Oýrono se IyE Timos V7OLUME 25, NUMBER 9 ,oRoNO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 Hi-C' s Attend, Kingston Conference Last week-end the Orono Charge H rit seven teenager& to the Fourth H C N ew s Api,îual Con! erenice on Christian Thé final regular meceting for the Vocation.er wshcd t h Those attending were Cathy Wil- hrigomse r n r, -s. eldat the son and Ron Harris from KirbY hm !M.adMs Iiails 'United Church and Sandy Bowins, Sunday evenîng. There w-as an ex- Lynn Bailey, Ann'Glbank, Arnold cellent turn out and after filling Wallce ad Rn Bet fom Oonothe living room we overflowed into Wanite d Chrh. Teton! erencethe dining room and finially the 'Unase hur MayT3rdCof5thnat kitchen. Chairs were at a premP*um ýý,vaand latercorners had to assume Quee's ui'ersty n Kngson. tt r'srights ,on cushions -on Speakers for this conference in- the living room floor. cluded the Reverend Principal Eli After our general business Mr. as Andrews, Principal o! Queen's Ron Best acted asspokesman for ThelogcalCollege, Mrs. S. R. Col- the seven young people who had ins, a missionary w-ho has worked just returned from Queen's Univer- in Angola for 30 years; Magistrate1 sity and he gave a very interesting Robert Gwom, The Reverend S. J. and ýamusing report of their act- Haig, Principal o! Albert College, ivities for the weekend at the and the Reverend Professer D. M. youth conference. Mathers, author of 'The Word and the Way.' A discussion followed on final de- tails for our auction sale this com- Addresses were given on sub- ing Saturday and ail members. iects such as "This Church of! ere u rged to contact family and Mine", and "On the Mission friends as a great deal more sale- Field." able goods are required te, make The 210 dele'gates were divided (hsacinasces intodisusson rous. lon w-tii The program for the evening w-as -irto dicusio gou p, Aon wil under the direction of our CoUli bible study, in these groups it was seilors and a -film strip of Five ,possible to discuss the doubts Oaks at Paris w-as show-n and nar- which a young Christian has in ae y r.Glar.Arne timnes when our f aith 15 often, ques-mets e r piedt hordanw-en- tionee lnndtehlda.en This week-end was a wonderful er roast the evening of Saturday, expeiene fr al tosewhoat-June 22nd and other young people -expriece fr al thse ho a-' f the community will be invited as tended. We met many new friends guets of the Hi C members. with whom w-e discussed our f aith,9e and had many questions anre lor us, through our. own discussion far too short, and so w-e are al anid hearing view-s of others. hoping to attend again next year. The only complaint expressed was that this, conference seemed Mr. VanHVorne Speaker At HorticulturalIý The re gular meeting of Orono Bobcaygeon. Any members desir- Horticultural Society w-as held on; ing transportation please contact Tuesday evening, April 30 in the Mr. John Caldwell, phone 1209, by ODrono Community Centre. Saturday, May 4, A rather small attendance due Mrs. Fairbrother gave an ex- to poor wearther conditions were 'cellent accoint o! the Provincial present to hear our guest speaker, Convention held recently in the Mr. Van. Horn o! Whitby. King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Mr., Carl Billings presided over Mr. Billings then introduced the the business portion, due Vo thea aneaker, Mr. Van Borne w-ho gave absence o! our president John us a very informative ta]k on the Caldw-ell.1 growing of glads, daffodils, mumns, roses etc.,and also i11iistvrted hla The secretary stresseci the need--------------d Ades o! more members as our grant de- pends on number o! members. Mr. Norman Allia thanked Our premium for this year w-I guest speaker and said it w-s again be mums. ways a treat to have Mr. and Arrangements were then made Van Borne corne to Oron. for the District Annual Convention The meeting closed witb to be helci Saturd.ay, May 11, la Queen. dour as al- Mrs. The They Dont -Ail Get Awciy one do't et w-a. Sow- a~ove011a ightspinia rd. Mr. Bil lln (on te rgh)dispîsys bisj are two fine fish caught by local fv oa ru agtIs -e anglers recently. Mr. Bill AIm- la a smali stream lan'the Leskard atrong Jr., displays 13 pound lakeares. Recoiend-.A.To Meet Over Planning Summers To The For 'Ciarke