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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1963, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY Ilth, 1963 Jnnio Gîrs Win Ove SUPPIORTS FINANCE MINISTER innir Gils in O erIReport Froi 1 luI1Y, 1%.3 Last weelk ny sgod frtenl John Thie OrMon Junior Gils have talc- ,en their first two gaines, exhibitioni gaines, as victorie'5 when they won over a, Boafliaflle teanfi in Baw- itanvdile last Thursday and in Or- --cno Par~k on Monday evening. The local ýgirls have not been able to enÈter any lealgue and as such must detpend on exhibition gaines which apparefltly are rather bard to corne by. The à'ae in BowmaflMlle was a vIctory for Orono an a 17-15 score. Thle big scores, were regîstered by Wendy Partner, Judy Muneke, Carol Nixan and Carol Mercer wlnth ail crossilg file home plate, for three counts each. Beverley Tennafit, Margaret .lddletofl and Nancy Forrester counted the re- mainiflg five runs. Pitcbing for Orono was Nancy Farrester and Darlene West with Beverley Ten- flant catcbing. third. The Orono girls iteir one run edge durine the rest of th, game, wbich is a five inning gaine. Senior Girls Bow To Port Hope ville,, sta"ý-nan toàk the liberty, atdmittedily without consulting Me, of making editortal referençce'a. bout my thouglflhs on the recent budget. I was flot aware. -until reading the 'article, that John had graduated from poltician . fa t edifor.. . ta clairvayant. On re- flection there is some degree of common qualification required for the suc-essful performer 0f al !three callings. At Port Hope on Tuesday nigilt H n eadtaJ~sitr the Port Hope Galaxy Knights frnewt ymna aute maintained fileir position at the top f(wîtilauth my omedetalfacourse) of the Lakeshare Senior Ladies ,wtlout ght h mile no courase) Softball League wben they stopped 1 ît yuhrleadbi il (wiitilut is i Orono by a score of 18-5. knowledge of course). Orona scared sngle runs in the1 My letter ta John may seem a bit first and third stanzas and then! partisan (1 do try ta keep these erupted for a tria in the fifth. At reports on a flon-polItical basis) the saifme Part Hape put aver and if 30 you miglit excuse me in four in the firsi and then were only this one instance, Johns editonrial able ta notch singletons in each af was 50 cntical that it. seems ai- the next three innings before add- mosi necessary ta step off ta the o ;ersA- O +I'.r-A i, -1- tn L in furi the flifth and a gprand' Monday eveniiig in urono teuic ---e-----------------LI --- &-- scoe aso as n fvau ofthesiain of seven in the sixth. keep tilings in perspective. Orono youngsters 13-12. Wendy Da on Pýarfner scored tliree af the Orona Judy Wall went the route for the How you have changedl! How runs with Carol Merceri, Elaine Port Hopers and was neyer in any well I recaîl your editorials aofilhe Fiorrester, Canai Nixon, Darlen'e great trouble mrith Sylvia Hall be- çast year or two'decrying the bigh West, Nancy Forrester, Susan Can- iind the plate. Marie Hooey did cost aifilhe services supplied by. trell, Margaret Middleton, Bever- the hurling for Orono wrth Donna modemn day goverrnerts and flie ley Tennant and Judy Muneke ail Carveli catching. iluge budgetary deficits resulting aýssisting in the scoring. Susan Can- tilerefrom.Now wlien a bold at- treil and Nancy Fornesten shared The Onono girls returned ta their tempt is made ta put aur bause in in the pitching duties for. Orono. jhm diamon'd on Wecnesday ev- order you act as thai4fh y4i have Bowanile n tehomay e n 'hreteyaaa er e-. neal idea af the trouble the Bomewai d 6-0in the Monday cning vvhcrc tile y aginhenc de- tg anadian nation is in. I refer, 0of wein nt abloed 6o nyteirt feated, tilis ti e.yThe visincourse, ta the problein of holding tnnngan alowd nlytw t tem ran Curtie. local a fixed exchange rate for the Can- Orano in the second. Eight rrrns toi girls had the game going for tilcin aia olr hoedfcýsi Onono ini the third put Orono aut in intgVile first few innings but fate adiaun dolaconicdyefits min front at the end of the third by one again intervened and the victory auhr cuntrisacont payments wifli- run, 10-9, as Bowmnan-Viile piclcld went decisively ta, Courtice on a riptheedurngth ply n hecourit of 13-4. ary deficits over tile past five up t . ee dring th ply intheyears. 