ORONO W'EEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 Gardenilng VINES AND BROADLEAF EVER.GREENS - By Ian Smaith, Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries Vines provide beauty where no1 other, plants cani - up ina the air. They increase the apparent size of a ;imnall garden, chaýng-e unisighltly buildings andI stoney banks into beeaut-y spot.Ili additio>n to thi, most of themi las]. foryaran require a minmum of care. Lookt about your garden to sec wher you can plant a vine. Flowering vines like thecmanky coloumed,' mid-season blooinýg Clematis 'with its neat abt0f, growth, (widely known as thie Eur- opean, Garden Treasure) or the Goldflame Honeysuckle and its buds and flame pink fragrant f 10w- crs, are justht for lattice or showy clusters of trumipet shaped trellis. The hardy Trumrpet, Vine especially noted for its orange-ced flowers in July and August' or the Slver Lace Vine and its delIcate white blossoms, lasting from Aug- ust until late Faîl, are vines for, the taîl Porch or Lattliced Aýrch, eVergreen training plant of the pach.Iy.sandra ,t(Japanese Spurge), quickly covers the ground as does the large g9lossy green foliage of thleBîltie Ivy, or the broad rich glsygreen foUage of the Peri- vwinklc, (Vinoa Mý-inor), with its Êdeep 'blue flOwers. For 0,rtinn walls or the lowertype odem stone-faccd houses use the Euoi,nyus Vegetus, ýometimfes called the Evergrcený BitterswA,,eet. It has thick dark ever- green leaves- -- very versatile andý bardy. E] can also be used as a S"hrub Or Evergrcen. if olipped or ehaped. The Euonymus Hybrid of cus-1hion type does not have a ten- dancy to traîl or climb -- it is idealI for the front border, having dark green leathery, icaves turning col- our in winter. Buonymus Sarcoxie is referred to as the plant of rmany uses, be- ing cxtremrely hardy with dense evc,-rgreen foliage -- it is splendid fri rockries or as an edging plant, pmdcrg bright orange bernies whichreman o the plant most of thewntr keng fast g51owUL Bxaoodis on 0f te mos fln Trumnpet Vine is also used on Mas-'suroasse,,)j broef te rgrcefls cnary. The lîg lit green foliage il ih The Ivies are excellent for COV- stand ýcity smoke and sha de. Tt (-an ering a too promninent wall surface be clipped for low dense hedgingll, or or softening and beautifying too flowcr bocds, or can be trained as harsh, bold uines; especially for an evergreen shrub. this purpose are the large siny-Viean rdlfevr;1es leafed'Boston lvy, self clinging and Vnsadbodcfeegen vividlyv fall colourcd: the hardy need little attpntion except pruning Enlih hoadleSu ZroIv, Ii ii gwhanecessary, -- selfingn and evergreen; and w,ýeeding andanoainl feeding the Enigemb.tn's Ivy with it5 emaîl1 cf fertilizer jl e whati s required. weaves wih turn to a&l colours VfWhat can b casier? ofp th1anbw hePl. (hs Jor furtheýr !infýormnation contact inr ltal mbe 0f he(Otars 1%,y must have a mesh sup-port toi yo oa , o h nai -ding to). 1Nurserymens Association. l The uthmn' Ppeifplanted athe side of a pjorc.h or Veranda -______ w1ill.grow so dense thiat it wil htAMF ATOMICS1 JOIN IN U.S. out the wind andf the sun. It is dis- PROJECT case and pest free, grows rapidly New opportunities are likely for and has large heart-shapcd leaves. AlVTF Atomies Canada~ Co. LLd. as Be sure to) prune to two feet off the, resuit of a significant develop- the ground each Spring. mlient in the nuclear field tin the 4round cover plants are becom- lUited States. W. R. Grace and Co îng very popular -- ned little at.- and American Machinery and tention exceupt the occasional weed- Foundry Co. have just announced ing. To covef a siope or plant under that work has started on the first trees or other shady spots, use one privately-owned plant for 'the re- ,of the rnany ground covers. The pnoessing of spent nuclear fulels. OROuâuNO> 5c to $1 STORE MARE HIM GLAD HE'S A DAD Men'sBroadeloth Pyjamas (New Shipment) assorted patterns. Sizes A to E. These are an outstanding value. Pair for........ $3.98 Special Set containing Key Chain, Cuff, Links,, Tie Clip and 2 Ink Pencis. Boxed... $1.001 Cuff Links and Tie Clip Sets .... $100 to $1.69> Shaving Sets containing Shave Lotion, Uair Tonie and Cologne. Set for... ...... 95c. Set Tie and Soekýs in gift box, Complete .. $1.98 Tie and Cigarette Li-ghter. Boxed ....... $1.49 Men's Light Weight Summer Caps, assorted colour. Each for............... ... 23C. Folding Eence, 10 foot lengtb, eonifonr"3 to any size Flower bed. Folds fo ýt ae . Kitchen Tools, chrome plated,,wood hanldie including Soup Ladie, Potato Masher, Fork, Cake Turner, two sizes Basting Spoons, ete, Each for 25C. 2 for 47c. Ladies' Jamaica Sets, Mix and Match. Many popular styles and fabries and colours to choose from, Size 10 to 1.8. Our low price $2.29- Special Runner or Mat. Koala Plush Tweed foam back to hold £rom slipping. Size 6 feet by '27 inches. Colours grey, brown, black or «green Each priced at.