Townsliip Hall . FanieCouncil. o! the Township o! Clarke Hallof F inemet on Tuesday w-hen arrange- At the rEgular monthly meeting Tax Discount Rate met r adtohlame- o! the Durham County Federation ing for pla nning. The meeting is ofAgriculture the Director's a as~t. be held on May 17 at bc greed to nomInate the namne o! the R îed Bv 'Co0ufii members of Council, Orono Police late E-. A. Summers' to the Agri- J Trustees, the building inspector, cultural Hall of Fame. Mr. Sum- Eight bylaw-s were given their Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Messrs. G. Cot- mers' served this county as ag ri - third reading in the closîng hours ter, R. C. Simpson and A.'Low are cultural representative for many o! the tw-o day meeting of the Un- to be invited. The latter three are years. If bis naine is accepted or- ited Counties Council -held at Co- expected to be members of the ganizatior4s within the county will bourg recertly. planning board along with the be akedfordontios t deray One.f te blaw, t prvid a reeve and Councillor R. Foster. bhe aoskdofoti roatst ery Oe0.heblws opoiea Mr. Pearson of the Department Sue stionhsfo prot. ew three per cent discounit on the wili be present' to discuss plan. assessor's manual were made by prep ayment of tax-es by municipal- ning in titis area with the group. the Director's. A committee w-as ities came under consideratable 1)(G pROBLEM appointei to attend a meeting, discussion. An amendment w-as in- Mr. Johaston, assessor for the which is to be held with the Hon- troduced by Reeve Everson Of Township quoted'a favourite say- ourable J. W. Spooner, Minister of Port Hop and seconded by Dep- ing when collecting dog tax froni Municipal Affairs, during the early uty Reeve B. Spicer of Port Hope dog 0wners. "What protection do part of June. that the discount be raised to 53/4 w-e get for payment of dog taxes." Resolution.,s from the counties o! per cent. Dogs in the Tow-nship apparently Lambton and Victoria were en- stilli mn at large and ln many dorsed by Durham County. Lamb- "Why should the counities be1 cases are a nuisance. There is ton county are asking that National jwilling to pay the chartered banks 11o control over this running at marketing boards be. estabiished 5%4 per cent anid only give the .un. large. nad that they co-operate w-th the icipalities three pes cent?" the Councillors R. Chater and R. Y crai Govcmnment in having reeve asked. An amenciment to thxe Foster mnoveci that the ârd reading some control over Agricultural Im- amenciment introduced by Deputy be given the r .evised dog by-law, ports and Exports. Victoria County Reeve B. Malcolm of Manvers 1400, and that counicil advertise are seeking compensation for, ca t. Townuship w-as ultimately passed, for applications' for a dog control tie which are lost by, a new cisease making the discounit five per cent officer. This motion, was defeated. presenitly identi!ied as virus dys- Or the baril, rate, whichever is the Deputy-reeve'J. Stone.then iuov- entery. low-est. Iecl that the third reading be given the reviseci by-law- at this meet- in.This motion w-a secon'ded, by Other bylaw-s included: A by- R. Charter'and carried. This third Excellen t Res onl- law- authorizing the issue of de- reading will be given to the. by- bentures in the amnounit 0f $350,000 iýaw-w-hen, council esumies the seTo P..1 Pan for, 20 yealrs at5 per cent for May meeting on May 1t is o P S..P a the Cobourg and Distict Collegiate Messrs. B. Mre n .Fr Respnse o te p.cî.enramentR.athFor.n Resons t th PS.I enolnen'hoard; uhrzn the closing Of a reeter o! the Orono Police Trustees carfPaign for permanent residents road allow-ance in Clarke Tow-nship; sought counceils assistance in ob- O! Northum1rberland and Durham, authorizing the closing o! a road al- taiuing a subsîdly for the construic- County so far has been overwhelm- 10wance in Cramahe Tow-nship; ex- tion o! a road li9 the proposeci ing, accordiîng, to officiais o! p.S .1. tending the tinie for the examin- industrial area. It w-as stated that On-ei ation of assessmient rolîs to July teTute a al otc Onoe ingda o! the campaign, 3 0lteTues a mdecnc- April 29, 1956n, ove' 500 residents in' r the expropriation 0f landi with the Municipal engineer but re-gsered tii h U, plan. The fou