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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1963, p. 3

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OBONô WEEI<LY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY Sth, 196 Resr Fo.Ottawa Word, 0f God 29 May, 1963 (contînued from page 4) Wednesday, ý y2t a~e forward ta the coming of'One *ho0 end of the debate on the Address would fully reveal dod's nature. ini reply to the Speech Iromi the And in the fullness of time'Jesus Throne. The Speech ýfromn the came. He gathered round lm la Thxrone is regd by the Governorý l1tt1e grOUP of men. rliey saw M5s ,Genîral at the Opening of each ses gentieness. - They f elt His love. Sion of Parliamerit. This year ilTe xeincdHsweoi was read by the Chief Justice 01 They expeedUned8 lIts wisAdo -Canada in the absence due ta jUHey l oke pn ,If15 aony.And ness of the* Governor-General. m1esi otjn you have seen eFte. This tradition descends from th~ e, yig o he en the th her." H address made by thedCIancellor t ta aitol he an hig, 1 tthe English Parliament in media- evlenswie xlie to a FIowing the seemaing tragedy Of ýparjian-jnt the cause of its sUm'te rs*n the uneieabl maons. Sînce the Cabinet system good news of the Resurrection, bas been used ta announce the pro- they began ta recali mnany thinlgs. grameo!leisiatian for the ses- They realized they were nat alone nan o let forth the Goverfl- in facing 1f e. Soan it was said of -nen'5 palicy. therfi, "These arethey, wha have TzYaditioaflWy the Address in Re- turned the world upside daWn-"' pyis moved and seconded by ne'w Jesus' words, had become an ex- Merubers a! Parliament. It is con'prec. a eustyexr- sfdîe anhoou tabechsen by enced -ad and the Power of C-ad- the Prime MIvtister and tIis year Sa that te eeal afc n the distinction of movirig the Ad- danger or cirdllmstaflce of 1f e be-0 dress ln Repiy, was bestowed upon cause they had, corne ta, knaw the Durhamn's neighbatlr, the Riding Wodo9-dwic saLvn a!o Northulmberland, when Dr. Paul- Word. ine jewett was singled out by Mr. ý Jesus wrote nathing- We are told pearson. The Motion moviTlg the H1e wrote once in the sand and that 'Reply ta the Address is limited ta writing would soon be erased- Dr. the expression of humble thanics Mathers says, "the fragments of for the gracious speech delivered,1115 teaching that have been hand- by Her MajestY's representative. ed down Ita us are o! priceless val- >lThùs is a formality which inïitiates ue but they are a long way -from the general debate on the Throne being a complete guide. ta faith Speech. The Leaders of the OPPO, and marais. It almost laoks as if, sition parties direct the attac<k on Jesus quite deliberately decided the Governmeit's palicies and may 'that we were not to have such a muve amendments ta the main thing "às a set of rules and regu- otion. Gvrmn paesd lations and moral codes. Jesus fend these policies at great length.J left. no book behind Hlm; instead,' Alter the Party Leaders havelHe left a cammunity o! men wha spoken alMenibers are free ta were ta go aut and build the Church join ia the debate. in recent par- They wrote a book - the New Test- iamnIts there has been a growing ament - but even it is far f rcomf be- ,tendenèy ta encourage new mcmýr- îng a well-planned textibook. Much 1bers ta make their maiden speec-0f it. (for instance Paul's letters)0 es during this debate. The great was wrîtten for special congre- ,menit of the debate an the Addi'ess gatians and nat for th1e church as a0 ini Reply from the point of view of whale. What makes the Scriptures: the private member is that the the Word of C-ad, is their witness0 field of argument is virtually un Ita Christ. The Bible points ta limited, and il is therefore possible Christ. ta talk aboult anything under the sun and yet bc in order. The ten- Nat anly is th1e Bible an authentico dency o! m embers is ta use this de- reliaàble record of Gad's encaunters covnitsonig with mea in th1e past, but C-ad useso bate as a I it to speak ta men inthe present. 