-~ -~-~ - ~ ~ ~,--.77~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 TUBY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND I (Clontinued groî- Page 1) The sacrifice of Jesus 7%e sac rifice of Jesus revena "ht GÔd cared so mnuch that '*He gave Elis only begotten son" - that man's atternpt to justlfy him- self must always end in de! eat - that hiq justification can corne oly through God. lmself -- that God dees not crete us to go throughi these few short earthly years to live selfish, limited lives. God cre- %tes for etçrnity and He seeks to -ad. us into eternal qualities r ight ,I_,ere and now. Jesus' sacrifice means that men were lost in- the grip of the power et evfl whIch they could not break -that theirý sins dragged them1 dlown separating them from God, wyrecking lue for themselves, for the world, and for God Hiniseif. It cost the life and death of Jesus tco bring men back to God. Tho0se who gathered around the cross did not u!derstand the great- ness of God's victory reflected there. Tbey didn't understand the enormity of- their own need, nor that their thinking and their living was too superficial. They dldn't understand'that G-od seeks to lead us ail into the depth of sacrificial living. The scene is much the same tc.- day. Many scoff at Christ's church Many hate the truth whlch it pr.. gents. Many love Christ, but con- tinue to .seek sorne expression of the Christian life.' Many seek to draw lf e in to thernselves failing to realize that we >bring forth the good things in life only as we are prepared to sacrifice. William Barclay illustrates this ini his story of Saint Francis o! Saes and the servant who always placed a piece o! wood in the pafl o! water he was carrying. St. FraiL- cis one day asked him why. 'To keep the water from spifllng, to1 keep it steady," aniswered the ser- vant. Later onthe Bishop writing to a friend made reference to the incident saying, "1when your heart is distressed and agitated, put the cross into the centre of your beart to keep it steady." But why wait Until one's heart ,is distressed? The Cross means 1f e, flot deatb and it lends balance to untroubled tlxnes as well as those that are bard. Sometimes the easy and most prosperous Urnes are the xnost dangerous for us.1 1 The tragedy o! the Cross was that THIEY DID NOT UNDER- STAND. The glory of the Cross is that ini making it the centre of life we experience the love o! God in the presence o! Christ,,and through Hlim find peace, serenity and calm. (From a sermon preached by Rev. Basil E. Long) L EADEESHIF TRAINING (Continued from Page 1) R1ýeverend J. P. Romeril at Ebenez- er. Courtesies were extended by vice-president Mrs. 1. Munday at Blackstock and by vice-president Mrs. J. L. Pegg at Ebenezer. Mrs,. J, Scott Presbyterial litErauesc retary, did a thriving bsns throughout the days in books and pamphlets ôn U.C.W. work. NEED FOR OLÔTHING During the afternoon, Mrs. Doug-, las Oke, preshyterial supply and social assistance secretary, spoke, about and answered many quest- ions on, the many needs for new and good used clothing. Mrs. J. L. Pegg taught a hymn, "Workman of God, 0 Lose Not Heart." Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, preshyterial program planning ,chairman, nm her afternoon talk, urged alI to, 11) plan programs with the inter- ests o! members in mmnd; (2) mnale use o! good speakers, films and filmstrips, and available lit- erature; (3) prepare programs. well, talk up or advertise what Is being offered. and afterward, ev- aluate. Mrs. Fallaise also gave muelb belpful informnation as she answered the many questions that had been placed in the question box. Idem Wins For' J. Reid Stable The Stable of Jack Reid is meet- ing, with success at Oreenwood raceway where on Wednesday ev- ening lemlington's -First romped across the finish urne la a 7 furlong feature at thehead of the pack in a time o!f1:59.4.,This'win by the winning harse naid $17.10.- $6.30< 1raceway no less than five Orono herses were entered.in four o! the nine races. 