ORONO1 WEI lies Coad For 2nd' Taking complete control, Dennis tie for second place in the national Coad of Toronto made sure of his! drivers' championship with Can- tiret overall victory in four years non. Coad picked up nine points for wlten he took'the Grand Valley Car a total of 16. ib Grand National race at Mos- Cno andsvnpit o ~t~ton aturay.his second placing. Himnrath, who Ooad won the 75-mile race driv- ls leading in the drivers' champion- lng the Miss Whiz Lotus 19, hold- ihip, received five points for bis ing off John Cannon of Toronto thIrd place, to move hlma ahe'ad to 4riving the Comstock EXP expert- 23 mental Ford of the Comnstock rac- ig team, and the Porsche RS 61 The championship le determined drliven by Ludwig Heîmrath of' over nine qualfying races, four of -Toronto. which hlave now beenheld. Coad won the race averaging The three place gtters were the 89.87 miles an hour with' an aver- pie Wietzes 0f the Oomstock team;- age time for the 2.46-mnile lap of only cars to fnish the 30 laps. Ep- one minute 38.5 seconds. driving a Ford Cobra wras fourtit, Coad's win moved him into a completing 29 laps. ROYAL Bowmanville' 1623-5589 lThursday to Saturday, June 20 to 22 Girls! Grls! Girls!i with Elvis Presley (Cler) plus cartoon - "ABNER THE BASEB&LL" Sunday to Wednesday, June 23 to 26 T olstoy" 's War andPeace (Co1er) Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer III! g g P-lan Now For Exhibit Ini Needlework At' Orono Fair ÎAthougit the 1963 Prize ists ald injliq e llenot be avial for a few and Darlington might ho anxîous J to start now to get their entries U aveyledaSaorforytreadpecial class hý Lll y fleor the s hebok In the Township of Clarke on Mrs. Carl Billings,, Orono, can 'Satnrday last the unveiltng of a furnisit you with ýany furtiter in- plaque designating the site of the formation you may need.8 Baldwin Homestead, was held. The CAS4 PCA ,sponsors of the unvetling were the CAS4 PCA Durham Club of Toronto and the This ciass open to residents ofg .Newecastle Chamber of Commerce. Clarke and Daîlngton Townships A large crowd attended the un- only.g veiling when the Reeve of Clarke On e pillow cas e, tatted trim: lst Township and Warden of the Un- $1; 2nd .75eci U ited Counties, Earl Walkey, offici- One pillow case, crocheted trimn: ,-Wy welcomned the gathering thank- lst $1; 2hd .75c J ing the Pearce, famiiy for their co- TOTo guest towels, different de- operaion.signs: lst $1; 2nd .75c TheWaren poe 0 th grat Centrepiece, tatted, approx. 10", Ùo eontribution made to îegisîation by mon1:lt$;2d.5 tbe Baldwins, and of its èotinuing Centrepiece, crocheted,, approx.n benefit. 1w" mounted: lst $1; 2nd .75e Dr. Careless, representative of Afghan, kxitted: lst $150; 2nd $1. tbe' Ontarlo Hstoric and Archeaol- Kitchen Apron, haîf style: lst g .a>ejcal Sites Board, stated he was .75c; 2nd .5c0g Pieased to be present and explain- ýMother and daughter aprons: lst ed that titis. board had been estab- $1; 2nd .75ec lished seven or eight years ago on Lady's sundress, sample attach- 0 thxe advice of the provincial govern- ed:4 lst ý$1; 2nd 75cg Jcent -to preserve and develop'the Cidsdes sample attached: _lces associated in the past with lst $1; 2nd .75cg people, or occurrences of ignifi- Lady's crocheted bat: îst $1; cU.ace to the country. 