VOLUME 25, NUMBEII 21, OfOlO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1963 896 TaeueclnTs t ooV l To Celebratei 2th ilu pr opc Sat. ÇeA t i a r l. wl n heV---g Ii r î~ e, c Eight hunýzdred and nincty-six- C__ Ic, -aofls toek a Tuberculin test in E 'neMonday afternlon ade- Uust IVl "' It 1kNo C0lci ann.Tx fternoon period fqu 1 tef~w396 gîven the test with the - . eeaning 500 receiving thetest~ r Io v s cliin ex ening peried. Te8961 taŽn ested were eut of a possible Thei recent mneetîng of the Towvn- 140 fr this area. ~e lr~CinI aea-bag oc calcium xr petî r lspeaking with Mrs. Pewtress pnolfrfute i uiinb~~ action. tNorhumberland-Durhaux TB twcen Uauncil and tne Orono Police DeuyReeSoe -eporte.d Asacitien it was pinted eut that Trustees in cennection with .ficeta gemn Srimber would be positive and as protection tbroughout the township.tatarmetadp cae f s ci er fotrcuîedtetae he Coun1ci1lle hl a utoie land was possiblek for thi-s wdening group lof the road aîjowanc; on the 't' i'-eruln es.c Tîsx rop o e plan a meeting 0 f the twe Broqks Cowa-,n -sîderoad, lct's 23 and ove shukibe -rayed ths Thurs- groups in thxe near future.24coesin.Th cs fte iaJuly llth in Orono freux 2-5 aidfrox 710 ux.The finance committee of Ceun- land had been quotecl at $100000 The 896 who took the Tuberculin cili was given approval te contact with a ncw feeice and two 9.ates teet on Monday was f elt te be in the Building Inspecter, H. Best, in te becenstructed, by the Township. accord wit'h turn-euts lu other cen- respect te preparation of an ap- Mr. Cowiaix would silpp1y the fiîstt tres. pointuxent of an Inspeotor te cover application of gravel. Tiei road the Construction Safety Acf. it is superintendent is to cdîscuss the sûe o ner iftn frthe r'at tha the duty of Coun<l te so appoint an purchase and widenng wth the outedoteteturdayn for the rdx- Inspecter and te see that inspec- Municipal Engineer and if satis- of th Itst o-d ta ad flerter tien is carîied out. The> commnittee facetory Council is toeedavour te x-îy.It s ope fiatai wil eturiafter meeting with Mi. Best in make the purchasee! land. to_ have their test îead. Ase that connection -wth the appointnient p-osfitive reactors do have their are te report back to the Clerk. A letter was recexved froux thxe fiee x-ray. stitlted te, speed Up procedures of Inl general over the country re- A petition was received by coun- clerk, H. E. Milison, in which the Y_ Jon and turnout -te the test var- cil signed by thirteen residents and clerk asked for methods to be' lu- ;,es with some centres registering ewuers of properties on the third T'ownship meetings and township gooc>d response whileohr hwuel h iao i eg ib work. The letter was tahled to a ,fiit.iire d ate* 1 ,n1i -of c,', eil,, r e v poor turn-outs., The response i Newcastle on Tuesday was the best ,èver recorded in Newcastle. The test heixi lu Kendal saw a total f 120 gfiven the test. It is impotant that'ail tested should return to have tihe test read and everyone should have thxe x- ray. It is for your protection and that of your famly and friends. s'on. 'Tie petition deploreci the ex- «iuur iae nn LLo cess road dust and asked for ac- Ite study the proposais. tien to have it elimiinated. Mr. El-' liott was informned tl'at the niot-1 The contract to construet the Wagenaar Bridge was awarded to ment of calcium had been uscIl 1lp E.* F. M aiston Construction Lim- this year and that wOrk on this itecl. section of road was net contained in the budget. it could, how'ever, A grant o! $200.00 vlas granted be considered lu the 1964 budget. the Duihai Central, Agricultural Coundil when asked'te supply one Society for their fair in Orone'. On a motion e! Deputy-reeve Stone and Counclloi Perrault, the R esu ts f R crea ion in-Township is te advertise the third reading e!fixhe By-law setting up the Towuship into a planningaiea. Can Derby AnnouinceciThis reading is te be given on August 6th., Anyene wishlng Le On1 Friday afternoon, a Tin Can Girls Kathy Crady, Shel ley speaic eltier for or agansf the by- Deby was held for those. eblîdren Hooey. law willl be eard on 4ugust 6th ,enslolled lunftxe Par<k Prograin. The Tin Can Slalom: at 2 p.m. children were di'ided into age Junior-Doug Black ýt groups. points were given lu &ach ,Intermedate DuySeil, Don Two readings were givente ,evenit and thxe child with fixemost McLaren.1 DnYS Harvey Jackson Mem oIial Park points lu his group t fixe endi ef theDeriby was the WIuner. Junior boys Chamxpion was Ted- dsy Rdbinsou; IntermidiaWte boys Champion was Danny Snell; Senior Beys -Champiýon was Bilan Boyd, wth Michael Carman and Raye 'West coming a very close second aud third respectively. 