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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1963, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1963 Happy, Babe Again, Unit News "deBe Stili? And Know That UNIT NO. 4, U.C.W. Wins At Peterboro The June-Meeting et Udi. No. 4 I A n G d s 6 1 Aslett with Mrs. Jack Mercer ass oin'thgàstreO Happy Babe in a time ot 2.16.1 co-hostess. Thse Psalmnist, speaking for Ced,' bases. o s' hsas reo -won over the tarvourite, Bay ,,ta'e1 meigsi,-esllan nwta1amlfW jo heprduh 'rheresa, on Saturday night in Mrs. Porter opened the meig sad, "Beon stiil, aknWhtt i am e? Wruhe aondthe paadeIS h Peterborough and paiid a hafld- with a cail te wership - stressing id" o nigent fe whte r esrouhalteand oultteng m is h so me $9.40. Hanpy Babe,, owned the theme 'of the evening - "Love" veals a deep ini tito l e w en b s . Wh t an wul hi g t i, and driven by Reith West register- M c ae o dutdts e he wrte: if we shoud live our lives, thinking ed is ffth in n nne sart th.s Ms. cLarn enduted he e- hat we have lived meaningul and yedr eit tif t he ileastatom the votienal, brietly outlining thse grad- Dear Lord and Father et Man- purpeseful iives and then find eut yer.Kethtok Is ladfript~e al dawning in the minds ef the kind, later on that we were tagged out beginning and heid it throughout ogvoufols a, because, we didn't teluch thse right Wih ete tana urtr efpeople concernin'g Ged's great Fui give ourhavoeiah ways Wih ete ta aýuate efLove for ail mankind, and queting Reciqthe us in oùr rightful mind isPots.Wendtehv arit Bay State Theresa chaiienged but Pauls famous letter te the Corin- In purer lives Thy service find, seiise of values. How easy to be was oniy able to draw aiong side 1thiaiis wherein he feit cem.pelled te in deeper reverence, praise. preoccupied wîith things that are as Happy BaIse stepped up thse, get acrosm to the Christian Church Drop Thy stili dews of quietness, 9o0d and sometimes useless, and ac ek Willime' Happy* the deep meaning 0f this Love of Till ail our strivings cease; miss thse greater things. How easy Jack Wilims'Hapy's Mac i God Mrs. Reid led in prayer and Take f rom our souis thse strain te get caught in thse tuss and worry piaced third and fourth in' Iei-'ii ato the meiigc-se 1t ndotese our age and net feai lIe Pres- vitation trot which was won bytail rpatingteein g unisonteLd'sh ad let orss ee, ivs otesence et God. Robert Lee Jr. in the first Ieat and ThebeatyienTh pece. e rad i othSciptue lsso Silk Raider in thse second. Fedder- Prayer..Th euy1f ypae. W radi'o Sitr lsn inte owed y Jck eid as lso Mr.Logn brugh a ost. i- fthis merning the story ef Jesus vis- ente, ed n y Jack'reo a ie M.Lgnbogt ando5t lfl Stress, tension and turmoil de- itîng two sisters and a brother in fitth in both trips.- teresting and informative message prive men and women 0f the1 their home. Martha was entertain- Two Orone horses were enteredj Quintethe recetiy heid a o beautyof God's peace. Fuss,1 hurry ting Jestis. In providing for her in tIse Free-For-Ail, Meadowview îne otrne hc s t and worry can best 'be remedied Guest she becamne tense and con- teddas iay deiegate from our by taking tIse Psaimist's advice cerned with ber work. She came te Champ, owned and drIven by Jack church. A keen interest was eV!- ,esiladt nwGd"Jssadsi,"atr o' o Rbeitil andte new od.fJers ad sid, MaserMon"aye Rei toktw fuihswhleMe- denced by -the questions and gen- imec that I'm working and doing it dow Bob owned by Dr.'R. J. T" era dsuso which was entered Iail myseîf while Mary is sitting gai't and driven by R. oyit. Mrs. Long who aise attended as &ewhlIwsatndg piaced sixth. The two eat ée nference read thse report of thse tIse Bay et Quinte Conference ini there doing nethiag."5 Jesus said won y Mry anePl oile byU.CW. s prsent.e thre.Kingston, I was about -te cross tIse te her, 'Martha, Martha, you are M. Preston 1etfNorwood. sre ta nescinwe heIxosadwridaotmn NeWftenviile, herses- were alse on Mrs. Kathy Armstrong conducted