O.ONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE'20th, 1963 A'Happy, Pair Owner-Drver Keith West wlb Happy l3abe. 'HaDpy BaLe' Sets Pace At Orono Race Meet Happy Babe was thée pride of the Chamber 0f Commerc~e Ra--e MeeM eJst Saturday when the five-year- old 'pacer, owned by Kýeith West, won both heats0 teFeeFr Aland llJetaý2 tre h àdien in botli et yteonr I1-Ipy Babe won the fir-It h1a1 q, te handily. In the second heat Happy Mac, owned by Jack Wil* lam-s, made a strong b'd for the lead but was unable to trot pasi Happy Babe. Mr. Wlliams made I-us bld at the haîf and pulled a- long side the Wes entry who kept a baif length ahead to set the days record at 2.13.2. leith West was presented a blanket by D. & G. Tennant Trans- part for the two wins. He also re- ceived a blanket f rom the Ontario Trottong Association for selting the fastestlime of the meet. lu the sumnmary of the Free-For- AlHappy Mac was 5 and,2; Glenn, Todd 3 and 4; Donna's Dream 2 and 6; CDn.30r1 Hanover, owned by Harold Hooey, 6 and 7. SECOND RACE Mr. Runlap, owned and driven by L. Cochrane of Nesîleton won, both -heats of the farmers 412 fur- long race. He was presenled a blankel by Roipli Hardware. Mr. Wm. Reid with Judy Burton was 2 and 5. FJRST RACE Ross Brownfls Margaret Hal won both beats di 1the f irst race and WOn ýa blanket presented by the Durhanm Parmers Ç-op. Bobby Dale H. owned by Floyd Post, Orono, and driven by Junior West, placed 4111 and 811. Rager Boy,, own~ed by W. Wn!de, Newtonville, f!ifth 'botb tri-ps.i JPONY RACE The Pony Race was an, entertal- lng feature of tbe races when the group of six set out to trot the bal -Mile in 2.08 and 2.14. King Hope of the Cochrane Stables, won the surn- Mary and the blanket presented by Troy Taggart for 11r father, Dr. R. J. Taggart. These ponles were fromi Enniskillen, Port Perry and Peterborough. A newvoice was heard on the public address system for th1e ai- ternoon and the new corner 10 this field, Mr. John Shetler, did a bang-up job especially so during the first pony race. No doubt wc will hear more from Iis announcer aI 1the local raceway. Races Jo Stake At IBuffalo' Bomber Dares, owncd by D. Roughley,, Orono, ran in a $19,000 atake at Buffalo on Tucsday night and placed seventh in the first division race. A field of twenty- two horses were entcrcd ln thq stake which was ruýt in two divis- Ions. The Roughley horse started in the eigbth position an, thus was aI e~~~~t diavalge1 tart. Further hos as jusl- relurned 10, treim,,ag aweek ago aýttEr having the virus, The flrst division rac'e .Was wOn in a lime of-2.06.2. Bomi- ber Dares ln seventh position cov- ered the mile in 2.07.3. The second division of the stake ,,aw a fast race with the winner ~ac"ng the in-le in a lime a ltl, Bdýt'iM.~Rube and P. Rad- ley, tiedrivr esaisfied witb- Bomiber Darpes effort and the horse now travels 10 Saratoga where il is entered in anotber rich stake on Friday, June 281h. Dr. Taggart's Meadow Bob plac- ed second and fourtb in a race at Peterborough Saturday nighl. Prom the Reid stable Flash Rid- delI placed first in London last Friday and Hollywood Richard, third. Josedale Proton, a, Orono raised herse by S. B. Rutherford, is this year making ils mark with a first, second and Ihird in the lasI thre races aI Otawa. Mr. Werry applyng nitrogen to the sou on the faýrm of Mr. ýDonald Saples, south of Orono. DURHAM COUNTY MASSý Tb SUR VEY' JUNE llth TO JUý-ýY I9th, Inclusive CHECK BELOW FOR YOUR DISTRICT HAMPTON COMMUNITY CENTRE ZION ZION UNITED CHURCH ONLY Wed., Juné 26 Thurs., June 27 ENNISKILLEN Fr, June 28 BLACKSTOCK Tues., July 2 RECREATION CENTRE HOIUS ?