'The Girls Champion was Kathy Cinady. In the separate events, fhose comring first and second weîe as iollows: Ti (Ian Bowling: Junio-Larry Lunu, Mark 'Car- xnan and Doug Black ttied). -internediate-Daimy Snell, Don McuLaren. Senior-Raye West, DennisCob- bledick. Girls--Jý[athy Cindy, -Heatiher Mc-. mGi1. Tin (Ian Race: Junior-Teddy Robinson, Ljariy IA=. Senior-Michael Carmnan, Bilan Boyd. Giils-Kathy Crady, FHeather mcG"ill. lu Kendal under the Communlty Centres Act. Bean Bag Target: juilac dd obnsnDogTraining Buloac dykobnon.Du lut ermiediate-iBran Black, Don Senior-4Bian Boyd, M ichael Fgh Carmnan. A wiud-whip Glrls-Kathy Grady, Shelley Hoo- ccl over a 5C ey. brusix and gr. Junuor-Team o! Teddy Robinson southwest o! Tin Can Catch: duy. and Doug Blac'k.1 Intermnediate-Tea-in of Don- Mc- Helping Lai Laren and Blailu Moffat. , ui battling th, Seuor-Teainof Bilan Boyd and haIt was ai David Ivercef tied with team o! fighting crew Denuts Cobbledick and James f rom the Ontt Tennaut. ' BowmanvIlle Girls-Team o! Heatixer MoGilI Cold 'Springs and Kathy Grady. lhue of Hope a School Boys- Forest Flics pped forest fire burn- 50-acre area e! trees 'ass about five miles Millbrook last Thurs- ,ds ainl Forests men h'e blaze te an early recently formed, fire vof 20 young beys tarlo Training Sohool, NVho are camped at foiestiy camp,. town and Clarke. Intermnediate-Danuýy Snell, .Bn-' On Tuesd'ay moining a basebal an Black. gane took palce in whidh a teain "The boys were worfh their *Senior-D>ennis Cobbledick, Day- udt- Michael Carman de!cated weight in gold flgtItng this fire,"' id Merc er.Cor le Hooey's teain. said Mld Youngmnan, Department of ________________________________________________ La.nds and Forests reforestation foiemnan of Durham Forest, near a Pontypool, who assisted lu direct- To SeekSpecifications efrefghig Th ire, on a farm owned by For New Fire Truck A meeting o!f ixe CoUncîl of the Orono fire hall. Township o! <ýIarke and 0 rn IAcmite !Cu Oilo hat- Police Trustees was held u on. er and Trustee Simpson was autix- day -evening w'hen discusslon cen- erized te meet with fixe Orone Fire tred ou fire protection for the Chie! lunfthis donnectien and te Agreemeuf was renched lu prin- cipa beteeu ixetwe partiesfor -pIovifig t'his protection eut o the Vilage e! Orono with operatien under the presen!t by-law. 'ro give protection thîoug'heut the Tenhpif is uecessary te pur- ca i-auw. fire le and te maean extensttin te the prescnt have plans compiied for the new enfine and for the eetension e!f the hiall. The Ontario Pie Maîshali's office is aise te be consulted inl thxe -matter. Agreement for the protection in fixe Township will nef ha esigned until sucix txme as the uecessary equipment is available and in op-, eraition lu Orono. Fred Hard, Mllbrook, was first spotted by a foîestry employee, Ray Mercer, ou i way home f romj work about 5:00 p.m.1 He drove inimediately te the aiea wheîe he had seen smdkei rismng from the trees, and discover- îng a rapidly soý--adiàg blaze lu the higih wind, sent messeuger te phone forestry headquarters ffiumediate- ly. About the same time the fire was spotted by Mi. Mercer the suxoke was also seen by Lands andi Forests officiais touring the Cold Springs Camp aiea with meunbeis 0f the Gauaraska RegIon Conser- vation Authority. avetlI an on SRaturd y, tct b ý '~ ' "e h-Tx Foe'. Ci k î euhr -cidater s- s to have bc t vý ai~ ~ , etepae ni :)n fi oi the eratic tîiep i flie a')sence o <f the oîî'th heur ivas due, te a sn a a along with a breken band wblcli brak«ea the moteor oerating fthc striker. It is lut eiesting te fnote that Mi. Bond eriglnally made and installe I the dlock ln Orene. The thrceiLow'er. clocks aleng with a dlock in the baseuxeat are ail rue froux a nxa7V- er dlock iu the upstai'-s audtorum,. Electrical impulses freux uc uia-- ter dlock advance the timing of the- auxiliary dlocks as well as for the timing of the striker. Mi. Bond and assistant beth stated the dlock mechanisux te bel in good condition and aise stated' that there is very littie Vo go wrong with sucix a dlock, gven'the proper Icare. To-day lu the uew buildings, dlocks