ol VOUE 5 NJB R s y Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY; M3AY 2, 1963 InteestIn re-ale 'Colonial: Coach, -~ ~ A .i~ * e 'Vo ýQuit (Jrono Mrs. long Describes V..rono rciir ACoaohLine'tedLire infli _________________________ tinue their passengeor service into ,5n Tuesday, April 23rd the Dîr- the Village of' Orono. At the pres- The April meeting of Orono U. to(rs- and their %vives mnet at the onl,~ret tm a morning coachi bounâ!C.W. was held in the Sunday Se hool on.TonHalfor a busn - Ca--" -"' Auditorium with an exeletat- ~d sc~a meeing Atfileannàl or Toronto enters Orono along soil tte nwa ýith anl evening coach traveling tendance. Agrcutural Societies Convention' EnJ oyeclAt rono from Toronto Lto Peterborough The meeting commepced with Inl l Toronto ini WebruarY the, The citizens of Orono were pv- This will be discontinued. the singlng 0f several hymns con- wiýnnngentries ain duteti b Mrs. A Drummnd wit in hePhtorah-ileged to be present at aconcert of Passenger Mirs. Aowever, be able' ,îc competition are shown in a, gen- h Ii calibre on Sunday afternoon IPisegrwlh evb ae ,eral assembly andi each slide en-1 when 40 members of fthe R. H. King tO) board the coaches at the Orono, ý,cjed fromn fairs throughoitO-cîeit fSa~oough, Ont Juniction as buses travel Highway ti n h0ilae0 roo oal !arlo is described by judges coin- renderd an hour long Choral Re'1. cost of the system b las beeni esti-ý 7inents. TeDra oî were cita,________________ ated at $174,896.50. The urha socety itaiof sacreti andi secular music i'r-unttapou tsesds directeti by Mrs. Leudresky. MJI~~w This approval came as a resuit for thepir April meeting. Since two, ubrumr eretin hie ftesumsio aeonAhï eýntries taken by Mr. B. Vande"numesweeafc nd choî0e i",yfICApproves of teVlgy t hsbiso e ontbigea- ~euel ad on rîzs u th ~ nd armony and Mrs. Leudresk 0 h ilaeb h onutn n gÏariel hc o netitio n the decOrs preceded e ach with the: composer' s ginieers of Marshall, -Macklin and were interesteti in viewing otlier name ati mnaocpio n.rn Vae iin .fair entries for comparison i iscipio.Pioposeti rates are now to be es- ouur own. The sldes were enjoyed suphèeante ihora bers wer vol Word was received by -the Or- tabffieti anti on their acceptance. and affordeti subject for discussion upeetdb euiu ln ono Police Trustees on Wednesday by the Orono Poli c e Trustees the because mistakes in our: ex..hibits sl lyt yayon ay0 h hat the, Ontario Water Resources proposai wilI go before the Ontario andi new ideas from other fairs sorn eto n asvclComis sion, bas given their pre- Municipal Board for their prelimin- were very apparent. FolloWing the soofonoe0 teyugmn iminary certificate of approval ary approval. Given this approval ýsIides the ladies retired to the Tb ocr a pboe yfr the construction of a water sys- the final plan may be 'drawn up. downstairs for their own 'W omen s Unit -2 of tbe Unitedi Church Wo- Departmnent meeting and the mnwosreitecorat 0eer f the Hi C with santi-( " T gentlemen discusseti business a- ce nicooal ikbfr Ir4rd1~ b out the f air in general. the visitors left by bus for borne. I~L.> u easS 1 Mr. Hlazelden on bebaîf 0f' the Athietie Association, asked tbat consitieration be given to financi-Pa ue A d nc "NtC rk aily belping in, the renovation of Fewer T-lu l ý the hocýkey area at the rink. The Ten iy A meeting spensoreti by the Co- percussions to the extent that we ileed for new.boards was the con- ordinating Guidance Committee 0f!were af raid of laging behini., cern of the Hockey Committee as I nt 0 the Durham District High Sehool There was also an increase andi the pre.senit board Wall was al li UUIIObrdwswelatnddls Mn iersity in the U.S. systemn and splintereti. At the saine time it Enrolmient for boy's basebaîl day evening. The meeting 1was these points laid to some extent 'was requesteti that the ice area be