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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1963, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 ORONOWEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second, Glass maiL. Post Office Department, Ottawa Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Mosport Critics and sceptics wbo have poTndered the future of Mosport, north of Orono, will h-ave to revise their subject matter following the successful "Player's 200" on Saturday,, June let. During the 1962 racing season interest of spectatorsý for the events at Mosport appeared to be dieIng off and as a result einancial probtems faced this young enterprise to the north. The 34,000 in attendance on Saturday was certainly a reversai of last wear's attendance andmust have given a boost te the moral and the financial purse of those promnoting the sport at Mosport. Success cannot be judged on a single evenit but also deatb of-the enterprise cannot be laid at its door witb basis f rom a sing'le season. Like any new enterprise, ups and- downs wîll be re- corded before stability exists ami Mosport appears to be no exception. The sport must have a sizeable followng as shown on Saturday . . . the pint is to get it to Mosport. Iiicidentally, a new use has been found for Scotch Pine other than use. as a Christmnas tree. At Mospori spectators find tbem very useful as 10kouts and on race-day many a $coitch Pine trembled to the load of spectators. Orono 1Creek The'old sayin.g that the ",Squeakîng Wheel" gets the evl appears to still h<old true. During the past two months the Town. of Port Hope bas been chomping on the bit over the levy împosed by the G-anaraska River Authority. This was carried .to the pint of makIng un appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board for which ta hearing date w*as set. * The Port Hope Council have now resolved their differ- ,ences with the Ganaraskia Authority and have given their solicitor authority te withdraw the appeal to the Municipal Board. In doing se they have gained in their negotiations with the Ganaraska an undertakinrg along the Ganaraska River within the bounds of the Town. The Town, bas thus i giving thieir financial 'support have in return more or les quaranteed the retiurn of this money into their own centr, w'ith the dcvelopment of park lands and river frontage. Hope Township bas tas a participant in the scheme gained a park at Garden Hill and are now to have a "Look- Ot"l developed at Dean's Hill. Clarke Township during the years have seen a total of ,around '3000 'acres pyurcbased in the north-east corner for re- foresting. There bas however been ia lack of development.ini which the general public can enjoy without travelling to ot4er areas. Clarke bas also been ýa more-than willing supporter of the movement 'as they have paid on a par witb sucb centres as Port Hope. (This bas ichanged to a degree this year.). Cl'arke bas not been a squeaking wheel In the projects undertaken. It would 'appear that such areas as the Wilmot sbhould now corne into consideration and areas such as those in Leskard, Orono and on ýte the lalke are due for some form of development. Looking'edoser te home one might view the disregard of the Orono Creek witb ýdispair. It is certainly a wonderful natural asset to this community. Conservation work ýalong this streamicould preserve its flow and its beauty as it meanders its leisureiy way to Lake Ontario. May the powers ithat be place sojue pressure for the Ganýiaraiska to consider a plan for this creek in the near future .Iiifter aita1txpayers in the entire Township have been pay- lnig towards ithis scbeme for a good many years even though they were nt included in the boundaries of the, Ganaraska Riv er Autority. Liquor 'Question ,LJ ,Vo0te S Reveal 'ublic Apathy on0f these days, or months or years, Oshawa will .have a liquor plebiscite. There seems to be considerable public interest in that possibility at present, but we wonder how many citizens will be interested, enougih te mark ballots when voting day arrives. Despite the heated campaignrs sta.ged by "wets" and' "drys"' in every municipality where a liquor plébicsite is to be held, the reaction of the public seers to be opie 0f nurnbed apathy towards the expression 0f opinion by ballot. in St. Catharines, the -city councl bas called the at- tention of Premier Robarts to tihe 'inconclusîve resuits" of pichiscites in that area. Both cocktail bars and dining lounges !were rejected in the, former town of Merrfitton, but oniy 15 percent 0f tire eligible voters turned out-te express an opinion. In a part of Grantham township, amalgamnated witb the city of St. Catharines in 1961, cocktail bars and lounges were ap- proved;, only 20 per cent of the eligible voters cast ballots. The two plebiscites cost the taxpayers $7,000. Commuhity after community bas shown the same re- sponse te the liquor questions, and one is forced te the op- U.C.W. UNIT NEWS UNIT 1, U.C.W. Unit onm of the Orono U.C.W. held their June meeting at ,the horne of Mrs. R. Chaplafl.' The devotioflal was given by Mrs. H. Allen selecting as her theme "1Love". Scripture passage was chasen from St. John. A very inspiring and benPficial, commen- tary was given, closing with prayer and singing of a hymn "Love Di- vine. Unt lader Mr$. R. Chap- man deait with the business. Necessary arrangements were mnade regarding a wedding in June. General meeting was announced to be held at the home of Mrs. M. Staples on June 2th at 3 p.if. An excellent treasurers report was given by Mrs.