ORONO WEEKLI TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1963 Report From Ottawa 12 JUNE, 1963 Dopartmnent of Industry ýwill have, TheSpeialConniteé/on eýrosponsibiity' for the needs and, Te-eh specibnal mi itte b the opportunities of, the manufac- fonceliano ban teectornzd andturing industryr. Specifically, the Farlamen andthesecod an tînctions, of the new Deportinent t1irid items of priority assigned ta will be, to mnaintain close,- practical lte legisiativo progran of the contact with , industry, to make 1,ear-son Governinent. la the estab- sure that industry gets service lisliment of an EconomIc Council f rom governinent. In particular, and Departinent of Industry. Bath new and expanding industris* a itemns are now before the House of look ta th I Departnient ta see that éCommons for debate. goverument polîcies make their Th'le Economic Council is prompt- Patfls as SIflth s ULfl JL ed by Ihe realization that the ec- will be concerned with translating ton(oric probloms and te economic into specific ideas lte more gener- developmnent after the war. These ai ideas about aur econoni4c growtli 1 cýountries have created such 1 on it is hoped wll be generated by1 cýils ta holp in economic poicy the Ecônomic Council. planning and economnic pollcy malt- ing. T7he new Economic Council The new Minister o! Industry wtll establish, by consultation bo- will be Montreal lawyer C. M. L-ween government and-the public "Bud'e Drury, who will combine Inits varying manifestations of this new portfolio with the ane ho, public activity, a broad consensus, now holds as Minister of Defence a.bout the objectives and methods Production. My observation isthat of economnic policy and broad a-iBud Drury will emerge as one of1 greements on the targes and goals i the brlight stars in a éabinet well whieh should be achieved by econ- stocked wIth meof experience eiei activity. and aLbility. Drury's' ability was TheDeprtient0f ndutryamply demongtrated last woek wiceh will now be established wiî lie ejonedtaWsign compemen theEcoomicCounil.for the purpose of re-activating the Tmeet hevl fte EconCOW. Canada-U.S. agreement on dofonco The estof he alueo! he con production sharing. Canadian and omic Counci's work wlli be whetli- U S.pesaiêhvehie T er il splcceeds in idontifying te aprnabes ak ae baile Drur e'mergixg Points o! expansion in ed well with AinerIcan Defene aur econopiy and ta help keep our Chie! Robert McNainara whoi 1 re- economny expanding to a* point gre soe0 h rsdn' where it will be able to 1provide for gabletas n ofhreest idnitrs full emPloyment. ýThe Council W'Il The result of Drury's visit ta Wash- give ad.vice as ta the sectors o! aur ington indîcates new defence or- economny f romn whicli governinont dors for Canada which wlll arnount can eipect strong expansion and ta an extra $100,000,000 over the Will advise as ta the things that.a next five years. Translated int ,giroing Canada can produce ini greater quantity and for the na- jobs,, these additioflal orders wil Cdins'ebne mean an extra 20,000 Canadian ThIe Departinent o! Inçlustryý is jobs over this five year 1periôd. pianned ta transmit thle various i1- With an impressive record of pub-1 deas of te Eeconomic Council inta lie service behind himn,,and Iaving effective action. We have a De- made a strong start in Mr. Pear- partiment a!' Agriculture respons-sn nwgvrm tiwulap ible for the action that govern- snsnwgvrmni ol p ment can take ta help farmers. We pear that ýBud Drury will serve have a ' epartment o! Fisheries Canadian industry well in his new whicli performns the same . fnction post as Ministor o! Industry. for fishermen For the mi=ing in- dustrywe have the-Departmnt OfRUSSELL >S. HONEY Mi nes and Teclinic'ai Surveys. The, ORONO0 Sc to $1 STORE SSc Sale Prices good until'and ncluding Saturda Y, June 22nd Jadeite, Green or White Coffee Mugs, 4 for 88c' Special Outside White Paint, gallon cans, cheaper than three quarts at regular price. Special gallon .................... $399 Just arrived - that big thirsty Terry Cloth, iBath Toweis, as per sale bill .... Each 88c. Face Coths to match towels .-. 4 for 88c. Corduroy Dress-A-Pillow, makes bed pillows into decorative cushions. Assorted eclors 99c. English Cups and Saucers, assortedpatterns limited quantity ýSet for............ 39 VacuumBottles, pint size, reguilar 95c. Sale Prie.............. ........ 