Coýý4inue4 from page 1) cer, Bruce; Meîi'cer, Doiýy; mer- cer, Biirley; Moiton, Gordon; Vlanche, Bil. Grade 7 to iae-rwn Ter- Ty; BurIey, Bar'bara; COlonnn, IParle; Poster, Ann; Geacli, Rob- ert; Littje, Diane; Ma.artense, Jeanietite; McMakin, Alan; Scar- ýtt, eba Grade 6 to Grade 7-Brown, Lar- ry; Foster, Robert; Hoy, Brenda; Mercer, Bibi; Swerdfiger, Darcy; Therteil, Gary; Turansky, Wilma; Tfurner, Boy. Gnade5 to Grade 6-Hoy, Larry; Mercer, Douglàs. Junior Room: Teacher - Miss M. Kent Grade 4 to Grade 5-~Greenwood, Brian; Mercer, Irene; Morton, Marilyn; Thompson, Jerry. Grade 3 to Grade 4-Foster, Peg- gy; Geach, Bonnie; Patton, Gloria; 6werdfiger, Betty; Swerdiftger, Waia; Thionpso)n. Susan. Grade 2 to Grade 3-Henderson, David; Insley, Ken; Martinéli, Al- un; MacDonald, Boy;' Patton, Pansy. G;rade 1 to Grade 2-Dennis, Kathy; Langstaff, Landa; Martin- eli, Connie; Youngman, Deboralh; Eealand, John. PROMOTION REPORT OF LOCKHART (NO. 9),SCHOQL; (Names in aipliabetical order) Senior Bo9m To Grade 9; Hugh Alin (Hon.); Weil Alun (Hon.); Carol Gibson; Caroline Jeff eries -Tove Jorgensen (Hron.); Jàimesý Kent; Nancy Low- 1ey (Ho.); IVUke >Simms; John Ster. To Garde 8: Jane Allun (Hon.); Reith Alun (Ho.); Reta Couitt; Lloydý Gibsgon (BRec.);, Linda Dow- ~, ery(Hon.); Bonnfie .aynard. S To Grade 7: Arlene Allin (Hon.); r Lois Baârchard (Hn);ioâêmàry y .,Uibon; Brent Kent(Hn) Sandra4 Laing; Grant MacDonald; Elaine Parks (Hon.); Barry Weston (H-on.-) To Grade 6: Janet Gibson; G ra- ham Jefferies;, Barry Hazeiden: (Hon.); David MacDonald (Ho.); Alan Milhench (Hon.); Helga Sor-' ensen (Hon.); Steven West (Hon.) Mrs. Gladys Greenwood, (Principal) Junior Boom To Grade 5: Debbie Carveth; Patsy Dunn; Guy Gibson; Doreen Hazelden (Hon.); Chris Jorgensen '(Hon.); Georgina Lowery (Hon.):- Peter Obrist; Marilyn West (Hon.) To Grade 4: Dean Cox; Dana Ilazelden (Hon.); Joan Sorenisen (Hon.). To Grade 3: Irene Allan (Hon.); Wayne Hazelden (Hon.); Virginia, Laing (Hon.); Kathleen Martin (Hon.); Keith Milliencl (.Hon.); M ichael Obrist (Hon.). To Grade 2: L'orne Aluin (Hon.); Mvary Aluin (Hon.); jima Barchard K'usanne Gerspacker (Hon.); Gran en;Kathy Lempen; Tommy 1 Lowevýry (Hon.); Heather MacDonA ad(Ho.); Ellen Sorensen. Miss Rosemary McMurray, (Teacher) HOE l HEAT SNE ERVCE ORONO -WFEKLY T!MES, TXIUR8»AY, JTJLY 4thI 90 Report From- Ottawa r0sfljsi ýthe full knorwldge;Can s given ii the ie-fiehErgýofe o f' 4 6 thl'hI'e,u4ifà deficîts Çominons debiate, one can still bel Cara a s eeiened i écenit !, bit sliâken by thie cold an4d delfb years, -Mr. Gor-don toak wha< lie erate attaci, ad upon Pùinance, described as the "first step" to- Minister Walter Gordon in thie past ward a balaced budget andhe es- six days. timated that, lie budlgetary deficit thuis year will, be $270,000,00Ô Ileas There is little doubt that in bis than last year. eagerness to bring in the Budget -A M- 44-The attack on Mr. Gordon, com-. ani g~ivete naionI ian arccouning' wich it has fnt had for two years, the Finance Minister bumbled, particularly with reference to the 30% sales tax imposed on US.* takeoyver of Canadian assets. The prineiple behind this tax is in Uine with the policy of Mr. Gordon and the government that if Canada is to re-purchase her industries and natural resources we must make a mnenced the: morning after the preseitation of the budget speech with the N.D.P. charge that lie had used three "outsiders". N.D.P. member Douglas Fisher raised the quesÉtion bi the House and lie later stated, "once the bone had been bared, Diefenbaker could see it and snatched it up." Irrespéctive of whîch of the two opposition par: terests of the 'great majority of the- The last