'Flash Riddle' Opens Strong 11At Greenwood Raceway. Generally speaking I agree with your remarlks in tlie editorial but unfortunately they did net go fo file fundamental problems of aur na-. tion whicil the budget is designed ta correct. -Sure, I agree with ycur J'ack Reid went ta the winner's Greenwood fbeforempart of this coastdsed&3ot Mke-. ordota cinrle Manday niglht at the Green- week out of ithe money have been land bis untimely retraction flicre- rweod raceway in Toronto went he Futurity Chef, owned by Lawrence of w4ile the stock markcets were dtove is horse, Flash Riddle, ta Hooey, Jack Re<d's Meadoview open. Also, SOmle adjusîments have a win in the four race. This waâs Champ, and from tfie stable, ai ta be made on the sales tax, par- opening ntght ai Greenwood where McRae and West, Fia Son and ticularly as it will affect thIe price f'or forty-eight nighs racing will Hary's Jt>e. 1 -o goods cxportcd frain Canada.'1 be held. Flash Rialein, innWilfifg An entry in the races tonight have, as have most members of the race set a -in f .01and w1lb atyMieadWUb the, government side,, made, i*p paid, 9.70 4.80 and 3.20. Isalnd Sang drirven by Junior West. resentations to Mr. Gordon respect- and Kokoka Queen followed tile ing thYt ,oncern af people antd cor- Reid heorse. PTEOOG AE portians in my Riding: 1 arn sat- PETRBOROGH RCES sfied that wliere if is feasibie and On Tikesday nti Jack Reid had Last Wetinesday Junior West en- prioper ta do so adjustments will. be a two further horses entereti in the tereti and drove Worthy Mite ta made. Mayibe the brecd bas chang- races, Hollywood Richard and raeatPtredJhbtIcntealage Flenington's,,Fu'st. Th-e latter tbo rgin taheo ravesFlaydPotr- itl onutsI amnt t elaf "prae PUaced ouf of the money wffile oog.I alodoeFodPss it urttmn hi pive Hollywood Richard placcd second. Bbby Dale ta a second and fourth imembers are in tact at fthe mercy Ail local ilorsemen bave qualified poiin f those in the Cabinet veo under thei homs fo thereppq ~-the our systein must makte icbig de- Greelwood andi plenty aio action Is eiqleclfed froni tis group during tbhe nex fortnight. Other liorses'that have raceti at TOP PLUMBING SI ýý SERVICE-WE IV~ A'ENDERD >OIRI Â I I RADIO DISPATCHED 1R~C~ cîsxons". On the contrary,, 1 nave Unt N ws jfaunti Mr. Gardon ta be oreu Unit New '9 and receptive ta suggestions at al Unit 2 met at Mrs. Wm. Malley's tmes. As a matter of fact lie bas, on Tuesday, July 2nd in spite af in bis budget and af my request fthe pouring ramn and rumblings oa, madle provision ta assist industry eiectric starmIn l members were in Durhamn County, Wilere those present. provisions did not work at variance witb fthe gaod of île nation. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn opened fthe As so aften bappens John, mat- meeting witb the cail ta warsbip ters such as tus$ become obsicured "The Glon0y Way"ý by Grace Crow- by side issues ilaving a political ell. Is ailah 35, 8th 'verse followed 'connotation. Methinks your editor- wtl' prayen."il your anchor ilifcll into that trap. Let us looic hald" and "Wilat a friend we bave af the broad objectives outlined in in Jesns' was sung.