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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1963, p. 6

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",GOD ,AN~ 'irom a -sermon preached by the Fev. B. E. Long, Orono. '2. A Personai Gôd C~t.lng Reactions Poi-ý~' the sensationai acÇe-9n - o-'& Russia's Yuri Gagarin srae. ~ieRussian radio an- roye,"E ;ýery scientifie c ie- ïnent deas a crushng blow t9 the Idea of týe ùxîsterpce of Go.,l Te bhgbhr the waý'idereached bythe ýlov-ýet intelle&cthen less room ther ias for religo-i in the con3sciousness of the p é.Thes date, April 12, 1991 an i - he name of cosmonaut Yuri Go;,arin have been inscribed inhistorv. Relip' n was deait a! mortal blow by the human intel- lect and by bhe builders of Coin- Jesus made this'clear when lie munism." sald, "Are net tW'o sparrows sold for a farthing? And not one of tbezn Titov, another cosmonaUt, Stated shal f ail te the ground wthout 'I saw ne signs of Ced ini Space". your Fatlxer's wiil. Even the hairs The Psalmîstsaid, "Wben 1 con- of your head are numbered. Fear ider the heavens, the work of Thy net theretere, you are ef more val-I ringers, the moon and the stars ue than many sparrows.'> In this wbiclh Thou bas ordained, what is Jesus was saying, "God i a per- man that Thou art mindfui of bim, sona] Ced. He cares about, you sýnd the son of man that Thou Vis- completely and totally. We use the _sht hlm?" And then adds, "O term "Fakther" to express how Lord eur Lord, hew excellent is personal Ged is, yet in so doing Thy name in ail the earth! we express only a little ef the greatness and depth et CGod's con- More recently, tlhe hymin writer cern. Dr. Fosdick said, "Let even tbriiled many lives whefl he wrote:* ene tea cup et water ho taken to a «,o Lord my Iced, whon I in awe- IaJborafô-ry and it will tell the trutb somo wonder- 1 and, reveal the quallty et the sea>, Consider aIl the worlds thy hands yet it wiiî net reveal the trulih have made,. about tlhe the ocean. When one 1 see the stars, 1 boar the relling considers the reach et the sea eover thunder, theý rizn &e the' world, thiig's ef Thy power threughout the, uni- the depths nueoye can pierce, the -verse displayed. distances, the currents, the tides, Then slngs my soul, my Savlour the storms, ho daro net try te put God te thelibese ln a tes. cup. Se God sweeps How great thou art' How great eut boyond the reacli of human thou art. symlbols, se true and s0 inadequate And whon 1 tinlc that God, bis are the werds for lm."y son nôt sparing Sent IHlm te die, 1 scarce can take it ln, That on the Cross, my buren 0HW TO KNOW GOD -Il Ubledand ied o t We knew Ced as personal enly sny ledind.$' t tke away, 'as we reacli eut te humm, na yen- y 5. ture of talth. Add te this, the value In those reactiens oftmn, et real prayer in which we aflow have two attitudes, mhe Cesmo- ourselves te be sensitive' te bis nauit, confronted by the lmitless premptings, te listen rathor than hxpanse of Space studdd wtb speak, and we bave takena doter- Planets set like jewels in a crow.n, mincd step in the direction et the IwJo knews the rythm et the un. mosi glexteus experiencOe ofwer- verse evon better than most, States -ship whlch leads te serying. "I see ne signs ef Ced. Thore is ne God."ý the 6ther is that attitude re- The story ls told ef Helen Hayes, veaied by the Psalmist who be-. the actress, who found tbe value belds the mnajesty ef the heavens et Worship whon her daugbter was and exclai'ms, "ýO Lord, how ex. dying ot polie. Througb neglect she- Cellent is thy namo in ail tho bad lest ber ewn relgieus faith. earth," or that ef the bYmn writor Hefwever, she began te drep, ma who real'izn a litUle of what Ged n a littlý churdh near the hespital, dld fer him in Jesus Christ Pens tryïng te roach Ged again. Evory the Unes. "My Gcd, bow groat tho day 'Ill prayed for help and noth- sa-t."ing soomod te liappen. Later she reallzed that it bad bappened riglit That wbich Causes ene te be Uere in the