo- per cent eut la growing rights until mcn into the planning. it is proven that the eut should bceOILATO that mnuch. MSOCIAL AC TOneBwavl "I think the eut shoulci be about wt Mrs. H. A. Turer, Bowatnville 30 per cent insteaci o! 40,"1 he saici. Ebwith M d nfrs.M .Las ng atn "We could be cutting our own Ebtienzer, led aociaferection throats 10 cul 40 Per cent, because 'CtenhpacSoilAin" il apeas Rodeia a mjor10.including a film-strip, l'How- Free btaacc rsong coutry)mison the Are You?" which provokeci much bacc grwin contr) i onthediscussion. Mrs. Turner summeci. brinik o! a civil war and their sup- ptewr oth, iznspde piy tethe world coulci be cul Off",prthenwor o!Uic tienoship c- Criticizing Uic board's manage- parîmenin athewo, "oMe ment he saici, The money we arc aoutw an awarc o!, in oeeci losing Uihrough baci business prac-abuaninvve nUcned lice is ridiculoue." and issues la lhe community, the Mr. Frew saici he would stand natio nith ol. Miss, Milicent Luke, Presbyterlal for re-election on a record o!, bard chairman o!, commitîe on sew- Work. ardship anci recru iti 1ng, la report. "The directors f rom the port, ing on ber conference, saici, "Stew- Hope area, are changing every ardship is Uic consecration of a41 ycar, and by Uic lime Uiey gel to that we have andi ail that we are the poit where 1Uiey understanci 10 the'é service o! Goci and o!fHia the business o! the board someone, chilciren., Faithful 'Stewardship, as else le electedt 1 the job and bas il is practised la homne andc curch 10 start at the bcgnning again," is Uic fertile, grounci froni which he saici. IWe will neyer gel proper enlisîments are made, both for representation. on the board that volunteers andi for full-time Churem. way. service." F'ollowing delectable dinner.4, "The only reason 1 am standing greetings froni the bosl churches, for re-election le 10 go back 10 wcrc given by'Uic Reverenci Philip finish a lot o!' work now under Romeril at Biackstock, anci by Uic way that moat o! the growers (Conîueci on Page 3) 1don't know anythiag about." Elections for positions on thc comfing convention o! Ontario 10- board will be helci at the forth- bacco grower s. - - --- - -------

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