ORONO WEEKLY TIES,. TR ItMAYJTLY lth, 1MB Our.Highlights 0f The School Year Friday, June 21, was the day the Lorna andi entering the great hal gr1ades Six andi Seven- pupls 0f leading te the Oak Room or DilW-' Orliono Public School visiteti Toron- ing Room. Here we were, andi our te.guide was telling us the bhistOry of -t the Royal Ontario Museum the place- Sir Henry Pellatt, ar- w,ýe entereti the Egyptian room witb chiteet, E. J. Lennox, European ils- ,Picient pottery, jewellery anti castie styles, taxes, botel, tourist Irunrnes. We aise exploreti the attraction etc. A painting Of the indiian, Archaeology and Geuiugy Duke ot Windsor hangs over the rooms, fintinfg unusual carvings, mantel in the Oak Room. We saw cotines, ways of hf e and Paul organ pipes, but the organ is for LKane's masterpiece. inthie Minier- a broaticasting station, 1 believe. ntiogy roomn were reproductions Of We noteti the oticai illusion of the eome ýfamnous preCious gemS; also herring-boned oak floor in thee h- semi-precieus gems anti fluores- brary anti dining hall anti passeti cent minerais. It would take a throughi the $10,000 brass doorWays couple of days instead of hours teO nto lalian anti Canadian mairble appreciate it fMaiy well. floors under an Italian staineti- A guide conducteti us threugh glass tiome. Peacock Alley, similar -be Parliamient Buildings anti let to the Queen's at Buckingham Pal- us sit in the 98 seats behinti the ace, with its blue ceiliflg anti Bur- C1ý"s, each wih its " oud Luck" mese teak floors with its butterfly I borse-shoe. in a very informlative dowels, greeted us. We'entereti the ii~l. re. w lernti he îfeîecemasters room lanti openeti a panel ,tptween the Senate anti the House to, a passageway îeading to the of Commons, anti the rele of the seconti-floor bed chambers. Many Logislative Assemibly. Our guide guest roomIs were on titis floor. s'howed us where the Speaker of During the ten years when the Pel- the5Holse'sat, anti also the loca- lattn liveti there, up to, seventy ser- tions of the leaders of the Goverti- varits were employeti. After as- ment in power and tifhie Opposi- cending 260 steps anti one of the ton, There are four gailerieis anti many towers of Casa borna, we ftrliteen page boys (honour stu- viewed Torontos skyline dotteti dents tutoreti nearýby). Page gil .hr anti there by tail edifices. An 1. guess, may be a thing of the fu- underground passage led us to the tise - (equai rights, you know). Cariage Room; each hiorse useti Asthe, Lower Bouse was not in to have a golti namne plate above session, theý Mace was net present. lits stall. Some of us purchaiseti rour ýcantielabra, each with 79 souvenirs near the lunch room bu- bulibs, hung from the ceiing anti fore we ieft. couiti be iowered. Thse WOOtidei Our final exploration for the day crests were hanti-carveti; one reati was Eivertiale Zoo where haîf the "Dare te be wise by teaching Whoe animais seemet iâiteresteti in us. learn." After a question anti ans- There was a variety of animais, wer perioti, we recelveti a puzzle pens anti odeurs, Monkeys anti a on the counties of Ontarie anti a large olti brown bear put on amus- bookiet pertaining te the Ontario ing performances. As we roamed econom y. Names of V.I.P.'s nuisi we saw buffales, leopards, lions, as: Vanier, Rowe, Murdock, Lewis tigers, zebras,' camels, Ilamas, Geary, Robarts, Wintermneyer, peacocks, fiamngs, -eagies, vul- Ma,,cDonald, Davis, Rowntree, Mac- tures, hawks, elantis and alligaters. Nau~tonCaruthes, annar-c, An ostricis seemeti to be one centre MeCnnuekWitney anti Brown of attraction. jiinled in oýur'mintis. (Wbo were 'Ail in ail, it was a very unforget- tisey'?)aible anti enjeyable day, We re- Ne just coultin"t believe we wiere turneti after tweive 'hours ful11 Of entýering thse famnous door of Casa f oot anti reatiy for dreamianti. ROYAL B0W manville 623-5589 Hol1dingC)Ove r This Thurs. at 7.30,and Sat. at 7 and 9.15 Academy Award-winning The inost beloved Pulitzer Prizo book now on the screen!eý- SUN, MON., TUES., JULY 14 to 16, 7,30 Scivagme Innocents. Starring Anthony Quin and Voko Tan! Excellent color feature deplcting the strange customs and morals of the Polar Eskimos. (Adut entertainment) Start8 Wed. 7.30 July 17 to 20 They're A Natural For The Barbecue! ~JSpecially Solected Vaueé Check'd ( aborf ing lb 7 3c o Iial with Frenca _TPIEs -Mea lu ina Jf il, ple"ýef 1 ýýj':ss arbcueSpeial iM pleLeaf Skinless lb 6c einers lb 45c CASH SAVER - Yoti Save 6c - Wagstaffe New Pack- With Pectin Str w ery Jam 24Oz5c CASH SAX EH - You Save 20e - Libby's Fancy Qualty 48-oz. Tins Q3 fr79c CASH SAVER - You Save 19e 12 oz, Tini Kam L hncheon M eat 2z-79 CASH SAVER - You Save 8e - Tinykin "Lody and theTramp" figurines ini Mother Parkers Tea, Bags. 60 for 77c, CASH SAVER - You Save 16e - 1Oc'Off Paclk Bath Size Lux Ti.jlet S,,.oap ý3 for 43c' CASH SAVER - Ina?2-lb. Economy Bag- Fresh Frozen. Supem Frnc Fres49c Ila 0 Sweet Wala WaIa No. 1 ýSpanisti Pkg. 0f 2 Refreshing - Red Cria o ONIONS 29c GRAPES lb 23co 0 Home Grown - No. 1 Staiks Green, Sweet 0CELERY 19C PEPPERS 3-29c0 QO = CD ý <:ýc o = c o<=:o = c:o G = < O, OC O q=> <ý>< o Oý Save 2c - Red & Whlte Trai Tins Evaporated MiIk 74$1 Sa've .5e - Bright's Fancy 48-os, Tins Apple Juice 2 for 69c Save 15e - E. D. Smith's Toniato li-oz. btls Ketchup 4, for 69C Save oc - Whoaties 12-oz., cheeriff os 10.Z Twinkies or Prostyo's 9½/-OZ.. - ig 4 Cereals 2 for 61 c -ave 90 -2Ze Off pack Coored - Aneflteet 1-lb. Margxrine 2 foir 49c Save 22e - Maple Leat Canned 1I/2-lb Tin Midget Hams1 $1.49 Save 6c - York Brand Lunch Tongue Save 10e - 18-inch AlumÎmn Stuart House Foi Save 15e - Red 8, White Instani Coffee 12-oz. Tin 59C 25-ft. Boil 55C L8-oz. 99C Save le - .3c OU Paek Mapie Leaf 8-oz. PIkgs Cheese Slices 2 for 55c Red & White Sets The Price Cornish's Red and White ORONO ONTARIO ~OC~ -~ ' ~o~o :