ORONO WrEEKLY TDitES, THTJBSDAY, MAY 2, 1963 ___________ _______ --- ---- APPLE JUIE TOÎMATO JUICE Llbpy Fancy Fruit COCKTAIL -Fam.x-y Creamn Style - 3c off STO"-'l'KELY CORN !GA CH-JOICE PEAS Aylmer Boston Brown 15-oz. ln BEANS with PORK 6 for $1 Jolmsona & Johnson FIRST 'AID KIT each $ IGA neg or Nippy 8-oz. pkg. AN - CHEESE SLICES 4 for $ Pritces Effective May Cahifornia New Crop Valencia Sz 3 ý'ÔRANGES '%dz 59c Produce *1l lS.A. No. 1 Grade 'LETTUC^E 2heads, 29c Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Green Onions Or Radishes 3 for,23e Caifonia Ne. 1 Grade New White Potatoes 5 lb bag 39c Fraservale Frozen STRAWBERRIES 3 EXTRA a total$3 A of I BONUS TAPES RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WI 40 - 60 or 100 Waftt WESTINGHOUSE BULBS RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITJI TEA BAGS - Mother Parkers - 10e off MME DETERGENT - Liquid 2 24-o2 RECEIVE $2.00 I BONUS TAPES WITII GIDE IQUID STARCH JIONEY DEW- Frozen SMLL "LINK SAUSAGE - Royal Gold NO. 1 GRADE CIARROTS - Produlce o!f Cha«ýmpio)n Reg. Chicken or TLiver DOG QO Evaporated Ml CARNATION »leks - Rlot Dog - Hlainbu)irg - sweet - RELISHES Plllsbury - 6 Assorted ivor CAKE MIXES Surf - 37e Off DETERGENT -L Peck Frean Assorted Creams BISCUITS 2 APPLE PIE 15 oz. Tins Tali Tins 7, for $ Corn 12-,oz. Jars 4 for $1 14-oz. Pkgs. 3 or $1 king size $1 lb pkgs $1, each 39C kg $"DOLLAR DAY COMBIATION OoE' kg $ 1 3 One !/2~ lb. Pkg Tablerite Rindiese I )OIK SDE BAQCON sliced WEUNERS lb pkg alO i0U One 8-oz. Pkg. Tablerite Q Pk. ! QBOLOONA sliced for Pkg. o! 60 Lean 391d (iured, Peamealcd - Whole or Rai! a. containers i è1 m WT'u u ROLLSlb 39, 32OZ Bottie R LL 6-oz. Tin Economical & Nutrittous 1-lb. pkg. 1 SLICED PORK LIVER lb 29c [Vrs. J'ong (Continued from Page 1) Iessential need of love in the cairing for chiidren. Hon g Kong is over popuiated and spaçe for living accommodation appears to be ata premium. jThe last picture showed the ruina of a church ieaving only the Cross and it Was there a minister waa inspired to write the hymn "In the Cross of Christ.I Gio0ry. Towering o'er the w recks'of ti me." Mrs. Tong in conclusion, spoke words of wibdomn to ail young girls pre sent. She stated what we really I_ want most of ail is liappiness, give your whoie hif e to; Christ that brings it truIy to your soul. Mr. rumnmond, expressed grat- itude and appreciation to Mrs. Týong for the informative address 3,he had given. She stated it broad- ened our horizon of concern, op- ened our hearts 'to the suffering and needs of other people, and our hearts had been quickened to God's eall. Mrs. Drummond added thanks to all others assisting with the pro- grain. Mrs. J. T. Brown, on behaif of the Newcastle U.C.W., extended of aopreciation to Mrs. Tong for lier appealing and inspiring mes- sage. The meeting closed with the singing of a Hymn and repeatlng the Benediction. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. Unit two sponsored an attractive sale of home-made food and dis- 1 played many delicacies. Guidance (From page 1) assisting with guidance. 1The eet3ntary teacher, said Mr. Clute, is in the best pGsition (néxt to parents) to know the student. He~ recommended the recording in Public Sehool of observations of the students and of tendencies and outeropp'ng of interests by the etu- dent. When ail information along with O.S.R . cads are comn)iled a clear pi cture shoùid resiilt, a" Mr. Clute. The speaker then refcrred to the Counselior Training being under- taken in Ontario and said that it bias been tremendnusiy increased n the ýpast year. "IWe have not be- pun to fili ,the need". He said they needed strong' support and demand f rom tiipipe pronmoting guid- ance. tie C- ordinating, Committee of the Durham Board was stated by the, speaker as unique in the Prov- jinc,,e (f Ontario and would no doubt be immruiated in many other com- unte.He 'congratulated the work bMng done and said "You will have the gratitude and re- spect- ,f',Young people in Durliarn County." DRIVER KILLED ON HIGMVIAY 35 A loue motorist was iled Mon- day evening at 6:25 p.m. when his, car lef t lghiway 35 just north Of Orono and 'oiled into a 'ditch throwing himt out. Dead is Gerry Vader, 27, of Don Milis. His car was extensively damaged. No other vehicles were involved. Corporal Crough and Constable I Laton of >the Bowmanville detach- m nent of the OPP investigated. IIQTJEEN'S TO CONFER DGE ON UNITED CHURUR MINISTER Rev. D. H. Woodhouse, minister of Port Hope United Churcli, is to receive an honourary doctor of divinity )degree f rom Queen's Uni- vcrsity, Kingston. The honour is being confcrred "for outstanding work in the Christian ministry"l and will be presentcd at convo- cation on May 17. Mr.Wohueicmptng4