- H. Best. A thank- you card was read whlich had been reteived from Mrs. E.'Gilhank. Mrs. F. Lycett gave a summary of chapter 4 of "The Word and the Way" dealing with "The Love of God" considerable preparation and effort was put into this by Mrs. Lycett and each one derived ben- efit and inspiration, leaving with the group much, food for tbought, and closed with the beautiful chap- ter. from the Bible on Love, read from lst Corinthians, chapter 13. Mrs. N. Bairgtow, recently re- turned f rom "Four Seasons Re- treat" wbere Mrs. Wilkinsonl was leader, brought the highlligbts 'Of that experience to our Unit. A recordiflg was played .-on "Trees". Pealm* one was r eadand SMrs. B àirstoW referred to lite as a Tree. We need deep rots PraYer meditation, worship, regular en- richmeflt. JesUis said -j an the vine, ye are the brnhse These valuable remarks closed with a quotation by Mrs. Wilkinsonf. 1 DeliicUS refreshments were served by the hostess, words of ap- preciation were expressed to Mrs. ChapTuan for, her kind hospitality bringing the delightful evening to a close. UNIT 2, U.C.W. Unit 2 held their meeting -Tues- day J'une 4th at the home of Mrs. Lina Cobbledick, with 19 members and 2 visitors present.1 The leader, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn opened the meeting with the cal to worsbip "O0ne Step. at a time". The scripture lesson from Eccles- iastis I and Kings J. "I loDve to tel] the story" and "Work for the night is coming" were sung with Mrs. Oobledick at the piano, followedi with prayer. Mrs. Hilda Wood gave a report on the hale of used lothing that was packed at the church. Min. utes were read and approved. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn reported sending several cards and read a message of thanks from mrs. Meredith Lin- ton. Roil caîl was answered with a1 verse of scripture and the offering received. TPhe ViSits to the s'lck and shut-ins numbered 48. The general meeting will be held June20that MS. M. Staples home, in the fol'm 0f a pot luck picnic supper. Arrangements were made to hielp serve at a wedding Satur- day, June lSth. 1vr.W.Mle tbaned he groP for their gift on their golden wedaing anniversary and invited thein to her home for the July mleeting.' Mr. Long was the guest speaker and gave a, very interesting talk 1on bis week atConference. A short question perîod followed. A vote of thankas was extended to Mrs. ýob- bledick and Mr. Long losed the meeting9 with the benedîiction. Refrshmntswere served by the hostess. RIVERLAND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL WTLL BE SUB. MITTED TO COUNCIL' Members of the Ganaraska Re- gion Conservation Authority, Port Hope Council and Parks Board met Wednesday to ciscuss the develop. ment of t1e town-owned land along the banks of the Ganaraska R iver, from Barrett Street north to the town limits. Conservation Field Officer H. Hooke, who attended thes meeting, had previously toured the land with Reeve R. C. Everson and de- velcopment proposais were outlined at the meeting. A hitch in thc plans occurred when it was revealed t'iat the Con- servaion) Authoritv is not allowed j to del--2opi land unless it holcis the deeds or a long termn lease on it. 'Town officiýais seemed reluctantý to give Up control of the land after a great deal 0f worl, to ac-qurit ON THE GO--OR TAKI NG I[ SLOW HOLIDAYING 15 FUN IN ONT"eARUO Relax in refreshing Ontario. You'Il enjoy the magnificent variety of good beaches, shimmering lakes and resàrts to suit every taste. And for the excitement of city vacations, Onitario's fine cîties offer entertainmrrent and interest to ail visitors. Start plan- ning your Ontario vacation now. EEI SEND FOR 40 PAGE, FULL COLOUR BOOKLET, ROAD MAP, ETC. -r I ONTARIo TRAVEL DEPARTMENT ?70~ I PARLIAMEN'T BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ON'TARIOI I NAmçF ADDRESS CITY PROV_______ I I ~~ONTARIO0 OEPARTMENT OF TRAVEIL AND PUBLICITY I ~Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Ministe'r C22-631 M *L'a lq, K v SWestern TOUR $285.OO0t o Escorted Tour, Twenty -one days - July 22nd to August 11th~ [j inclusive. Travel Air (Jonditioned De Luxe Motor Coach. 0 No Night Driving. [ [jTour takes in Mt. Rushmore, Yellow Stone Park, Vic- o toria, Vancouver,, Butchart Garden, Banff,, Lake Louise, [ G Emerald Lake, Kicking Horse Pass and Winnipeg. Cost mi- S cludes ali ransportation, sight seeing, Hotel, Accommodations. U FOR RESERVATIION 0 PHONE PORT HOPE 885,2527 Rowe ravel 14&Agency 0[ Durham Progressive Conservative Party SUMMARY 0F RETURN ofELiECTION EXPENSE ON BEIIý,ALF 0F CANDIDATE Mr. Garnet Rickard, RECEIPTS No. of persons f ropi whom amount recelved Receipts, contributions, etc.............. $3,968.42 3 Proýiised unpaid contributions, etc..... nil Total .......................$3,968.42 PAYMENTS No. of persons Amount pai< Candidate's personal expenses............ 615.00 Posiage.................................... 748.83 2 Telegrans.................................. nil Petty claims..... Hire of premis es ........................... 260.00 5 Services...................... ............ .158.33 1 Travelling expenses and hire of výhicles .. nil Goods supplîed........................... 1,22734 12 Advertising................... ............ 1,573.92 9 Total .......................$4,583.42 Dated at Port Ho pe, this 6th day of June, 1963. L -I . . . . . . . . . . m il

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