ORtONO WEEKLY, TIMES, THURPSDAY, MAY lfith, 1963 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES &uthorized as Second lass mail. Post Office Departmenit, Ottawa Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Pioneerirg Remains With astronaut, Cooper travelling some 600,000 space miles in a period of,32 hours one cannot help but marvel at the scientific and technilogi*cal aclievements of this day and age. Pioneering is not related, only to the 18th and 19th cen- tury - . it is stili continuing today in a larger but more tech- nical, field of endeavour. What will it accomplîsh . . . this travelling in space? This same question coud have been asked when the Wri.ght Brothers tried to imiÊtate the birds and when they succeeded in their first powered flight. Or When Columbus or Eric the Red touched tihe shores of the- "then unknown" North Ameriea.Set on a theory or dream they followed a compass into the unknown and today we in Canada enjoy the resuits of their inquiry into 'space'. What will space travel accomplish C olumbus was flot too sure when he travelled into space, neither is Cooper or the many scientists w'1ho make tis trip possible. The results could, however, be tremendous and open a whole new era, in living and pioneering far beyond even space travel. In the 2th Century pioneerinig and ultimately to our daily lives, scientifie and technical kno*ledge and under- standing, is playing an increasingly 1argei-role. But this was also true, Wo a degree, when tihe pioneer farmer oarried his small pack of grain to virgin soil to grow the necessities of hf e or When the theory of flight was first expounded years >ago. There !s littie doubt thiat those entering'school today have a whole new area in which Wo pioneer. Education and the desire to obtain the elements of concentration and know- edge wili no doubt have its rewards and set an atmosphere to accept the aceomplishments of the travels into sp)ace not as participants in the traver itselifbut in the rewards'it can bring. CLARKE SCHfOOL NEWS Clarke staff is to be Mr. Ora (Continued from page 1 ) Saiarwal who. will teach Science. hanced with a trumipet solo,,Deep Mr. Sabharwal. is an addition to Purpie by Lynn Brown and a trum- the staff to assist in the science pet trio, 'Elena Polka' pl-ayed by department of the sehool. Lynn Brown, Ross Tambllyn and_______________ Pýaul Tamblyrn. A dance number was provided by Peggy Hancock and ShCon' Tamblyn. Ilie evening was most enjoyable and the children of the school came forth with a most accom- plished program. UNDER PARIS SKIES The following evening, Friday, the Breath of Spring had left the school auditorium to be replaced by a trench aire. the students had now underway their dance "Under Paris Skies". The. auditorium ivas transformed into a French Cabaret ini a most skilfull manner. French scenes adorned the walfs and in- dividual tables were set around the dance floor' Music for the evening was pro- vided by, a,, ifleelnjpiece dance band from Wllowdale Collegiate. The attendance 'ut the dance was somewhat less than expected the sUccess'0f the evening for t2iose but this did not in any way hinder who were in attendance. PROFESSOR KNOX SPEAKS TO STUDICNTS Professer Knox, a native son of Orono, and a Professer 0f Econ- om~ics at Queen's University, King- ston, spoke recently to the stii- dents 0f grade 13 at the Clarke Righ Scheol. Prof essor, Knox spoke of bis early education in tis area and con3,pared it brielly with that o! to- day un the area. Chiefly tihe Prof essor spyoke to the students on the University ap- proach, to educ-at!in as compared with that in HighSchool. Ris words were direced to a better und er- standing of, the transition from High School to University. Trie students were allowed to question -the Professor to which. he gave his answers and views. Mvusical rsecitai ATHLETES COMPETE A treat for music loyers tookrhythm to children, to the Obvîous A contingent of athletes from place in Orono United Church FFn- enjoyment of all. Mrs. Morton ex- the Clarke HI-gh School travelled day eveningý, when the pupils of plained this method of, teachilng to Whitby the torepart of this week Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mrs. Rtch- rhythm simply and clearfly. 