i -U__ _ -~ Ofrono VOLUME 25, NUMBER 16 _MG ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 AlexCarruthers, MPP, U n Choice 0f i s Mr.. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., aon Tuesday evening, the un- P J P a Close s rgriup , an i 1.0.1).F. organizatiolsj animons choice of the Durham Ik.,tinwhichS gave thie pormso rmdcf Co,:nservative delegates t again support and, encouragement. Mr. ïrepresent Durham riding as eThisS tr ayBrnfuue saed ht the onservative candidate in the next Tdeadiird y rone fr on r Statrd ay h Provincial' eleCtion. The nommna- Residents of Northumberland flot be extpinded, and it is hopeti ,-hon meeting was helti in the (O"0n1 and Durham have until June th, that any resident who has not Town Hall with the main auditor- that's this coming Saturday at completed an application and who ium being filied. noon to enroli in the Northumber- wishes to do so shoulti contact one The 'nomination 0fMr. Carruth- lniadDra Community of the information centres in Co- ers was moveti by Mr. J. Bonn!y- Heaith Plan. Doug Brown, spokes« bourg,, Port Hoüpe, BowmaýiVillo Lastle, Port Hope and secondeti by man for -the plan, advised this and Cam4bellford before that time. Mrs. E. Argue oif Manvers Town- paper that the enrolment of North-_______________ ship. In proposing Mr. Carruthers, umnberiande and Durham has been the mover pointed to the varions one of 'the more successfui cam- 4H Sia ejC r posts helti by the sitting member paîgns and hie attributed a great Sia e C r during the past four years. These deal of the success -to the support C u Includeti the chairmanship of the'0f not only the eiected officiais antilu Education, Health and Portable service clubs, but to the belp oif Th4-Ornad pigGan Pension Commttees as weîî as be- Northunf£berland and Durham res- CubsheldHeiora aeetingGrin ing a member of the Manpower1 idents. nf heAýutua ficBw fJormittee. Mr. Bonnycastie stat. Mr. ]Bro~Wn stateti, that bie w'sh,? , min te, onriaylturOfie B eti that Mr. Carruthers had earned to thank 'Mayor Jk Heenan moife nMa Sd the support of everytine andi he Cobourg, Mayor Morey Tanner of The feature oi the evening was suggested that dernqcracy was in Campbeilford and Mr. Lloyd Ab- a taik given by Mr. Harvey Wright, good hantis with snch capable can- ramns of the Cobourg General Ho: Soul andi FertiUzer Speciatiat, froni didates. pitai for their individuai heip an,~ Lindsay. In bis interestii1g talik, (Continued on page 2) also the M'any Womenl's Institute 'Mr. Wright expiaineci the comipon- ents of fertilizer and their uses. Fertilizer is matie np of nitrogen, a c phosphorus anti potash, always Igiven in that order. Nitrogen gives .C % -o l ethe plant its dark green loaves, strong rooyt systeni; Plhosphorus strengthens thie staik andi pro motes maturation; Potash pro- 'WeddingM Aeg-nivejrsarY roe h lnpeso onkn A popular couple, Mr. -and Mrs. Gilchrist. nln ngnrlicessds 'W-illiani t Malley, 1f e longrednt The address, writtefl by Olive ease resistanece. Mr. Wright also Df Clarke Township, celebrated IMoffatt, was read by Pauline Mur- pted e itze ag mheanumandhof t heir olden Weddng Anniversary pry and music for dancing, was th ei ectîy aan how hfetze on Sa ttrday, June lst, with recep- suplied. by Mr. BobKnres your sou neetis, A question and el t h OtfeiW alOrn , diO'Reiiiy, Mrs. Jim. Richard- answeVr pariod f olowed, and al iolwdby dancl.ing in the evening. son and Lloyd Ransberry. MIr. He! - mm1sfuta thsterscn Mvrs. Malley wore a becoing olti R asberalt h qaemein a t Ifraieat dances.worthwhile. t-,_tojje mauve si,], dresswta cor)1sage tf golden roses. r"The, room-S 1-iutonnaire was a white carnation witb golti tinted, tips. Over 2mu relatives, friends. and neigjhboUrs were pr'esent to offer congratuilatio)ns anti happiness. The guest book was attentiet by Mrs. Pauline Murphy anti Miss IPatric>ia