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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jun 1963, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRUUSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1963 T~r . .i j~ujIjj.L.jjiujjj ' Iiii I*OUR SPECILTy FOR SALE WANTED As roesoa uieoyI Siga, 7 feet wioie, 16 inches deep House work with omanbar <iangled to face up and down girl of twenty years. Aluminum Doors, Windows, Rail. Orville Chatterton or 74 Burk St., Oshawa b-c Phone Orono,14-r-16, - ns lmnm iig a ot ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE in_________________ _______ Car__Ports_ ,A. F., MéKENZIE, M.D Electrical Contracting - FOR RENT FRSL PHSIIA ad UR ONi 5-rooym bouse in Orono for rent. Brand new Iast year, Case Bale r, no e iu nm Phone 1l86 Res. 147 Electrie .Ileating 1 Bath, and bot water heatiiig. Avail-. 200, power takée off. Also 25 acres to eAimïa MARIAN A. KILPATRICK, R. N. d Srve j able August ist. otTlmothy and Ai aif a hay stand- and_____ServicePodci Phone 193 Apply H. Partner, Orono.- ing in the field. ___________________ Raymond MacDonald, Phone Or rdit OFFICE HOURS PHONE 245 oo1--.- 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m FOR RENT 0P 2r2 WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAIS Orono, Ontario Bungalow, Orono. Pleasant lo- 160 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa BY APPOINTMENT ONLY cation. 5 rooms. Hydro, bath, fur- FOR RENT Phione Oshawa 723-2619 dp nace, heavy wiring, spaclous cup- Two bedroomn Cottage for rent on ----- boardis. Kosh L ake. IHy dro. dP _____________________ Milton Tamblyn, Orono 2228. > Phone Orono 1308. 20-d-p DR. R. J. TAGGART a-p ______________ VETERINARY SURGEON u rL..LElcL1'ic Sunday School Anniversary PHONE 129 NURSING HOME RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS Plan to attend Orono United Phone 10610 Orono, Ont. îSunday Church School Anniversary CONTRACTORS FOR Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Will do part time Radio and T.V. this Sunday, Junec 23rd, in the Homie has warm comfortable ac- repairs.,AIl work guaranteed. Church at i1,'coc. hildren will FARM and HOUSE commodation for bed and up pa- HARRY WIERSMA, ýassemobi l nherregular meeting tets easonable rates. Phoplaces at WFre siNG ePh~one Orono 1,08. 27-p ____ ~w A YCTBA. P [X ~~~E AYESMINEACC DECORATION DAY REGISTRATý'9ION FOR -SER VICE Orono Cemetery PARK PROGýRAMME Prmp te d aiukaraolEld etrica Cleaning-hardwood and tule1 Sunday, Jane 30th, 1963 Registration for the Park Pro- to Eqnprent nd Apltiae- floors, woodwork. Windows washed The regular annual Memorial gram, sponsored by the Orono Am-, inside Oandicoutf audsA machinesService will be held in the chape]EatrAhet soctinwl b [f, Sncb at Metors Water Heaters nieadot us ahn a :0pm e-en'ceg týrAhei socain ilb U t .LR W addell Q.C c TV ais-Soe rn shampooed in your own home. Al t2:0nm.Rs etcîry held on Saturday, June 22, from types of venetion blinds cleaned cag ttesrie rn ~i 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the Park. Sehool MAINST.,UE('~J ______and repaired. childrn i aendaceaged 6 to 12 may register 0 elpae18OooPhone Orono 255 for the fee of $1.00' per cbild and 0 Uhetl rn RED CROSS SWIMMING AND $250 for a family of 3 or mure. «1NOIC WATER SAFETY CLASSESac Tilling gardens with a,24" Tiller._____________ Reasonable prices. Red Cross Swimming and Water iim ioos 0 Cali after 5:30, Phone 233, Orono. Safety