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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1963, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY rIMIES, THURSDAY, JTJLV 4th, IDOS Trien Universit~y Now W\V Dn Ihs Wary ki Petei'borig divisions havevsin and 1Norman J. Croit viei vt te top in the Trent Uni-I',Trent University", long a dream i),ersýity Fonrd&ng Fun~d pp-l, is now a irealîty," deciareti Mr.i ]E. C. BianGeneral Ohairmnan, fraund. 'Y uii~' ited, 'ft1so1~rned. pe of Peter'borough 'have suririoUn- ~4iiVaiDl o NtionlCpoa ted many obstacles to bring- it a- tions and in the communities ad- bout. They hiave worçed with de-« jàcent to Peterborough is con- Lermination and faith and giVen tinuing, he saiti. generou'sly of their means. "'Subscriptiofls alreativ in, t-"Great credit and the thanks of gether with those in sight assure the commun'ty go t i 'nhv a final total in excess of our $1,- worked in the Foundiflg Fund ap- 52,000 goal," Mir. Braunti declared peai andtet those in every wai-k 0f HBe raid he expecteti to be able to hf e who have su-pported it. report the sucssfui completion -j speak, for mafly whcfl 1 thank' of the Funti not later thanSe-DrCiins ohecPOaead tember. cxtiiZlS, otircoro"te nti The Employee Gifts Divisi<n, andividUalI forgteir1]tcoributions under the co-chairmansbip of Lion- anti whn ipsing e otf0vsc i' e] Brownc anti G. J. Dolan, led the comniendation teePocSi way in.heeet unn i our indugtry Who lave had the vis- in acieveent, u~mg ion to understanti wlrat the new un- 217.0 per cent of quota. vrîywlmentthco u- The Personai Gifts Division, J.irityadthe .will cthe commun G.9 prr ,cent. n eprtd Trent UniveriYwith President 1&6.9per ent.anti ViceChGbafclcor T. H. B. Sy-1 Led by W. G. Wid Chairman, mons atte dm, continues on tePeterboroughCoprtnsD- course for its schctiuied opcning vision, with the largest quota in in the f al 0of 1964 inl temiporàry the app)eal, attaineti 101.2 per cent. iul esa teodSut eta Wfilliam H. Palm, ViceýPresident1 Public SchOi Sheillrooks antiRu- «ndý Managing Director, DomatarlIbitige Streets. It w411 move in 1066 Pa.kagngLtt. ntiG.R. hir-ito its permaen campus overiook- wood, Assistant Genetal Manager, 'îng the tonabee River, three Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- miles north of -eeterborough. xicrce, both of Toronto, are Chair- Curriculum planning, acquisition »wan and Vice-Chairman respectiv-'of library bookis anti recruitment of el y of the continuing National Cor- f acuity1 are noW the principal con- porations phase of the appeal. cerne of Presidci't Symons. D. W. Kingdon, Chairman, antid ______________ L. Reichartit, Deputy CliairmanCTHS22iC RU 4re leading the solicitation in the Arcea Gfts Division.j IN ORO No PARK Larry Adams oén Tiestiay caught Altoug eah embr wll e a 22 inch trout in the stream that- on cal to accept any further as- us hoghteYrn ark. Hel signment, the Management Com- 1 drolppeti his Une in aroin'd one of i' 0f the appeai has diS bandeti.j the foot- bridges at,,Utc park andi 'Tlus committee compriseti,. in ad-1 hati a tussle ' o n bis hantis to lanti dition to the leaders mentioneti a-, this gooti ,size, trout. Larry was us- bove, C. B.. Neal, honorary treas- ing a lure at'the b time. The fish is urer; H. F. Wâddell, chaîrman, bcing mounteti. Mr. Adams States, Advisory Committee; Col, J.,'A. De- ýthat they hfl, travelleti nortb on the wart; W. M. Oomst'ock anti W. H. iweek-end anti spent a great deal Mortlock, deputy chairmea; W. 'G. 'of time fishing with no resuit. The Cas, W M.Geimel, M GhraY, best fisbing was appa rently right chairman, Public Information Di- at home in the Orono creek. ORONO5c to$1 STORE ALTERATION SALE SPECIALS Polo Shirts, Boy's Combed Cotton Short sleeves, assorted patterns and ccooîs.,. Sizes smail, medium or large. Priced at..... $1.39 Alarm Clocks, assorted colours. Special ..