Wcts held last week both at tbe helti in tbe Clarke Higb Sehool. The thte backg-round for the new sec- increased by taking 'out the seats school andi on Saturday morniag purpose was to furtber outliae the dndary plan in Ontarloô. There is in the west side of the rink. The at theMunicipal Centre. A total aew secondai-y educational Pro. aise at need fortechnically trained, di;rectors agreed to enlarging thue of thrity-seven boys enrolled i wth gram. personnel and especJially so since ice surface and promised financial the result that the Athietie Society, Mr. Parker, chairman of the the 'source from Euirope bas de-l assistance to the Athletic Associ- are expecting to sponsor a team Board, openeti the meeting, whIch creased- due to Europe's expansion atý,ion after the fali fair if they for Tykes and a teain for PeeWees. waidrse y r lt .. and their need for- such 'trained wvere la a finanicial position to do!'Oaly five:boys registered to play at drcto f guidance in, uhe pronl Bantain basebal anti these by rvneo eal.Tesekras eerdt There was a great deal of in- ïare expecteti to join with the Kenil. autý!j .ThemaLon (,a thefsoering terest in arranging a special two tial Bantam8.Ipa fg1 h ileiadtr-togtta nd25 yers5pect day tucket for, the 1963 fair and it A committee of jack Moffat andi ium efte,ýachers, both Eigh and 0f the job)s nowinexisance would -as decided to have, an a dvance Bob Hlazeltion was set-up le look Public Sbr>,ant imembers '-"lbe ne omore.itf is an 'longer any saeof ickets at $2.00 per~ peuson after making airangements for lthe Sehoo(,l Board, from lithe Couýnt, god1 tai One occupation wihfour porforateti sections for basebail in, Orono anti plans are Mr. Clute gave some of the. backý- oi itasuetms.nwet r~dLi-io tethefar Fitiy fle- nw n oertion. It is beped by greund te, and implications 0f the bah a cateer wtba .eries of oc- i o at e ning and Satuiiiay tu)e committee that a local leagu'e nevw secondiary pregramn. cpa"oic h econon 1y of this 1fenonanievnng ay be set-up with teams from icoua y isalsobeing eballengeti Die tor e olicit advertisIng 'Keaý,ïdal,, Pentypýool ant i)renete The purpose ef the«new plan, hlie i e p a iiai to prepare fo to193prz ls wr ainIt- play.,lanthie PeWeo gr-,oup. I1 i3 saiti, %was te mort the indîvidual a Lanu t uslcallenge the tPetiera] tot atdeeaetethe May. miieet'-.anticipatedti ýtht tbey ill -net joýie îeeti oï0f stutients which duffer evr îen bs iinaýnciaI ysuip- 1:g ef 1)Dýitict 4 in Lindsay. the Lakeshore MineDr league thsf1 n1t 1 te.Drpotprot hulig fnwtan Etyforims for 'the Fielti Crop year thus saving the entry fee of he' saiti has proven that the stuti. ing lcoisà 0- ieiio o -rompetItion- were distributeti anti $1500 anti the cost of umipiros, ents Were neot getting what tbey rests with h on epet these are te be givon te thie sec- The'sixteen Tyke-age boys wbo wanteti, or neetiet. Tbe new Plan) meet this challenge. ,,tary beoeo May 3lst. ýMr. Car- have enrolleti will play in a local is tiesignatto e dcreaqse frustra,- -mn, the manager, reporteti that a Tyko toam tion, eoti oe'asn ni Wihtenwpan01dcto ,ommiittee for tbe sebool parade No boys* registeroti in the Mid t kep ttaintsmlaeuain fod guitane was plnefiet antioth nýat met; that Mr. Russell, Heney i get or Juvonile groups. Many in a longer perioti 0 ie W bv pae rfreit tewrso -.adi tonateti prize meoney for the thié aqge'group are expectedti t be >been forcing cooketi carrots on stu. Ithe Primie Miister in support of "'Tug ' War competition anti that again playing for Kend'aI. dents who may prefer thern raw"j this. He aise relatedj that the suc- ,Ir. Alan Beer of Betbany hati Coaches are again a problein anti statoti Mr. Clute.ceso aur 0fte ewpn mati a ontibuion f $5.0. (ontiuet onpag 5)The ativent of Sputnik 1 bati ie-1 rests witbi the success or failure of ______________ thée guidlance