-5 7-10 p.m. 2-5 7-10 p.m. 2-5 7-10 p.m. 2-5 7-10 parr. ONLY Tue.,., JuIy 2 Wed., JuIy 3 Thurs., July 4 Fri., July,5 IT'S UP TO YOU ...... THE HEAIF TEST TUBERCULIN IS USELESS UNLESS YOU RETURN TO HAVE IT READ! PLAN, NOW TO ATTEND Brought to, you under the Auspices of The NORTHUMBERLAND- DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS & IIEALTH ASSOCIATION Please, ClipThis Out For. Future Reference instructions given Joshua and th BALL NEW$ got the' Win -,assisted by some îsraelites to take 12 stones with Lists of the Pee-Wee boys base-'sound hitting from his teami mates. them aciross the River Jordan and bal and Bantam girls softbal Priday, June 2lst these two teamis place them on the other aide as a schedules have been received from meet again in Bowmanville. Game meniorial unto the chIldren of the Bowmanville recreation direct- Lime 6:30 p.m. Israel forever. or, and we expect to be able to ar- TeBlwnfml i o ar- range games for our girls and boy BALDWIN PLAQUE ry1 stones f rom the historic isie to Keond oal PeeWeeswiPark o ne t-(Prom page 3) 'the Western {emispheýre, ,but Oron boy aI ronoParkon ataer for the nation.1 through his family the seeds of re- urday, June 22nd at 2:00 p.m. "The Baldwin Act of 1849 is the spnsble government germinated TheZio Batam (hcke tem)charter of municipal1 governmen, in Durham County, and the free- willbe n Oono or he ecoDr. Carless pointed ou.t. "The ach- dom and privileges of loday are lime tbis season 10 play basebal levements of famnily in this country, ils fruit." with the Orono Bantani (hockey are nol maintained by title, or Mr. Carruthers said that is was, team) Saturday evening. Orono peerage, but we should pay tribute1 fîtting the Mr. Frost,, who as Prime won the first game, so let's seec' t a founding fainily of ability and. Mîmniter fulfilleci bis duties 10 the you Il I te Prk 1 cher hemoutstanding public service. It is in best of his ahility, should unveil the on again. Game time 6:30 p.m. Ibis spirit thal this plaque com- inem'ora1Lto the Baldwins. He re- Satrda, une22n. iemorating the Baldwins w'1l be reminded his listeners that the de- The Kendal Bantam team, wth 'unveiled. velolyment of histoic sites should whom our Orono boys are playing, The Durham Cou-nty Clubi was be fostered as tangible records of outscored Bowmanville 12 t0 7 on congratulated by Alex Carruthers, past acCobmplishments and asserted Tuesday evening in Kendal. Barry M.L.A., for sponsoring the event. that they are also attractions for Lane pitched the enlire game, and He cited the bîblical account of the the tourisl industry. NITROGEN APPLICATION 1 is, from 80 to 100 ibs. per acre, hrough from C-I-L's warehouse ln (Continucd e.rom :agp, ) 1 depending- on the density of the Toronto by tank truck and pumped plant population. Cost is about $2 int a mobile nurse tank from nutrients in themn can be of use 10 an acre- the cheapest source of which it is mectered out into the plants. In wet weather il de ntnitrogen available. apiao ak leach. Cultivation of anhydrous Francis Werry of Enniskillen is Mr. Werry foresees ils use on ammonia-treated souls mayý be car- handling the application of anhy- potatoes, beans, tomatoes and oth- ried out 24 hours after application. drous ammonia in the area, on a er heavy nitrogen consuming row Reeommended rate of ammonia custom basis. The ammonia is crops.