OBONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY. JUNE 131, 1963 RepDrt Prom Ottawa 5 June, 1963 establishment off such a Commit- tee. This request went unheedeti by A new admninistration invariabiy j the Diefenbaker government but (,,,ces the, ouest'crn off the urorities ijin this Parliament has fallen, on in, itlegisiative pro, amme. At 1,more réceptive ears. to be assigiied to the varjous items' Social Credit Leader Thompson the too off the î:st of legisiation irmmediately assured the gove rf- subýmîttedi to Parlamo'it hv the ncw ,ent off the support off bis group gvernment led hy Mr. Pearson l5 is ,ien he saiti, ... . t is somethbing a Resolu7tion to,)establish a S-.iecia1 for which 1 have sâsked a niumber Commttee -. . to consider mal- if tîmes during the confusion that ters relating7 to defence and to re- presently exists, flot only within port f romi time to time its obser- chis House but across the country vatioýns ai opinýons thiereon." This n relation to what the actual de« Special Commirittee viîl consist off fence needs off this country are." 24 memnbers, 12 off whom wLlIl be losprin th Reouo, govrnmntsuporl~r ani he o-N.DP. Leader'Tommy Douglas be- mainder wllbec ranfroym the' gan his remarks by saying, "Mr. oppostion.Speaker, I rise for the purpose off -supporting this motion to set up a Introducing the Resolution tnelsjecial select CÇommrittee reîating Prime Minister said, "the resolu' to d efence matters.>' tlon.. . implemexts a pletige that we on this side have made. If ac- Out-m'anoevering the Conserva- cepted by the House it would carry tive member whose name appear-- out a proposai1 that was put forward ed on the Party's official speakers' Ùy us the the House over the years list, Douglas Harkness was on his when we were in opposition." feet before the designated speaker was out off his seat and~ he capigbt the Speaker's eye and took the op- The purpose off this Special Com-- portunity to reafffirm bis views on mittee is to assist the governmelit defence policy. The former De- ln; dischargiflg its responsibilities fence Minister- who resigned fromn relating to defence; to convey in- the Conservative cabinet last Feb- formation tothe government andi ruary on the issue off acquiring nu- to give the government advice; clear arms for Canadian forces andi to make recomraendations to describeti Canada's present de- the governuient. Mr. Pearson poin- fence policy as an "Alice in Won- te"e out, bowever, that -in the la&t derland situation" witb Libéra] analysis, under our parli'amen+a'ry spokesmen defending the Conser-1 system of responsible government vative pcyl, 0 f, the past five years the governinent must remain re- and some Conservative spokesmen sponsible for any decisions taken. ttaqcking it. "I trust one of the' thiings -this Cojmmittee may be àble The debate bas now ranged over to do", said Mr. Harkness, "is thc whole f ield off deffence policy clear up the general confusion in, for tbree days. it is certain that the regard to defence policy and government, wiîî receive majority where the various Parties stand on suppport for the establisbme nt off that'very importanit matter." the Special Committee althoug-h, at RUSSELL C. HONEY this time. tbe official positi on toý be M.P. DURHAM~ taken by th e Conservative Officiali______________ Opposition bas not been spelleti A v ri e I Ini the last Parliament tbe Social Credit andi N.DP. groups joineti witb the Liberals asking for tbe Th e Times lýcreîber Dad on Fathers Day Srniday June 16 aieDad glad that lie is a Dad. Buy hîm ,LO0C AL NEWli'S 1 Mr. and Mrs., Clement Webb, ýMitlanti were guests if bis aunti, Mrs. H.1 Waish on Tuesda-y andi al enjoyetidinnerat "The cres."