ORONO M-adMrs. Calvin Hamm, Unit M eLi"-ýtnrgs ively, Ont. are spendingth UNT -VE aster vacation wlth is prnS Twenty wom en were present atMr1an s.retHmi. ithe meeting of Unit 7 held at the Scout leaders Wayne Bailey and B( home of Mrs, C.. W. Billngs on Marsballi Keast, accompaiiied by 's Tuesday, April 2. Mis. Partner o- the Orono Scout Troup enjoyed a- pened the meeting -witb a Poemn, hike and cook-out Saturday Last. -What is Sprlng?' followed by tie fa ky= "When j sui-%ey tbe Won- Mr,-. Rena Wuddell and bier cou- w,~ amus Cross."'iThe scrptures were qin Mr. Ada Gabraitb of Bow- re.d by Mrs. Billings after wicb mýanville spent Easter week-end f lars. Hancock gave a very tbought- with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Sxnitb C fW ~ readi.ng on '"Life's Sunrse and at St. Mary's, Ontario.W Stapes 11 edthe îa1 Mis>s Aima Cuttell spent Faster a Meditâ4tion, ponting out ,,th cotuPrsnM.an .H T through death cormes lite etor- :tPetn »Ml and G«d shows IE love Mr. and' Mr, H. Hlarrington of e tbrough the Cross. Tbis was inter- Leaside visitea witb Mrs. Stutt on spered with Bil~e readings by var- Sunday and attended cburch. f eetury mebes ol"Lent".y a tll b Members tof Unit 6, UCW, along e coetuy poe ou l I hwth tbeir husbands enjoyed a so- opna Summer'B Day" was then ca vnn nSaudyeeli ming with Mrs. Porter giving at tbile hengof Matr. ad rs. Or-N interesting acount of the, author ville homtertofn. alen couls.O-t cf th hymn '~Th day f~ Re vr- le, ihattenactoprkef ection,". Thbyn.s eliedtocadsadooudcnds uedn be the oldest bymn in Cbristendom crsadrud n qaedn Afier. the busine8 was deait w-th cing. A buff et lunch was served.r thirty-eigbt visits1 were recorded. The evenfnig was sponsoi'e4 by, theb Mrs. Mowat kindly iulvited ~t group as one of their projects anda ber home for the May 7t01 Meusti t iettèd tbemn $40.00 along witb axn close with the sýingng -of "P. joice, enjoïyLble evening. the Lord is King," folowed by thei Mr. Harvey Partner bas annol4n- Tu1e meeting was brougbt to a' 1çed thie winners of is schap book Mizpah Benediction. A deeicousi coxtest. Firs place went to Mvis. lunch was served by our bostess Helen Schmid anid second place to eompletlng a very worthwhile af-, Bonnie Barlow. A sum of $25.00 ternoo. has been divided between tbe two UISIT winn(ers. The scrap books were a Ui1,UNIT o. ed1 i Arlcompiîing of Partner Plumbiflg Uni 1,U.CW.,be~d hei Apiland Heating adiets wbicb appeareci meeting at th e homne of Ms. H. ý ti ae uigteps er Best. in_____ _______he as yar 8tella Carson opene-d tbe meeting wlth the singlng of two Laster by Stella Carson sbowing pictures h,>mns. Stella thien re-ad an E aster Imare Yoe sang ',May the good Poemî. Marie Yeo, daugbiter of Mr Lord bless andkeep you." and Mrs. Bruce Yeo, then favoured tue group with two beautiful solos,- Marjorie Best read an article "Le th ret o te wrldgo y"fromn the United Churcb Observer a" n the et ftb orld o by on Josepb Scriven. Kay Cbapman !týdby rs.FredYeQ Th sci conducted tbe business period. ture lesson was read. by Rena membears dtbre viitorspre- Pears. StellaCarson gave a very mebiadtre iiospe 4u2piring message about Easter, sent. ine, closing with prayer A vote of tbanks was etended Kay Chapman sang a very love- to our guests also to our bostess, ]y solo. On tbe rim of Asiawa Marjorie eBst. The meeting closed Lhe study for ' the evening and ths witb tbe Mizpah Benediction after wao read by Rena Pears assisted wich ton and lunch was served. IMOON 5c to $1 STORE No. 1 Tex Made Sheets slightly ý Size 81" x 100". Eaeh......... imperfect .....$347 Feature Special. Bed Spreads, newest im- ported'Woven Jacquard, Extra Hleavy. Size 70"Y x W0" Priced at.................. $2.57 Tea TPowels, Fine quality 65% rayon' Size 16" x 30". This week each ............... 29C Men'S Drill Work Shirts, one. pocket, san- forized, perma stay collar, Buckeye Label., Colors- grey or green.. Sizes 15 to 17. Each $2.99 Girls' white Sizes 6 to 8V2. Crew Socks, colored tops. Pair..................29c New,, Children's white Hand Bags assorted styles. Priced.......... ........ 