ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1963 0 g TABLERITE - (Janwdiis Finest Red & Bluie Brand Be.! l[ -Srvea re d um or Weildne" Short (lut SCHOICE RIB STEAKS lb 79c Freshly GrowidU OMINCED BEEF lIb'43cJ ITABLERITE WEINERS lb pkg 45c PORK SIDE RIBS lean, meaty lb 59c =>c >o o =C> Luscious Beauties from the Sumiy South U.S. No. 1 Grade PEACHESý WelsJi Frozen GRAPE JUICE 6 oz tini 2 for 39c Tullp Coloured MA RGARINE 2 lb pkgs 43c Hot Dog or Hamburg '%unbeam ROLLS pk of 8 25c Eospitality it'AISIN IPIE each 39c qt ýbox 23c BANAN&XS ideal"ý for picncs2 lb 25c No. i Grade Grteen Peppers U.S. No. 1 Grade 4 f or29 Fi-esh Carrots 2 bunch 27c Prlces Effective July 3, 4, 5, 6 We iteserve the Right to Limit Quantities A Total of IN BONUS TAPES RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH DUINCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 18o.Pkg.j IGA FOIIL WRAP Ideal for Barbecues 25-ft. rolis JOHNSONS BABY OIL small fize RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH KRAFT BARBECUE SAUCE 14-oz. Jar COMEÎ,CLEANSER with free dish cloth 2 tins REC EIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH IGA MILD CHEESE 12.oz. Cut I CHOPPED BROCCOLLI McCains Frozen lO-oz. pkg. SLICED COOKED HAM - Tablerite- 6-oz. Pkg. No. 1 GRADE POTrATOES - Produce of U.S.A. 10-lb. iI~ j! "ýGOD AND.YOU"' (Continued from page 6) been nefreshed by a lifting Power of God. "Here", says Helen Hayes 'Iwas my revelation.' Week by week the people who gather here for wonshIp attest the fact that God ls personal. We have come to know that he is here witb us. We feel him. He strengthens and inspires us. He gives us cour- age and insight. He is close and personal because he is concenned with ail the /etaîls of bis creation. How much 'more meaningful is the word of the H-ymn writer who wnote "H-ow grèeat Thou. art !" in comparison to the words 0f the Riissian cosmonaut who said. "Y see no sign of God" having behe-, the glory of tbeheavens. It is n hard to imagine which will be the abundant if e. God has given us minds with which to know Hlm God expects us to use our minds and to discoven new tnuths. But every new truth discovered ought to bring us closer to God for He is a Persoral God who canes for cach unc- 'eation. KENMr M.and Mrs. Keith Wood and sons have moved to Kendal to byve witb ber father Mr. Jas. H-Iy hile they are building their new home on the slxth lIne. Mr. and Mrs. Cavano and fam- lily f romn Oshawa have baken Up Iresidence in their new home form- erly owned by Mr. Ralph Me- Mackin. Sunday School and Church will be beld nI il1:15 a.m. next Sunday morning with Rev. R, C. White B.A., in the pulpit. The Frank Stoker property wa purchased by Mr. Ray Hoskin ut Oshawa. Miss Catherine Stewart, Miss Marion M'cKelvey and Mrs. George Lofthouse have gone on a motor trip to New York State. jKendal Park day is to be JuIy I r.El thte T~hmpowent to Co bourg to visit her niece Mrs. An- gus MacLean and fumily and her, Èwo Wisters on Tuesday. Tne Czr-,adden Plcnic was held at Oionq Park on Saturday. Iinner' was served in the Oàdfellow's Hall. Mr. Milton Elliott of Bowmanville was the oldeât gentleman in at- tendance while Mrs. S. Caldwell of Port Hope received the prize a.s the senior lady there. The young- est chîld was Dianne Leonard of, Stayner. The guests, hat came the longest distance were the Leonard familles of'Stayner. Gamnes of varlous kinds were played in the park. Mms. Alfred El. liott was able tg throw the rolling pin the farthest. The lads could tbrow the -bail fartber than their dads. Mrs. Les. Leonard guessed the nearest to tbe numaber of beans in the bottie. The pienie ie te be held next year in Oollingwood Park. The montb 0f June was tbe third driest June since 1871. We were very glad to get a good rain ,on July 2nd as crops and gardens needed ramn so badly. Tbe power was off for tbree, bours du e to the sharp electric storm. This was the cause of a big loss to our Orono baker as be bad a large baking of bread ready to bake in the elect- rie oven. The hay crop is good this year here. S?,me farmers' have a1mnýot finished their haylng. 'Mr. Norman Sproule has return- ed home f rom the Bowmanville Hospital feeling much stronger. Tamnblyn The annual Tamblyn Piecwas beld at Waltona, Park, Newcastle, on Saturday, July 22. It was well 1Enthusiastie Tamnblyns came f rom Chicago, Rochester, N.Y. and from many 'Ontario cities and tOwns, near anid far. Pony rides were enjoyed by the younger folk througboilt the alter- nOOn. A smorgasbord supper was enjOY- ed, followed by the election of Of- ficers., Past President Franklin G. Tamablyn, Hamilton; president James C. Tamblyn, Orono; secre- tary-treaSUrers, Rev. Jack Hill, Hornby, and Clara (Tamnblyn) Thompsofl, Oshawa; chief histerian Robent W. Tamblyn, Kingston. The oldest lady present was iýIrs. Fred Tamblyn and the oldest gent, Mn. J. T. Sleeman, Oshawa. Races and games were enjoyed followed by farewells until 1964.