SpaaaeA ooversa&Y The Orono United Church Sunday School observes their anniverary this Sunday morning with sec- VOLUME 25, NUMBER. 18 iai anniverýary service. Mr. R. Mocrton will be the guest speaker. 0,f the school:who have during the TIhe Oronoý Public School Glee Club past term been qualified to receive ill sing during the service and choral goups fr. the Pimr te. Ninety-one pupils wil re- classes will aiso sing. ceive the gold pins. Attendance During thie service gold attend- during the- year has ranged f rom aý.nce pis will be awarcled to pupils 208 te 255. 'To Canvos AilHoýmeis To Support TB Su rvey i Orono and area a total of 607 laiisare to be canvassed dur- in the next f eW weeks to be en- coýuraged to take part in the Mass T BSurvey.j Zone Marshails have been ap- p-.ointed by Census Poîl Chairman, Mrs. W. Tomlinson. Those being caýýnvassed by the followiflg group wiltk hi -ay at the I.0.0.F. 7-nll on July The f oilowing Zone -Marshalls vith their Captains are: Mrs. Clare MartIn, Marhal ith Captains MIrs. Robt. Chater, Mrs. Hri R-,ansberry, Mrs. Clare Grant, Mlrs. NoZcrman, Baîrstow and Mrs. Donald Hîamm n. Mrs. Stanl Aluni, Marshall with Caýptains -Mrs. Brooks Cowan, Mrs. Jim- Simpson, Mirs. Carlos Tam- blýyn, Mrs. Ken Stephenson and Mr.Hesper Dean. MUrs. Roo, Carveth, M.arshall with C.R. K nox a ridMs. Elroy Gibson. J24arshaillMrs. en FHender-son with Captains Mrs. Wm. Wannan -nd Mrs. Jim Ard. Marshall Mrs. Kaye Lycett with Cýaptaiins Mrs. Gordon Lowery, Mrs. John Shetier, Mrs,. Wm. Carman, Mvrs. F. C. Vagg. Mrs. Max Lycett anïd Mrs. Jack Moffat. Marshall _Mrs. Tom Lewis with Captains Mrs. jim Rickaby, Mrs. Gordon .Watson, Mrs. Laverne Boydl, Mrs. Gordon Atkins, Mrs. George Dunlop, Mrs. Albert Mit. chell and Mrs. Ronnie West. PRIZES AWARDIED FOIZ FLOATS AT MILLBP.OOK FATE Ini spite of cloudy skies and inter- mittent rm, tüe attendance at the 114th annual Agricultural Pair, -ponsoredl by the Millhrook Agri, cultural Society, was only slighitly icnwer than last year with an es- tLfnated crowd of approximately, 1,200. President of the Socety is T. A. McCaftmus of RR. 1'Cavan. Orono Forms Team A group of Orono bahl players hed heir first practi ce W dnes- o ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1963 Mos ,port Accident Causes, Death Eric Hardy died in Bowmlanvllle Hiospital Monday of injuries he e- ceived Saturday at Mospert whcn his XK-E Jaguar oled over sever- ah times. Mr. Hardy, an insurance execu- tive andJ sports car enthusiast, wa3 drivýýng in the first ap of a pre- liminary race at the Grand, Valley Car Chub's meeting. Witnesses said he went into the second turn, of the course on the outside, lest centrol and bis car skidded' sideways for a whihe and then began reliing. x day nght and formed a local sort bail team. This team of intermedi- He liad raced as a novice for sev- ate players is to play in the New- 1 eral seasons, ýbut this was his first castle Softball league and wýill play season as the holder of a national their first g-ame this Friday even- racinglicense. ing in Newcastle. 'rhe Orono team wlll be playing th-eir home gamies at the Orono park. Durîng the races another car al- so rolled over when it went out of control. The driver, ln this acci- dent, was unhurt. Chu'rch Building ProgressingAs Plan ned ,nhe Unted Cuc Education mated at,$3,000.00. The remodel- Building- construction program is ling of the Church kitchen has been progressing as scheduied and is compieted at a cost of $3052,00 A due to be ready for the reopening small kitchen is also beiag includ- of the Sunday School early in Sep- ed in the new addition. tember. The new edifice will pro- Woi4k is to start immnediately on vide accommodation' for the school facing the new building with cut which noW operates classes in the stone. This phase of the project is church and two nearby, buildings. expected, to take six weeks by the Completed to date are the ce- contractor at a price of some ment block walls and partitions ini $22,000.00. The stone is the same as the two'story building. The roo that on the church. bas alÉo been completed and work To date a sum of $20,000 bas is progress ing on many other phias: been paid out on the project which es of the building. Presently workis etimated at a total cost of is, under-way with the eleCtrica] $80,000. system, plumbing and . With the completion of the build- plasteringof the inside walls. ,ig some sixteen te eighteen per- manent classrooms will be avail- Preparation is now underway for able forteunaSho.Iti the laying of the terrazzu floors in the intention that classes will num- the new addition and also in the ber no more than twelve or fifteen basemenît auditorium of the church children. The church basement floor bas In addition te, the construction o)f been 'torn up and re-cemented for the new building the basement of the Terrazzo covering. The expend- the church bas been enlarged con- iture on the church floor is esti- siderably. Liquid Nitrogen For Hungry Corn Wiri~~~ s Icdim i ers Cortest Mrýs. Mary BuipntLing On Saýturday last won the old-time fiddeir's con- tesýt wihic ashedin) Oronio. A total 0f nine were comrpeting. CLhamber SÊho,-w Meets App.Vroval 0'ýf Spectators The miany newv features of the annual Rae Meet held iast Satur- H at ntR pr day at Oronio was well recelvdbilatl itR pr at FOR MAY, 1988 tendance. The event, sponsered by1 Communicable Disease the Oronô Chamber of Comm~erce, 0f9dieesrprtd urn hoatrsed ,,hersýo ie raig, estern the month, 34 were mumps, 24 red hee shonda w l-i idersc measles, 24 chickenpox, and 9ger- testanda measles. Early reports indicate that the There were no rabid animaie re- Chamber will net from $200,00 to mnt. $,30OM fro thepromoion. 