Classes to- begin Tuesday, 0F PPIRES July 2ndi at thje Orono Pool. in Grades 5 & 6 for sehool yeur, 9:30 - Beginners (Children wbo 1963-64 B...B.A.Sc. O.L.S. f AUCTION SALE have learned to float or swim a As the 'Board of S.S. No. -12, 0RFE - NA 0G ~insurance Ser i Real Estate, household furniture, little) . Township of Clarke have on theiir POESIntArL G EEuf nuac rnhs garden tractor, tools etc. The prop- 10:30 Tadpoles (aon-swimmners) stfaqalie tecrinOl 0 cejery f k M1ase hi bgnesest) hveFrench, this stibject will be taught 0 nai Land Surveyer glsurnc i a Il lisBra Street, Kendal. Selling $aturday, pse hi ,eiiestst to those pupils la the above grades U0fi June 22nd at 1 p-.. 12:00- Intermediates (those who Whos e parents desire it. This sub- 9121 Qucen St BoX 165ý gAuto, Package and Compositea T.V., radies, bedroom furnture, have passed their Junior test) etwlbeaubtfrapiono 0, ownanvlle Onari antique furniture, bedding, dishes, 12:30 - SeniorRe Cross and exceeding 30 minutes per week, Bonanll, nal itol, tv wout.BoneRylLfeSvn0ms As no writtea examdnation is re- Telepone 23-751 0Real Estate * 7-reom frame bouse have. their Intermediate swimmer) quirecd te this :suhject, it will flot Bnrgary iablity, MarIeowith one acre of land, situated op- 1:00 Silver or Award of Merit, Roy- afc h uis ls tnig Telephone 623.7251 anrineess W p owien, alceoat.6 percent i alterest1age an must bold6their Broz fftte ppcon'cers nd ing 0 i oieKna tr.Trs1 iLf aig(uib 6ya~o A letter will be sent to the homes fAccidentandit kns, in. Praperty m 1ay--be- lnspected any Medallien)-.Brneoth uisccredequrg i i c.'vAI0Ltime before sale, Owner moving to Registration fee $2.00 per personwslorltectobtahtt J.~fIIL9Bolier, Fideiity Bond, Etc. f England. o $5.00 for a family of 3 or mnor e. tbirahldfrenc. 'b agh o U ~Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Red Cross and Royal Lite Saving Bher cdrf .S.N.1,T shpe _________________Instructor wifl be Mrs. Mary Ann Bclnkeý.,o 1,Tonhi f Bate. rs arly Brrb l e.a-c Cbartered Accountant Hitn tucinAUCTION SALE Bxe.Ms aiy ariai aMitJ. The undersigned has received in Mrs. Ne Il Sneiders and Miss Sue By Appointaient OnIy 0sauie Ho tutîn frem Mrs. Anale Chesh- Major will be regular -assistants., CARD 0F THANKS Main St., Orono Telephofle 138U ire to seil by Public Auction at the Water Safety Convener is'Mrs. Don W iht xrs u ertl 0 2premises la the village eoMf vrsTennant. thankshand axprecsaton r hefl P.O. Box 208 WHITBV Phone Oronio 1R16 Station, 4 miles east, 1 mile north NOTICE-To constract a aew pool acts o f kindness. messages of sym- Phone 668-8197 0 ~~~~~~O tYPopol on Saturday, June 22 divider,- for the classes, will al ah n euiu lrl-tiue _____________________________ a 1:30 P.m. D.S.T., faraiture, ths h a bana mpty 85C ah n euiu lrltiue ________________________ ~dishes, antiques, tools etc. size Plastic javex bottle, please received frora relatives, friends Motih t IthR JIaye bring it on July 2nd. b-c and ne Ighbours du'ling the illness Moneit, i~. . J PaaeAuctioneer. and death of our dear father and &,_____________________________1 - grandfather. Special thanks to Dr. Riehi & CO. CIIARTERED 135 Simcoe St. North, OshawA Telephone: 728-1527 INSURANCE Ge neral & 'Life 8 EM FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11716' JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Spýgcialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for- ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 