Orono Go Iy Tures VOLUME 25, NUMBER 20 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4th,,,1963 Annou-nceI In Med The diîrectors of "The Little fjbîaritable Foundation of Orono" are pleased to announce that the detaýýl suite of the Orono Medical Centre on Oobbledick Street, will be oeýcupied-by Dr. R. A. Heston- 00rk,, Stirling, Ont. formerly of LJondoT4 Hngland. Aryfflgefl ents are being made for Itie installation of the equino mrTkn end Dr. I4eston-Oook wil open IÊa full-time dental ýpractie here, Octoben lst, 1963. Appoint- ments will be taken as of Sept ist -Watch papers for further notices. The directors sincerely 'hope the famîhles of titis area will -take the ad vsntage of the services that wIll be made available by Dr. Heston- Cooi and are pnoud to tbink, that Of oevenial places investigated by thii, le lias chosen Orono as the platIr to set up bis dental practice. The, Directors: Robt. Rutherford, Dr- A. F. McKenzie, Laverne Boyd Wiltium Reid, and John Moffat. DenistToLoc atAe Arecu School Resuits Ct1 JUNE PROMOTIONS Sandra Taylor (H); Denise Ste- lic l C n tr n cto er~ Names in orcler of menit (H) hon- phens (H); Wilfred Gifford (2nd H) ors 75%?0 to 100; (2nd H) 66 - 75. John Ooatham (2nd X). __________________ __________To Grade IX: To Grade Il: Kenneth Blewett (H); Donald Nancy Duvaîl (H); Cath~erine Blevett (HI); Richard Black (2nd Stephens (H; Mrae offat Rud ySh o ICDC 2 '1U' ). (H); Carol Coatham (2nd H-). ro Grade VIII- Perfect attendance: Chyrreli, Er- Chyrreli Ooat'ham (ýH); Erie Du- le, Kathryn, Donald W., Karen, HeId In Park Proà r"m â t9Fa vl () Wye Grg )adel:Sehn, ayrurt UniedChrchSeoo The Orono Amater tLe i lA- athryn Ccatham (H); Don e 1n:Rehard (lst 34); Ken Family Picnic was held atOro sociatin's Park Prograin opened, White (H); Robent Taylor (2nd H)'; and Don (2nd 33), Park on Wednesdaw afternoon, on Tuesday morning when eighteen I J - ack 2nd H); Ronnie Cow- Healti-i (perfect record): Don B, June26 witli a splendid attendance 'children enrolled""« The progrnm of a.KnehCyriKthyJnt of over 250 children and aduits. sport:, gaines and crafts wll be a.Iei--eh hrel ahyJnt held every morning frorn 9 to 12 To Grade VI: Sharon (-3); Richard (-3). Due to the kindness of Mr. Yake duning the month 0f July. More are Janet Duvaîl (H);1 Marie Yeo (H) Mrs. Catherine Lowery who donated the use of his aero- epce oerlwti h etSLephen Blrack (H); Sharon Bair- plane ride and to Mr. and Mrs. Les few ctd t nolwti tenx stow (H). KENDAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Aslett who arranged a Punch and 1fwdas To Grade V: PROMOTIONS Judy show, the children were able Lloyd Gifford (2nd H); Susan Principal - Mr. Lyle MeMahon to enjoy new attractions which cer- This pnognam Js sponsored by Monison (2nd H); Karen Coatham. Senior Boom: tainly added1 much to the suce ess the Athletic Association and la held To Grade IV: Gae8t rd -uly of the afternoon. Charles Anm- atitheMroLn Cmmiy Plak Sheila Bairstow (H); DaleEvans Sharon; Foster, Reid; Foster, strong, ably assisted by Gary 0C a kecuse i iagrud upr H); Michael Morrison - Arthur Thomas; eaknLye;Mr pen, conducted the races and con- visien on, rs te nPao super-wî Riley (Conditionally).Lne; er tests after which all sat down to asioI h uevsradwl Cni e ae4 bountiful supper of saaads, coid plan the activities for the. childr en.