- r¶r mwr'ww -~ w- ~c ~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUR SDAY, MAY?2, 1963 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES- Authorized as Second lass mail. Post Office Oepartment, Ottawa Established in 193à by Rl. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager 42 Teenagers From Scarboro Joiried'Forces With Orono HiC Two months ago HI C members ai to the first hynin Holy Holy Holy decided to have a special morining and were followed by the Scarborot church ser vice and started to plan choir. Ail boys in -HI C were ush- the special music, the minister to ers for the service. The visiting be lnvited, the calendars for the choir sang four beautiful pieces service, the invitations to besernt çuring the service. These were 0 out, the luncheon following the ser- 'Bona Jesu', 'Who la at my Window vice,' the boys chosen for ushers WVho?' 'Extoil Him', and 'Jesu8 and who would ait in the choir loft. Christ Thou Prince of Peace.' Sunday, April 28th ail their plans Following the church service 34 fit into a pattern of a wonderful memibers of 111 C, 42 choir meni- day of fellowship with 42 teenagers bers and the#r guestas were served trom Scarboro, and ail the mem- an outstandifig luncheon in the bers of Orono congregation. A Oddfellows Hall, AlHI C niera- bus bearing the Intermediate choir bers mothers had contributed ta froin R. H. King Collegiate arrived the luncheon and it was convened in Orono shortiy before 10 ara. by Mrs. L. Hooey and lier com- Accompanying this fine choir was mittee pf Mrs. H. Vanden Brink, Mrs. D.. L. Leudresky, a teacher Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Mrs. V. Robin- lfrom the collegiate and a leader of son and Mrs. C. E. Miller. We are the Girls Glee Club. We, along very grateful to these mothers for with members o! the Orono Church their untiring efforts and the won- were most disappointed that Mr. derful service at the tables. HI C John Ford was unable to corne to were pleased to have as their Orono for the day because Of ilI- head table guests, Mr. and Mrs. ness. Mr. Ford, although hie is a B. E. Long, Mrs. W. E. Armstrong, patient in the East General Hos- Supt. of the Sunday School, Mrs. ptal, Toronto, had planned the D. L. Leudresky, leader of the1 prograni for the afternoon service choir, Mr. John Jennings, preS. and the special mausic to be sung of the choir, Diane Cilbart, Robt. at the morning service. By tele- Robinson and Mr. -and Mrs. Gil- phone hie had given the choir aIl bart. final instructions and his fine lead- A tour of Mosport and the Re- ership was very' evident in their forestry were planned for the performance. The best wishes of visitors and through the kindness al Mr. Ford's friends are sent to of1I C parents and members of him for a very speedy recovery. the congregation a cavalcade o! The-service at Il a.m. was taken 15 cars had an interesting, if dusty by Robert Robinson, president o! 11/2 hour drive. The -HI C wishes ta H~I C assisted by Diane Glbart the fhank parents also Mr. D. Staples, co-president. Mr. Basil Long by Mr. L. Bowins, Mr. C. W. Billings, special invitation of the group was Mr. B. Long and Mr. R. Dicksoa the guest minister and spoke ta for driving teenagers and also wlsh the young people of the vast op- ta thanik Mr. Les Aslett for arrang- portunities ahead of them in life ing the tour of Mosport and Mr. and o! the choîce they have of Bill Bunting for a guided tour o! showing their gratitude for re- the Reforestration Area. ligious freedom, the right ta at- The cavalcade arrived, back ia tend high school and the chance ta Orono at 3 p.m. in time for the make the best decision for a 1f e's choir ta give a memorable recital work. It is not the most important at the church. After the U.C.W. thing to achieve greatness by do- ladies of Unit 2 served refresh- îng great things in an outstanding ments, the visitors boarded the nianner rather greatness can be bu~s for the return trip, to Toronto.j achieved by doing small things We as HI C meinbers were happy %vell. to have had themn as guests for the The girls Who are HI C memibers dây, they expressed their delight at entered the church in a procession- being with us and said they would HOUSE FOR A MODEL H( BUILT BY FLOYD NICROLI From'Better Homes And Garde ns SDreani Kitchen - witli Curvatop Arborite (Jounters naturai Mahogany -4-pie<g vanity. Wall Oven Dvdd m - Local News Mr. Harvey Partner and employ- ees are attending a Tirnken 011 Burner sdhool to-day. Mr. Everett Brwnm left MondaY by plane for a two mionth's buISÎ- +e,-ntr a t the Western ProvinCes. 