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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1963, p. 7

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NO WEEIýLY MI1IES, THURSDAY, JUNE »th, 1963 O-RONO MEDICAL CENTRE A. F. McKENZIE. M.D, PilYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 186 Res. 147 MA&RIAN A.: KILPATRICK, B. N. Phono 193 OFFICE HOUES 2:00 toj 4:00 pn. 7«00,,0 8:00 p.-i WEDNESIAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART F YETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10619 Orono, Ont. ~W. AY LYCETT, L-A. Il. the 0f fices or R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO * Tlepone138 Orono IE RRILL D.l BROWN ' PROFESSOA) ENGINEEII o Otarl Land Surveyer 121 Quen St Box IWO9l Bowmbanvile, Ontario Telepiione 628-7251 By Appointnft Oniy Main St., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box 208 WHITBY P>hone 60-810 Morteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Shne-oe St. North, Oshawa Teleplione: 728-7527 .Whitby 668-4111 Ajax 9424891 IN SURANCE, *General & Life FRED .LYCET! OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORUNO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 -JACKIRIEID Orono' s Licensed Auctoneer and Valuatuz Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consiult me for ternis and d ates Phone 5 r 18 0iýoaoj TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator (týoduets Auctiou Sales &l ail sizes and atrygOnaie rt. Electic&al Contractingj Electric Ileating and Service Orono, Ont ario Oreno Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Frce EsUmte. APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guairahteed Repaira to ail klnds of Eletrical Equlpment and Appliancee Such ai Metors Water ileaters T.V.- - Radios Stoves - Irons Hamiltons f SInsurance Service OlnsuranceinatfsBnceg , Auto, Package and Composite. 'ýPolicies, Fire, Farm, LiIeu0 uo JBlrgIary, Liability, Marine,o Accident and Sicknesg, Wlnd. Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. 0 fi Phone Orono I1 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS0 .a ..O BOX 133 Mo. à-3552, Staff ord, Brothers, 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manuacturers -o0 Cemetery Memorials. Dealers in Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies , Inscriptions Cul and Cemetery RePair Work us T -n FOR SALE ne walnut bed, spir.ings and mIttresses. Ail in goodI condition. Phone 17417 Orono. a-c CUT FLOWEES FOR SALE Cut Fiower for Decoration Day. Phone 18R8, C. DeMooyi R.R-. 1, Orono. a -p White Rock Chiokens, five and six weeks oid. Bloodtested an-d vaccinated. Any quantity.' $30:00 per bundred. ,- Stapieton's. Miii, NewtonvIlie. Phone 3030 or 731. a-p STRAWBEERIES FOR SALE' Strnwberries for sale aý market price. Albert Pos, Oronio Phione 2237. a-c APPLICATIONS I Applications, sea'ied and proper- Iy rnarked, wil]]be received byt. undersigned, Up to and including July i9th, for the position of Li- brarian of the Orono Public Lib- nary. Applicants shouid be wIlling to attend four-day course during August. Yeariy remuneration $400.00, expenses of course to be paid by the 1Board. Fuither in- formation froin the !undersigned. Mrs. S. J. Norton, 8ecretary-treasurer, Orono Public 'Library Board. NOTICE KiribY Sund'ay Schooi will hold theix Annuai Salad and Strawberry Supper on Wednesday, July 3rd, Supper fromi 5 o'clock until ail are served. AdUits: $1.25; Children- under 12 years:- .5ft. a-c, NURSING 1H0ME Lyntonhursýt Manor Nursing Home has warm comfortable ac- commodation for bed and Up pa- tints. