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Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1963, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY, MfAY l6th, 1963 Profeàîsional Drectory 1 ORONO- MEDICAL CENTRE A.. F. MeKENZIE. M.D PHY.SICIAN and SURGEON Phone 186 Res. 147 IJARIAN A. KILPATRICK, R. N. Phone 193 Auctioneer and Val Caioducts Auction Sales oft sdat reasonable nai Communicate with hlm at 1PeMr,. Ontarlo APARTMENT FOR RENT 5-room Apartment, heavy wiring. Just west of Highway 115 on the 81h lime of Clarke Township. Phone 35R2, A. Van Hattum. a-p HELP WANTED Apply Orono Restaurant or con- tact Rober-t Thomas. Phone 1081. a-» Riehi -& Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTL M3 simeloe St. Nortb, Witby m rt. Eleetric Mot 11nlY V-100.00, $100down, W$U0.0u0c Hi CMen-- &n iredj.V ~ onhcan bers wish o thank Mr. Jack Reid,~ g IOrono District - 8 roome, bath, for his services as auctioneer, Mrý., Repardc 011 furnace, large garage and work Don Tennant and Mr. O. W. Roiphý nsbop. One acre lot. Asking $9000.W' for the use of their trucks, Mr. Jim1 ô Wlndlngs, SWitthes, Barng0 200.00 dewn. StutV and the me=bers of the crn- anld Jrnsl1es, EIetrlc TpI4J - munity for tieir donaVtions to the êanid Sinail Appiance Moors l 25acres - 9 'oom brick hose Auction Sale. Without bhelp of soc. 'Work, Guaranteed ; bath and cil funnace, 3 large miany interested people it could net- Obairns, creek. Asking $18,000.00, hv ensc iac& ucs. n$5,000.00 hv down.h innia uce. 45 cre motlybus, GnarskaCARD) 0F THANKS A I. Hleard g runs through. Ideal for cottage or BRYI h is forget campite.Only$300. tems. sorrow we wish Vo, express our sin- Phme:1176,Oronocere thanke and appreciation teo SKendal - 18 acres with Ganar- Our many relatives, fiende and Saska, gummer cottage. Full -price neighbours, for the kindness,-and only $4000.00. terms. sympathy shown us in the loec of a - i beloved husband andi father, Johni J state Sale- 6 room b ouse in Berry. PU PN O ?~ Newcastle. $380000 full price. .MWe2 e~se wish Vo thank Dr. Mody ent6ral boue0in.rono.kindness during hie long ilînees. To Very entrl $TANKS0 Rev. Basil E.. Long for is very SEPT C T NKS LIST OR BUY MULTIPLE LIST- consoling words. For ail the carde received, ail the donore of the WIHTE WASIHNG STABLES- ING SE1UVICE (MLS> ýT1îROUGH many beautiful floral offeringe. Dor ToupknsOUR OFF ICE The palîbearers, floWer beaners, BertTomp insthe ladies that belped at the home. e f T fi(.T.. The Morris Funeral. Home for their, Phone Newtonville 4721 . MI.L cIALLI kind efficient mana gemient of the Phone 1407, Orono, setr.viée.. We tlbank yQou - t4t.a cJ9~i~.I.aI.~,.,~ ~Mrs. Elva Berri and Family. I 1111 Building a Ifouse? O &INTNGFOR or remodeiling your present ON J]BUILDING - CUPBOARDS J]REPAIR AND, FINISH onie, then contact luatorFURNITURE au4es Cl O phone M0, Orono PHONE 2191 RN CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late John Tam- blyn wish Vo express their heart- ~ f eh thanks to their relatives, ýneigb- J bours and fiends for their beauti- ~ aresan Bam~fuil floral tribtes, memoria gf: G eeds of kindnîess at the death, of PLUJMPING and HEATING.C a dean husband, father and grand- Sae n evc ]father. Special tharks Vo Rev7. John 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEfl Kitchen and Rev. Basil Long for cU their. consoling wor.ds, and Vo the J] B-A FINANCING ~ Barlow Fumerai Home for their o Low Interest Rates o kindness and Vo the relatives and P! ~ #J Orono neighbow , who assiatcd Tyrene ,.C. 3280 Mns. Ivison Ta- 1 -, r d Vo Lvery-. 