'Paneli Presented Views In Guidance And Courses A trio of local fishermnen returned Monday eveniag at the Clarke 4 year Business and Commerce;- homne last Sunday frorn the Kinlg- High School a panel presented 58 in the 4 year Science and Tecit- ston area with a 13-pound, Lake their views on guidance and the nlogical course; 21 in the S & -T- trout. Mr. Bill Armastrong Jr. was new courses now open to students 5 year course; and 5 in the 5 yeax the lucky angler catching the fiah in the Durhamn High School Area. Business and commerce course.* on a light spinfling rod. He was ac- The panlel was composed of Mr. J. The five year Arts and Science comp4iied by W. E. Armstrong Mund5.y of the Courtice SchOoh, Mr, course will be Offered in aIl schooje and P. M. Lunn. Perec daims he A. Thonipson, principal o! the Pub- The 2 year 8 & T in port Hope; tie wasn't able té fish because it took lic Schools. in Bowmanville, Mr. 4 year A & S in Port Hope Only fe~r so long to land the flsh on the light Clute and Miss Brown of the Gid-. the 6U-4 terni; the 4 year B & C fishing equipnient. ance division of the Department of in Port Hope and Courtice, the g SThe Junior Garden Club met on Education, Mr. Holmnes, Publie year S & T in Port Hope and the il Thursday eve ning, April 25th with School Inspector and Mr. Bîgelow, year B & c with only five enrolledf 40 inenVber$ 'presefit wlth the-pres- Principal Of the ]Port,,Hope 1 ~ as ytt e eenied and it l idnt pesidng.site School. Mr. A. Strike acted as possible that, it ivill not be offeredý idet pesdiig.chairman. this year. Mrs Fiboter show Ite es a Local members onthe panel are Mr. Clute and Miss Brown in be- nur~be 0 vey nteestngsprngalso, merabers .o!. coraraittees on' ing asked, ta comment on the poore bloer argrnem etAnewaniea- the Durhami Co-ordinating commit- interest shown in the 5 year busi- boe t Magaet Cleub. aswe-tee. ness and commerce course stated. comed oe sC slb. ddspyO Mr. A. Thonipson spoke of the that it was passibly due ta a poGOt thermersasplgernid diplants! guidance programn in the Public selling job. Universities and eni- the niempbers,ernui lat Schools and stated that he was ployers had alsa yet ta be soli[ aund x mecrap bookea.nua happy over the real atempt being They bath claimed the course to be Orn lexSmeetingyis th nnamnade ta co-ordinate information las gooZ as any of the other andf SprngmeoerShcosw ayth.ae on students between the Public and ithat students were just as we£L Our mTe een lse it rae igh Schools. Information is now Itrained under it as any. Mise: and"Th Qeef."returning ta the Public Schools Brown also stated that parentâs Mr., S. Barraball has purchased on the students who had heft the had nlot been sohd on the cours& the Watson Garage on Main Street Public Schaols ta attend High and also pointed out that the pra- Orono and will take possession this School. This enables. us to judge grain was equially for boys as wel ynonth.Mr. Barrabaîl etpects ta the job we are doing, he, said. Re- as girls. "This js a perfectly good make many alterations to the pre- cords are playing their part in thre programi".1 mises prior ta apening his service prograni af guidance 'which is 110W Mr. Chute also sald that the TeenIr f or mechanical repairs and gas being sought in the Public Schoals. caurse was flot a dumping ground and oil. 1 He was high in lis praise o! the and that a pupil had to be just as Mr. Barrabaîl formerly operated'local co-ordinating camraittee., bright as was required la any oa- the Essa Service Station on High- 'Counseîîing, hie f elt, was the major the prograras.. "lIt is an equa. way 115 at Enterprise and now ô- problera at this tume and wondered course" perated by Mr .F. Grahami. just whea this should be done and PRINCIPAL HAS AUTHORITY Mr. Watson in retiring froni the where the choice is to be made, in Mr. Bigeilow pointed aut that the- garage business is opening a re- re spect ta what course to proceed principal, o! each schoal had thre pair shop and sales depot for lawn on by the student. "If it is ta beauhrttosthetnddsO mowers, chain saws and other made at the end o! grade 9 then wuhitudtserte pstd a n gB-s engined equipment. His new the prolileni rests wlth the Ilig, that hsuwns b w . He m t datnd sliop la now in the process of b5e- School with the Public School pro- that the Durar y a rea Hrinc a ld' ing constructed at the back of his viding ail the information possible. stha ew uanoreri tndardl for home on Mill Street, Orona. If the selection is ta be