iHardy., Pouring tea dUring the aftenton anti evening wer'e Mrs. H-. W. Har- dy, Mrs. CanHarri'u'is, Mrs. Law- rence Harris, Mrs,. Herb Smith, Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mrs. Ruby Mal- Iey, Mrs. Cai Maiiey, Mrs. Ona Mller, Mrs. ,Margaret Alen, Mrs. .antiDorothly Hilton. Lunch was ser- ved by, the RIebekah Lotige offO- Oshawa matie the wedding cake. ýjno anti Mrs. Margaret Sldtch of TuIre hall was beautifully tiécorated byMca. Bill Sibeon anti Mrs. Ray Mr. anti Mrs.1 Mailey are mcm- bers of Orono Unitedi Church andi Mrs. Maliey also beloings to Un t Mr. Frank La France oif theDe- 2, Unitedi Churcb Women, who pr -ý- partment of Education, Technolo- sen'md the couple with two golti, gical anti Trades Branch tolti a cups anti saucers. They also re- Port Hope audience that 68 courses ceived yellow carnations from 1M-,-. are now being offereti in Ontaio anti Mrs. Lawrence Hooey; a cof- involving the retraining of 15-16000 fee table from Mr. anti Mrs. Tom 1ie n wmn Mr. nti rs. ruce Applicants are signed thrQg Hary atithe National Employment Service McArthur; an apron fnom Mrs. ftcs Zthei Jones; a coffae table frorafics Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Malley and famiiy. Severai of their f rientis, Township. relatives and neighbours presenteà 1 Guests attendeti from Pontypool, theni witb a kitchen suite anti a Bi'khany, ýTyrone, Lindsay, *Mill- waiiet containing money. brook, BoWmanviile,, Orillia, Scar- Mr. anti Mrs. Maiicy wcre mar- borough, West Hill, Oshawa, Toc- clati June 2nd, 1913 by the Rev. R. lonto, Hylanti Creek, Kitchener, A. Wbattam anti were atteii b Ajax, Port Hope, Whitby, Bra'mp- Mrs. John Tamblyn, the fome ton, Thornhiil, Newcastle, H-axnp- Nellie Martin;, anti the late Mr.j ton, Streetsville, Kirby, Bridge- Abert Harris. Ail from Carke1pr and Orono. FREELANCE TOBACCO GROW-, E-RS DEFYING BAN Tt is reported that Freelance To-. bapco gl-owers in Noifthumnberiandi Cou-nty are' defying the ban oný growring tobacco ai-d in mian, cases are transpianting their plants tW tht ed. Last March legisiation was en- ac'ted giving-the Board authority to destroy tobacco grown without their permission.- watched with interest in this--mat- ter. Near Record Crowd, Attends -MosportRace "Chuck" Daigh, 39, *lifornia Daigh's vicetôry was his driving the auto racing ace, won the 1963 same Lotus 1,9 Gurnel used to set "Piayer's 200" at the Mosport ciT- the track record last year. 11 cuit Saturday, driving a Lotus 19. Daigh will go home with $3,300 in Daî,gh's victory was amos er prize money, only $200 shoit of the tain when Lloyd Ruby, of Texas,' winner's. possible maximnum. also driving a Lotus 19, broke a Fourth over-ýali 'stood .Roger drive shaft andi dropped out of the Pens1ke, the driver who piacedsec- race durin.g the 29th iap of the sec- ond at the "Player's 200" last year. ond heat. His Zerex Special's tume was 2:10:46.7 and he was the last to Ruby-had won the first 100-mile complete ail 80 laps. heat and was ieading throughout Fifth and sjxth were Porsche the firàt 28 laps of the second heat. drivers Ludwig Heimrath of Tor~- JIM HALL SECOND onto, 2:11:51.2, and Bob Holbert 0 Warrington, Pa., 2:11:53.5. 200-miile, 80--ap race was Z.-09:38.6. He was foliowed by Jim Hall of M,,dland, Taxas, driving the Chap- arrai he hieipeti designi, with a time of 2:10:35.3. Over-ali third was Mosport iajp record hoîtier Dan GuIriy, in Lotus 19, with a time .of 291fl:SËS Heimrath, as the first Canadien to finish greatly enhanceti bis cha- ces to, win the Playec's Challenge Trophy, which will be awarded at tue close of the current season and wiil net tue winner an al-expense- paid trip to compete-in. an inter- national race. , Baturday cars covereti the slpes WhJ-at miight have contributeti to surrounding the tra-tck as farj as the eye WOUid reach. Track offc-Mý lais estimnated tue total 'aûttndance at 