88c. i LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. G.Hay, Isling- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ai- lin, -town, were guests on. Sunday of Mr. and"Mrs. R. E. Logan- Mr. H. E. Milîson, clerk of the Tovin5hip o! Clarke, attended the Municipal Clorks Convention at Honey Haxibour the forepart af the week. Mrs. Chas. -Harris of the Sti lino is a patient in the Memionial Hos- pital, Bowmianville. ,M r.' and Mrs. Charles Moase, Lindisay visited.Mr.and Mrs. M. J. ramblyn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lantz of Toronto are visitýing in Orono for a couple of weoks. Mrs. Harry Bailey, Wayne and Lynn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Toronto. Bob and Murray St. John, Bur- lington, visited aver the weekond with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace and family. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pound and son, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dane Pound. Mr. D3. Found lefi Monday for Guelpht where for four days ho will opýerate lis Merry-Go-Round during a merci- ants promotion in the city. Mr. and Mrs. M. Anneart; and famnlly have maved into their new homo rocently purchased from, Mr. F. Nicholson in the nortit o! the Village. Mrs. Jack Williams is vislting With lier siter, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Gamsby, Oraiigevtile.' F 1 NRTE CîwauMP Ooo Pastoral Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 23 CHTJBCH SERVICES IKirby 19.45 Orono -11:00' Leskard - 1:45 SUNDAY SCHROOL Oroôno-------------.10:00 a.m. Kirby ............... 11:00 a.rn. Leskard------------.145 pm The Orono Band played at the tçnded University of TqrOnItO, Mllibrook Fair last Wednesday af- where he graduated in 1954 in elec- ternoon. Eighteen bandsmen were trical engineering. He joined On- in attendance for the engagement. tario Hydra nine years ago, and ______________________for the past eight 'years lbas been. with the East Central Region at TIhe Orono Intermediate GirlsI Beilleville. Softball teamn are findi.ng wins bard I to corne by so far titis seasoll. They "But I have always been inter-. are approaching the mnidway poîna osted in utilities work,' he saysý, in their schedule and have regist- possibly bocause of rmy fater 1*.- ered few wins in the eleven gaines ing manager at Newcaetle. I sort so far played. of cut my teeth there."' did corne up witl a victary by a score o! 9-6. Marie Hoo0ey was the winning pitcher. Tuesday evening the Orono girls suffered another defeat in New- tonville when the Newtonville girls took a 21-14 victory. Poor fielding, hindered the local girls from hold- ing Newtonville in the latter part of lte gante. EX-NEWCASTLE MAN NAMED'TO PUC POST Former consumer service super- visor with the East Central Regian of the Ontario Hydro, Neil Britton of Belleville Public Utilities. Ho commenced his new, duties as of June 1. A native o! Newcastle wliere hfis father H. S. Brttton is utilities manager, ,Mr. Britton attended achool at Newcastle and Bowmafl- ville and following higli school at- CýARMAN rLUMDENG EEÂIG ,FI~.14laOoui. ORONO TINSHOP Flower Vases Made-To-Order R. E. LOGA N. Prop'. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario ____________________________________________ ~il Clearing ail unir Spring and Summer Hats at Haif Price. These bats are ail new styles and materlal. Drainatie flowered cloche, flower-banloed piilbox, classie profile brins, cloche with a turban brlm. Our wide bimmed picturo bat, o! white straw and many other styles 40 Choùse Irem. Nuw is the Urne bu buy your bat at bargain pices. If you are wanting a new dress we have a good selection o! cottons, terylene, pique, Dan River Ginghams, rayon and slub silks. A new shipment each week. Bermnuda and Short sets i stripes or floral matonlals. Size 10 - 18. PRICE $7.95 - $&.50 White cotton Blouse s. Plain or Embrold- ered trim. Size 12 20. PRIM i$3.25 Corne in and see thiecounter o! Girls9 and Boys' Summer Wear. Shorts, Slus, jer- seys. sun suits, matcblng sets caps, swlm 51114. Boy's Wear Boys Size 6x- 18 years, Pants with elastie waist o]r contmnental thie new look. Ad- justable waistband. No beit loups. Flap pockets extendod waistband. Short or long sleeved cotton, shirts. Jerseys, plaini or with patternl. Pants 1riced $2.25 -$49 Jerseys, plain colour - '$2.98 Jerseys with pattern- - $U89 Shlirts - $2.98 rý ýARMSTRONG- .1ýsý IL ', M.P. -,DURHA'-V,. A6»