of exactly the samne design are beffng installed . . . the ouly change being the style of the taces and cabinets . . . the working parts are the same. "The Orono dlock ,21 f i dle pat. i Sc 5U~W~ U0' ckets Now On Sale The Orone Chamber ef Coin- exerce wbe are again sponsoring bhell AnnualCainval in Orono in Augusf have eut on sale if cli tick- ets foi the draw. The Chamber has divcrted this yeaî freux giving merchandise bo the iucky winner and aie effering a cash prize. The arnaeunt of cash foi the prize will be determîned on the sale e!fihe tickets. The division of the net sale of tickets will be divided thîee ways. Fifty percent will go te the lucky winneî with foîty percent to the Chamâber and ten percent to the seller of the wining ticket. Thus if the net sales, aftei some miner expenses were taken eut, reiache3d $200Ô.00 the winuýer weuld receve $1000.00, the Chamber $800.00 and the seller $200.00. Tickets are priced at $1.00 and sheuld lat ovesadfxwr- anyone wishing Vo seil same 'may men. stfrvr sith ok do se by, coutacting Mr. Harvey FuV'ther te the repair of fixe ciocic Paituer, chairman o! the ticket werk was completed lu recaulking j d0flittee. the glass in the faces o!fixhe thie tewe-r-cleck te keep eut dust, drt T " [1 OrticulturalMem- frn Mn, bers Visit Gardens On Wednesday night ef last week appî'oximately 40 memibers o! Or- eue Hlorticultural Society went by carite Os'hawa te visit "Parkwoed" the 'beaitiful ýgar7dens of Col. R. S. McL'aughlin. invitations 'had been sent eut to different Horticultural Societies and many availed themnselves of the opportunity to visït these grounds where guides teok the groups on a tour. Numercus sixade trees of diffei-, eut kinds and summer houses a!- forded plenty o! seciuled spots fer outdoor entertaining and beauty. The higiîghxts weîe, perhaps, the Itialian Garden, wlhich had been Mis. McLaugihlin's favourite, and thxe Sunken Garden whIch was madle even more attractive wlheu flood-iit at night. The ornamental cedars bordering the oblong pool had concealed ligixîs hidden at the A representative f rom the Forest BiiGyroup, Maple, Onftario are te visit Orone and survey the de- terioration o! mnaple trees wîthin thxe Village. Mr. E. Dent, manager of the Orono Hydre, had macle.note of the dying of Maple trees lu Or- one te Mr. Honey, M.P. for Dur- ham. The manager's letter was re- f erred te the Foresit Biology Group who have arranged te have the prohiem in Orlono investig.ated. The Bioloygy Group have noted Uhat Maple trees aiong roadways have in Eastern Canada, been de- terierating at a greater rate tha.n is normal for such trees. Their in- spection in Orono sheuld prove of interest. base which shone up threuýgh thie greenery and the numerous foun- tains, with dhe coloured l'ights play- iug on them, macle a veritalble fairyland. Chamber Grants $100., For School Parade The Orono Chamber of Com- A letter was received from the merce on Monday evening voted a Depyartmnt' of HIîgh'ways staUtng sumn Of $100.00 to the Orono Fair that a charge of $30.00 was to be to be used as prize mnoney forý madle by the Department for t'he Sebools 'taking parit in the sehool Oronosg. Parade. The gchool- parade takes A telegram was also received place on-the first day 0f'the f air, afld'read from the Canadian Cham- Friday, September 6tt. This sum ber of Commerce in connection and donation~ is similar to ýthat with the , rcerit budg-et handed given last year by the local Cham- ,down by the federal m-inister of ber. finance. Thegrat ws mde t te met- Mr. Haze1den ,informed tihe xneet- The gant as.mae ntarloet ing that the Atique Car Rally ing- vhch was held at theOnai would, stop at the, Diana 'Motel on Trading Post at which around ten Teda vnn n htawie mebrswrepesn.roast ýwould be p ravided for the A motion was also passed hi group who are2 travelligfr' Ln which tihe secretary was instructed don0J to Brighton on their annual ex- te write the Postmnaster General c'ursion. asking lhat a stamp machiine be M Ar. Dickson reporteci thaasu installed outside the Oronio rFot .of $39à.67, had benla theu Office. It wDs the feeling that ian Col r b an Weste n hre outside machine would previde an Shoyw hielc inl June. There, was also ad4ded sem'icean also previde an aujànt of $20-00 yet to be re- other than during the open hequrs, ceived from advertising on tihe pro- o! the office. grams. 1 1 Township of Clarke. 1