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Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1963, p. 5

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ORONO0 WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY '2, 1963l *RONO BIBLE STUDY GROUP (Cantinued t rom page 4) Ilwt "from those Who receive muh much wili be expected" Ife. we know the love of Qad in Christ: the love di9pensed by the Grace of Ga;Our gospel wil be large! enough ta admit that this Love, C»annot be defeated by aur limited liuman conception of justice, and we wiil see the futiiity of indujlgingé in vengeance that provldes a du- Mious satisfactioni. misplaced thraugh ilo consciaus action of their owrn, andl others choose va.lunitarily ta turn away tram-the Father'. We are aur bra- thers keeper, but must net be a ur brother",s judge. To be saved is ta be brought back itot a right rela- tionship with God; that is to realize the preserice of the Chist, or the Word, in aur hearts and live by Iis Love. Remneîn'ber? - 'This is the covenant ithat I will malte with them after those days, saith the Can 'we say fiatly who is lost Lord: 1 wili put mny laws inte their1b fromi salvation, and who is nat? îhearts, and in their minds wlli111 Paifle don't intend ta> be bad, but write them". just follow their nbse and wander If we say matter-ot-factly, that1 wyf ra*n God. Some, be'come su ch as the above manwiii net beb acceptable in heaven, then we are A t closing the door for ourselves toa, ~ se~s e tfor we are of the s.ame fiesh, and (4oixtnued. fromn Page 1) God says, "Ail have sinned."1 WeV ini Ontar'io. don't know the magnitude 0f our 1 Afteir the views of these variaus Iow" sins. The worst offenders of wpe-akers had been presented. Dr. ahiherliebscodtnan Heln Aoli Rual acilagst ramhas a change of heart, may orne3 the Pconqmics Branch of Exten- 1,te know the Majesty of Gad. Jesue si-on Fjduijýation, O.A.C., sunmmariz-1 ed he mai ieaspreentd.said, "Ail that the Father giveth < cd he ýmin dea peseted 1me shali came ta ýme; and him "Farmers can nt afford to sit thatcmt om ili ows idie even though he lbas the frêesh at ot"mectane I iliin tne wiee a.i," taýtedDr Abll.Thee i aurng ourseives by Christ, not by probiem t get the people of the ather men, and thus take the tirstt area involved in a programme. In steps into abundant living.t t)ariingtaf Dr. Aboli pointel out hat 35% 0ý f the taxes corne tram. farma people but they ropresent only 27% of the population. People receiving thir education in Dur-, ham County are being forced ta e beave the county ta seek employ- ment. Dr. Âbeli. presentod her sug- gestions on what might be done in Durham- Oounty. The lack of in- dustry would seem the biggest pr oblem People in this area areI very fartunate te have Lake n- taria and should malte uea ts the speake r. Goods, are nov able te reach the rest of the world by water. ilyu1 Wth the. increasing numnber of fhcensedlUunibing & people owning *boats Dr. Abeli Mechai ical Con tractor -aid that a marina in this area mnight be worthwhiie. These in- who seils, instalis dustries' would help ta salve ta andaUaran tees some degree the increasing arn- ount o taxes. The Durham Caunty of Federa- tion decided ta study further the F UMBING R1EATINC area of Rural Redevelapment ith- Phn 13Ooo ià the caunty.Phn 14 r o ORONO5c to '$1 STORE Scatter or Bath Mats, washable, solid colors rubberized back, non-skid, size-about 21x 34 inches. Priced at................ $1.98 Washable Cotton Mats, size about 22x46 $1.65 Ghildren', Sle epers, two-piece, prin ted colors of pink or mint. Regular $1.59 This week $1.19 Men's Cushion Sole Socks, Midway style, white and assorted colors, Stretch Cotton, Nylon reinforced heels and tocs. Pair for ...... 79c. Ladies' NylonH iose, Run-Stop, guaranteed first qualitv. Will not run with ordinary' wear. Priced ...... Single pair 69c. 2 pair $1.35 Misses, Ban-Lon Cardigan s in White, blue or red. Size 8 to 14 ,Each for......... $3.59' Guest Towels, Terrycloth, Size about 16"x26" assor-ted colors. 45c. 2 for ..- 88e DON'T MISS THIS Listerine, 3 ounce, regular 39c. for ..... 35e Listerine, 7 ounce, regular 73e for ..... 64C. SOMETHING NEW! ilazel Bishop Creme 'N Powder, new fluffy creme foundation with glamorous, powder finish all in one creme. dark Rachel, rose beige, natural pink tube 69e Shoe, Polish Paste, Kiwi or, Nugget, black, medium brown, dark brown or neutral. Special this week ........... -..... 