ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, TITURSDAY, M1AV i6th, 1963 Aylmer Faincy Tl"OMAT'ÎO JUJCE' CANNED HAMS Masons Ejai SOFT DRINKS KLEENEX Regular o HOLIDAY WEEK-END' FOOD SAVINGS Hot Dog or Rabr CrisiesRoils 8 for ~3c, 48 pz 2 fror 49C 1~ b in$13 lO10oz tin, )r Chubby Kralt (raeker Barrel Iroduce of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade o 39c' Corn on the Cob 6 for 49c MIL OZProduce o! Mexico No. 1 Grade Jumibo Size Stokely F CrenI RiE SE., CANTALOUPE each 19c 39c Produeen o!t U.S.A. o.iGrade ,FANCY-.'n CORN 2 lb C rdisp LETTUCE 2 for 29c Burn Skizûe.e 8k'ot Sbaýnk Ready-to-eat Whole or Bai! -e Smoked HA M S b4c Fryesh Chickemn Cuts Legs or Bre.asts, Tablerite Rlndless Siced Side Bacon lb 55C lb 69c Scbuelders Party-Time Chuba' 8 oz 23c, IPrices Effective May 15, 16, 17, 18 We Reserve thcPRlght to Limit Quantities ICE CREAM - Royal Gold !/2 Gai. RECE]IVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAIPES WITH FROZEN BEANS - McCamns Green NO. i GRADE TOMATOES SLICED BOt4OGNA - Tablerite 10-oz. Pkg. 14-oz. Tube 12-oz. pkg.1 1for 89C 2pkgs 29c EXTRAa total $4600 EXTRAof 1IN BONUS TAPES RECEIVE $10.00 IN B~ONUS TAeES WITH IGA POTATO ChIPS 12-oz. Pkg. RECEIVE $6.00 i BONUSý TAPE$ WITH TENDERLEAF TEA BAGS Pkg. Of 60 BALLET SERVIETTES - White Pkg. of 250 I<LEENEX TOWELS - Coloured Twln Paek BAND-AIDS - Johnson & Jolmson Plistie Strlps Pkg. lm "ý MI Nol-OMM, iKENDAL ]Mrs. Kathie MKlgthad t1he m-Iis3tortunle, over a weeÈ ago, ta 'break hier wrist, in a fail, from a horse she was riding. Mrs. Fred Warren is home again after, a long stay in Bowmanvifle jHospital.,We hope hier health con- tinues to improve now the warm weather 's here. A fine family day service was heli on Sunday morning. There were five children baptised: Phiiip John, son of Mr. and Mrs., Ross Gay; Donald John, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk; Brian Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs.- Aerial Lang- staff; Alexander Charles, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Argus Curtis; Donna M4arie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Langstaff. Our regular minister the Rev. R. C. White of- ïiciated at the 'baptismal se~rvice. The choir sang 'Mother's Prayer has followed me'. The Mother's Day story told of tihe mother of James Garfield the martyred Pres- ident of the United States. Her husband died when the eldest of her four chil'dren was eleven. They were very poor and lived on a small f arm in Ohio. She taught her children to read and write as there was no School..'The Bible was, the great guide to conduct, in her home. Her boys grew Up to be, noble and goodly men., 1 ,Ronald Gay has accepted 'a teaching position on tihe staff of the Brighton Public Scbool for thbe coming school year. Mr. Ralph McMackin' bas pur- chased, a new home in the, Donevan Sebool Area of Oshawa.. Mrs. Allen Foster, Mrs. Martin Foster andý Mrs. Roy Foster mo- tored to Teeterville on Monday1 to visit their mothers. MVrs. Allen, ,iF Poster is bringing her motiber, Mrs Marlotte home with hier., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster vis- ited their daughter Carolyn and ber husband on Sunday eveiga At thcee* ttte Penny and Bake, Sale u n Saturday nîght, Mr. A. Planke won the men's door prize. Mrs. Orley Mercer, Elizahethville, Won the lady's dcor'prize. The beautiful butterfly quilt was won by Mrs. Jack Fonk while the Fair- fleece blanket went te Mrs. Herb Mercer. A fine lot of deiiciaus home haking was sold. One May morning Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton saw, eight deer be- tween their bouse and the road. Soon' thcy crossed the road and went s0uth. Cars would be Wise to watch for deer cbos;inig on the Sixth Linle.. A shower was held ior Miss Eliz- abeth Maartense on Wednesday evening at tbe home of ber mother Mrs. John Maartense. <Queen 's Park (Fromn page 3), Wiob >lchildren have very little op- portunity to partakýe in any sports. With the poflicy thatwe -bave of deý- veloping the physical qualities of our young peo)ple, 1 think thîs ile9a very worthwhile suggestion. 1 know the housewý,ife would ap- preciate it. Instead 0f having the children track in mud and diit at that tIme 0of the year, 1 arn sure, she woukl 4,prefer'to seethemý, in school The period hetween the ChristImas vacation and the Easter vacation varies in ilengtbl, depend- ing in the date of Easter, and a vacation period in, the, latter part of February would have a tend- ency to make it easier to plan the P3011oo1 programme and would en-ý able the school populîtion to take advantage of ?!nter sports and a1so hqlp promote the tourist trade in The province makes very gen- erous Contributions to mfany worth- while organizations, Mvr. Speaker. 1 would like to bning to the atten- tion of the Legislature, the plight of One group which is in desperate need Of aWstance.- I refer to the foundation- Mr. Whicher: Teachers? Mr. Oarrut4MS: No, the teacbing