0 y = <CO 3>.50 0 newh blp- v, y we a Orville, ChattertonI Electrical Contracting Electric Heatingj I and Service PHONE 24.5~ BOX 133 isStff od Brelth ers ,27 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, On Ajax Manufactirers of Cemetery Memerials Dealers In INSURANCE Domestic & Foreign Granites INSUIRANCE and Marbies - Inscriptions Cul General & -Life d Monuments and FRED LYCETT Family Mlemorials OFFICE --MAIN ST., ORONO Our quality and service leaves Phone 12516 Res. 11716 notiing to be desired Ask tino pcrson whoi bought froix J ACK REID US, a nieibour, friend or eai The RUI'FER GRANIT] Orono's Licensed COMPANY Aucioneer and Valuatoir 73 Ontario Street Spe'cialize in Farm and F' ORT HOPE Furniture Sales Largest Display ln Soutbe rn Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5'r 18 Orono ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gra- barn wish to announte the engage- à Iment of theïrdaiighter Man-ene Alice to Thoma s. Clarence Burnett. B.Sc., àon of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. -Burnett, Oshawa, Ont. The Mar- NOTICE Inage will take place Saturday, Dr. A. F. McKenzie will flot be June l5tjh, 1963s at 3 u'elock in Or- in his office fromn Saturday, Mlay ono United Church. a-p 18 until Monday, May 27tVh. a- ______________ -IN E ORA NOTICE, TAYLOR,-m l'ovng memlory Of Tilling gardens with a 24"1 Tiller. our dear daughter Doris Lorraine, Reasonable prices. who passed away May 18, 1954. Cali after 5:30, Phone 233, Orono. J 1ust a spray of beautiful memor- --- Tied with all our love, 2:00 t o 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m NOTICE Mmre oceihfrvr WEDNSDAS , SAURDYS Oono Onari U1SIREWANED he unir Gadenrs lu 110f one we so, dearly loved. WEDNSDAS an SAURDAS ~ ~ ~~n~aîo UIREWANTD Te J~or rdenrs lbow~ Lovingly remembered by Dad4. BYAPITETONLY The Orono Amateur Athltic As- hold their Annual Spring FwerMoanbotesap BYAPITETjsociation want an older boy or man Show on Thursday, May -23rd in o.adbthr lp * ~to umpire bail games. To pay $2.00 the Municipal Building. Doors open _________________ a gamne. Contact J. Moffat or Bob to, the public at 7:30-.> Ail visitors DIED DR R . AGAT azelton. a-c welcome. a-e LINTON-At Newcastle on Thura-ý VETERINARY SURGEON OJron lIecLr1c ________________________ day, May 9th, 1963 Florence May Phoe 061 Oono Ot.PH ONE 129 WANTED AUCTION SALE Linton. Beloved wif e of the late CONTRACTORS FOR Students, housewiveg, to train as' The undersigned hanrcevd MtfLitnnddamtero _________________________waitresses, dishwses ice structions from the Executor of the Cora (Mrs. 'Henry Cantrefl. Age FARM and BOUSE help. Partý time. Hours to Sit Estate of the laVe Ellen Lord to seil 74 years. Reated at the Buro ~ WRIN God age. oodtipin ara. by public auction at ber former Funeral Home, Orono, Ontario for WMN oo t es oturgant, residence, on Main Street, bnU.service on Monday, May lmt at 2 Free Estimates 115. I~a brook, Saturday, May l8th, 1968 at p.m. Intermeiit was ini Orono Cenm- ùw. V-1y LYCETT, B.A. aSLS __________ _________ n APPLIANCE SALES_________ 1 pm. D.S.T. Antique Furnfture, etery. U ~~~~~~~~Dishes, Tools, bedding etc.