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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1963, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6,19i63 OR ONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department,1 ottaiwa A blitz ef the Village is bein.g orgaflîzed wbieb is to be launched tonight, Thursdayý for a total of four hundred sig- natures -favuring thermove te annex inito Orone an acreage of thirty acres for industrial use. The area 'l east of the north section ef Orono, lying east ef Highway 115. Aecording to tihe Acts the citizens of the Police Village miust favour the annexation and signatures representing 66 percent must be obtained, T>e purpose of the proposed annexation is te bring. inte the Village land that may be used for industriai purpese. At présent fifteen acres of the thirty acres has been pur chased and the building of a new plant is to sturt in July. The Orono Police Trustees and Township Council have discussed the annexatien and agreement in this move bas been granted by the Township. Services are to be provided by the Polcie Village. It is interesting to note that the Hon. Wm. Stewart re- ferred to Durham County as an area which was in the past rural but whose cemplexity is changing te urlban. He also supported industrial development where this change is being made. The Minister stated that industry could enhance the income et those in the-distridt. The Arda program sponisored by the Provincial government does apparently assist in pro- grams where changes f rom agriculture to tiier industries are necessary te keep.pace with employables. Orono ia ne exception te other areas.and industrial de- velopment can stablize and enhance the income of the dis- trict. More jobs have te, be available and the establishment onew industries or the expansion of estabiisbed industries doassist in providing jobs locally. Orono will however, have te bear the burden, ef supply- ing the services for industry in an industrial area but the returns f rom industrial tssessment should offset this over a period ef years. Such items as hydre, water and reads are planned for the area by the Trustees.,Hydre and water will aise benefit throught the use factor of these commodities and 'their use will retire the cost of providing the services. Orone hlas ln the past lacked acrea to expand industrially but witih this present move area will be available for present andi further use. Township Council Gives Two Readins Toj Planning Bylaw The Township of Clarke Council mnet on Tuesday witb the Deputy- reeve John Stone in the chair in the absence ef the Reeve. lu the correapendence ayprovai was receiveti trom the Departin eut of- Hlighwaya for the expenditure of $85,000 for Townahip Reats anti ap- proVal et $10,000 for a supplemeiit- ary by-IaW for culvert anti bridge coenstruction wus aise given. A'leittr frein the Counties Roati Engineer referre t t Orone signa on the Ceuuty Reati. The letter asketi fer the decisien etf the Pol- ice Trustees on paydng halt the cost ot the signa. .Counelil was aise asketi by the Nortbunberlanti-Durham Mutual Ad Association if they were iu tav- our of the establishmnent eofeuinm ba*ks anti the Ôobtalning et neces- na;ry equpinent. Mie lefter is te be referme tc e he rene Police Trus- tees, Permission was giveni the- Ken- <taI Recreatien Coinmittee te close (Cf the Main Street of, Kendul for a street fair lu July. Through the correspondence it ,was learneti that the Baldin Homnesteati Plaque is te be un- veileti on June 15th. Fluai ar- rangements are riow being matie. SApproval was given by Council for -the transfer et property frein kr, F. Nicholson, Drono, te Mr. anti Mrs. *M. Annaert. Tte building inspecter met w tb Couincil te discuss varieýus appl.i- cations for building pexsmlts whichý were ilet learly defined lu the buîldingv by-law. Some applications were witbbeld pending furtber in- formation. it was aise pointed out that seme ýare seeking.permnit s af- te r haviug starteti a building anti aise fer buildings with no frenriage on municipal roada.'Council ruleti' that thle Don> Hamin building On Highway No. 115, termed as a inarket gardon would be classeti as a commercial building. Ap- proval was witheld for a gas sta-f tion anti restaurant on' Higbsway NO, 2 West et Newcastle- A, building bas already been moveti ente the prop- erty prier te ebtaifling a permit. A permit fo« a bouse o!n a side road east of Newcastle was aise) witbeld. lu this building the feunti- ation bas been laid wth ne permit. The orene Police Trustees brief- ,y met with Councli outirining their viewa on joint tire protection. Thbey suggestéed a two-m#ctan esmittee be set Up.)te corne te seme uagreoeent. Messrs. Deug.