VOLUME 25, NUMBER 17 ORONO WEEKLY ,Chambe>rHarness Ra,, Western Horse, Sho", This Saturday at 5.00 o'clock the Orono Chamber of Commerce wil] hiave the bugle sounded for etarting of the harnecs horse race meet and western horse show. Other added etures are also te be scheduled for the entertainïng venture,, In previous years the Chamber bheld this meet as a Colt Derýby but due to dIfficulties in obtaining the colts to race sorne revsions have been made to tis annual event. >This year on Saturday, June 15, six heats of harness racing xill a -pear on the card. At least five lo,,cat lhorses wvill take part in the events which no doubt 'will add l)cal colotr and intcrest te> the ee.Mr. Wm. Reid, organizer of the meet, points to a new ventu~re in this area with the addition of a pony sulky race. This class is filied and these small animais will no doubt'add a new twist to the racing events. A Western horse show will also be.afeature this Saturds.y and ;s a ,new addition to the ýannual pro- motion at the Orono track. A group f rom Oshawa, who have been tralned in this art, will provide this entertainmrent. Still further the Orono Chamber is holding an old-tirne fiddler'e con- , test.. Mr. Mac Ransberry has lu- -formed - the Chamber that he ex- pects from' seven to ten in the con- .test for which Liunn's Hardware is presenting three, prizes of a Chamber Wai On Main* ï At the Orono Chamber month meeting last Tuesday a nuinber' items in general business Weil Orono was deait with, resultin'g placing of' a new Post Office Orono was dealth with resulting a committee of K. Lycett, W. Ca., man and R. Forrester being ai pointed to investigate possible pr radfio, toaster and iron. Those rý ready entered in the contest ai Messrs. Lloyd Ransberry, K(, Neal, Brenton Farrow, John Scol, Mke Kirkton, Charles Taylor aý, Mrs. Mary Bunting. Each conteý' ant will play two numbers in tV competition. A draw for a beautiful pony also to be held and tickets are ne on sale for this attractive prii, The pony has been on display J, sorne weeks and has been gi'ea(I adrnired by the children.of the d In ail the annual promotion ti year features, harness horse rr ing, pony racing, Western hor show, old4time fiddlers contei garnes of chance and a merry-g round for the children. Plan W~ to attend titis event. 'Federation Proceeding With i Rural Devýelopment Committeý, The Durhaim Cournty Federation, The i-epàt. of the rural redeveý ,rf Agriculture helci ther Jtine1 opm ent con mlttee told what prII Directors meeting at the Agricul- !'cedure Wll now be. followed. Towi ture Office in Bowmnanville. I ship and municipal councils will bý Bruce Taylor reported on tihe asked to select two representative mnembers meeting of the Ontario to the Rural Redevelopment corn, Federation ,0f Agriculture. The mitte witihin the counity. Represen Ontario Federation of Agriculture tation from organizations such a' le asýking that greater oare, be ex- the Great Pine Ridge Tourist A, ericsed when snow fences are re- sociation, Lake Ontario Develop moved. Wire and other materlal ment Association, and the Conser left in the fields cause miachinery1 Vation Authorities in tecut breakdown and injury to cattie. _I Will be asked for. A eurvey> nd Co,é wsasbepese tû y 0fthe county is, planned. This the amount of damage c aused wl give such things as education- eside I, ottî sare tron n lfacilitiez, available industries, orbeasid I enas. heron.number of people, soia type and orl n laghways. hementvareother matters, which coUld affect dai"P ad edri<oen ntar the people in Durha.m County. Inllk distribution to the schools. A resolution was passed asking thatý there be more uniformîty in the text books used in primary ami secondary cchools. The Durbam County Federation 0f Agriculture plan to have a dis- play at the various faire within the county. lB Chest X-Ray In Orono, On- JuIy 8th, Preparations are well underway ic wili be held on thîs date ýfrom for the'Mass T-B survey which is 2pm t -.m n rom 7 p.m. to to be heid throughout Durham 10 p.m. County during the months of June The reading of the togte will be and July. Mr. Kaye Lycett, Orono, held on July llth also at the I.O.OF lias made his appointments and Hall and during the came hours. thus has started the bail roliing. Th'le purpose of the mass survey Mr. Lycett is Division Survey is the protection of everyone's Chairman. health and the Northumberla-nd- Mrs. Ken Gamsby has been ap- Diurham Tubercolsis and H-ealth podnted as the 'local Area Survey Association is askIng for everyoues Ohairman who bas in turn made co-operation. so that 100 per cent further appointments to carry-on of the «duit population is reached the Mass Survey.- by the survey. Mrs. Les Alidred lias been ap- Great advancements have been pointed as Supply chairman, Mrs. made in the control of TB through- Wmn. Tomlinson as Census FOl] out the ?PWvkice and tbreughout Chairman, l%4rs. Herb Murray as Canada. However a serlous pro- Clinic Chairmaný, Mrs. Don Ten-, biem of complacency faces the nant asno Chfirman of Speciai survey %vith, people f eeling the dan- Groups and Mr. Roy Forrecter as ger is over. Ilt i pointed out that Publicýty Chairman. These chair- une individula in a family, infec- men will ma-ke further appoint- ted unikowr3ngly, can spremad the mente to asslst, in - carrying out the dseaee te the entire family beïore work for the surviey. , ,any symptone appear. 11 Zone Marghalsa are Mrs. Ken In addlition to tubereulosis, dhest HE1ndereon, MrS.' Stan- xliMs -raye reveal other abnorRmlitiea, iRod C-> ryeth, Mrs., K. Lycett, M-s. such as lung caneer 9,né some C. M- n and MrF T. -s. ','r disorder2a, f hich me Oi«r;.. ~LINIC oourse e.î:to t' ta. 1 Tjhe Co lini, -1,,?b.ehe;Jd n -re the eri rtlyare dete-:i JCh "- r1O9F 1mebrt. .- i tom :in!'- ' ~:Ors:. ~i»JsyStL Others taklng part ln the p4: grama are to be Mr. A. Carruthe- M.P.P., Mr. Russell Honey,M, and the Warden' 0f the 'Unlif Counties, H. E. Walley. Memibers 0f the Durham e,, will aiso be present for the ce Port Hope To' WTfithdraw Appeal Port H-1ope Council passed a tion to have the town solicitor w draw the application befre Ontario Municipal Board for a hW ing on the ievy set by the Gar~ aska Regioni Concervaton Authoý Two motions were passed, tended te pave the way for mu co-operation on the develop of thebed and banks of the araeka River, from Barrett not to tihe town limite. Council earlier this year obji ed to an increace in the levy chi ed by the Conservation Autho primaarily on the grounds thatý thoiigh the town las benef f rom the flood oontrd miens,ý throughout the watershed not bas been done by the Auithi wthln the town. The second motion pacsed aily requested the Conservý Authorlty and the Port Hope Fi Board to work togéther to d eI the town owned land aiong xirthern half of the rlýver th town.7 twae pýointed eut that the oVty could alec assist the1 in its flood contrG] measures.1 * kls bçeen a lesson 1o i to eit down and iscuse *t'r. iins mcornniec. î~bfc. rnng b take s