QBONG WEEKLY TLME8,. TffUBSDY, IULY 04 &, 1l ORONO WEEKLY TIMES A&uuk.rwed as seýeoexd Cliam iMai, Post Office Departmeiit, Ottawa. Estahished in 1938 by R. A. Forreoter Ray C. Forrester- Editor and Manager Be Sure To Be There mONDAY, JTJLY 8- THURSDAY, JULY Il This coming Monday, July th, the Mass T.B. Survey is bebng held in Orono at the 1.0.O.F. Community Hall. This date .4hould be a must for everyone as the success of the sur- vey can only depend on a 100% attendance given at the survey centres. On Monday the Heaf Tuberculin test wlll be given and othe following Thursday, July llth the resuit of this test ;11 be rend and it is necessary that the people return to the hall on Thursday in order that the test may bie rond. X-rays will ibe given to, thop people Who show positive and who are ovýer the age of 40 years. X-ýrays wlll lie given on Thursday. The entire test and X-ray is free being sponsored by the NorthumberlaldDurham Tuberculin and Health Asso- ciation. During this present cam-paign in Durhami County ew' phansis have bien exerted te get everyone to take the test. It -s only through everyone participating that T.B. can lie wiped out entirely. Medically there- is no problem tin conquering the disea.e tbut a problein does exdist in tracing down cases. If everyone takes the test then every case can lie located and aiminatcd through medical cnre. During the past years mucli has been accomplished -à eliminating T.B. 'mredically and as a resuit the period of L7eatment ami cure has been greatby reduced. There should beno fear ttnched to eithier the test on Monday or the cure, ifT.B. does exist, As, T.B. is a contageous disense it cao readily lie trans- itted froni n esnt another. As sucli it is ail important thaý1t one should tale the test on Monday as a protection to self', their family and their friends. From reports it aPpear., that there is a difficulty in getting somne of our older' resi- dents to have the test but it should be pointed out that the-.v may be helping to spread the disease te others. Let there bce littie doutit of the importance of the test en Monday and the reading of the test on Thursday for it is only through detection of the cases that the disease can be wipedà out. Protect yourself, your family and everyone, by mnking it a must on the two aboya dates. It takes only min- utes for the test and X-ray. MONDAYJULY 8 - THURSDAY, JULV il ORONO ODDFELLOW'S HLL Gos e Sikrra A ýfariner in Nortb Orono fer the lasýt six yeaiI,, Gosse Sikma, died Saturday, June 22 In Leeuwarden, Holland. He was in bis 6OVh year. Mr. Skma came te Canada froni DrIesen, Holland. He attended the Christian Ref ormed Church in Bowmanville and took part in its Bible study period. He is survived by his w*f e, te former Ytje Reitsma, Orono; ad children, Nellie (Mrs. Peter Fd- dama). Hampton; Peter. CouitiCe; Pier, Orono; SYke (Mrs. Klaas Reitsma), R.R. 1, Orono; Tom, R.R. 3, Bowmanville; Edna (Mrs. Sjerp Vandermeer, Orono; John and Betty, Orono. Funeral service was froin the Rehcoboth Christiari Reformed church, Bowmanville, Friday, June 28, at 2 p.m. Rev. John C. Ver- brugge conducted the service. In-- terment was in Orono Cemetery. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Plf EMHDAILY ORDERS TAKEN AND DELIVERED ON WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS You may corne in to get sume a, except Sunday. PLEASE CALL WN AFTERN04 KLJAAS REITSI R.R. 2, Orono Tele at ai' tirnes, MA ýphone 1177 ,~~oc~DOc~D oGii~oc~Y ,o~O~O~?O~D oc~DoGzDoo ~ -~ IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE A POSITIVE 'J REACTOR TO THE TUBERCULIN, TEST YOU SIIOULD ATTEND THECLINIC FOR CONSULT YOUR LOCAL PAPER FOR THE 0CIIEST X-RAV IN YOUR COMMUNITY NORTHUMBERLAND-DURAM TUBERCULOSIS o AND HEALTH ASSOCIATION,9 .D = y =>0=o= 0(-D 0 0=o o= c>co with"an electric air conditioner-S 'i ro