2td .75ce One f th mot obiou way of Ladys knit goves: ist $1; 2nd 75ce preserving past resources, and a House slippers knit or crochet:g imeans of evoking awrees 0 st $1; 2nd .75ce tirimportance, is the. placing of Scrapbook of household hints,g ~iaqes, r. Crles exlaînd -pictures, recipes etc, useful fora aque, Dr Caress xplaned.homemaker: lst $1; 2nd .75c. o ),w, more than 300 sucit plaques Bs rpe itpre o ha-ve been erected, he added. BbyShwpe lst 75c; 2nd.5fcr ý "We are bore today to honor the BArlbySoe i ethr: lst ;2d.0 Canadiàan beginnings of a distingu- Anrti7ci eter î:it$1; !shed Ontario family. In 1798 Rob- 2de.7crtv ade MMD ert Baldwin came to this country Disi .'75c;2nýdle cD : f4rm Ireland and settled here," Dr. s.t 7c nb.o :Careltess said and he roforred to To the exhibitor with the most t- îie succoss of this famed pioner, points in this class, awarded as anrd of that of his son, Mr. William follows: isi, 2 points; 2nd 1 point. Warren Baldwin, a political re- lst Prize $5. Gifi Certificate former, lawyer and physician Of courtosy Ellis Shoe8, 1Bowman-Villo o York, who fathered the idea of re- 2nd Prize $3 Gft Certificate, court-'9 sponsible government. :o sy Widemnan's Ladies Wear, Bow o Dr. Careless aiso discussed the manville. -achievements of Dr. BaldwinW5 not-' Il ble son, Robert Baldwin Jr., Who There is also a special prize of9 served as Prime Minister of the 5$. donated by Rickaby's in Bow- Unitedà Provinces and established manville to the NEW EXHIBITOR9 the' regime of self governmont in with the most point§, in the Needle- titis province, and of this principle work Class so why not pla.n now to9 (Continued on Page 6) exhibit at the Fair?0 Moprt Victorly g Serve Tasty Cheese Snacks for Lunch with For Lunches or Snacks !Trend - 4 Varietieso TREND -BACON Luncheon Meats o0 glb 69c, 4 pkgs 89c 9 0O Q- A ::::>c=oc o<=O=O=o:=O<= C=O< O<=Ooc=o =oc=o=o48c= ex. Tinscý Yotu Save 33e - Aylmer Faney Quality TomatoJuice 4lfor 9,9c you Save e5c Colouredi - Handy Pack Qua--rters 1-1b. Cartosff i4onrch. rgarine369 Youi Save 8c Rlec eg s e ags 77C You Save 14e - 3c off pack -,With Pork 20-oz. Tins Van ampBeans 3 for 49cw You Save 20e- Extra 10e Coupon in Each Package - 15e Off Pack Giant ize"O" Save 10e - 8e Coupon Good on next Purchase Chase & SAnborn 1-lb. bag CO"&FFEE 69c Save 4c Hellmann's Real MkAyoas Mav yo5e naisen aam 8o.Bt 16-oz. 47c Liquid Dressing 'KRAFT 2 for 51 c 73C Save 4c -A2, 8-Quart Premium Package NewpOrt Fluffs45c Save 2e - White Canada Branid 40-ez. botte - 29e 24-oz. bottle Vinegar 21C Fresh Baked - Weston or Sunbeam Regular 39e 12 te Pkg. Butter RKuf fs 35c Many are on their way to having a fine set of Tumnblers- Remember, when purcbaslng a mnirnum of $10.00 or -over at one Urne frorn your Red and White, you receive a Heavy- Base Tumbler absolutely Free! 'L LI L le (p cý1 0=bc o 0 = = = = = ( O C O= C O O=C O=> 0 Famous Palm Garden 14-oz. Cello Tube T TOlmlmATOE%,llî 2 for 39c8% Tasty New ~PQTATOES 10u lb 59c 0 Chiquita - Ripened te Perfectiong 0BANANA 2 lbs 29e~ gTender - No, 1 Luscieus - Black Garden Fresh 4-oz. Celllo 0 Sweet Corn Sweet Cherries Radishes 5 fer39c lb 69c 2 forl15c Soft Drink Powders FRE8HIES - save 16e 20 for Si1 Feature - Honey Bey OREAMED ,HONEY 8'oz tub- 2 for -29c O n ýlc==>oc=:>oc==4c=z>oc=:>oc=oc= =>OC=Do =>a r C=Do OC=OC=O<=O oc=>oc=oc=::>oc=oc=>O,=,,,ý; 'EKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 2Oth, 1963 o 0 elicio.s Se rved Hot or Cold- Sweet Pickled- Cryovac 12s Spil Selected- Value Check'd BrandedI S b J ~A~~,#A .~A& U1