prograin. LUCK V#r IlnCusîriou mÀssessmnent -A Problem In Durharn C r Rural retiovelopmnt, as it per-1 tains to Durhamn County, was dis- whereas la 1962 thore wore 947 0. At the pi-osent time Darlington is ia- -cussed at a worksh-op conducteti.by creasing at the rate of- about 250 The Durhbam County Federation off'people per year. The tbree main Agriculture. Dalton Don-oh, chair- sections of assessments -anti a- oa f the Rural Redevelopment mounts ai-e 1 Farin population $2,- eommittee, chaireti this meeting 1420,000 (35%); Resitiential 3,830,-1 iý1iph 'was holti in the Agriculture 1000 (55%/,); Commercial anti pi-or- ,Office, Bowmanville. This is al incial 673,000 (10%). Frein 1950 hi topic which in the future will bei 0f 1963 the cost of operatiag Dar-ling- nitoi-est to both i-niai anti urian on To'wnship bas increaseti ap- people la Durhain County. pro ximately sixtlimes 51% of the Mi-. A., O. Dairymple, AgrI-cul- amodunt goes for schools. There ai-e ture representat ive for Durhamn recreational facilitios snch as 3 eounty-reporteti briefly la the past golf courses anti a curling rink in -bistory of the county. Accortiing te the township. Mosport, recoatly thie census in 1861 ýthere 'WOi- establishet inl the county, is locateti 39,115 people in Durhamn coiifty iClarCaiko Township just oppocIto with 31, 203 rural anti 7,912 ni-ban. te Dailington. However in 1961 it showedti tat Mi-. Bill Toinlinson outlined the there ai-e now 21,299 rural anti 18,- lways inwbichi the yeunger people 17 urban for a total population of of tee county live. Many quit achool 39,916. Ia 1956 thei-O wOi- 2251 te work la factories for largo a- fanas having an average sizeO f mounts 0f moneyt but de not at 138 acres. Five years later tee any timo try te impreve their edu- number 0f farina bastiecreaseti cation. If machines are nsed tei te 1933 anti have now. increasedti t do tee work they ai-e employeti at, an average of 150 acres. 'teey - ai-e, lett without work. - Ho The assessor of Darlingln sali thiat some are content te ive towaship, Mi-. Douglas Kemnp, Ont- on unomploymnent insuranice. lineti changes which are taking The provincial diroctor of A.R.D. place -wit-hin thins area. Ina MI A., Mi-. Herb Crown, explaineti 52341 people livet i n Darlington how this programme was te oper- ate anti aise how the funtiis for varionIs pi-ejects aýre dtirinid. Hemphasizedc the fact thiat nothi- inig Will be tio1(ne unless the inclivi- duai 'nitiates, an idea ani lt will1 have te' be of benefit te the wholc cemmunity. In the future gooti a- riculture lsand now useti fer build- ing, will lib.veoe osavoti anti as productive oil usoti for building purposes. Some bass productive lanti will bo put into retiremeat by the planting of forests and creating rocreational neetis.. Mr-. Don Mititleton ant i4Mi. Ray 1Horgott frein the Ontario Fetiera- tien of Agriculture, by toue0 tilagrains, vividly eutlined te structure anti fuactioning of the Fetioration of Agriculture. B3y pay- 1ing tee Fetieration of' Agriculture levy on their' tax bis farmers inu Durhain County become momnbers of thîs erganization. Each indiviti- iuuàI payýing this levy la thus able to app3roach, the Fede 'ration of Agri- culture te pi-osent any probleins tbey may_ bave. Each year the Ontario Fétieration 0of Agritiulture makes a presentation te govera- ment sating the neetis 0f farmners (Conitinueti on page 5) by labeur that its group shioulti di-1 rect guidance. Labour, saiti the speaker, is concerneti only it vocat',ional traiaing antipaeet The job te ý)be doni edu c-ational guidanlce ai-i Mr. Clute saiti this pelicyshouilti stay within the edu- cation-al ytm Ho dwelt thon on the variouss tests in public school anti stateti that they shoulti be careful not te go ovei'bo4rid on sucb tests as ap- titude, IQ anti interest tests. Stu-j tients interests are net jeileti, ho