________________ DBawalterl- SlHit@r o Prompt and- Guaranteed Bepairs VARIETY GREENHOUSE Terms cash. No reserve. In the Offic« Of, Appuanc«AND PERENNIALS e'HoptlTrnoonhr- Q~ ~ W la the fficesof g ______________ milesFOX PLNEA RP>~ufOOrVNSGEE-tikhl T.V.- Radios Stoves Irons~ C. DE MOOY Seggelen. Beloved child of Mr. an&~ [I .MAIN ST.. ORONO t R.R. 1, "RN AITulip Tea"' will be held at Mrs. Nickolaes Van Seggelen. Age Tlephou 138 Orn. ~ ~2mie east of Twin Qaks Motel the home of Mrs. Wm. Armstrong 6 yas etd~ h alwFn SoPhone 18R8. on Wednesday afternoon, May, 22, ra' omPark et., OroiiÎo untilIM ~~~~or at commencing at 3 o'clock, under Sna ~rig hnt h ag ______________W.__ Nanninga, Church St., Orono. the auspices of Unit 3 U.C.W. An Memonial Chapel for service at e-13-p adde d attraction will be a sale of 3:30 p.m. Interment was in Orono r.>_________________________ ýmiscellaneous articles and bo' eCetry Hamill(MSI ~made cooking. mCetry NE. RA1L LB..8c.R'L.. Hamlto FOR SALE- Kindly keep this date in minci teOoo eehn ~ MRRL D RO N~* gHealthy Disease-free Strawberry and plan to attend, b-c OUR SPECIAL THANKS PRFSINL NINBa ol Ilisur ance Service K. Ris a hn 17 Orono. ors for the understanding and help.. PROz~ww~... NGi~Ei ~ 9 hon 117,NURSING HOME fui co-operation.' > vl ) 0 Surveycr i ail its B a c oLytonh urst Manor Nursing Mr. and Mre. N. Van Segg elen 0 WAYNES MAINTENANCE Home bas warm comfortable ac-anFaiySoseg. a- ]121 Queen St BScx U59a Auto,, Package and Compositeo EVC commodation for 'bed and up1 pa- Bomnile naio 0:Ptients. Reasonable rates. CARD 0F THANKS' g omnvle ntro~ Polîcies, Fire, Famm, life,U Cleaning-hardwood and tule Phone Orono 1308. 27-P A very special, tbought and Tlpoe623-7251 u ~f floors, woodwork. Windows washed thanke Vo Rev. B. Long and Cburcb c~ ~ rd insdean et. mahieCommittee who did so.much for (X.= a n=>c>o=c>O=e shampooed in your own home. Al us and family to understand and ________________________ o d types of venetion blinds. cleaned LI'sieutBhp el veth1at Caroline will'Rs Accident and Sickness, Win J] and,repaired.-- 6OJ tf P ark t Oroo O pe PMnand Mre. N. Van Seggelen Phone Ooj 6J f Pr et, OronandOtFaioiM. an orsbegn L. i. SKAIFE Beiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. J]n aml trsegn o Telephone 16UJ or 2R15 0 UNWANTED RA BY APPOINTMENT CARD 0F THANKS ____________________ We would like Vo sincerely thnank Chartered Accounant 0 Vanished away ýw AtCAPEdLO alorninsn By Appointdifernt.ientesallolyfrinSsandUveymn Itol By Applnimen dieynot dissolve on remove bain from hsetfor adcdad Main St, Oron. Telephone 1-8 SUde H iUiiiiU ll the surface, but penetrates and ne- hle struhtehuswe HAIR. Lor-Beer-La>. Ltd., Ste. 5 words to say low uch we appre- P.O. Box 208 WHITBY Phone Orofle IR16 i 7 rnvle~,Vncue ,BCRBALTOX ciate everyo92-'s belp and, sym- IRTMORTGAGE LOAINS -lp Orono District - 7 roome, bath, Pty Phn 6.17FRTd1pnew 'ou furnace, newly decorated.MrpandMr.Vn.ege I ~ ~Thisbous le ean n ýl oand Family Storslbergen. ÂVAOlLOL5K avaflLî~0 un ---- sh. Oi ar--1 F~P"~ CARD OF THANKS Il 9

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