0f the five racing two registered in top three and this carn inthethird race o! seveii ýfurlongs which was taken in 1.55.4. Inx the third race Jack William's 'Happy Mac' rornped:te second po-, sition followed by Jack. Reid's 'Jimi.e Mac' lin third épositon. Happy, Mac paid $10.20 and $2.80 While Jimmie Mac paid $2.60. The Wlliam's herse, a. big strapping ýhorse, has shown-plenty of promise and $2.90. It -was the second win and is seldom out of the rnoney. Inx for Mr. Reid this week. their last appearance at Green- wood Williamns took a five day sit- Lee MacDuff owned by Mr. J. down for forcing a challenging Reid of Orono made his- mark at horse out of contention. This; how- the Greenw9od raceway in Toron- ever, was lifted before Saturday to on Tuesday night. With Mr. Reid when Jack was again astride the astride the race cari the horse racing cart. drove across tbe finish line in top JakRihdtw oheenre position covering the 7 furlo ngs in JakRi dtwoheenrs a tmeof :5..The win paid $9.20, on the Saturday card, Fleming- $.an me .f70. ton's First inx a one mile trot Saturday.night at Greenwood which went in 2.16.2 came in 4th as did Hollywood Richard in the fi!th event, a one mile pace. LOC L N WS Junior West with Worthymie was entered in the second feature LV'A N WS o! the night, seven furlongs. Ms Approximately forty members of fortune betook. this local entry Orono Hîorticultural Society and When a borse in front suddenly the Junior Gardeners' Club jour- broke causing Junior to, be1 dumnp- neyed to Toronto on Wednesday of ed 4from bis cart. This 1put, Worthy tbis week where they visited the Mite out o! the race.1 1 Ontario Museum. The children en- Last Thursday a horse with local joyed this trip very mucb and re- flavour, Chockoyette Guy, carne in turned home tired but happy. second. This, horse was originally Mrs. Herb Burgess spent the trained 'and driven by Robbie Rob. Easter weekend with her daughter Inson and has often appeared on a Mrs. Gould., Woodstock. number o! the local tracks. Recent visitors with Rev. and Local- and- area horses are also Mrs. B. Long were Mr. CIifford rnaking their mark at Richilleu inx Long, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Quebec. Last week Virginia's Boy chie Long o! Ennismore, Mrs. owned by Archie Glenn'ey of New- Donald Long, Preston and Wayde castle t00k second in a fýeature o! Oshawa. pace. This horse had a good year Mrs. E. Grady and Mrs. T. Wil- last year and things look promis- son are vsiting with Mr. and Mrs. lng for 1963. J. Lamb and family, Ottawa. The stable o! L. Hooey, Orono, Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and is also at Richilieu: Top HeIel took< famlly visited on (}ood Friday wlth first in a mile race wvith a time ot ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 2:08.1. Joey Bellwin was second inx Chatterton. a 2.06 feature and Linit third. This Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp o! latter horse received mnuch p ublic- Kitchener spent the weekend withcity last year wth an upset Win at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tramblyn. the Woodblne, ANN'S SBEAUTY SALON fi WUI be closed on Mondays and open ail day Clyu SWJednesclays ji licensed Plumbing& 0i Mechanical Contractor à Open Frlday and Thursdaywhsesnsai fevenfing. By apiten 0 and auaran tees- Onyon Tuesday evening.à fi Starting AprU 22. CARMAN ~ I 1LUMBING - IIEATING Phone 143 Orono ROYAL B owm anville THURS., FRI., SAT., APRIL 18-20 HiATÀARI Clr John Wayne, Red Buttons Excellent Famlly Entertalument SUN., MON., TUES., WED., APRIL 21-24 satin Neyerlep Co1er Aduit Entertainment Wiliam Holden, Cli! ton Webb, Franee Nyye-n THIS IS Aý .MOmDE L 6 1 -HOM E WITH DOUBLE GARAGE -- LECTRICALLY CABLE HEATED There is a beautiful natural fîreplace in thie spacious-living room as well as one in the finished Recre- ation Room in the basement. DUILT-INY vW. P. IRWIJN LOCATED IN ON, DIVISeION OR nO STREET THIS MODEL HOME WILL BE OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION COMMENCING Saturdcay, April 20,9 from 2titi 9 p.m. Also S,-undays and throughout the week f 2&n p.m. unrtil 5 p.m. and from 7:00 p.m. until 9 pm Also the following week-end. lElectical Appliances hy ORONO IELECTRIC ~itr t . ~Highway 115 or second street east o! Main Street, Orono ROOME D Furnishings by H. B 1,w, rono Division Street - Off of .fi