< Mr.and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn spent the weekend with Mr. anti Mrs. Bortien Cramp, Kitchener. Mr: andi Mrs. Archle Watson, Betty Ann andLarry. Waterd'own; spent Sunday with Mr. anti, Mrs. Alex Watson. Miss Heather Rutherf ord, nurse in training at hospital in Kingston, is spending holidays with ber par- ents, Mr. anti Mrs. S. B. Ruther- ford. Cornrtulations to Messrs. Paul ,veddng was discussed. Collection RuterfrdCornelius Maartense was taken and "ledicated. andi Miss Confie Tyrreli1 who bave Mrs. Dickson took the study successfuilivpas;sed their year at book on the Holy Spirit followed by queen's University. Mr. Ruther- another bymn.' tord is presently working at th,ý Osbawa General Hospital andi will Mrs. MeGee showed slides of USn continu 1e to d,) 5 during the sum- Francisco and oother parte of, Cali- mer, Congratulations, are also in fornia; and some of Ontario. We order to Messrs. Bill Tamblyn andi al enjoyedt tem so much. Asocial Paul Tamblyn who have passeti hour closeti a most pleasant even- their year at O.A.C. Guelph; to ing. Isabel Challice tbanked Mrs. Messrs. Malcolm McKenzie andi McGee for her hospitality. Larry Miler wbo passed their year' at Waterloo University, the latter with honrours; anti to Mr. Peter Maartense who passed his first year at, the School off Dentistry, Toronto. cross Canada and no douibt througb out the worlâ, UNITED CiftCN Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1963 CIIURCH SERVICES iry 9:45 Orono - 11:00 Leskard - 1:45 SUN*DAY SCHOOL Orono..............10O:00 a.m.' Kirby ........ ...... 11:00 a.m. Leskard............ 1:45 p.m. Co tton Sl',acks Trim fitting, peat looking Slacks for summer casual wear. Stripes, checksan plain sae style. Waist sizes,30 to 42. Price '$550 -$5.95 Walking Shorts Mens walking Shorts in sumi mer, teight cotton check sheen., Continental style, brown pred-o- inatîng. Waist Sizes 32 to 40. Price $3.5 Polo Shirts Kr.itte-d Coýtton T-Shirts, well taÏlored 'in Canada. JPlain shades or coourfu' stripes. Sizes S, M. and L. Price $2.95 1.$.9 licensed Plumbina& Mechcznical Contractor whe seils, *nstalls aad guarantees CA iMAN FLUMMG RATING PMa 143 Orme. 0ONO T1IMSHOP Flower'Vases, 0Made-To-«Order Rio E., LOGAN, Prop., Phone 11816ý Orono, Ontario DAY GIF IDEASg,., Sport Shirts , ,. Various designs in Sport Shirts, sty1ed by "Balfour". Sever- a! stýyle-s n good quality sanforized cotton with long or short siceves. SizesS, M,-Land XL Price - Long Siceves $5.00 - $795 Short Siceves 3M0 - $4.00 Cuf Lk and Tie Bars Attractive designs, in Cuf f links and fie bars by "H-iekok" Price: Cuff Links, $2.50 Tie Bars,, $1.50 A good Selecition, of White Shirts, Tics, socks, beits and Linen IJand- kerchiefs. ARMSTRON ivi. alu vii:S. j:1111gý, IL-'ý.UNIT 5, U.C.W. Heber Soucb and Mrs. Harry On Tuesday evenin.g, June 4, Bailey visited on Sunday with Mr. Ui edter.meiga h andi Mrs. George Cole, Port Hope.Unt5htibermtngate Mr. and Mrý. Henry LeVaillant, home of Mis. McGee witb 12 mera- Scarboro, spent the weekend witb bers anti 2 visitors present. Mrs. J. H. Stevenson. The latter Etta Irwin opened tbe meeting returneti home with tbem for à f ew With a prayer, f ollowed by a very days. 11 1 inspirational devotionial by Isabel Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan off Challice, the theme being 'on our Ottawa visited in Orono over the neetis anti thouglits of religion;, andi veekenti while attending the Wl- the great value and the meaning son Gogerty wediing wihicb was that Our Faitb in God means in solemnizçti in Newcastle. every day living. DATE LINE ORLONO Rene Gibson reati a poemon bow Mr. Everett Brown Who is pres- wilti Flowers came inte being. The ently working in the western prov- Lord'sPrayer was repeiaited. in un- inces, sent to the office -a copy of f on the Kamloops Daily Sentînel. ,Marked in tbe issue was a report. Etta announced plans for the of the "Player's 200" beld June General meeting June 20tb, at the Ist at Mosport. Date line on the home off Mrs. M. H. S"tapies. H-ymn article was Orono, Ontario. Thus 15 was9 sung. Catering to the Junel ît can, be s een, that Mosport is _-reAui - 1-1,n- me - o- _ ono-- i es