yeilow light flashed on. I stepped, thaigs gMdr"yIas c Isehtus nd thse cards at Peterborough on Sat- tIse Bible Study f rom "The Word thinking, ther 0f moodem n lvnoe the s n urday. Ross Brown witlh Margaret and Thse Way" - deaiing with the bovalesr rmo er tinoe oth- Mal placed eut ofthtIe m-oney in the 4th chapter on the Love ef God. J "vjlTt is this lite se fuil et care vrsuis fateate - t b nsoe tilan second race. Roger Boy, owned This study peried bas always delv- Uf we den't have a moment te er ste hnew Ccd." teb.t n and dniven by Wm. Wade travelied ed deeply !inte the interpretatien cet stop somewhere?" t nwCo. tIse field in tIse lth race. same and, bas caused much sert.I ie OdTsaet esn h LONDON MEET us tlsInking and general dis. Flas Ridel, ahere onedby uss io. Bllnsswastiin dait Just as I stôpped I felt a pres.. prophet Peints eut that a certain > las Reidela é hrse ondobycusi. Buleswstndat sure at thse back Of my legs and a man had been given a prisoner te J.tli Re4d cê thida noW. hoind"appeared On One side' and a guard. "ButwhI.le thy servant was Don ti cety Minutes et May meeting and woman on thse ether., I tried te ýdis- busy hr n hr en eti ont f9rgthte race meet iin Secretary's, report were read and entangel tee chain and tIse deg se things tIse prisener get awaýy."1 Oroô its atrda sarin tmeaccepted,. they had te wait. Thse woman witb TIse1 king, said, "Yeu have pro. 5.ep..Announcement et General Meet. a great deal oet tension and an- neunced your own judgement, you inlg in tIse terni et an eutdeor'meet. guiah, said, "Oh, we ceuid have have been counted unwerthy, you ing on the lawn at Mrs. M. H. made it-' When tee green iight have failed." We can becdmne se P le tapleIý - Pot-uck Sppercame 'on she daeshed bleadleng a- busy making a living, keeping a I V7 2NT1 * tal ae Povted-Luk uper, I cross theestreet, the. deg swinging home, bringing up a, tamily, heip. 193ae ailre eiveitd.n e 2th, 'eut thse full iength 0f tIse chain a- ing eur cemmuity, that theopper. w196 attre 'ook nte ttr _,g Iain. She went about±an h,,red un intv te 1rn, ,, (in the,,+,, or.jo1a 22 i ACJEïk UN A0,RrV HOME SERVCE ba held on theesecond Tuesday, ystoppn, ann gaetaend.he Septijer ltIs attIsehom etdidn't have anytbing te de and -yet Mrs. Victer Robinson. Mrs. Kathy sewswridadagihn e Armstrong te chair tIshe ting, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. MZ il cause tIse yellow light came on, teO be responsible fer tIsa Devetional causing Iser te pause fer a f ew sec- and Mrs. Aslett te continue with onds. It seems te be a sign et Our tIse Study Book "On Asia's Rim.'" age. Semetimes people go'for a Meeting ciosed by Mrs. Porter drive te enjoy tIese cenery. They expressing the thanks efthte Unit jeinthe fast Speent down tIse high- te ail whe Iselped and te Mrs. As- way, dri ve a Isundred miles, *re- lett and Mrs. Mercer as bostesses. turn home and they haven's seen AlI repea ted lIse Mizpah Bene- any acenery. , otnwe'dasb diction. througb lite in this way, but tIse Psaamist Isan a word et truth and Mrs. Aslett then showed pictures value forer achone of us. If we, et her trip te England and the wouid live tIse full andrevearding Isostesases servent lunch. lit e, we need te take time "te be IRace~ Wesi Show Sat. In way He wants us teý know H-îm1-- slips by. This is tragedy. Ail thse fuss, turmeil, tensionand hurry results in worry which la one of thse mest deadliy kIilers. Werry is responsibia for ulcers, heart attacka, rheumnatism and many eteer diseases. Werry is an indication of faith failure. There is a difference between worryingand accepting responsibiiity. Somne pee.