------------ (Ç'ontinued- page é -5) Ca this weel are fol lowing a 1 IIansetdow byt.he, onmmunitv rcreations bnanch of the Depart- metof Education, On usath Li h'niig D iruIv H dro participants used the "scratch- board" eîffect to make.scenes and Hoursk~.Wednesday le Into u otohF r 3 mbined media of paint and w ax crayons. Gaines this week st6hn on Tuesday afternoon is servied by the Orono Telephone have nw ue rqebsbl -+- Lý.. -. _____ inelud.d croquet baseba1 RECOMtMENHM AND SUAI OOL ORÉGANIZATION IN ORONO Orono1,P.ublic School Promotion Resulis The following is a list of Prlomo- David Mercer, Shelley Mercer, ,cut frydro power into the Village of sysurn. iA one tLunsee SC rxen -- cv-eg h rnPbi col oadML Omo.f nmoor 'clrido ealto fie 1Ue eeoto evctogtTo Grade 2- Cnaig Tennant, Catherine Walker, hor.fomtooclc o fv ' to be due to dainpnessa caused by1 Robbin Winter, Richard Bunting, tlc.The storm did, however, the rh4ying- rains on Tuesday., 1 On Fniday the program will be Steven Allen, Catherine Bunting, Betty De Jonge, Victor Dyke, Wil- brig a much needed nain and bas the drlving raina on Tuesday. held in the afternoon at 2:-00 o'clock Mark Carman, Stephen Cox, Char- îiiam Gilbank, Barbara. Gustar, broikght cooler weather. For a bief period bail existed but and flot in the mig. At'that les De Wtth, Bonne'Dunlop, San- Karen Hardy, Thomas MacDonald, l,ýbnn.wsthe cause of theïonly slight damage was reported ltim a tn car akdery w ib hl. r Dk2 aidG1'ak, Bruce -Manning, Heather McGiIl, L~htin. a afete o om cop y in bi. hIchlde ae skdtobrng2Giî-bant, Debra Heard, Donna BIain Moffat, Charmaînie Newman, hiydre interruption whicb fetdit oe rp yti al large tin cans with no sharp edges. i Knapp, Dora Knaopp, Lymn Lowery, VltePrnde oe- enat net~~~~~~~~ onyOoobtte ua ra Richard Manrning, (}ail, Monnison, Ronda Tennant, Pauli odd, Fran- Xew4tonv l1e, Newcastle and Bow J Alan Pas et oel JamesecTpam areatcut-offs wene for a lessen per-1 U Jacqueline Snelders, Paul Staples, of ef ime than was Orono. 11 L I Wayne Tennant, Susan West, Don- Randy Adams, Donald Allen, LJUIV VJ i W h te sin liead Wood. Ch itopher Aslett, Na y Barra- IAgvlnnghita ightes:o ue -I all, Bonnie Barlow, Evelene ronPont Hope feeding this area, -i ~ To Grade 3-- Brown, Donna Challice, Dennis shatitering inisulators iný a number Ifi ffilj X hiKnîsta Dent, Ronald Forrester, Cobbhedick, Wayne Couvier, David oflocations, The cut-off was nec- 1111.> V alUU , J Michele Hooey, Fraser Ritchie, Forrester, .inda Kilpatrick,, Wea- essary to make repaira 10 the in- Geraldine Vanden Brink, William dy Mercer, Kathleen Middleton, suflators. The Newtonville Sub- Mrs. Ken Gamsby, local chair- more than a f ew minutes will be Yake, Susan Asletl, Bnian Black, James Partner, Kenneth Partridge station was cut off for a period of -man of the T.B. Sunvey, reports ýrequired to have the test adminiat- Steven Boyd, Janice Caldwell, Car- Margaret Santo, S&ally Staples, one and a haîf' hours, the New- that everything is ready for the I ered. It is also pointed out that the ol Chatterton, Nico De Jonge, Joan Randail Tennant, Robert Yake. castie sub a like peniod and the mass sunvey of Ibis county Mon- test1 is useless without having It Duvaîl, Randy Flynn, Kathleen To Grade 6- Oronoc sub-station, on the lown line, day, July Sth. A complete canvas adequately nead on Tburaday, Jul y Guatar, Sheila Kennedy, Larry Larry Adams, Lynda Barrabail, a pe-od of lhree bours, fteae il ecmlt Lunn, David Luxton, Steven Mer- Suzanne Bunting, Carol Caldwell, ftharawlbecmetd prior .lith. Those oven forty should also cr eoa orRnalNx ihe amn oet hlie Th-e Brooklin feeder fine was also to Monday and evenyone is urged !have an x-ray on July lh.Th eon, DneorahMone, RadîRoNi- Mharre Crmn, JhDttCale,n fit and cut-offs registered in, that to be counted at the survey centre, sunvey centre will be more than insnLui cmd aEtbokNnyFretr area. No damage was done on the, Onono I.O.O.F. Communily Centre. adequalely staffed on booth days To GLrade 4- Donn. a Glbak, NnG or Hoey, O0rono system. T rd -DnaGlak odnHoy Telephone service bas also been Th survey centre will be ade- For funthen information onhus Richard Barber, Susan Barber,HeteHuesCaoneJho, ,,,isrupted in the Orono area which quately staff ed in order that no nef er to advertisemenl. Kathryn Grady, Wesley Knapp, Arthur Kilpatrick, David Manning, Linda McLaren, Bnyon Myles, Julia Neal, Molly Newman, Dianne Nicholson, Nancy Nixon, Kathenine It W s R gisraton aY or S imm ng or 25 hilrenPaninson, Ralph Parkinson, Han- lit as ~ gitraion ay or wim ing or 25 hilrenvey Partnen, Ronald Prescott, Julie Schmid, Glenda Tennant, Raye West. To Grade 7- Fred Bunting, William Caldwell, Susan Goode, Glenn Grady, P1am- ela Hardy, Clive Johnson, Donald McKenzie, Carol Mercer, Fac Lew- is, Margaret Middleton, Ellen Mill- son, Barbara Mitchell, Robent Nix- on, Dianne Parlnidge, Betty Pres- cot , la ne Schm id, G ry Sim pson Margaret Taggarl, Douglas Taylor Beverley Tennant, Donald TIodd, Patnicia Wallace, Danlene West. To Grade 8- Susan CanîtreIl, Dale Ohallice, Glenn H-aase, Margaret Mitchell, Terry Myles, Geke De Jonge, Day- id Dent, Elaine Fornesten, John Hooey, Ian Hughes, Paul Jones, Valeie Mercer, Wendy Parîner, Marilyn Tamblyn, Leslie Tennant. To Grade 9- Sharon Aluin, Wendy Cox, Roelof De Jonge, Dorothy Dunlop, John Grady, Paticia Hardy, Terrence Hlardy, Cecil Kenne dy, Robent Lux- ton, WayneMec, Richard Mon- 'nison, Richard Neal, ;Carol Nixon, IMary Tennant, William Todd, jDouglas Walker. ____________ JLeaýs than 5%l failed. Tuesdaàyimorning two hundred soring grouip, TheOrono Red Cross jw!mmers). Ouiý gr0Lup, number years 0 f age.J In the Fail, Mn. John Paxton, and twenty-five oilîdren enrolled expecets thal en1rolment will easily Il in the Beginnecrs; 45 in the J'un- Mrsý. May Ann Baxter is the in- Principal would like 10t stant a tà iJke the Red Cross Swmming reach the 240 mark set ast year. ions; 25 in the Litermediates andstructor w,.ith7 assistants being Mrs. Home and Sehool Club here if andWaln afey lssns t he hilrp frm Il verIb dit-16 in the, Seniors. Four haen- Neli Sneldeýrs, Mrs. Marilyn Bar- parentfs aeinteresled. Plese le Orono Swimming Pool and were di- rnet have enrolled in the course be- rle nteBoz RylLe'bl n Ms u Vao.M s him know ea frly i epcutem~1.il vide mb hei clases nd ivening romOron, Kedal LesardSaving course and four are also en- .Donald Tennant (sbown 'aboveý) il soo hn frveedctoa thdedr into tlesonMora reeseseswcaslhe ain fomOrnd owmenanl' e. The I ilied in the Siver or Award 0f te Water Safely Convenor. Mrs. forces 0f ihom1e, church and seool 1Menit Royal Lif Saving course. W/ E. Armstronig, president of the 10 gel doser together and co-open. ed 10 enrol during the week as vie largesl enrolment, 91, was estab- Trhelatte four bauve their Brez rn e ross, -eseedIeae dvlp 9good citizen-, of our program g-ets underway. The apon- lished in the Taipole group (non-, Méainard~uhh f sixteen ch'ldren n Tuesday. cilîdren. 1 M-