claimeti, at the grade 8 or 9 lovel. Tests, do however, play a role mn (Continneti page 8) Orono Choir1 On1 Wetinesday, April 24tb a de-( Iightful, evening for thee choir oif rooUnitedi Church took the forimof a party at the home of our leadler anti music director Mrs. R.1 H. Mortoni anti Mr. Moi-ton.' The, hushands. wives anti Rov. anti Mrs. Long wore aise invitoti te jouai with the chioir on this occasion iniaking tbirty pi-osent., Tbe ovening was spent in siag- songs, contests, amateur orchestra playiag etc. MIrs. Moiton thanketi!the chuoi- for their fine efforts tbroughout the year ai presenteti Carolyn Jonles wvit-b a Parker fountain penj as a goilng-away gift f rom tee choiri Hong, ,.Kong .Mrs.ý M. Staples at the, piano. Mkrs. Long, - thé president, exc- tontiel weris- - 0f- Weleome to all, iieludi>ng the m'iany 'Visitors ila our fiist. Aftor the -singiag of a hymn thue Loi-d'e. Prayer Was repeateti. An inspilg tievotional was giv- en byv Mrs. M. Staplos selectiag as ber themie "Corne to Easter". She wras assisted by Mrs. Norman Porter ai-d Mrs'.Cl. Billings reati- ing aIppropriate passages of scýrip- ture pertaining te the themne. Mrs. _Staples in b ler meditation' mientioneti thé Worlt's Day 0of Prayer commencing the Lenten season, we tinik 0f Lent as pi-e- paring for Easqter as the- Spring- time, the: reaewing of the Spirit. She referreti te the forty days Jesus speat in the. wiltierness, >the authority, of his power of teaching. The sacrifice on, the Cross tiisplay- ing Love . Coining toeLaster by thie 'many differeat patbways, making . sacrifice te help someone e15e, :-vng up, something for Lent thon we remember J"US. We 'must be ready te receive Crist, that is the real meanlng Of -Comning te Easter"l. ýThese valuable comments were closedi witb a poem written in -the sixteenth century, anti siaging o .f a resurrection byma. iA .'roup of girls consisting of Peggy F-aacock, Sharon Tamblyn, Patsy Jones, Sharon Allia, Elaine Ferrester, Wentiy Partner, Lorna Burley, sang two Easter selections directeti by Mrs. R. Morion., Offering was receivea anti tedi- cttbyMrs,. Long. Two delightful piano instrument- ,ais- were0 givon by Mr's. R. Morton in ber efficient manner. Mr?. W. Carmnan intreduceti the guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. W. Tong, home on one year's uluuf rom Hoeng Kong. Mr.Tong in her gracions, sin- oceCitian manner tieoply touebetýii iehe earts 0ý f eacb anti everoaepi-oentthat evening. F'.r sentmen aeaons the Orono Ipeople f oit vriy close te Mrs. Tong- in the fact tbey remembereti bier visits te, the Manse wbile ber f-ather, Rev. Kitchen, was pastor of this charge. Mrs. Tong bas thie personality of a tiedicateti Christ- ian Missionary. Mrs. Tong gave an educational ýorinmentary on Hong Kong ilins-. trateti by colonreti pictures. H-ong Kong is a British Crown Colony. Fifteen percent of the population are: Christian, tbree percent Com- munist anti the largest percentage are Butibist. We veiweti many picturesque scenes of Hong Kong the towering' mountains anti beautiful water. scenes. Re v. Tong is Dean of the Col- lege la Hong Kong. A view of St. Cbristopber's Or- phanage was shown where, Mrs. Tong is closely associateti, assist- ing with theý medical treatmnent of the chiltiron, but she str esset the (Continueti back Page) Holda Party Carolyn respondeti very gracious- ly. _'Happy Birtbtiay" was sung for Mary Miller who was te celebrate lier birtLhtiay t 'he next dlay anti was presenteti with a cake matie anti beautifuily decorateti by Elsie Jones. A very delectable lunch was ar- rangeti by oui- social conaittee consisting of hot casseroles, rei- is3hes, salatis, rolîs anti tarts. Mrs. Irwin, the .president, thank- eti Mr. anti Mrs. Morton for in- viting the choir to their home andi for giving us snch a wonderful ev'- ening of feflowship anti music. 1 1