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 1308. 27-p WAYNE'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE ' Cleaning-hardwood and tLle floors, woodwork. Windows washed inside and out. Rugs, machine sbampooed ini your own home. Ail types o! venetion blinds cleaned and repaired. Phone Orono 255 'J c o =ô -o o< Eleeiric Moutors U Repaired 'vSwitches, Bearingso adBrnshes, Eiectric Tooi1sý Oand SmaIl Appiance Motors O Work Guaranteed. Ai. Heard 0H O Phone: 1176, Orono WANTED "0is House work with roomi and board for. girl of twenty years. Aiumlnum Doors, Wildow, Baiw Phone Orono 14-r-16. b-c îngs, Aiuminum Siding, Car Porte FOR SALE 20, o 1vr ae f. lo 5ace Home Aluaminum o! Timoihy and Aif alfa hay stand- ing in the fiid. Raymiond MacDonald, Phone Or-! rdcs [ono 12-r-2. p-c FOR RENT Tiwo, bedroomi Cottage for rent on Kosh Lake. Hydro.f Phone Orono 1308. 20-d-p RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS WiII do part trne Radio and T.V., repairs. Ail work guaranteed. HARRY IVIESMA, Phione Orono M914. fi 160 Wilson Rd. S., Osbawa Phone Oshawa 723-2619, d-p FOR RENT Hobuse Traiier, 15'x8', gas and hydro equipped. Plione 1414J after o'clock. a-C FOR SALE Filowers for Decoration Day. Ap- piy. A. Kloos, Hampton, phone 623- f2214, Hampton. a-e DECORtATION ,DAY Orono Cemetery tNOTICE Sunciay, J"~e Sth, 1963 Any meniber of lthe Orono Ikôrti- The reg-ular- annual Memorial cultural Soclety who is interested- Service willii be he'Id in the chapel fin viewing Col. R. S. McLaughlin'a at 2:00 p.1n. Resident cierg i beautiful Parkwood Gardene 0on chageo!thesevie. roo i- -Wednesday evening, Juily Srd at 71 zen's B'and in attendance. Jpm.pease pbonç eliher Mes. C. 1W. B3ii4ngs, 1548,or W. J. Caidwel RED CROSS SWIMM~ING AND' WATER SAFETY CLASSES Red, Cross Swimmiin-iig anid Water Safety Classes 10 beg-in Tuesday, July 2nd at the Ororno pool. 9:380 '-Beginneis (Ciidren iWho have iearned 10 loat or swint a litIle) 10:30 - Tadpoles (non-swimmers) 11:30o Juniors (those who have passed their beginners test) 12:00- Intermediaies (those who have passed their Junior test) 12:30 - Senior Red Cross and Bronze Royal Life saving (must have their Intermiediate swimmèr) 1 :00 Silver or Award of Menit, Roy- al Life Saving (m-ust be 16 years of age and must hold their Bronze Medallion) - Registration fese $200o per person or $5.00 for a family o! 3 or more. Red Cross and Royal Lif e Savmng Instructor wiil be Mrs. 'Mary Ann Baxter. Mrs. Marilyn Barrabai, Mrs., Neil Snelders and Miss eue Major will be regular assistants. Water Safety Convener is Mrs.,Don Tennant. NOTICEr,-To construct a new pool divider, for the classes, will al thosiç who canl obtain an empty 85c size plaIstic javex bottie, please bring i t on July 2ndb- WTER FRANK Orono 110 acres. 9 room bouse, large baruce, gravel p'it. As'k- îng $20,000,00; $600000 down. Millbrook - 3 bedroom home. ,acres. Asking $3000.00; $700.00 down. I30 acres, large stream near New- tonville. $3150000:fl $150000 o down. INewtonville - 4 rc,,cm bn ouse. Ask- ing $390000. Terms. $50000 down and .$50,00 monih buys restaur~ant on H-igbway 115 just south, o! Orono. FuIl price $3500.00. Orono - 117 acres. 