ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIUUSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 O"RONO WEEKLY TIMES, _Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Are S-tandards To 'Continu,- Up P. -C. Houston of Ingersoll, speaking at the Federation ýof Catholic Parent-Teacher Association of Ontario, called far open university, doors to 'ail grade, 13 graduates even, though they do flot have the required 60% passing mark. A warning was issued that there is a. danger the prov- Jicial government wll. continue to raîse university entrance standards rather than provlding more space for the increas- .a- number of students. It was claimed that standards for .University ent rance has in somne cases already been raised to 66 per cent and this we have often ,heard from local nources. There is, indeed a danger in raising standards to crop- of f surpluses in universities and ln any field of learning and employment. In recent months a recommendation was miade to the fact that nurses should he universitygraduates and no ûOubt this wiUl, in the future, corne to pass.,Entrance into teacher colleges for publice chool teaching is now more stringent and wiil no doubt increase in the future. The new Robarts plan in the Toronto area is in differ- cnt localities setting differing ýstandards and requirements. Ina'the North 'York s9chools the vzirlousstreams of education (University 'bound ,and4 four-year courses) are' divided at grade,8. Students at this point must make more than 66 per cent to enter the five-year unversity bounid course. At Hum- berside Collegiate the streamiing commences at grade 9 and a student must ha.ve 50 per cent with no failures to proceed' ini the five-yea&r course in grade 10. Complalnts have been re- ceived where students withi 57 per cent froni grade 12 were flot allowed to proceed Into gradie 13 because it necessitated 60 per cent inI this particular school. Toro nto Board of Edu- cation lets ayone who passes grade 12 with 50 per cent try grade 13. O f course a certain standard has to be set for entrance into University or to advancement In further grades but * such should, not be used as a means to cream off surplses. This would only defeat the objective of givlng everyone equai opportunity to'gain an ample education. Another fild in which cream-off can apply la the setting and marking o! exyams. The more difficult and more severe, then sa drop in percentages. Weý are under the imn- pression that such grades, as grade 13 are today a year of intensive study and far beyond the work requlred soma ten yea.rs ago. This may be fine as it creates responsibility in the student but it can oertainly be overdone to the point of discouragement to students. It may, be that we are creating a spiralling project. To take one example . . . entrance to Teachers' Colege re-' quires a grade 13 diploma . .. to morrow if the supply it too great it could'require a university diploma. This is not the purpose of public education., Education la a must but it should not be designed as a burden, to develop only egg-heads, or nervous wrecks. The eenae Problem The followng was submitted by the Oronol High C Group THE CASE FOR YOUTH out thinking that there mnay bave More and more you want to make ibeen reasons that they could flot your'own décisions. You want to explain to you. People have said, be able to corne and go as you "its because your parents love you please, to do homework if and Young people should flot be hasty when you feel like ItL Or mosey a- in 'pullilng their parents dowrn', af- round up town until ail hours. ter ail they are Only trying . to Many times you decide the saine 'bring you up.' If you care about way your parents would because another person, you are, interested their ideas have turned out to be in what they do. pretty sound. Its just that YOU WANT TO BE ON YOUR OWN. Sometimes'because of YOTJ par- If you decide to stay a littie long- ents do flot have freedom to do as er than usual at 'the Acres or the TE lae hysedalto school dance . . . you don't ex- their leisure time doing things, for pect to be met with a barrage of 1You, entertaining your friends, en- questions at the front door. <You Joying amusements you suggest. stayà ý ecase yu ha soi BUT they do these things willingly things, to talk over and they justanwudomre couldn't wait. SUJMMJNG UiP Or this matter of dates. Maybe Teenagers. do have probîems a- your Dad didn't ask a. girl for a bout relationshlps at home and date when hie was 16 but on the with their 'parents. Somnetimes a other hand when hie went to school chance to get thing off your chest maybeý none of the other boys did goes a long Wayaword a better either and after ail h& didf't kflow understanding. Most. parents get what, a swell girl Ellen was. He it off their chest with the parent fust doesn't, understand. next door woi aigtesm THE CASE FOR PARENTS iProbleni with their teenager. .Each parent has a responsibility Most teenagers get it off their for the meinhers of his family. chest with a, close friend or the Sometimes your father has^ re- gang at the restaurant. How much manrred hat oterisspndngb-te itwo1-e f hetenaer BONUS BUYS - (Not 10 Sale Items, but Special Vlues only dulrng this Sale). 1 PIRSTAID KIT. NEW! Cotton, bandage, adhesive tape, qjuik-bands, Medicated Skin Creamn, scissors. Regular $250 value, . ........... ....... $169 REXALL TOOTHPASTE. Trio-Pak. Fluorldated, 3 tubes, $1.89 value. Special............ $1.09 SNUGFOLD FOLOING SYRINGE. 2 Qt. Reg. $4.75. Sale price.. ...._................. .....-.. 9 MONOGRAM GAUZE. 5 yds. (24 x 20). Reg. $1.55. Only......... .......................... $1.09 AEROSOL SPRAY STARCH. Four-Square. 16 oz. Regular 690., Only.................. ....... 490 KLENZO RUBBER GLOVES. Curved fingers, non- slip. Smnl., med., Ig. Reg. $1.65 pr. Special 89O Pr. MAKEUP AND SHAVING MIRROR. 10". Reg. $2.98 Sale Price .............. ... ..99J OREXALL GER-RITE LIQUIO. 24 Duoces. Regular $5.98 ........ .............. 2 for $5.99 Il CDP LIVER 011. S oz. Reg. $1.19. 2 for $1.20 16 oz. Regular $1.89 ................. 2 for $,1.90 El REXALI COD LIVER OIL. Fortified 10A anid D. 4 oz. Regular $1.00,...... ....... .... 2 for $1,01 [3REXAL COD LIVER COMPOUND TABLETS. 100's. Regular $1.75 ........... ...... 2 for $1.76 EIREXALL MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS. 50's. Regular $2.29.........2 for $2.30 100's. Regular $3.98,...'..ý........ for $3.99 250's. Regular $7.98...............2 for $7.99 0 REXALL VITAMINS AND MINERAIS TABLETS 50's. Reguler $2.49... ........2 for $2.50 00:s. Regular $449.........for $4.50 250 s: Regu ar $8.98'.*.«.............. 2 for $8.99 THESE ARE ONLY A1 FEW 0F THE MANY SPRING 10 SALE SAVINGS à SjTUTT'S PHARMACY ORO0NO, ONTART(> PHONIE 168, F - __________ ______________________________________________________________ u. SALýE'-iOE BUILT BY FLOYD, NICHOLSÇON, Froni Eetter Hom~es Anid Gradens Five. Star Plan 3 Bedroom, Brick Bungalow on Spacious Lot. This Hoimehas many added features: Dream kitchen, - Wi th wall oven- Counter top steve- Curvatop ar- hbonte Counters - Ultra modern cuphoards with natural inahogany 4- piece matching bath with bulît in vanity - Dvided basement and attached car-port. - Completely decorated. Tihis house may be seen any ev ening after six o'clock, by phoning 219, Ôrono. l*« %0 m omw imoqýl 'w ýým.,.Vbw lw-- li 1 SALE