-........ i...... $5.79 'I LOCAL NEWS The home of Misses Bonnie and' Donna Couvier was nrcely deqomat- ed last Saturday ný,ght for the shower which they, along with Miss Betty Branch held in honour of Miss Marlene Graham. 'Marlene eceived 'some very lovely and useful gifts at her mis- cellaneous shower. She thanked the girls present and invitetI themn to caîl to sce hem at her home in Kingston. Contestsa ntI a social timie -were enjoyed andI a delicious lunch ser- ved by the co-hostesses. Mr. and Mms. Lorne Permaul.1,and family 0f. Clanke phave m'vdintoi their, new hom-re on Division Street recently pur-chased from Mr. Wm. Irwin. Mr. Norman Rickaby of Belle- ville spent the weekend with Mr. anj I Mrs. Jim Ric.kahy. Mrsý. Harold Hodson andtI Mrs. H-ector Marhing and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beatty, Toronto, visited thieir aunt MNrs. H-. Walsh las]. weekend. Mrs. -C. A. Cumming, Toronto, sueni-t the weekend with Mm. and Mrs. CarlBiins Also v-isiting a]. thec Billjingýs' home on Satuirday were Mr. antI Mme, Aflan Shields, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jji Rick- aby, Mrs. HebrS,)Ich antI Mms. H. Bailey, town. Cameron Perrault, fouteen-year oltIIc son of Mr. antI Mcs Lomne Pcal.had bis n*ie broken while playing basebaîl in a gainm a en- dal. Hée was taken to the Bowman- vileMémorial Hospital for an op- UNITEL CURCH 4 Orono Pastoral Charge Min ister Rev, B. E. Long SUNDAV, JUNE- 9, 1963 CHJJB4H SERVICES Orono,- 11:00 a.i Leskard -1l:45 p.m., Kirby 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Omono ............. 10:00, a.m. Kirby ..............11i:00 a.m. Leskamd ............:45 p.m. Mr. and Mms. R. Maluske, Miýss Star and~ Fleety Rizideli. Brandy- Ethel Bouck, Toronto and Mrs. wine Boy, who u.sed to race out of lonp orrester spent the weekend Orono camne second in both heats a]. their cottage on Lake Baptiste. of its race. Miss Mary Waddell was one ai Jack Williams' Happys Macand seven 1903 graduates of University IDm. Taggart's Meadow Boy were College honoured at a Luncheon both entered in the FmeeFor-All. last w,ýeek at Whitney Hall, Toronto. Happy's Mac registered fourth and seventh whi'le Meadow Boy placcd Miss Waddell, class repesenta- fifth and sixth. The Free-For-AII. tive, thian'ked the college Alumnae wenî in 2.13 and 2.12. Association for the luncheon.r. The junchIeon w,,,as convened by Mrs. W. _______________ H. Cruickshank. The guests were eceived by the principal and Mrs M.St. A. Woodside. along with th president and past president. 1Thie wea.thieai-in has certainl-y been kýeep)ing an eye on theswm Iminig pool) at thle Orono ý)Parkî andr on opleing dayv, las]. Surday, fa- oured swimmer's Vwith warmem weather. Miss Cuitteli, secrietary a g'ood weekend for the Ipool as far as admissions were concerned. Seasolns tickets are also being - chased at a tempjo equial to that ef former yeams. Themice seems littie dou.bt that the pool antI the park, are gi headed for a successful year. at the Peterborough rac es Satur- day where Keith West drove Happy Babe to win la both heats. Times registered were 2.18.4 and 2.17.1. The pay.off on the first ttip was $9,40 to win. Other victories were by Our Ab- bey, Minor B., Direct Fire,e Thu Iicensed Plumbiq & Mechanical Cestzocwr who mils, ime*& ao uamir PLUMM G IATING Pk.e 143 Orme. Cl..,earanice Sale Complete stock of plum b- ~ q ing and hectting goods, asLw ell as pairits and 0 genamnels will be sold at o Discount Prices R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orouo, Outario - - - - là DRESSES Swim Suits Shorts, Tops Pedal, Pushers If you are looklng for- a Newv Surnramr Dres4s, ioMt liti and l10 ours over. We bave a uew shlpment eaeh wveek in c<tton knits, broiâd- eloth, Arnels, Teryelene, Glngham, Piqu« snd ieu. VeMy smaLr% styles. PRICED FROM $7.95- $19.95 New Ladies Swim Suits made, by Coleo f Cailforni*. Mlatletéx,, thie original elastlc shlrrlng for figure shaplng anid perfect lit. Size 102.PRICE $10.95 - $19.95 Childrens Sumnmer Appareil: Sun Suits, Short Sets, Pedal Push. ers, Slims, Jerseys, Blouses and Tops. Other itemns on, displey. GilIs Swim Suits in flowered Cottonis, sblrred back. Sizes 3 - 6x. PRICE $1.98 Sizes 8-14 years PRICE $2.M8 LaisBeriiuda. Shoirts witb matehinùg tops, PRICE, SETS $7.95 - $8.50 Ladies Stretchy Shorts. Cotours' black, white, yeilow, beige. Size 10- 18 Price $4.50 Ladies Washable Slims. Differeat col- oured plaids. Size 12-18. PRICJE $5.50 APtSTRONG'S '1 s