mB-de at sptan stuntfrstanyardfrn the end o! gragle 8 then the sho ae gra 9t rde10 Hi eardid note like ta come again. Because o! the is on the other foot, lie said. "Do garae o toter10.He taideatife- co-operation given the HI C by we seek out and counsl parents or ta teitd mnerbers o! the -congregation, be-, do we wait for'theni to came to Thac t o! tra erigfor a cause o! the frienidly way merabers us?" H1e also sifoke o! the individ- brandli ta any other Bt the grade- spoke ta the visiting chair after ual testiag o! students that Is be- 9 and la level without the loss of church and for thieir kiad remnarks îng undertaken la Bowmanville. time1 was discussed ta some lengtli after, the recital, for the wonder- In this hie was conirended by Mr. itutaycerdiso given. fui lunch. the mathers prepared Chute who stated that this wa s 1tre- wToans erring densisa geatl and'for the fine sermon they had miendous" and unique in the Pro- on options taken and options avait- heard in the niarning, the Scarboro vince. able. As pointed out by Mr. Bige~- Choir feel as we do, that Orona js Mr. CMue also la conimentary, 10w and Miss Brown it was alinost "A goad place, ta lve,"1 said that ýtue must be allotted ia impossible la sehools under 10ft; grade 7 and 8 for guidance but that or even 1500 students. Miss Brown ______________________ it had ta be stolen f rom something did say however 4here was a free else and suggested physîcaltrain- choice Bt the beginning o! grade 0. iaig periads. In counselling time I THERE A SAF COURSE should be given far individual coun Onbngakdithrwa * elling by qualified personell. Osafeioursestdenftuhde ake-l u A . . -~Mr. Hoîres spoke o! the use o!i ae 9rsla sorde that they coul S A L E th~~~~e Ontario Schaol Record cards ngae9i re htte ol now la use la the area and for stu- transfer at the end o! 9 t9 Bny dents frorn grade 2 ta grade 8. brancir the answer by Mr. Bige- These alOng with a mainimumi test how was "'yes and no". Here agaîn ~ l i Eprograra will supply an abundance options would be the deoiding fac- o!inomain.HAlp Etwol tor and o! course their availabîl-, ono rmeton.gr oealad f o theity. Miss Brown also referred tao nt ehers. oa fr h the options as the deciding factjr' CANNOT COMPETE ýta positively pravide a sf e course. Mr. Homm1nes la speaking alsoi He re agan there was nuo defintËe statd tht te on-rom scoolanswer. ,S O N stated thatote onpee-rnora seoo Miss Brown also stated at the coul 11 logercometei~ipreentmeeting that ta enter miedicine (an day education. Such items a,3 gui-., ml)oecul ne nvr F j Str P andance and caunselling were mak-siyxape ne anyo! terhre e-r F Ve t rPln 1 ing them impossible ta do so. stcouesf h tre -ya PROMXOTION FIIOM 8 TO 9 1 Mr. Holmes said that a larger The inspector referred ta a numbro tdnsi rd r chne nprmtInstanda -dý or thinking their future thraugh a.i the area froni grade 8 ta grade 9 ta osbymr ttî ee In the past a student with a 60c./ illknow what threy at ta b ev average and no paper below >11'V was autamatically passed. In 19 4 50 percent average will be a pass ' To r cet.hshesi.3nt oelg pPieA with no paper being under f tty perL C of the standards; A pass willibe frora 60 ta 50, 3rd class honour-s 6o Durba m Feeder Sale ta 66, 2nd class honours froni 66 Mr. Jack Reid reports a mast .to 75 and lst class hanours above successful Feeder Sale which wals 75 percent.. This, lie-f elt, would held this past Tuesday at the Dur- .. . gîve students a greater incentive. h am County Sales Arena. Mr. Jack Munday spoke o! the A total a! 330 head were sald i uniforni testing prograin in the Mr. Reid, the auctioneer. The nia- area along, witli other work that jority o! tlie cattle were f rom Dur,- lias been.accamplished during the hiai county. peiod, since the arganization of Top price o! thre sale was e7 the co-ardinating comniittee. He cents for a group o! choice Angus O! the orientation day for grade 8 consigned by Mr. Seeaey o! Can- ;ove nd ContrpuIpils ta visit the school tliey are ton and purchased by Mr. R. Lar- ave -adCouterta attend this fali. mer o! Millbrook. FAVOUR ARTS and SCI[ENCE Twenty-six head at' an average res: ýMr- Bigelow a! the. administra, a! 26c. was purchased by W. F. es: on commnittee revealed the re- O'Conner a! Pickering. Carl Brown à wall oven, Counter-top Stove, suits o! a survey completed la a! Roseaeath purchased 33 steerS Ultra modern lupboards with February a! students entering Bt prices ranging froni 23e to 24c. ce matching bath with buiît-in, ipgihoo»t,^ î. 641_ studels_. C.Evas1oOran puchasdf