8 room modern home'. Ail conveniences, large ýbarn creek. pond. Askinp 5$20,000.00; Monuments and Tyoe-15 acres, 12 ýroo'm ' brick gBarnes and Byamn bouse, 2 baiths and furnace. Large Fu aiy aM emrvilals gPLUMBIG and TINO Mg $30.0.Trs. Sales an Servic Oroyno - 50 acres. 6 room bhouse. noîiing to be desired 0 oAil conveniences. 5maI] barn, ýsk the person Who bought from J24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE' creek, tracto)rand equipment. s- ~, neghbur !rendorreltiv ~ B-A FINANCINO - ng $1700û.00; $2000.00 down. 'he RUTTER GFl RANITFE L IterstRates 4AJ. Mc ILL COMPANY gPhones* 1) Phone 110î, Oronào 73 Ontario Street If Hampton CO. 3-2288 (1 Local Representative PORTHOPETyrone CO. 3-265o Onar e t l ,i o ut *I1 J FORo fPAINTG - DECORATING O BUILDING -CUPBOARDSg gREPIR -AD FNISH DOCSIMPSON ~ PUMIPING OUT, SEPTIC TANKS WIIITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tosupkins Phorse Nwovle4721 oee.thon contanct Floyd Nicholson 1i)9 before Tuesclay, Juiy 2nd. a-c HELP WANTED Book-keeper typist for Durihamn Celitrai Agricuitural 'Society To assist secretary-treýasurer ai an hou<iy rate part time during Aug- ust, Septeinber and October and further to assume posi-tion,0f sec. retary-treasurer for the Society at an annual salary of $300. starting January 18, 1964., :Reply to Mrs. W. R. Giibart, 0rono. a-c NOTICE The Park Playground Programý. spon$ored by the Orono Atiletic Asscitin.wili commence on. Juiy 2nd, at 9 arn. and contInue, through the rnonth &f Juiy in the monirnings, iVfonday to Friday. 'Any intlerested child, aged 6 to 12 years who 'bas flot already reg- istered, may do so by contacting; Lynn B3alley,' phone 1M416, Orono. CARD 0F THANES We, wish Vo exýtendf our he'arifelt thanks and apprectation for the acets of k indness, messages, Of sympaýfthy and beautiful floral of- ferings received fi'o'm friends and relatives; especi!ally thanking the Heathier ýRebeýkah Lodge and the Bowrnanville Branch o! the Can- adian Legion, and, Dr. A. . Mc- Kenzie, Aiso Mr. B. E. Long ani mi.. D» R. Dewdney, durizig the ioss oai a dear husband and fathîu-. INIrs. W., C. H. Mitchell and famiiy. a-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank ail my frhends, relatives and neiglsbours Who so kindly sent gifts,, flowers, letters and, cards; aiso those who visited me wihile I was in Memoria]. Hos. piai and sýince I came home. Spec- iai thanks to Dr., McKenzrýeAnn McConkey, nurses and t f the surgicai ward for their care and kindnes(s. Thankiseverycne. Jepr 1]'i a-q DIED SIKMA--At Leevwarder, Holla nd, on Sa4ezrday, June 22 d, 1963, Gosse Sikma in his 601h year, R..R. North, Orlonio. Beloved i-usband of Ytje Reitsnta and dear father of Nelie (Mrs. Peter Fleddema), 1Peter, Pier, Syke (Mrs. Kinaas Reitsm;na,) Tm, Edna (Mrs.,S. Jerp Vandermeer), John and Betty. Resting ai 'the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowimanvifle. Service in Rehoboth Christian RPeformed Church, Bowm.anviile on at 2 pam. Inierment Orono Cemetery. a-c DIED mITCýHELL-Suc1denlyatH. sc'be iiOono on Saturday, June 2Z'nd, Beioved huisband o0f Miiam Rend- iyand dear father ëf Glebrle, OaaAlbert, Oroyno and Connie (r.Burns Kittimîer), Lakesiýde.- Rest!ed ai- the Bariow unra Hom, ark Stret fi' rvceo Mondaiy, June 24th at 2p.n . . ...... . .... - 1

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