23C., lit "i '4 r Guide coooiles to local residents. The local troope took ordere fori these uocie s sonetirrie ago andý throughi the sale of the cookiesi raised' a sum of m io bcle- used in their wark. The Orono Firemen recelved their second cal 0f the season tai figbt a grass fire. The cail was turned inSunday aternon Te i grass fire was east ofChrii Avenue and was just entering the bush on the north side of the, field! THE ABUNDANT LIFE (Continued from page 3) enter inta eternal lit e right herE_- and now because eternal lite is a, quaiity. Wheni Jesus said that He had corne that man mnight have. if e and have it more abundantly,, He talked about something which we can e-perience here and now.. So otten we put that -off for the- Iast f ew years, 0f dur lives. We forget that we need spiritual exer- cse for spiritual growtli. LOCAL NEWNS- Carat Flynn, yaunýgest daughter of Mr. anid Mrs. Ând~re-w Flynn i& a patient in the Bawmanvilhe Hbs- pifal. Friendes and relatives called an 89th birtbdayv. His tour dauglitere Mr. William Davey on Tuesdayl atternoan ta hehp colebrate hise were present, Mrs. E. Porter,' Sher- brooke, Que.,, Mrs. Leland Keat, Toronto, Mrs. Dane Feund, Orano and Mrs. C. Caverly, Whitby.1 Pauring tea for the occasion was MIs. Ed. Goodman of Oshawa, Mr. R.' P. Rickaby anddaghte Mrs. George Webster of Bawman- ville were Sunday visitars with Mrs. Rober Souch. Miss Audrey Billings, Oehawa spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bihlings. Gnoup 5 U.,C.W. will be holding theïr meeting at the home of Mrs. Lamne Bowli % an Tuesday, May 7. Visiting with Mrs. Charles R. Pruet and Miss Lynn Prust over the weekend was Miss Judy Chan- tandaho of Toronto. Visitars with Mrs. Sadie Hamil- ton aven the, weekend were Dr. W. J. Butcher and Mns. Butoher of Torontb. Mn. and Mns. O. Fagan and tama- ily, Markham were weekend visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. O. Caoper. Mr. and Mrs. H. LeVaihiant of' Scarbena spent the weekend with Mrn. J. F. Stevenson. The 0onna Brownies on Satunday last deiivened 516 -boxes of Girl such team. This group operates independent af the Athletic Aesa- ciation. The Athletc Association are a-j gain wiiiing ta spansor a Junior1 Gir's Softball team and infarina- tion is.being saught as ta entrance inta a league. N.O INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL Ornn will nat field an Interme- diate baseball team this yean. In- terest in the sport lacaiiy is at a 10w ebb with the result that argan- izatian is impassible. UNITED CHURCIU Orono Pastoral Charge Ftev B, E. Longf SUNDAY, MAY 5th CHURCH SERVICES Kirby .............. 9.45 ar. Orono............ 11:00 a.m. SUNDAVY SUROOL Orano............ 10:00 ar. Kirby ............ .1:00a.m. Loskard.,..........1:-45 p.m. f I The lite committed ta the ser- vice 0f Christ je the abundant lite. It je, Gad'e affer toa au. But we muet play aur part in order ta bring it ta pass. (From a sermon by Rev. Sasîl E. Long). HeAT US.... URNERERVIcE Ladies .Sims Your choice ini different niateriajs of Slub, Arnel,' Striped Cottons, Stretchy materil, Flannel in plain and plaids, Denims.1 Priced from ............... $3.95 to $11.95 ni plain Broadclothl, Prhnted Slubs a,.,nd Cott.on with a Sateen finish. Size 10 - 1K. Colours; ofi navy, beige, rose, orang-e and yellow. IPriced at............ $7.95,,$9.50 and $11.50 Checks, PlaidorPan ie1-38 PortJce t...Jerseys,.Shirts an .95Pan 1.98 Corne in anid sec our Children's Clotliing. Beauti- fùl Cotton Dresses, Blazers and Larninated ot A~MSTRONG'S . ..... . . .... iiiilîlîiiiî% .- when the firemen, arrived. Trhe The spiritual is the greater part fire was quickly oxtinguisbed witb 10f man. Hie body wlthere, hie water carried an the truck a.nd strength decroases, bis facultiesl _ywith the use of shovele. become duli but the spirit does nat, O1OO BLLgrow oid. The spiritual le the et- ORONOBALLernai. Sa dan't let Us be like Silas the forming of the teams dopende att atafwyassLtu an obtaining coaches. and eay, "I tbought you were try- GIRL' SOFBALLing ta, get a hoad for ta-night. I -The intermediate girls are hold- realize that to)-da;y je the day of ing a meeting this Monday evening the Lard. Ta-day ie the day ta be- lat the Oreo Park and it is an- gin fargetting about self. Ta,-day ticipated that Orano wiii form a ffr, apportunities which, may team in the Intermediate gr Pneyer return.

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