$2.27 ýhildren's Sand Pails complete-with shovel 25C. a score-,of 15-2. LOC, L !Sp rts 'BrkfsThe girls play in the Orono, P&*teti this Fridaây evening when they Miss Louise COWaqn, Toronto,. Local harness horse men are meet the top tearn of the eg spent the ,veekend willh Mrs. Mar- no xitn h pnn f racing ->Oit Hope. gare the Greenwood raceway, Tor- JUNIO)R RS Miss Jean Euchanean, Toronto is onto, on Monday, July th. lIt will vi siting ber siter MIrs. A, Drum- b e here tha.t the local horsts wiîl,i The Junior Girls softfbail teaM27 ,nonti anti Mr. Di-ummonti. no douhit, test their ability. > expeet to play an exhibiÀtion ganie- Mrsý. Rcbcrt Cooper anti family Last Saturday evening at Peter- tl'is Thursday evenin'g (tonighit), fWilreh, Mich., are spending borough Dr .Taggart's 'Meadiow in! Bowmanville. A retura game ie holidavs with her parents, Mi~r. andi Bob set thae fast Urne of 2.10.4 in expected in a rono on Morrday. Mis Carl Tennant. lits first trip when it headeti across M-. anti rs. Orývlle Chatter1ton thc wire in front. In its secondtrip o'Ifamily spent the wieekend at Meadow Bob placeti third, their cotage on Canal Lakte. Mn. Junior West tirove Wortby Mite 3,"ff Mrs. AIf Jakemnan anti Blain to a ithirti andi fifth position anti ~%ftw(re visitors on Manna. IFloydi Post's 'Bobby Dale' 'te a 3lj1 Mc'¾iacl Fagan anti Mis, thirti. r~ts ~n a~n ~ Markham are Kcith West wbo entcred 'Happy i-Dnding summer holidays with Babe' in tbe races at Sunderlandi, Mn anti Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. drove to a tbirti anti fourth position Master Brian Boyti of Orillia anti in the two heats. E. iidlEtOn, 6 ïý Danny Snell of Toronto are holitiay- triving Noriss Bonnie, drove to n ' itb their grantimother, Mns. 'the win in this race. p Ken Gamsby. Norman F. Fisher Jr. of Guelph Thec Orono Senior girls have yet has, reiturneti home after spending regîstereti onîy two wins in their Clyu bis, ho litiays witb bis grantimother schetiulc of games so far this ycar. Clyu Mi-s. Lcroy Hamilton anti granti The local team is entereti in a licensed Plumbing & parents, Mr. and. Mns. John H. sevcn-team league 'in which 'the MeJinclC trtr Vanplew of Toronto. 1scbctieule is weîî over the half-way weho selsonrter Mrs. Chas. Walker, Camp wBon- mark.tili tien spent a fcw tiays last wcek The local teamn has a majority.of adaate with ber parents Mr. anti Ms. C.- Young players who' have yet' Q teaaite V. Coper.gainexpenience to overcome the and iso,,wt .Cals Lnnp ust stronger teamns. TheA R M A No cat wre anHa artmàn, Olga Last Wednesday Orono losite k>PLUMBING ]WEATINQ Pauli Of Stratforti, Henietta Tru- Newcastle andi on Tuesday evening man anti Anna Peters, Stan Gar- were ,defeated la Bow manville by Phone 143 Orouie IlicI,.Harolti Dales anti Barbara AI- exantira, al of, Toronto. SUNDAY scuooT. pICNIC (Continupei-,frorm page, 1) nicats, santiwic hes, cakes,,pics ati cookies,- toppeti off by, gencrous ren. The Suntiay Schlool, Staff wish te thank al vro assistet inl makinig th e aftcrnoon s;iobha-huge s3ucéeSs. uNITED CHURCO Oronio pastoral Charge M'inister Rev B. E. Long CHR1011SERVICES Kirby - 9:45 an Orono - i1 ar. Lcskarti- Withdrawn turing July and August SUNDAY CHUR-PýCU1 SCHOOL ýKirby - - il a.m. Ma>,de-To-Order R. E. LOGAN, Prop., Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario Sale of Dressles L. We arc clearing the balance of our Spring anti Sm rDrse atrcly euctpiesThra goot selection of styles andi colours andi the sizes r'ange from 9 to 20 anti from 141/ to 241/. Corne in anti III look thcm over. 32 Dresses. Regular 15 Dre sses. Regular values te $15.95 Sale Price $11.95 21 Dresses. E values ta $18.95 Sale Price $1 ;4.95 »~ Dresses. Regular values ta $21.50 Sae Prie $6.5 S' DRESSES resses, slzes 7 to 12 years. oice ................ $4.49 mses, sizes 4 to gx years. .................................................... ..........................5 DMOTON SKLRTS rts, sizes 12, 14 and 18. Your Choice........... $1.00 qGeS 1

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