paragraph of hie re- people of the country." marlks made last Monday Rsslfter-oey noon give some'hint as to the, char- M.Pei . HDneham start somnewflere, and we mu t ";11UU i_____CILULIU make a start soon. The, 3091 tax, both charged in ful cry after Mr. because 0of administrative difficul- orn'scl./oDo2Or ties ýwhich became appar ent, was Iro-cniecevt n o-i not a practical ýmethod and this Teno-ofdec ot nM n B provision of the Budget was with- day evening proved anti-climatic drawn by Mr. Gordon. as, ail opposition parties took care to see that the goveruentwano cryfo M. oron'sal hs e staned. eN bloc . ly73of theb-5 O t.I E R P E R M During the Budget debate' the defat1ied. en N..P. O gr73oup t b- 95 Oonse-vatives registered a vote in placed aIl debate on the budget support of the non4confîdence Mo- proyrer. As a result we rv-ch the endof he udgt ebae withuttion and the Social Credit group get. The budget eontained three Prior to the vote Mr. Gordong main provisions or objectives: had presented his defence. Ii a Firstly, an attack on chironic un- voice, wh ich showed the s'iralin of l i ! % f IA1 V A emiployment which Mr. Gordon the attack, tihe 56,year oid Financei ST U T IS P A R M~AAVA C Y , J termned a "national disgrace,." Sec- 'Minister dealt po>int by point with 1< RNO~T HN 6f ondly, the budget included steps to1 the Oppositions' cýharges. D)1urng hal te, rohi U.. ontolofthe course of hie remarks lie in- i~1be over- after I do m'y bankingl"' Nowadays it's natural for the lady of the house to do much of the family banking, becauseit's 80 convenient to look after inoney matters at one place -the l-ocal chartered bank,,',n ail-round banking service-centre. ,This busy homemaker is on her way to deposii part of her hus band's salary in their savings account, caa cheque, on their joint .h quing eaccount, and pay the monthly instalment on 'a personal boan. Ail this taken care of under ome roof - quickly, easily, simp1y. Any bank serviceyou use is an introduction to many others. An~d the chartered batiks are always. on the lookout for new ways to be helpful to more- people. 'Good reason why the ni.jmber of deposit accounts has doubled to 14 million in just 10 years, and 3,500 new accounts are being opened every banking day. ýTrHE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY, through1 ful-range ban-king responsive to growving, changing needs -- ý;îêri dicated his concern about continu- ing in public life. Gordon mniht be counted as a "Canadiaii Kennèédy." He hs given up the incomead case of a1 private pract,'in hi lhc tie cominanded one of the highr0st incomes3 in Canada. He lett his of- fice as one of Cdanada',-q best Içnown Ohartered Aceountants and Econ-' omrista to devote hie full time toi public service. He dîd so out of a deep sense of public responsiility. T-hus, one of his greatest concerns in the past f ew d'ays, has been that tthe punishing treatment lie has re- iceived in the House of Commons miglht deter other Canadians f rom following his lead into public ser- vice. . Iacter and diqpff-Iion of our Fin- ancýe Mlnister,, when lie said: 'Mr. Speaker, there is onetigý I'should like to say in concluaoim., I*h the past we-eks"me HonouitdÀe mernbers of the House.. I 4* not too miany ....nd somep'p1 outs4de of the, House have matie plain tliat they wvouId like ta- so me leave public lite. I have m* dÉr mistakes and I mtay make wfflc more if I stay here. This 15inei able, 1 suppose, If one's objective tis to get things done regardIesa oce .the difficulties to be overcome. A,1 4I can add is this:as long as 1 re- main a member of thé House 1- shahl strive to do those thingw w2iich I believe to be in the best i-