79 and 98e CLEARAN CEý! Latex Wall Paint, En.- amels and outside.paint. Discontinued eol- ors. Cleaing Price Qt................. Rose Bushes, .Never before Price.. Giant Climbing and Hybrid,,Rosesý. No. 1 Grade. Flowering Shrubs, that are bound to) drangea, Spî-r~, ](E etc. Each ........ at this low everblooming Each ý....... 69e 89c st ro,ýg, healthy plants Irc. oneysuekles, Hy- orsythia, Weigeilia etc. ..... .... .... .... 94e WEEKLY TIMES, THUICSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 tbe holiday wveekend with ber sis.er guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Tam- 1 ' S Mr and Mrs. Ricbard Scott en bln and family., LOC La'EtfordS.-- Mr. Malcolm MeKenzie of Wat- Mr. nd Ms. rchi Wason, Mr.and rs., 0.FazerlI-oo University, sent lat week- Mr. nd m. rche Wtso, M. ad Ms. . Fganandend with Dr. and Mrs. -A. F. Mc- Betty Ann and Larry, Waterdown family, Markhamn, spent tb1"eek Kenzie. pent the weekend with Mr. and end wih Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper., isSao lu ssedn Mrs. Alex Watson. Mr.. and Mms. Russel ]Best - and I Ilaster bolidays witb Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Car! Flibloff a.nd family of Hampton were Sunday Neýil Ellîott Mnd Karen, Weston. family, Elllotts Lake were visitors___________________________________ vitb Mrs. O. Cowan. family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Camsby and daugbter, Oshawa O O O A A E R A H E I w'ere guests at Easter wltb Mms. O O OA A E R A H E Ken Gamsby. 1 ASSOCIATION Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Drummond Toronto with Mr. and Mms. A. A. brummond for thie 1Ester week- DANd. Mr. Norman Rickaby, BellevilleE Ls spending bolîdays with bis par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Rickaby. JM Y FS E ' R H S R Mr. and Mms. Wm. Hoar and Mr. Millton, Ralney, Sunderland spent tbe past week witb Mr . and Mms. r n àw-T tb mo H l Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tamblyn, wbo werç mar- 2 ried in tbe Coijrtice United. Church attevedRrnons.Teri e athe AT URDAY, APRIL 2 iy Rerend Roms Terideon athde former Gail Marsball of Osbawa and the groom the son of Mr. and ADMISSION: $2.00 PER COUPLE Mrs. 1. J. Tamblyn, Orono. f Mr., and Mrs. E. R. Rainey spent /~OC o g g g g g g g g g g g g g My Sincere Thanks. Whtle there is 'no adequate way o! expresslng my deep and miost sincere thanks to the many Durham County citU* zens who campaigned so bard ta re-eleet me as their Member aof axlament ... and those who voted lAbera ... I do hope this message will lot -you knowý how grateful I teel. Now that the campaign is over I will continue to serve ail of the people of tbls eonstltuency to the best o! my ability, no matter wbat their political beliefs nîay be. Again, many thanks for your confidence. Russel C., Honey«- ~O~O~O~1, Au - CONOOLEUM New Patterns ln Gold Seul Congoleum suituble for nny room. Three widths. Price per running yard: 6 ft. wide - $2.07 9 fi. wlde - $3.09 12 ft. wide - $495 WALLPAPER Ready-pasted and non-pasted wallpaper lu plain patterns and designs suitable for any room lu the'bouse. Priced tram 30c to $1.25 per single roll. CURTAINS JFrilled and ýTiored curtains lu puffy dot marquisette, trulonl and dacron. 54 and 81 Inch lengths. Priced from $2.50 to $6.95 per pair il BLINDS Embossed vinyl wlndow shades lu white or green. Com- :*pletely washable. Price: 36"x70" - $2.00 42"x70" - $2.é5 SISMAN BOOTS You can't buy better Work Boots than those made by "Sis- man".- They have full-grain Retan leatl>3r uppers and cark or leather soles. Sizes 6 to 12 lu stock. Sizes 13 and 14 are availahie ut smali extra charge. Price per pair - $10.95 ta $11.95 W01LK SHIRTS (*ood quality cotton tvgIll work shirts wlth two breust pces G*reen only. Sizes 14/2ta 17. SPECIAL, $1.95 each SPORT SIRTS Several designs ln Meu's Sport Shirts Ail sizes. Regniarý values ta $5.95. SPECIAL, $2.95 eacb of sanforîzed cotton, ARMST ONG!S il -