Oronc TED- JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator (imodmets Auctloi Sales of aul sies and ut reSame rates Oo*mmuncate wtb hlm aM Port, Ferr, Ontaao Stafford Brothers Liited 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials ,Deaers ln Domnestie & Foreign Granites' and Marbies - lnscriptions Cl and Cemetery Repair WorkL Mlonuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Asic the person who bought from us, a.neighbour, f riend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dispiay ln Southern Ontario" FORo 0PAINTING -DECORATING UBUILDING -r CýJPBO4RDSo -0 REPAIR AND FINISH g FL'RN'1TURE k Cali iDONGSIMPSOaN - im'. M, Orme' SEleetric Mot«s 0 Repaired 0 oWlndlngs, Swtches, Bearlngso fiand Brushes, Electrie Toobpf Oand Small Appiance MOorsO Work Guaranteed f Al Ai.Heard Il Phone: 1176, Oroflo g 0 0 Barnes and Byam 0 PLUMBING and HEATING gSales 'and, Service f g 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEfj fi B-A FINANCING iu o Low Interest Rates 0 fi Hampton CO. 3-2288 f 0 Tyrone Co. ý-2650 PUMPINO OUT. SEPT1C TANKS WITE WASHING STABLES BertTonkn Phone Newtonville 4721 WALTER FRANK 1 RMEALTOR Oroneo - 110 acres. 9 room house, large hyara, creek, gravel pit. Ask. iag $20000,00; $6000.00 dewa. Millbroek - 3 hedroom home. Y4 acres. Asking $300000; down. $700.001 ao acres, large stream near New- tenvtlle. $3500.00; $1500.00 dowa. NewtonvIlle - 4 room hease. Ask- ing $3900.00. Terms. $500.00 doWa and $5W.00 meath bays restaurant on Highway 115 just seath of Orono. Full pnice $3500.00. Orono - 117 acres. 8 rom modem home. Ail conveniences, large barn creek, pond. Askiag $20,000.00; $4000.00 down. Tyrene - 125 acres. 12 reom brick bouse, 2 baths and farnace. Large bara,--creek. 40 acres oats plaated. Asking $37000,.00. Terms. 'Orono - 50 acres. 6 room hease. Ail cenveniences. Small barn, creek, tracter and equipmeat, Ask- ing $17000.OQ, $2000.00 down, A. J. McGîILL Phione 1407, Orono Local Representati-ve BUIlding a bouse? or remodeling your present one, tlien contact F loyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO Mcenzie and nurses and staff of Memorial HoIspital, BoWmanville, Rev. B. Long fer bis consoling mes- sage and to HReather Rebekah! bedge who served lunch. Also H. Barlow Fanerai Home for their kiadaess and courtesy. Tbhe family of the late Russell Major. a-p CARD 0F THANKS I wish te thank aIl my triends, neiglibours and relatives, whe se kindly sent gifts, tlowers, cards and lett ers. Also visits -and te those who se kindly helped at home dur- ing my stay in thie Memorial 1-1es- pital. 'Special thanks te Doctors McKenzie, Hallett and Rundle, nurses and staff of the MedIcai Ward for their care and kiadness. Winnifred, Stone a-p Orono, Jane 18, 1963 The Editor, The Orono Weekly Times. Dear Sir- Threugh the medium ot your paýpeýr, may I express our sincere thianks for the very prompt aaswer to our caîl for help, by the Pire Brigade, and altbough we had everything under control again when they arrived, des fot lessen our appreciation for the speed with which they responded. Tbanfktally yours, The Cleughi Family. IN MEMORIAM Ia memory of James 'Ransberry, who passed away Juane l9th, 1961. Two years have passed, dear father Since you were called away. Hwwell do we remesuber That sad and weary day. Sadly inissed by famnily and graadchildren. . Bo« 133 MO. 8-35528 Whitby 66-4131 9AN "

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