1boa-d for the benefit (,> their coni-li nsP-ktomnn steciSby priSing iUs ihb isn1-tY - oes nat aim ta be a I colecion f hmanteachings 1butÊ tants. and(l itS amenitieýs. a Divine Revel-ation. C-ad revealed. .An amrendnment ta the AdcresS 1i3n taseo!dcrnsbt15On Repl moed y a OposiionNature. In Jesus, He reveals imii- Party is a motion af "na confi-sef Cawsin hrtn'a- :dence" and is the means wherebysel ngomslfwad min his revela- IheOppsiton aychalene gv-itan ta Himself in the Persan of ornaentpolcie oracton. - -Jesus Christ, Jesus o! Nazareth. Ia recent years the length of tac debate on the Address la Rcply has, been shlortcned ta eight day S. Ia 1942, for example, there wcre no less than 142 -speakers in this de- bate which occupicd virtually th1e entire lime o! îwcnty parliament- ary days, covering a period o x actly, four «ek.There i tl some 4considerable feeling, in which 1 coftcur, that the leagth of time ia which Parliament is occupicd in 11115 debate could be furîher short- ened. The great objection lu not lte loss of time, although that is seri- ous, but the fact Ihat so muceh of lte debate is paointless due to ir-, relevany. Il would seem better ta postpone much o 1the speeches un- tii later in the session whea legis- lation1 mentione inla,111e Thronc Speech debate is brought before the House. in a spectfic farm. Those mneasures, and their detaîls, could then be critÏized with a full know- ledgs and satisfactory explanation RiOYAL -Whcn I speak of the Word o!fC-ad in reference ta 1the Bible, I mean il is, only th1e instrumentthag WhiCh we arc led ta Christ; through wVhich God speaks la us: The real Word a! God is that ex-pernee which causes 'us willingly ta be- came part o! that body where in ,,the Word is made lFlesh and dwclls amaang us." The Word>o!; C-aod is an experience of the living Person a! Jesus Christ. And where Jesus Christ is experienced, then we 100 become part o! that body whlch is the "Word become Flesht" And whca the "Word becoines Flesh and dwells amnoag us," men and womca are being coafronted by C-ad. From a sermon preached by Rev. B. E. Long. ____ with regard ta 1the palicy o!f1the. Gôveramelit. Russell C. Hoacy M.P. - Durham' Bowmanville' S623-5589 FRIDAY and SATTJRDAY- JUNE 7 -8 The Trojean Hi Eorse Colon LSte"e Rceves ALSO PHAN TOM PLANET SUNDAY to WEDNESDAY, JUNE fth t» l2th The Chaprnan Report Clor Shelly Wyinters, Claire Bloom, Glynis Johus (JentroversilL Best Selling Novel Besnleelate.perons18 years of age or overý 19CWOP T Special RED& ffr SpeciaWHITE(Jffe FREELovey Pio-Wheel DsiuTumbler 00wlth each $10.00 purehase or over. TItree sizes fromwbich to ehoose. Start you collection'Tdy IBONUS BUY! - You Save 6c ý- Libby's Fancy Quality 1L5.Oz. Tins u FRi OKAIL Z2- 49c c oBONUS BUY - You Save 6c - Coloured 3-1b. Eeoflomy Pack 0B'"lue Bonnet Marg^arine 79c SBonus Buy - You Save 18e-Dr Ballard's1-o.Tn o Champion D9g Food 8 -95c 0 BONUS BV - Von Save 5ec Free WatrSa"-Caeda 4oz. Jug Javex Liquid Bjleach 44c 8-o. Jr rKg. CI Wnda - -, - - - 1 - .- ý - QRED Y&- -WHa RED & WHITE INSTANT COFFEE' 99C TEA BAGS Choiccst Governmcent Gradcd, Branded Bec! Available. It's Value ýCheek'd Beef Weck B LA DE ROA â%ST lb 4.c SpeeialIyNI Sciletetl Shor7t Cut Chef Style Spevially Seiected - ,Short Bib or Roiled For RO-aIý4iIg S o ie Roâst lb 47c S ding S pecially Scllccted for Meat Loaves Gon Beef Chuck lb 55c l63C Kraft Cheese Whi save 9e - Nabisco SHREPDIES :2 fg Save 2e - Hfunt's (i5-ez. tins, 2t'for 35c) Tomato, Sauce 2ff Save 4e! SARAN BlEDSEBFEOZEN Scasei With Pearl Onions GE EN P EA: With Onion Saue VEGETABLE Wth Santccd-Mushs-ooms GREEN PEAi' OSnappy, Fuli FlavouredNo. 1 GOntarie Hothouse - Ne. 1 TOMATOES Trend Bacon lb 69c 6 - a Sa- 1e--------kPo de ,iz 55c 12-oz. ]Pkgs. SaveR0e-KmMMPw SumenFeLAtueKSo rsigLe -z t or 49c IT Micro White 29c. Save 18e - 10e off Paek - Fine Seent 7oz.lTic LESTOIL giant 69c wXRA 5 Et 35e acd Vegetables Weston r Sunbem, eg. m5e 10-z. kg Hoey utRing S, 10533ceach 3l c 8 ez FPkg» éS 43CAUNT MARY'S S 43cBREAD 10 -0zz Pkg. S, 43c 21c fli Weight 24-ez. Loaves jumbo .o sizestalk lc lbl19c, CORN 4 for 29c Garden Fresh - Green lb 35c ONIONS 3 bah 25c e*-ô ' 8-l--7 59C 3lb 79c I. ......... . ...... ........ . ....... ........ Summer Feature - Shoe, Dressing Lge. 3-oz. BtI

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