090NO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MJIW 23, 1963 opy's Mac, A Good Oddcis Ma-ker Th-e placing of a $2.00 bill on1 Saturday night at the Mohawk on Ir the right horse could have resultedLXCCUt e O in a gain of $138.90. The rightMe ng 0 horse was Happy's 'Mac, owned and driven by Jac Williaso Pie sbytelilUCW at 69 to, 1 and went on the surpasS Mrs. L. F. Richardson, President the field in the $700.00 feature for of the Oshawa Presbyterial United four-year olds and over. Delighted Church Women, conducted an ex- was the winner and some other 59 ecutive meeting recently at Simicoe who haci placed their money on1 Street United Church, Oshawa. the right hiorse. The report has it She opened the meeting with a that even Jack's wif e, Shirley, was poem entitieci "Be the -Best of timid and placed only two for third Whatever You Are." witha r turnof $.90.Mrs. H. M. Kyte and Mrs. N. Mr. Williams bas been having YMatc3lm of Blackstock led ini an considerable sucýcess with his horse inspiring worship service. Mrs. this year and is seldomf out of thé Myles Chapmnan, 0f Pickering, money. His supporters from Orono read the secretary's report 'and were a cheering crowd on Satur- Mrs. Roy Cornish of Port Perry day night xîhen he registered hîs gave the financial report which first win of the year at either the showed for the first quarter of 1963, Greenwood, orMohawlm. an amount 0fý $7283 had been sent Happ's Mc ws alo etere'into the presbyterial,' of which $6090 hapy Mrefracl diasi on entred had been sent to conference to- the~fre-fo-al divsio atUx-ward the allocation of $28,000 for bridge on Monday. He took first teya on both trips and won a cooler forthyer the, fastest time of the meet. Various secretaries reported and Its ff toMarhamthi Saur-it was announced that a supplies Itsoffto arkam hîsSatr-tea would be hald in Ebenezer clay for Happ37's Mac. United.Church, June, 5 from 2 to BOMBER DAllES WINS AGKAIN 4 p.m. when articles wbich have been donated for the missionary Bomber Dares owned by Dave bale would be on display. Roughley, Orono, is running 100% Mrs. William Medland, of Brok. having won both of its two recent 'ro race. Tesda niht a Moawklin was elected to the finance com- it held the lead throughout to Win mste torpae>s acfe easily ,over its ,competitors. Ai- who had resigned. though the firs; haif was slow Mrs. Kenneth W. Farrow oi Bomber Dares showed its sped in Oshawa and Mrs. Carl Downs of the last quarter to mark the race Hampton gave reports of the Bay in 2:15. of Quinte Conference which they Thefistýrel tstof hi yonghad attended March 18, and 19 at Thefist ea tst f hisyongBrighton United Church. Both colt cornes this coming Tuesday stressed the fact that only $900 had with its. effiry in a $2500.00 added been given to the 'over and above stake race in Buffalo. A win in this poet'wie$100hdbe event could be a big st ep to richer poet'wie$100hdbe purses in tue futurd. No doubt lo- given, ini the conference, to, pro. cal horsemen will be interested in jects outside the church to vwhich a public appeals had been made this stake. and' which were publicly support- OTHII LOCAL WINNERS ed. Happy's Babe, owned and driven ville adeIe, fBomn vilChristian education and mis- by Keith West was a two-time win- inr ed «ao sctry r- Reid' Jud UBrton in thea gentle ported that there will be a sehool mands trot uton n irth nd sed for Christian education leaders a mans tottoo afirt ad ecod.Quin-Mo-Lac, July 2-5 and urged F'loyd Post's Bobby, Dale H. was 'United Chu rch Women's groups to also ent'erd in the Uxbridge meet. Driven by Keith' West it placeci send representatives. in both heats. Mrs. Richardson gave a brief re- Junir Wet wih Wothy iteport 0f the Protestant inter.denom.- Juniorna Westo with WorthyMite has upped his record placing thîrd -ntoa eolfrseadhP in their îast two appearances atwhrit astesdtatim the Mohawk raceway. The horse and talents as weîî as money bas also been a'long-shot paying should b le considered in steward- rewarding dividends Arche Genny'sVirini Bo isto themiselves in recent years" but still showingethe way inia number this is aIl changed. Miss Marie 0fil rcsand tehe a 2win ate Hooey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ofrcieu, awa recently.e a L 0 wna awrence Hooey, is now in the Richieu Otaa, ecenly.game. Over the week-end she was NEW ORONO OWNER jthe winner of àyearling which was name of thehorse, Mss'Meaford. .1 ship. Mr.K. W. Farrow and Mrsý LOCAL N E WS Thomas, Moorcroft, whlo will as- Mran s.SB.Rtefd sist with Bible discussion groups a~in r.S .Rtefr at the sehool for United Church adM.and Mrs. C Wilson, Brock- Women the week of August 20 ville, who were week-end guests, were appointed as delegates oi attended a Nakina re-union which' the presbyterial. was held in the Midhurst Provin- cial Park on Monday. Around 200 The next annual meeting will be former resid ents of Nakina were beld February 13, 1964. - in attendance at the re-union. Mrs. James E. Richards visited Mrs. Richardson stated that Mr. and Mrs. Aitken Archer, Dow- $1214 from the, bursary fund had neyville. been used to h Ïelp 'five ýstudents -Mr. and Mrs. R.' P. Rickaby. vis- who have entered courses for full- ited on Sunday with Mrs. Heber time work in the Church. She stres- . ouch. sed that each organization should jMiss Etta Holmes, Oshawa vis- start' now to prepare for this iîted with hier sister Mrs. H. Row- year's 'over and above' gifts. 1 land. GOA LRW - â Another DAYMOND product for modern living MEDALLION (Oold Crown ALUMINUM SIDING keeps homes coaler in summer, warnier in winter. Il adds EXTRA real estate value and ifs colours, in glearming white and pastels, remain fresh for years end years. Made fronm AIçan ailuminum in 8" and 10" horizontal anid 12" vertical sidings. GIVE YOUR HOME LONG LIFE BEAUTY NO PAINT!NO, ?4EIDED CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON Designed to mieet TH4E DAYMOND CO. LTD. DNF-1btz Exacting C.H.M.C. 0 Chatham,. Ont. standards. GentIemenI a arn i.terested in Medallion sMEDALLIONGold G.1,1 Cra- lM iu Slding. Please Se.9 MEDALION Gld Me your b oekiet - step up) Te careirce 1Crown Aluminum * Lving.' a Sidinq carrnes a AM 10 year writterr ,1Suiarc(ntee. DRS ' CITY OY ROLPH HAKRDWARE The Orono boys have had it much PHONE 143 ORONO, ONTARIO