1 to 'compete in a track- and fie-Id ard Morton entertained about 60 A thrilling clinax to the even- nieet. The results of Oie Clarke people wlp braved the wet, blust- ing was 3 piano selections played students are as follows. ery weather. by Fred Graham of Newcast le, a Junior Girls - Unit 7 of the U.C.W. sponsored former pupil o! Mrs. Staples who Lyncda Tyrreli, îst in Runnîng tis event, with 27 pupdIs taking is also studying organ. Fred play- B rond Jump part in the program 'in a very ed with great depth and feeling fori Joe Ami Cameron, 3rd in Javelin. capable and pleasing manner, some the mnusic. Peggy Hiancoci: 4e1 in Javelin. playing piano and others playing Al in all, it was an evening to Senior Girls instruments* demonstratîng the remeniber with pleasure 'and pride Sharon Tailyn 3rd ani Discus. Carl Orff method of teaching1 in our young music-makers. Junior Boys Jack Chard 2nd in Pole Vaulti. Intermiediate Boys Terry Graham 3rd un 1()o yard, 2nd' ol(P-Step and Jump, 3rd Broad Jump. W atson 's Howara Stapleton 4th Broad jump GodSimpson 3rd lialf Mile. Il Senior boys Keith Swarbrick lst Discus., Marine & Cycle IULL STREET PHONE 1461 'Wheu purchasing a new power Mfower be sure to check our lime of Eze-cut Mowers. SEE THEM AT OUR NEW LOCATION MILL STReET - Sýiir for- itrength . . . deep channel frame and cross members bo)x-conistruction pole . . . heavy-guage steel throughcut imaiârae braciýng a-m-i ~~ parts. Peur roliezs under the keel, .., i 'mlei sebe on eaeh side. . . buit- lu titngL,ý;~ r.- uky inh The Star is completely equiîpp i.7ishowný, with safety chains, parking stand and mi Ih sscmbly. NEW TEACHERS. TO JOIN CLARKE STAFF Two neW -téachers have been added to the staff 0f the Olarke Higii School with their services Wo commence on Septenmberlat of this year, t~he new seliýOl terni. Mr, YVan Laniel mill teach ftrenchi in the upper grades. He re- places miss P. Sequin who has ta- ken a leave of absence to teach i Europe this comlng school ter7n. Another new memnber of the OVER-NITE PARKING <Continued from page 1 year and f elt that this year it would be even bigger. The secretary noted a section from the -Pine, Ridge bulletin in which it was stated that 20 tourists a day coming into a community would equal the benefits of a pay- roll Of $100,000.00. The treasurer, R. Djckson, stat- ed a cash balance o! $440.60 ex- isted. $100.00 is being held in a bond and a loan of $500.00 also ex- ists. A. letter is to be sent to the Çolonal Coach bines asking that they continue their bus service i- to Orono and asking if the Cham- ber couid assistin any way Wo as- sure this service. PRESENT AWARDS (Continued f rom page 1 piomas were presented to the fol- lowing: Linda Allen, Douglas Bar- reball, Shiela Barraball, Willis Barrabaîl, Vicki Cotter, Gerald Gibson, Grant Greenwood, Tom Henderson, Suzanne Major, Phyllis Martin, Sandra Mercer, Ann Parks, Fenna Rienstra, Robert Ro- binon, Judy Tamblyn and Margery binson, Judy Tamblyn and Mar-ý gery Tyrrell. AUCTION SALE Registered Holstein cattle, Trac- tors, Truck<, Bla, Grain, Lumber etc. The property 0f Lorne Perrault, Lot 3, Concession 4,, Clarke Township, 1 mile east nt~ Crooked Creek store. Selling on Satuirday, May 18 at 1 p.m. P.S. Most of the tractor machin.- ery has been purchased within the last two years. Terms cash. Jack Reid, Auctione AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received tn- Structions from .Mr. Robert Ar4 lot 22, concession 8, Clarke ToWU. ship. 1 concession north of Kfby- and half mile east. selling Saturs day, June 1 at 1:30 pni. valuable macl1inery, furniture, tools~ etc. Jack Reid, Auotioneer AUCTION SALE GivIng up Farming. 1 have received instructions from. Mr. Creighton Oarr to sei by pub- lic Auction at his premises, Lot 24, Concession 9, Manvers Townsbip,, 1 mile north of Bethany, on 'Satur-, day, May 28th ait 1 p.m. D.S.T. Horses, cattie, *machinery, ad furiture. /, R. J. Payne, Auctioheer. THERE'S FUN FOR ALL, UN ONTARIIO'S HOLIDAYLAND Whether you enjoy modern resort, hotel or motel living- or the rustic outdoor camping life-Ontaria has what you want. Wherever you go, you'illfind plenty of fine beaches and refreshing lakes for good swimming, boating and fishing. The whole famllyý will be thrilled with Ontarios historical forts, villages and monuments that so colourfully represent Ontario's exciting paut. F R E 4P E g .L COLOUR j ONTARIO TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 000 j PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO I NAME jADDRES I TY PRROV. OTRIO PEPARTMENT 0F TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY Hon. Bryan LCathcart, Minister C2 I g"Tested Truth for Troubled Times" Hear about it at the Gospel Servicesg g To be held in the g TOWN HALL, ORONO SUNAYMAY 26th Through SUNDAY, JUNE 2 SUNDAY SERVICES: 7:30 P.M. WEEK DAYS: 8:00 P.M.o MSICAL NUMBERS AT EACH SERVICEg Services to be conducted by the g ~ Christian Business Men's Committee of Oshawa and District g Speaker:g TON g gALL ARE URÇîED TO ATTEND0 gEVANGELIST TO114 SUMMERS 0 0