- Simt>50fl andi R, Chter were appointedt te ecea'- mittee. The Trustees turnetid ow-n the oiginal proposai by Counil as it placeti a greater burtien on the Village than on the Township. - Three readings were given -te tbe Orene Library by-law thus est- ablisling a public iibrarY ln Orno. Three readinga were aise given te a by-law elininating tbe Lovekin Cemtery freiný the. Abantioneti Cemetery by-law. Twe readings were given the Plianning ey.-Law. The third and finial read~ing'ieZxected at the next regular meeting. A. Carr thers ntario was the bîgggetan Pr'ovince ini Canadia under the preS. (Continued from page 1) ent governiet. "There is only one lu speaking Mtr. Carruthez's ex- Parýty ln a Position te give leader. pressed bis sincere thanks te the shiP te Ontarioeat this Urne, he membérs -0f, the Conservative) or-1 saiti, and this party is the present ganization who had been SO loyal iConservative Party, during the past four years. He also The change of leadership, stated expressed is thanks te ail the peo- Mr. Carruthers, bas la no way im- ple in Durham. à . ýpaired the gevernment but ratibeýr Mr. C&rutbers stated that in a xertdispogin te the last election the people batibseceeae 't rgr1 I~ sho n heï fithin heleaersipa businessmran's government, witb, often r faitbine, ate andershapthe leader being a man ef action. et heConeratve ary nd ha jThe Oposition are at a bass, he tiiafaitb had proven eut. The saPd past four years bave been ihi opportunity and that thoseints The speaker outlileti the goveru- counity have shared in the weaith ment's program of the past legis- and progresof this perIed. 1 Wture whicb included. a start on It was is, deire andi is duty, Medical Health Insurance, the ès- he saiddte serve ail the people in tablishment 0 f the Ontarie Devel- the riding wbether Conservatives epment Agency, the paasing of the or net. "This 1 bave doney', he said. Junior Farmner' Loan Act and the He aise stated he had gained a Minimum Wage Act. The launch- tibereugh knowledge of the ecenem- ing of a Portable Pension Plan, le and industrial life of the riding. 'ShorellIne Act, completing the Mar- In presentinigis third duty Mr. ime Resources Act 'andi the Agricul- Carruthers stateti that it was his tural Rehabilitation Act along witb job te refleot .the thinking of the ppsitive action on meat inspection, riding at the legisiative halls' in etablishîng a Food Concil, andi Toronto andt t keep the people of Junior Forest Rangers,. the riding informed.. "I repeat La this area Mr. Carruthers these duties and desires and ask POinted te assistance for Municipal. youar suppr,"1 he saiti, His deqire roa5ds andi stated tlhat he %vas hope- te svewa s pne La personal 0ý:e u f the etablis-hing ef two devel- butf was with the fixn belief thiat Iopm'ent reads in this area wthin B rownies Fl-y- Up To Guides A joint closing and enrolment meeting of the Orene Girl Guides and Orone Brnies was beld on Tuesday evening in the Orene Pub- lic School. On thîs occasion moth- ers of tbe girls' were preseiit te witness the ceremenies. For the awarding 0f badges and fer the enrolmenlt the Girl Guides fermeti a herseshoe. Those en- relleti inte guides were Sharon Bairstow, Tanya Eastabrooke, Su- san Geede, Heather Hughes' and Patricia Wallace. In the Brownie Fly-up ceremony the tollowino girls received their Golden Hanti Badge and Wings: Caroline Adams Linda Barrabaîl, Nancy Forrester, Donna Gilbank, Diane Nicholson, andi Kathy Parkinson. Linda, Mc- Laren was aise taken into theGirl Guides. Patsy Partner ledthe group in a the near future. He aise peinted te the provincial assistance in the establishing the Tren't Universit.y in Peterborougih which weuld bring the university level of educatien te this area. B~i UWi5 Ut t gingesong. Dereen- Pellitier was presented -witb ber Golden Bar badge during the ceremenies. misienerisekyetbrifl te the Ms. Maerie Lykeet, Distten Meeting and commended Margaret] Mitchell wbe is now entitled te ber "Little Heuse" badge wbich takes in ber six househeiti badges. Mar- garet bolds the bighest number ef badges in the Orono greup. Lunch was served fellowing the ceremonies. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express, our sincere thanka te frienda and relatives who helped te make our Golden Wed-, ding Anniversary a happy and memerabie occasion; also a speci- ail tbank you te Lymon A. Gifford, Mayor ef Oshawa and Alex Car- ruthers M.P.P., Durhamn, for their letters ef cengratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mailey, Orono, Ont. SWestern TOUR $285.OO0gL Escorted Toeur, Twenty-one days - July 22nd te August lltli {J inclusive. Travel Air <onditioned, De Luxe Motor oeh No Night Driving. ,I UTour takes iu Mt. Rushnlere, Yellow Stone Park,' Vie.