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Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1963, p. 3

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OreONO WEEKLY TIMESi THURSDAY, MAY 2, l19« The Abundant Life H 'larn corne that they might gives us His marching orders. have 1f e and that they miglit ,How easy it ie tcy forget that the itave it more abunmdantlY." ssld laws of growth apply to the Spirit Jesus. Abundant living ie living and, that a man's moral nature set free f tom the bondage of fear, needs action. We need not only the narrowness of selfishuiess and birth, but nourishment and exer- the daricness of ignorance.. We cise. We need not only, the peacýe tannot be healthy individuals until of Christ but the challenge of mwe find the abundant life of which growth and sacrifice. Our lives .Jesus spoke. are like the wilderness in which, Christ's temptations were experi- Dr. Herbert Ratner says "Arn- enced. Within every one of us there erica -is the most over-medicated, is a continual fierce battle being ,pperated,. innoculated country in wvaged. We know the desire of the world and yet one'of the un- trivial and transient experiences 4ealthi6et. It je the moet anxiety- whle God seeks t o draw us into 3rýidden country with regard to, abundant living. Left to opurselves, bealth. We can't sleep. We can't! we go down in clef eat before self- get going when we awake. We ish desires, unworthy motives, .have neuroses. Neither our hearts complacency and ignorance. The xtor our',heads iast as'long as they whole teaching of Scripture is that should." man is soul-sick. Tha't is why Jesus Surely, we can say the same of came. 'Canada. For we, too boast of ea*. We need to become a Bethlehemi er living, power and glory and a-I where Christ is born in us. We bout getting ahead. But is this ne prta xrie o eu progrees? In general we are ick brought to us alone, but we need inside. We need a healing of thej to go to Jesus. We may allow Himn soul that medicine cannot suPPly., a place in our lives, or we may We are sick inside because we crowd Hlm out. If we would live fal to realize that man je a crea- the abundant1 life we muet be ture with more than physical or "born again" --born to the Spirit. mental needs. We xuay ignore thelWe need to become a Nazareth Wisdom of the Spirit but- that does where Christ je given a place to iiot change our nature . or our ul- grow up. ýWe, cannot be, satisfied timate needs. This need can only with an occasional visit. Abundant be met, supplied, accornplished livng comes in associating with through Him who said, "I arn Frim every step -of the way. Just come that they might have life as we need food for growth and and that they miglit have it more ýstrength so we need Christ. An abunciantly."j occasional meal will not keep us Ini the temptatione of Jesus, te ealthy. We need a steady diet of devil said, "If you are the Son. 0f spiritual thinge. Seeking Christ on -dcommand titis stone to be- Sunday means littie if we do- not tome bread. " Jesus answered, It walk with Him through the week. à-t written,' man shallflot live by We need to be a Gethsemane so bread alone." But how ofter he that our if e becomes a garden of -deeks to do se. Wherever a man at- prayer. Not, easy selfieh prayers, tpte od o f esot0 but the agony of prayer wbich je hand for himself, his famîly and the expression of the Holy Spirit hie community. Wherever a com- wrestling with our subeonecious munity strives for material bene-brnngtigupoteI fitsandneglctsthespirtua, Anature, rnigtnsupoth fit an neiece te siriual ktsurface of our lives to the Light. becomes an anaemic, undernour- We know $0 little of the power of ished expression of life. Its citi- prayerbecause we know so0little Of .zens are underprivileged and con', the agony. of prayer. If we would* £use, lvin hivs nrroed y have the abundant if e, we need to prejudice- and cripifled by blind- commune with God in euch dept.h But od wnts s an allourthat there le some agony. BuotesGo wateus andailour -We. need to be a Calvary where othe ors acroseanthe wredatoagetsacrificeie macle., Where victory eut0f urslve ad srvea cuse lover evil and deathi l gained. Na- There was once a king who was u htsochn very ill. None of the skilled phy- uect b en or lustt omproduce scians cOuhti cure hrim. One day mutif ie r ott rdc a beggar said he had a magie bed life or gain. The eeed muet die to that would cure the king ;Uh be multiplied. The butterfly muet ~would come and sleep on it. Ihat struggle from the cocoon to ex- night the king and his followers perience ite' higiter nature. Ther e zet out wth the beggar. He led neede te be eomething of struggle the Upa muntin clwn stepin our lives. You may say, "My then Upa muntin, owna seeplife has been nothing but struggle" t.ail and through a valley to a but I am talking about the if e ofj _small hut. The king slept on the sacrificial living. When we givel miagie bed and feit fine in the in titis way we find that we have 7 iorning. Mter titisprocedure for found if e abundant. t~evralclas ad nihts11ewas A revivaliet felt hie congregation ,ured. Now the beggar could net was in the right mood so 11e asked have declared, "The king neede ',,How many.would like to go to ýxercise." But he could say there heaven?" All but Silas raised wae a magie answer and eve ryone their bande. The preacher aeked, teuld save face, feeling that heal- "Silas, don't you want te go to1 îng was in the journey back and heaven when you die?" Sulas re- forth ancl n ot in the bed. plied, "I sure de, but I theught What we need to do more than you were making up a load for te- .nything else is just to stretch our nîght", sqpiritual muscles ancl begin to use lent that what we do Wlhen we or withered impulses for geod inl are confronted with the depth of service. The Christian teachinglabundant living? We say, "There ie that health cornes to men wholis coming a day when 1'11 want escape the prisons of self-concern. spiritual thinge very much, but The failure of the modernchurch not just now." Silas didn't realize ie that'it becomnes a "Reet Home" that you enter into heaven now: instead of a "Marching ArmnY". You have a feretaste of glory di- ffow often we have1 been disturbed vine here. Jesus promised that we 'When we realize that here Gedj (Continuedl on Page 5) RO,.YA L B 0W.manville 623-5589 THIS FRIDAY AND STRA at 7 and 9 p.m. ALSO SUNDAY TO WEDNESDAY at 7:30 pm. MATINEES SATURDAY and SUNDAY AT 2 P.M. 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