cburcb. Sho tound ber cauglit up in wender, love an faith again ini Ged becauso she re- praiSe, Causes anether te arrogant- meibered tihe people Élie had seen TY and prematurely state, "There o14 women witli gnarled hands,,and is noGd, thero - labeurers with tired faces, Is Ged Tee Great Te Be Persenal? yet as these people prayod their faces were liglhted. up. When they Most people can gîve assent to lett is was evident that tbey had the existence ef Ced. Their prob- (Cnnudbcpae lem le "Hew can God be person- Cniudbc ae ai,"ý for one might be filled, With Awe and reverence before th emite power of the creator! stil] feel tisat be mus't be se and se far off that he couid ha~ LOncern for thse life of man. SI faitb 0f the Bible goes on tj firm that 'God is a living God,[ more than that, that he is a sonal God."1 If we hold the view et the eist that there is ne God, thei nsust aàk What is thse meanir aition? Harry Emerson F., states that if such is the "then' the world is like a seametress sewing on a mad with ne thread in1 it. Tùe cent-, move ike cleth beneath theb needie but ne thread binds e tegether. The yeans go by aný machine wears eut. Thes heap will dlaini it and there wi. nething te show for its teil. Th a world without Divine pur anàd make lite utterly' vain an tile. Most mon believe that theI a thread et Divine Purpese in machine et the universe that1 thse centuries tegether. They there is a Power behind al atien and in the future there w a fulness. As seen as we spei thse general purpose of Ced a ural consequence fehhewvs,, Ged have a purpose fer them ansdflot for the part," A f ew years age ibis church bulît. Thse architeci did net sâ 4D YOU" a vague, way, 'lét there be a1 churcb." HIe carefully planned the 7eneral outlie, but aise, took into c-areful consIderation the, more minute detaIlsý such1 as Windows,t doors, lighting. The parlts. must be fitted together to have meaning.1 You can't create the wiole without, creating~ the parts. No fathetr can love iis family in greerai wthout loving the severai ,membýers of it in particular. p9od can neithfller care nor plan for hisyvorld as a whole without caringapd planning for each of His individuals. That mneans that God is concerned about' you. He knows your needs and, wants te pro;Vide,,fer them. T.B. TEST READING AND ONLY HOURS X-RAY ONLY Wednesday 2 5 p.m. Monday July 10 7 -10 p.m. July 15 Thursday 2 5 p.nM. Tuesday JuIyili 7 10 p.m. Jl16 Friday 2 - 5 p.m. W6dnesday July 12 7 10Op.M. Jul 17 Monday 2- 5 p.M.. Thursday July 15 7 -l10pm. july 18 Tuesday 2 5 p.m. Frlday July 16 7 10lOp.m. Jiily 16 FRIDAY WEDNESDAY JULY 5 7 -10 pm. JULY 10 MONDAY 2-5 p.m. THURSDAY JULYa 7 - 10p.m. JULYili TUESDAY 2-5p.m. FRIDAY JULY 9' 7 - JULY 12 REMEMBER ..... THEE HEAF TUBE1WULIN TEST IS USELESS UNLESS YOU RETURN TO HAVE IT READ! Brought te you under the Auspices of The NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS & HEALTH ASSOCIATION Please Clip This Out For Future Reference mClcrke High- Sohool Promotion Resuits (Pirom page 3) (In alpbribetical erder) ea De Jong Hon.; Leslie H<over Hughes;, Darlene Ransberry; Char- Gali Allin;- Mary Lynn Bailey; Hon.; Carole Ann Kent ka.; les Reid; Wil1liam Reid. Carman 'Bail; Sandra Bowins; Wayne Miller; Rcb4%d, Pearée_; The folowing'atudenits have been Mary Jane Brough; Robert Bro'wn; WMillim Seot; Shirley Shsrrmcê recommËend'ed by the Principal for Donald Buekley; Brent Ceates; Donna Soucb; Keith Swarbrqek;' the Secondary School Graduation Paul Coates; Bonnie Couvier; Don- Carole Vagg; Linda Westheuser; Diploma: na Couvier, Frances Curran, Ter- Catherine Wilson; Grant Yeo. DURHAM ILCOUNTY MASS TB S" 5UR1%VEy June Il te JuIy ,inclusiv CHECK BELOW FOR YOUR A'-iLA Newtonvilie Unlted Churcli Canton Communlty 1Jal1 Campbelleroft W. i. aI Millbrook The Waitng Rom Baileboro Unlted Church TYRONE' COMMUNITY HALL ORONO I.0.O.F. C03MMTY CEynRE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY iHAiLL

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