- toria, VancouvÇer, Butehart Garden, Banff, Lake Louise, g 11imalu Lae, ickmng Horse Pass and Winipeg. ust M- cludes ail transportation, sight seeing, Hotel Accommodations.,I FOR RESERVATIONo PHONE PORT HOPE 8&5-2527g g owe ýTravel Agency cal scene" ble said. "Look aroyunti and ask yourself li. as this cern- Munity improved? ra~ .,47 O ~ The Robarts Governinent is a gevernrnent et action',. definite and positive. Robarts deals, direct- of action to take to keep insured iy witb the people te get thinga donc. The Cabinet, be said, is a cabinet of youurger men with abil- O N T AO ity, intelligence and vision. u AMam&iv Unemployment, hie stated, was__ -mm- iast summer at a 10w et 2.7 wbich âp T A was the best in al ef Canada. The Hon. Wm. Stewvýart, Miniter I S ýA EMS I 0f'Agriculturre fer the Province of* If you change jobs, follow carefufly Ontaie ance evemer, 961,wasthe instructions on the back of the Certifi- intreducedti t the meeting. The cate of Payment, Form 104, which your Minister outiined the changes 'witb- gopl curdt iey lu the Province and stated that ar- ens wbich were known as rural are *9 When you reach your 19th blrthday= ne longer so, but bave taken on an arnolgecveeiyyurpets urba cemlexty. hie e tlt Ws ,certificate. Register separatcly 'within true et Durhamn Ceunty. We now thirty days te keep insureti. Forms are have ail types of people with vary- available at hospitais, banks and Cern- ingineret ndoccupations but mission offices. ail bave a commin purpose.__* yumrtleFiypeiu The Hon. Wm. Stewart, said ibe4b'hnyuarydi ml peun teit it fitting te peint out that Mr. mnust be paid ta cover husband, wite and Carruthers 'hati been appointed eligible dependanti. Tell your group OR, chairmanet the Education i Sn if you pay diect, 4eli the Commiasion.- mittee on bis tirst year in the ieg- Isiature. "This is a tirst." > 295 Yoge St The Minister statet that the past TESIA,29 oro lt. legisiature saw the greatest legis- 89RVICES ontatio - lative programn with 158 Govern- - COMMISSiON ment Bills being pAssed. He re. -- ferreti te the Crime, probe which he saiti baticomrpleteiy vudicated .ALWYSK<SEP TOUE 1IospiTa INSURAIICI OERTWWIATI INANCY ail charges wlbciieb ad beenmai- againast Queen's Éark. He aise pcintedti t the Junior Farmers' Loana Act whbich was es. tbihdte keep the tarnily tarrin Terei ne better place te Cle ranc Sal anti the new Act was te attraettheO yorr pope o ta o te ar.ON NEW AND IJSED FURNÂCES ETC. Mr. Stewart aise réferred to theO Trent University andi the import- o nly-Ne Beatty Washers.........$9-0 0ne f the Tourist industry lin 2os Nw$50 abiizngth eonmy et this 1 new Stock Water Trough ........ .... 27.00 arhe Arda ProgflalI statéti the g,1new Floor Pisher Minister, was estabislbeti due to 2nwElectric Clte Dryers at reduced r the& trernentieus changes in tarin- o 2nw*iaspce. ing. Automnation on the tarinlbas outrinedti lt precedurea. Agricul- 4 used Pressure Pumps. tural cemnmuities mnust be exam-g ineti, hoe aiti, to see if changeso 3 used Sump Pumps. eau be matie where requireti. Turu. ri'J ing to industries iu these commun- o 1 Natural Gas Hot Water Heater. Q iiswili boister the income et the ~3PoaeGsFrae J~ir1 1 b unhdwiet si as bee g 1- 72,000 1 -'80,000 and 1 -96,000 BTIJ. In apeakiug of the Ontario Foeod Ceunsel he referredt t verticle in- 1 Floor Furnace,,rropane. tegration, which lie saiti cencemneti hlm deeply. The developinent et Several Electric Motors. large corporations ia harming theg individual fariner. The Fod, Coun- 2 Electric Hot Water ileaters., sel cari examine verticle itegra- gBies tien and'come, fort 0h h n 2 Range olr. Old-StYle BIath Tub. o r s l adexitn.Th9ot Pipe Fittings, Boat Traiter, 4-cy. Lawn Mower ' ~ounse matieup et a preducer,a prsu eadstiue ndacn0 Racks for 61 Fleetside '/?-ton also for '57 to '60 I mrangive respensible exain îL.-- ination ta exîsting problema lu the g /2tof. Short ox ToohfelHo. W teat0rtcie Thet tielt. W twr rt àd10 Pool Table. Sînks. FurnacePIipes. 200 gai the Liberals for fence sitting Wîi i an. EvsruhCresec lie gaiti was se evident w'ben theg leader >ould, change bis minci freom Ail these articles are in good condition. First day te day. There was ne Liberal corne - Firat served. ' plattorin presenteti ut the closingO et the bouse, hoe stati, and we gV asurely cannot accept this direction.O Reobarts, lie claimeti, bas caugtO the imagination of- the people o et 'Jlu b li u n Mn . ri te cte nosminatiMr. Orono, Ontarlo Phone 1782 man. r. r tso tenon gt G. aiekard spoke te the gatliering. :1 .1 , j I

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