36,500. This included a total of, .C ll Tn er For 30,117 paiti attendance, only 2,000l short oif the reco-rd attantiance at the 1961 Player's. I-Iioh'way 7A 1 A fatal accident in Friday's time 0,7 trials provided an inauspicious pre- Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P.1, lutie to the 200-mile international- Durham announces tihat tenders Sports car race. havebee caled or hefoiiowing Allister Smith Oif Hamilton, xvho contract on IHighway No. 7A. flppeti bis D-type Jaguar in a.tgi turn on the 2.45-mile Mospo)rt Part "IA'ý - From 0.5 miles east tnack, dieti from heati injuries oif Caeýýarea Side Road easterly to early Satnrtiay at hospital inor the Norith Junction of Highway No. onto. .Tr 35, a distance of 8.19 miles. The Hlamilton auto mechanie a surfcin'>;unconscious wben, race offiiaIs. pullet i hm froni the car. H-e was Part "B" - West Causeway taken to Bowmanville MemOria The cOntract calis> for Rot Mix FRospitaladltrtaserdt (patching) anti East Causeway (ce. Toronto f'rand aeros ja tra rea to Paývi1ng, including Gnatiing, Drain- ment.ofr e0sgia tea- age anti Granular Base. 'The total Ris injuries had been diagnosed mnileage unlder tue contract is 9.35 as brain damage and a skuil fnae, miles. ture. Orono Public Schooll Field Day Resu Its sults of the Orono Public Sehool fielti day which was helti last week at the schooi. Boys untier 8-Alan Pears,, Larry Lnnn, Davidi Gilbank Boys untier- 10-James Pactner, Biily Giibanlc, Chris Aslett Boys untier 12-Fred Bunting, Gordion Hooey, David Manning Boys- untier 14 Bryon Myles, Richard Neai, David Dent. Boys under 17-Richard Mocni- son, John Hooey, Bill Totit. Girls under 8-Katie Vanden- Brink, Bonnie Partner, Debbie Moore. Girls under 10 Donna Challice, CatbyWalker, Sally Staples. Girls under 12 Fae Lewis, Bey- erley Tennant, Caroline Johnson. Girlis untiar 14-Wentiy Partner, Darýlenie VWest, Vaierie Mercer. Girlsunter 17-Patsy Hardy, ShroUAlin, Dorothy Dunlop. RELAYS Boy's 1' Bill Totit, John Hooey, P.R. Morrison, F. Bunting, G. Hooey, M. Carnman. 2. Harry deJongs, .. liin onies, R, Neal, D. Dent, H. Part- ner, D. Manning. Girls-i. P. Hardy, S. Alun, D. Dunlop, E. Milîson, L, Barcabal,' Fý. Lewis. 2. G. deJonge, D. ChaI- lice, S. Goode, K. Mititleton,, J., Jones, V. Mercer. 3. D. West, E. Forcester, N. Forrester, S. Bunting iC. Caldwell, M. Taniblyn. BROAD JUIMP Boys under 8-Larry Lunn, Alan, Pears, Davidti Glbank.f Boys under 10-Jimi Partner, Donnie Alin, Chris Aslett. Boys uýnter 12-Fred Bunting, Michael Carman, Harny de Jonge. Boys untier 14-D Quglas Taylor, Daviti Dent, Aatthur Kilpatrick., Boys under 17-Paul Jones, Ri-, chard Morrison, Bill Totit. 1Girls under 8-Katie Vanden-, Brink, Sheila Kennedy, Yvonne Sechoaninaker. Girls under 10--Cathy Walker, Betty De Jonge, Valerie Partridge. Girls under 12-Julie, Jones, Su- san Gootie, Caroline Johnson. Girls, under 14-Dairlene West,, Wentiy Partner, Carol Nixon. Girls under .17-Patsy Hardy, Dorothy Dunlop, Marg. Mitchell. (Continueti page 8) f Celebrate Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary abovc are Mc. anti Mrs. Wmn. Mailey, Orono, whio on Saturiay observeti their Fiftieth Hiorse Races In OooùnJunle l5th on Sýaturday, Juna lith the Orono Chamber oif Commerce ara spon- soning their annual H-arnes Hanse RýFace meýet. This meet will have, adtie't attractions this yeýar wtth the' addition of a Western Horse ShGw along11 with an Olti-Time ii dler's contest, games anti a Mery- Go-Round. T'ic are sr to be six heaits of -r1C1-~ the list of ho-ses are now pra'tcally compieteti for the mLLat. The -western Horse Show, wili bo a tiamonstratiofi of anticS in this division by a group froni north Oshawa. Activities are to open at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, June lSth when a f ull program otf entertainent la 1to ba provitiet iby your local Chiam-, ber of Commerce. - 1 i