rihghton Tow-nship for the coun- that it was not within his ýpow-er ïr C)b"ut or io grant such a subsidy. -They re- eloe, Bwô iile aCam\i-,porla-1 'nd for roadci onstruction Il" quested that counicl seek approval opde B oanviîîe a d apbl-w Carke Tow-nship and one authoriz- fromn the Minister o! Bighw-ays. for h ve ep rte a st ady fow ing te borr 00 own r m ne o o The necessary by-law - is to be oaplctosadtettlnwexceeds 1,0 -0sine00 forn the Cobourg prepared for the estabishing o! the exced 1200- am coerngone District Coliegiate board until suchý Kendal prudeteCommunity person and some covering large Itmsa dbnue resl. Cn res Act. thocre , us (Continued page 8) tmsa eetrsaesl' CnrsAt.Tiocusmst _______________________ meet the approval o! the Depart- ment. Approval was given by oni O ono lr h e A t nd for the paymient o! $10.0o0 for tua- ing the upstairs piano. This w-as M ~requested by the 'Orono Amateur E.M a ee ing thltic Association who had haci the piano tuned and submitted the A w-eek ago Wednesday night phone system w-lU be used. It is bl ocucl h lr a u Mr. Ross Mercer, Orono Fire Chie! the duty o! Mm. Mercer to notfy thorized to write the Association attended a meeting in Cobourg at the residents in Orono and the in this connection stating that such which ail other fire chiefs of the north haîf of the Tow-nship O! w-as not to become a matter o! pol- United Counties w-ere in attend- Clarke. The Orono fire chief w-lu icy. ance. The meeting w-as called by aiso notify representatives in Pon- A etrwsecidfomth the EMO Co-ordinator, Mr., G. V. typool and Bethany w-ho wiîî in Orono Faim askmng that a haîf bol- Wright. tura notify the local, residents. iday be declared for publice sehool children on the first day of the Or. The purpose o! the meeting w-as Ia case o! faîl-out the alarm to ono Fa]] Fair. This w-as granteci. the organization of an aiarm sys- Orono will be relayed fromn Bow-- Notification w-as received that tem> to be 'used in case of- 'falI manville w-ho are to notîfy both the Ontario Municipal Board were ont.' The spread the alarm through this Village andi the Village o! to hear the case o! the Tow-n o! ont Durham and Northumberland Newcastle. Port Hlope in the matter o! the the facilities o! the varlous fire Ganaraska as;zessment against the departments are to be used andi Further information will be fur- Town. This hearing is tVo be helci notification wiU be fanneci out from nîsheci in the near future On Sur- on July lsth, 1963. one department to another w-ho vivai. This information will be pro- A resolution w-as receixned from wili in tura aotify the public in vided by the -Emergency Mea- the Bydro Commission of the Vil- their area. surers Organization. Anyone wish- lage o! Orono for the issuing o! ing further information at this debentures la the amount o! $20,000- ia Orono the fire siren w-ll be timie may contact the'co-ordinator, -hsmne a ee e>etdb used to noti!y 0f the existance o! Mr. G. V. Wright, Counties Build- the Commission to meet expansion f aIl-ont while in the Tow-nship a ing, Cobourg. Mr. Wright, w-as for- needs within the Village along with general caîl over the local tele- merly a resident o! Crooked Creek. the need o! supplying bydro to the proposed industial area. The .lerk w-as instmuc teci to investigate the request for debenture issulng. K. Ly ett hairnnanA letter from Imperial 011 la thei sevic cetreon 401 w-as ta- rV eY bled as w-ýas a ictter for fumnising F 0o r T. B . S u rYq the new- room at a cosi 0f $645.00 anda. letter from the Mutual Aid Mr. Reid Bndge, Vice Chairman 1 the Ontario Depatment o! Health, la connection with Foam equip- o! Districts for the Durham County Ion a methoci o! organizing their ment and the establisbingo! !oam Tuberculosis Sýumvey, bas announe- districts, and were briefeci on the banks in the conurtes for fime !ight- ed the appointment o! District importance o! the survey la Dur- ing. Chairmen for the survey organiza- ham. The tender price o! Don Cath- tion programme. This tuberculin testing and x-ray cart la the amount o! $150.00 for The cou.nty lias been' divided into survey îis part o!- the Northumber- logs ow-neà by>, the Tow-nship w-as 1 Districts, andi the following land - Durham Tuberculosis & accepted by Couneil. This w-as the