1ported thiemnh $30000 momthe romtio. .Thberculosis Harness racing opened the pro- motion with six heats of racing and two heats of pony racing with the ponies hitched to sulkies. The firs t heat-of tire pony races was an hih-1 arious event for the spectators who weme unawame of what te ex- peët. Report 0f the races, which were in many cases, exceptionalhy close are on a further page of this issue. WESTERN HORSE SHOW The Western herse show bas me- ceived a great deai of laveumable comment. This feature 'was miost ý1 CýCentertaining Wben capable herse- men with their steeds dispiayed their ability in' a number of coin- petitive games. This was a first for the Omenoi meet and the show was presented by a nerth Oshawa gmoup. Their acts were, in the majomity, 4 time events in' which rider and horse peformed certain feats in competition with others. Times were ecOrded in acts wheme horse and rider would race down the B-Oss Gilbart (,ieft) 0)f-CIL, Oono, helps Francis Werry and farmer, Don StaplAg (kneeling) te transfertmcpkupaoeatopsed amnmonia fromn nurse tank te applicator on the left. The operation and appicttNn took place on the famm turn and place it back in its holder 0ýf Mrs. Staples, just. south of Orene. whihe stiil at top, speed.- Foie weaving around a number of poles, newv method f feeding nitre-leecthog tubes running a- ity and a better quaity crn.. It wasanteiem fteshw s gen te3,'ungry corn crops, is being long the bake h et nosb hudb sd esia U a pple dunking, where a rider tried for the first turne in the ag- terranean fumows made by shoes plement te regular granular fer- aced acmoss the stamting uine te a iulturai area in east centrai On- ai the end of each tooth. As soon as tiiizer and net as a substitute. He tub of watem with apples floating. tario. the ammeonia is reheased it turfls aIse mentioned that anhydrous am- Heme the rider dismounted,- grab- The plant "food" ce-nsiSts Of an- inte a gaseous form eadihy avail- monia is aise a cheaper source,0f bed or attemnpted te gmab an apple hydrousam ni which is ahmest able te the reots. Two small pack- nitrogen than mest ethier nitrogen with bis teeth, emount and race pure nitroe in liquidferm. This ers behind the teeth compress the fertiizers. towards the finish uine. chemicai is feced into the soul by seil-so the ammenia will net es- Mm. Gîlbamt ciaimied that am- Other events were a patch sew- an applicator equipped with a 100- cape inte the atuiospheme. monia is exceptîenaliy effective in ing conteet, a westing seramble galion pressurized tank te hold the Ress Gilihart, of Canadian, In- dry weathem as it dees net ecjuimejand a pony express race aound ammenia, and a number of teeth dustries Limited, Oono, the' firm ain te Wash it dewn to the roots the tak. In the latter ev,,ent the which dig fmom six te eight inches which manufactures the amm onia, whereas such dry fertilîzers as spectators saw ridems anld herses into the soi! as the applicator is said use of ammenia geatly in- ammonium nitrate need meisture go al eut fer a qruarter of a ile -i1,) ahnr the cern rows. creases rate of growth, boostsi dissolve the granules before thej where fresh miounts carried the Th ahyrosammenia is e- yieAds and esuts in ea1Per matur- (Continued page 6) riders te the finish )'ne. Speed was At the four',regular monthly chest ciinics, 73 persons received an x- ay. Theme weme no admissions to sanatorium duing the- month, and [fouir patients were dischamged to, thieir home. [Family Health Visits Heahth Unit nurses made 786 vis- its to famille., in May, talking witb the parents cencemniing 231 sehool age childmen, 239 presehool child- ren, and 333 infants, previding gui dance or help in heahth pý-ob- lems 0f 185 aduits, giving nursing came in 128 visits. There weme Il visits ýte pati ents receveming frein mental iiiness, 23 visits te tuber- culosis patients om contacts, 34 vis- its te childmen or aduits with ertho- paedio or ether disability. Sehool Health Public Heaith Numses gave comn- (Centinued page 8) predemînate with even a thoreugh- bmed in the race. ORONO FIDDLER ON TOP Mrs. Marly Bunting won the old- turne fiddlem's contest frein a field 0f nine cotestants. The judges, Caries Tamblyn and Fred Lycett, piaced Mrs. Bunting fimst on ber clamity technique ahd stability of hYthm. Mr. JTack 'Keating 0f Pet- e rberoughplaced second xvth Olan Leaky of Dure third. Mm. H. C. Ransbemmy, erganizer 0f the con- test, acted as chairman. PONY TO ENNISKILLEN Mm. Jack Hudson drew the lucky ticket fer the pony with Miss Bon- nie Barlow eadi'ng eut the wjinnem, Mr. L. Cochrane, Ennlskllenl, was the winner. ln the neighbeurhood of twelve hundmed tickets weme seid on the pony. 7277