* Minutes were tne budget. nead and appraved. Mrs. F. Tamn- Firstly, there is a nation-wide as- 1 llyn reporýted sending several sault on unemployment. Sncb cards. Vists ta sick and shut-ins fhings as special paymrents fa _em- numbereti 29., Mrs. Hilda Wood ployens af aider waorlers, tlie ru- gave a short reading "'A sunmer duction of N.H.A. interest rates Parable." and the lower Cown payment an N. H.A. homes, inCreased. municipal Mrs.M.,J.,Tamlyn ookthede-aid, retraining assistance, fli c ce- votional "Saivation" froin litil ation af a Department, af Industry cilapter aofIthe study book "Tile and a Nafional Ecanomie Coundil. Word and tile Way". A, questCon'Tilese ail pro-vide a compreilensive and discussion peiod folawed. atfack an the unemnloy ment pro-h Mrs. Hilda Wood gave a, story 1 em which must ile solved. fNom nthe Ob.,> rver, "Fiat fie thie Secondly, tilere is the encourage- Mouse." Mrs. Tamblyn confinued. ment of Canadian partficipation Jin the sfary "Fluffie's first Mission- ownersip and contrai off corpora- 4ai-y Journey." Rolli eau was an- boans operafing in Canada. I have sv'ered l ih. a verse af senripture agreed witil your rm'rarks that Eand file offe ing reeiîved. fthe 30% btke-ov <r ta, was iii de- v is' c d a n d un ti n ïely . B t J o h n . . . Mrs. Velma Watson invted tile, t1at pr-ovision faims anly a minor unit for fhe Octobeci-meeting. Mrs. part af thc pv ' r a rencorage XVm. Robinson, the rasurer, ex- Canadian olwnersip o) f «Lur' 'rdust- prs sed aurthalf<l sfor tile re n eowe hs'bde muc nededr,,ýn nd e-lelfia I inke lrnew groirid I is tie fis e,'rfreme l-eat 'of the pilaN weSk. A tetan iCanaîdIai has ni vot ef ai ilks vas extended laiac-, u<y'aothe phlablem aof fore ignî Mrs. Malley. The La n s ,Pacy - os a nd Ovn-" t. Dor yû'r, repeated in unrson, closed file tink it i' a gos î'ng that Cari nîeefnlg and lunch was served by adiaîs wmhl rhave a vaice irn the Lhe ilostess. 1pol'c es of fthe campanies whmcil are1 prepared to make the sacrifices. If they are not, and if we follow your M O taw'ainmplied editortal suggesîtion at m O taw awe cannot do anything to W operating in Canada and using ýtaxes -:because sanie setmýent 0f Canadian resources and man the eeonoiuy wil not llke it, theà power? we will go on drifting and inevit- Thirdly, this budget proposes ably, sooner -or, later, we shil cend drastie steps to plug loopholes in up on the rocks. Our taxing. staitutes whic[h permit- Wi1th best regards. ted taxpayers who could afford to Sincerely, hMre the advice of competent law- yers and accountants -ta escape "us paying their full share of taxes. RSEL~ OE The purpose of these stepa is ta -USLL0 help the ordinary taxpayer in Can- ..-DU..., ada by assuring that ail taxpayers wIll pay their fair share of the- cost APPOINTED TO STANDING of government. COMMITTEES Fou'r thlY, duri«ng the last election Russell C. Honey was recency campaign Mr. Gordon made no appointed to three standing coaxn- bones where he thought Canada mittees for the current session. of was going if aur people were flot Parliament. These committees prepared ta face the realities of thle Agricultural committee, Estï,. aur national financial affairs. 1 mates and the committee of Mïa- believe the Canadian people are cellaneous Private Bils. To-days "Know- how" makes al the difference Your Doctor's Prescriptions are filled here only with pro- ducts made by rellable companies who posses s pharmaceutical know Jiow . .. Vour assurance af top quality. S TUT T'S PHfeA RM ACY ORONO, ONT. PHONE lu GOLD CROWNmu ALUMIMUM SIDING Another DAYMOND product for modern living MEDALLION GokI, Crown ALUMINUM SIDING keeBps ,homes cooler ini summner, wormer in winter. It adds EXTRA reaI estate value and its colours, in gleaming white and pastels, remain fresh for years and years. Made from Alcan aluminum in 8" and 10" horizontal and 12" vertical sdngs. GIVE YOUR HOME LONG LIFE BEAUTY NO PAINTING NEEDED CLP AND MAIL. THIS cou Y Y Designed ta mieet THE DÀYrYCND CO. LTV. N.2 standards. e stIa, k54d V lo MEDALLION Gold ~ rOs'U~o~fe Crown Aumh'n * ksg. S;dnq carrnes aciSI 10 year written t /9luarantee. ADORE"a z f other side of the road in order to ý ORONO, OINT. PHONE 143

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