- ple say, "I neyer worry about a thing.y' These are etten people who don't accept their responsibili"ty. They don't worry about it, ne, they just ignore it se that someone else bas te de double duty. - -stili and te know Goc." MucIs Jesua said, "Censider tIse lilies F h~u --y, worry, stress and tensi on how they grow. They teil net, neith- eetis brotight on Isy our wrong attitudeý er de îhey spin yet Selomen in al towardth truc values o lite, bis giory wnas not arrayed like one et these., Why you thought 'for te- id I have been5 a number et times morrew.' WIsen you put your best te Camp and on one occasion thei inte lite and you put your lite into leaders and campers joinen t e. thse banda etf Qed, Qed will muiti- t ern getber0 for a bail game. It was my ply many limes 'hat nalural ahil- turn t bat when something mira- i'cy and God wiil gui de you andi culous Isappenent, I bit thse hall. j care for yoti in every experience. i Dashing off te, get a home run if I1 We ougbt te keep on. lrying but wre his couid, I was happy te get back te need net worry or grow dise ur- home plate just Isetore tIse all. aIged. When we are cDnfronted b Imagine my surprise when tee ui- obstacles, Qed wil leant us t r3ug O 0 r n o pire said, "Out, you missenthtIse or over or arounti every oh i .1. STUDY SUB SIDY FOP. AMBULANCES An Ontario Medical Association. Committee is studying -thie possi- billty cf including fees for anvbu lance eaîls* under the Ontar~io Hi>à- pital Services Commission Act, a OHSC spokesman said recently. Ontario Ambulance operatore claîmed that they were having tc> pay tees out et theirown pockebe, %hen taking hig'hway accident viec- tims to hospital The convention wýas held in Bowmanville by thse nqewly-fer-ec. Ontario Ambulance Operators As- seciation. Association .pregident Murray Mc- Bete et Oakville said that seme op- erators are enly able' te colleef. tees trem oeaperson inls 0 ahc,. bas :been injured on tIse highway. Mr. MeBetIs called 'for a mini- mum Provincial subsidy et $10,»0O per amnbulance per year fer cern- munities with ambulance service. TIse Ambulance Operators As- seciation wili ask thse Provincil gevernment for tIsa subsidy wh-,ih wouid cover amibulance calls te traffie accidents on ail Provincial Highways. The apokesman at tee Depart- ment of Municipal Attairs pointent out that inany municipalilies hiave diffiCUlty realiýing tbey need an- bulance service. "It's otten Isard te convînc some areas, including tIse t payers, that they neeýd ambulaî-c serviýce," he saint. He said his department-is aware that payment of'tIse tee fer amnbu- lance service should net be on an individual basis or a county basis but on a provincial level. Ambulance Association presien-t McBeth bld the conference mein- bers tIsatIl"many municipalitie2s think lbey can get ambulance zer- zice for' notbing, but these days are. îluickly coming te an end." &Imam A new car for your famili,? New Commerce. Low interest rates. Life- appliances for your home? Get wMatever insued for vour protection. ÇConven- Voz4 need now-with a Personal Loan jent repayments. S~ ,'*oou;r helpful from the Canadian limperial Bank of Commerce branch manager todcay. Overl1260 branches to serve you Two f regs were hOPPing about and accidently fell into a jar of- cream. One of them said,,"It's no use trying,"! so he gave up and drownied. Thse other f'eg said, "if !'ve got te die, it won't be without a. struggie.ý' 50 he began to swil and to kick until a piece 0f butter was churned out of thse crearn. He hopped on thse butter and eut to safety. The moral is, -Don't gve up, use your trials as àteppig stones. " Many circu mstances whiclx ap pear tobe impossible can be rnast- ered if we keep on trying long enough. But there are other ex- periences which are teeo much Mer us. We need strength and insight gi'eater than our own. They are nÈ. too much for God. If we put our lives in thse keeping of CQed, sv then we put our best into lite, He will tai<e away the fever, wGrry and tension and we wili know 'the be'auty of God's peace. Dear Lord and Father of m3.ný kind, Forgive our foolish ways, Trake from our souis thse strai n, and stress And lem our ordered lives contesq, The beauty et Thy peace. It can only happen when we take tîme to be StiR and te know Ged Taken from a recent sermon by, Rev. B. E. Long. Li u 0 a

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