OR.ONO WEEIKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 KETCHUP 11-m., Boules 2for 43c- CHEROS1O o.~WUATIES, 12 oz., TWINKLES 9V2 oz. BIG" ER"'EAL ea 29c, rMXWLL HOUSE - witb 7c coupon off next purchase of Bread COFFEE lb bag 69c, IGA STRAWBERRY - %!th added Pectin JAM î Ingersol CHEESE SPREAD BLUEB"RRY PIE Mashroorn - Chivloen Rice - Chicken I CLARK'S SOUP Horsemeat a"d Grav MASTER DOG F( Detergent - wMth 15c coupon inside BLUE CHEER Starlac Instant POWDERED MIL] IGA Lady Betit oz jar 43c LIBBY FROZEN FANCY PEAS FANCY CORN Mixed Vegetables 12-oz. Bags 5 for $1.0-0 I6 oz o o oc=> o pkg 5-5c 0.ISo Good So M any WaysCalifoia No. 1Grade ea, 45c 0 0t1O Noodle - Scotch Broth- lo-oz. n Q 1-oz Tins Produce of U.S.A. - New White - No. 1 Grade ( )O 2fo 4c POTATOES 10 lb 59c0 (Produce of Mexico Jumbo Size 45's t giant size 89c 0 CANTALOUPE each 29cQ p (aionia No. 1 Grade K 3lb69cQ risp Celery 2 stalks 37c 6 Q0 Lvý - - -- oooc:c@co oo=.coo CHOCOLATES lb 79c 2 lb $1.49 EXTRAa total $20 txI*RA of $20 IN BONUS TAPES, RECEIVE $10.00 IN< BONUS TAPES WITH -StOTTRIS - Wbte, pink, yellow, Miac 2 economy pack RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH SALADA TEA Bt3GS Pkg. of 60 RECEIVE $4.001 IN BONUS TAPES WITH FANCY WHITE TUNA - (Ilover Leal Solid Pack 7-oz. MONAIRCH WIHP - Vanilla v oz. Size RECEIVE $2.001 IN BONUS TAPES WITI FLUFFO - 2c off 1-lb. Pkg. CHIIPSTEAKS- Polar King Frozen 4-oz. Pkg. ,TOMATOES - No. 1 Grade 14-oz. Tube tCOOKED MEATS - Tablerite sliced 6-oz. Pkg. Tablerite - Canada's Finest QualitY Red or Blue Brandi Beef STEAKS or ROASTSlb 75c Sirloin - Wing - 'Porterbouse - Boneless Round or RUMP'ROAST Swift's Premium Regular or Ready to Serve Smoked Prîinic Shoulders 43c Tablerite'Weiners lb cello 45c We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. Prices Effective May 8, 9, 10 il 1Gardenin . SHIRUBS by Harry Van Belle Van Belle Gardens Shrubs in my opinion are the the form 0of hedges, formai, or in- forpal groups of shrubbery. Most new homes are located in new sub- dvis ons, with only a small area as backyard. Se the problem aris- es to design an outdoor living roomi in a small area, with patio, shrub groups, hedges and treesl etc, Careful planning wiIl be required to make the proper balancein col. our,% and height. For instance:-ï, the case of large shrubs and trees,--, these should be planted as a back- ground or as a screen. The old traditional way used to be with the lawn in the centre and perhaps edges on the side, bordered witli Ilong extensive flower beds. Toclay's garden should be designed differ- Iently to create a more restful pic- ture. Excessive lawn areas car be cut clown by creating shrub beds which give a more resttul 1 picture with the different colours Of flowers and foliage, giving col- our tbroughout the'season. Shrub beds also eliminate a lot of main- tenance. Compare weeding flower beds every week with trimming shrub groups once or twice a year. Such a garden is not only more pleasant to look at and live in but it is actually easier to care for because there are fewer flowexes and less lawn. To give You somne understaiviing about the different species of shrubs with regard to size, colour, and haIiness we will discusa ome of the main varieties.1 Tail Shrubs ( ranglng from 8 to 2r') IForsythia-was introduced r' jthe Orient about 100 years ago. The, ,blooms are a lovely bright yello>w, appearing before the leaves corne out. It blooms in April or, May die- pending on the weather. They have PraCtically no diseases or insect pests. This is an asset well worth remembering. The height varies between 7 and 9 feet. The mnost, popular varieties are: ]Beatrix Farrand, Spectabilis, and Lynwood Gold. They are excellent for mas- Sing in beds or borders. Purple Leaf Pluml-Mainly usedi for its lovely purpie foliage, which gives a striking contrast w1th other shrups which have green follage. The soul shouud be well prepared with peatmoss and manure. Prun- US Pissardi is the taller of the two. It will grow up to 15 feet or 20 feet. . Prunus Cistena grows a lot smnaller, from 6 to 7 feet. It has single w hite flowers in May, fol- loweýd by blackish purpie cherries in the Fall. Its common name is purple sand cherry. White Mockorange-Chiefly val- ued for their white and often_ very fragrant fiowers. It grows to 8 feet taîl, with slender arching branches covered with flowers in June. There are about 108 varieties and species but two of the main varieties used in this area are Philadelphus Snowflàke and Phil- adelphus virginal. Both are very hardy and do well in mosta soils. Medium Shrubs (ranging 4 to 6y) Weigelia-This la one of the most 7 feet at maturity.' Bristol Ruby should have speciai mention be- cause its deep red flowers, cover the entire plant in a mass display of gorgeous colour. blobm in June. They grow to 6 or popular shrubs in our area. The red and pink flowering wegello Dogwood-Two varieties are mainly used, the golden and the silved variegated. They are great- ly prized for their variegated fol- iage and vivid red bai-k. P. S. 1. PLAN (From page 1) familles. The staff of ten P.S.I. represent- atives have now completed the canvas of Seymour, Murray and Brighton Townships and will con- tinue to work into the remaining townships throughout the Unitedi