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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1963, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 The Word of Giod, Prom a sermon by, Rev. É. Long, Orono United Churli , Orono,1 Ont. When Yeu attend the Churcli ser-4 vice iyen hiear the Tninister 8sav, "ýLet. us, 'bear the Word of Qed", then lie réads fom the Bible. What las "the Word of God?" What is mneant by "hearinez"'Jesuq s'--d, 4qHe whe bas cars te hear, !et hilm bear." He meant that somle could hear and others woild net hear if insensitive and duIliof perception. As the Scipture lesson was read to-day seme beard the Word of Qewbule ot hers licard onlY WOrds Ecause the Word of God is more the words, recomded in the B>ible. Yct many people degmat- icaily make the statement that "the Bible is the, Word of Qed. (Qed spoke. His womds were re- co-,rded. Open the Bible and read Bis vwords.." But being cxposed te the teach-ings of the Bible doesn't neesarlymean that we have heard th- Word 0f God. The moth ýer 0f'Canada's Number One Criminal said, 'II sent hlm tei Simday Schaol as a littie boy, how, could he ever become a criminal?' He had been exposed te Qodýs Word. A prominent prof essional Man was asked by the ministeri why he had sucli little contact i!tb1, the church and he replied, ' learned the Tee CommandmefîsI at aboywhyshould I go te hear1 ail that stuff again?" Both i nstances suggest that once you' have been confronted witb the ivords of the Bible, you have ex- perienced the ultimate. -- There la More to Qod's Word than that. God intended for Hlispeople. 31Apparently, Jesus beiieved that this sort of religion makes man a hard-hearlted' bigot. Jesus wantecl a personal religion, flot a leglue., He wan'ted men to have a personal obedience. If yeu had the riglit re-, relatienshîp witli Qed or. trust and lationship with God, yen didn't need a Book of moral miles. It was a matter of the Spirit. "'Phe letter kils but the Spirit makes alive."> Yet s0 eften we reduce our e- ligious expeience te thc religion cf a Book. Christian faith deesn't really mean believing the things that you read in the Bible. The Christian faitli means believing in the Qed W/len Jeremiali says, "The Word Rev. B. Long cif the Lord came unto me," le isan iiot talking about being given some that the Bible tells you about,ad wbds of wisdom te pass on but trusting and ebeyiflg HM. And botcoming face te face witb theme is a vast difference. The Word meiess, justice and majesty o-I f Qed must net be limitedt h abo-ýut encountering Qeod Himself. defînition that th e Bible is the For, Jeremniali, the Word of Qed is Word of God. net the foretellirLg or forth-telling of luture events ýwhich are bound Many hold the vieW that the te liappen bccausc ed lias spoken Bible becemes the Word of Qed, Bis Plan. But rather, bis encount- and this is dloser te the trutli. As, er with Qed makes him realize the Stipture was read this morn- that lie is a man being sent te de ing, certain persans were brouglit so-_mething, te go and lie something. inte an experience of the Presence He kews hat ertin tiing ar of Ged. In that sense thc Bible be- inevitable unless Israei lias a came thc Word of Qed fer those whe ch-ange. of beart, but the pattern is ircalIlyr eard and wcrecocnfrettted piot liard set, unchangeable. The by Qed. But if we add that the Bi- writing of Jeremiali is net itself thebiisaetfrusfoscesfl Word f Qed; it is the record of living which corne alive as we are lis xpeiene 0 Qe. Fr Jre-able te licar or reccive them, a- mial, the Word of Qed is his en- gain we bave fallen short of the .couter ith od.truc meaning of the Word of Qed. councr ith ed."The Bible," says Dr. Mathers,, "is 111e a telescope. Yeu lok In the New Testament it is re- through it, net at it," cerded bow Jesus liad trouble wtb the Pharisces, that very religions Vroup wlio wcrc Uic 'leaders of the Js.The Pharisces liad reduced iC ld Testament te, a set of rMIES govcrning evcry detail of hf e. They tliought, "ObPey thec mies and yen are saftc; dîsobcy anid yen are. let.It was a nice eut and dricd religion. At the end of Uic day you could add up your, moral score an d sec cxac-tly whcrc you stood, - or at icast thcy thougbt Uiey could. It was the religion of a .Book and that's far short of 'what Net ail-,0f the Bible is equally inrspiring or ývaluajble. Many f ail I te realize that the Bible was pro- duced over a great mianly ycars. People threc thousand years ago were challenged by things whlch- are no0 challenge for us because 'God lias calcd us f ar bcyond those cxper'iences. God's Word is net ex- actly the saie fer every genera- tien. In Uic Book 0f Kings, Elisha passed a greoup of chiîdmen. they calied eut te him, "Go Up thon baid head:." Elisha was angmy, calcd doWn upon thein the curse of God and two she-bears devored Uic chuldrcn. Do yen think thflàt s Qed's Word forns? How coiýà> anyone sec God 4iw'that liglit aftr 1iy had been cÔi4i'riited wiUi theeaching of Jesusr "Ttimn thc othà' dheek.P How often thc Old Testament says ,'Hate yÔi*r ençemies. HIate theýse whe disobcy Qed." Thcn' think of how Jesus said, "Love your en- emies. Do good te those who des- pitciully use yeui." Is not one far greater than Uice tlher? For Christ- l'ans, Qod's Word is (in thc last instance) a Man, Jesus, who was calicd the Christ. Wc cali the Bible thc Word of Qed becau se it teins u ,s ajbout mneet- ings with God. How Qed lias en- countered men in their lives, and because- threugh this Book we aise càu cucounter Qed. The Bible be- comes thc Word of God when through it wc encounter Christ. It remiains only wverds until it be. cernes a matter of Uic hcart rather than 0f Uic beach. Se nomwewcorne te that greater deffinition. "eu is Uic Word of Qed." The Old Testament peints te Uic fulfilment of Uic revelation lu the New. Men of Uic pre-Christian cma encounterc-d Qed. They wcre set on fire wvlUi Uiceclesire te speak and te act for- Qed. Little by little, Uic growig kuowledge of Goed was cx- pericn.,ced by mrore and more peo pIe., Senlsitive seuls- bega,ýn te look 0 EATON'S1 IN OSHAWA gOf fers a specialized <service to the hr of hearing ' 0 If you have a hearlng problem, DO read thîs message... it couid be just what you've been 0 0 o tngfr 8 wAiTON'g for nAid Consultant, W. E. Lang, will be happy to test your hearing scientlflcally g and thoroughly . . . either lu Eaton's Hearing Centre or in your owu home. 0 Ail you need to do is phone for au appointment. .you will receive un Audiometrie test and J Analysis at no charge or abligation. 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