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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1963, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1963 NE WTON VILLE PUBLIC SOHOOL RLESULTS JUNIOR ROOM: Grade 1. to 2: Peter Campbel bon.; Cindy Elliott hon.; Douglas Henders6n lhon.; eRoss Huggins honl Brian Jones roc.; Dwlight Searle ho.n.; Ger'ald Veleke hon. Grade 2 to 3 Ja mes Atchisonl hon.; Judith Brown hon.; Linde. Con ho.; Mary Gilmer hon.: Bon rie Green, hon.; R-ussel Green rec.; David oudshoarn hon.; Glen Wood roc.; Philip Jones rec.; Sheila, Stacoy rec. Grade a to 4: Nancy Adair hon.; jimnmie Clarke hon.; David Hen, derson hon.; Bill MacDonald hon.; Jimmie Stacey rec.; Gary Gotton rec.; Bobby MacLean rec.; Henry VanLondon roc. Teacher: Mrs. Woodlafld s ENIOR ROOM: Grade 4 to 5- Cathy Elhitt hon.; Mfark Green rec.; Brenda Ilender- son hon.; Wayne Jones roc.; Val- erie Jones rec.; Judy Stacey rec.; Lstaploton roc.; Suzanne Wor- raý1 ihon. Grade 6 to 7: Dennis Burhey roc.; John Campbell hon.; Denise El- liottU roc.; James Eyeden hon.; Randy Green roc.; Bill Henderson roc.; Peter Henderson hon.; Gary Huggins roc.;, Debbie Miles hon.; Frances Stacey roc.; Neil Staple- ton roc.; Gerit VanLondon hon. Grade 7 to S: Bruce Green rec.; PatgST Hatherly roc.; Bruce Mac- Donald hon.; James Nichoels hon.; Sandra Payne roc.; Linda Staphe. ton roc. Grade 8 to 9: Suzanne Eyden hon. Bill Gilmer roc.; Judy Gorton hon. Grry Green rec.; Donna Hatherly re c.; RoibeËt Henderson hon.; Jan- ie Stacey roc.; Gary Stapleton'roc. Principal: Mns. Mabel Elliott ENTERPRISE SCHOOL REPORT Names in order 0f rment Pupils promoted to: Grade IX-Sharon Perdue H. Pauline "De Smnit H; Doris Alldread H; Gordon Aldread P. Grade VI-Robert Voigt H; Donna Cochran'e H; Helen Knapp H; Nancy Francis P. Grade V-Millie Voigt H; Nancy Perdue H; Bruce Francis R. Grade III-Bill Ransberry H; Craig Cochrane H; JoanneDe Smit H; Paul De Smit H; Allan Knapp H. Grade I Sr.-Ruby Francis Doris P. Wannan, Teacher. Mn, and Mrs. George West of Toronto visited Mr. and Mms. Ab West, Orono on Wednesday. Mr. Ernest Hamm is a patient in the Bowmnanville Momorial IHos- pital. Mrs. Grta Caverly of Whitby Visited her father, Mr. Wm. Davey on Thursday. CAMPSITE CAPERS by Clayton Graves, Darlingtofl Park After a late Étart occasioned by the inclemency of weather duing the month of May (weather that încidenitally dscoulraged even such hardy outdoorsmefl as the BOY Scouts) the camping and picnic season la finally underwlay at Dan- lington Provincial Park. During the woekend of June 'l4 to 16 several Oshawa and Toronto churches, and a Toronto lodge of the Independent Order of Forest- ers, took advantage of the fine, moderately cool weather to hold their annual picnics. Overnight gue§s were gome Girl Scouts f rom Berkley, Michi- gan, and four packs of Wolf Cubs tram Toronto, Agin'counlt, Bay Rid- ges't and West Hill. Several family groupa also en- joyed the camping and picnicing facilities, at this fine park, which is attracting more people each week. ORONO Sc éto $1 STOREII ALTERATION SALE SPECIALS Polo Shirts, Boy's. Combed Cotton Short sleeves, assorted patterns and coors. Sizes small, medium or large. Priced at ...... $1.39 Alarm Clocks, assorted colours. Special $2.27 Children's Sand Pails complete with shovel 25c. Pack and Fold Wire Fence,,10 foot 'ength $1.29 Johnson 's Holiday Car Washing Cream with buit-in shine. 'Priced at ..........,.. $1.49 Simonize Liquid Vista, one-step cleaning Wax Ideal for ail cars, dlean s and waxes in one easy step. Large tin for............ $1.59 Wire Clothes Pins, cello bag of 36 for -,.25e Lanolized Home Permanent Richai d Hudnut Quick. Reg'u'ar $2.00 bottie for ..... $1.69 Plastic Cups, large size, .12 cello p-cae 8 ilWater Toffee, assorted flavours, lb bag 39e This Wek's Candy Treat Icu±mc' u Fudge, deiiciously'creamny. Specia-l Wl week one pound for.................... .. . Public Sehool Reports Anaàtomy and Bdtany. Mr. Pauli McMvackin is also attending Queens this summer taking his second year ýtowards his teacher's certifi- caite. Mr. Jim Cuihn of the Com- mercial 'staff of the Clarke High Sehol le also taking a summèr course at the University. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have had their new house started 'on Mill Street north. Mr. Johnson is the assessor for the Township of Clarke. Mrs. Isobel Benson, widow. of Harold Benson, formerlý of Park Street, Orono, paSsed*,away recent- ly ait the Open Gate Nursing Home Toronto after a lengthy ilîInesa. Mrs. Benson wa'g a ister of Mrs. Fred Eagle, Orono, and a grand- mother of CÈaig H-inds, also for- merly of Orono. Mr. and Mrs, James, Grunerudý and son Terry of St. Cheud, Minn., returned home recently after visi tingwith the lattera parents, Mr.' and Mrs. George Morton.' Les b Il I Thisà year's course has been en- tirely for Grade 13 teachers, in recognition by the profession of the increiasing compexty of teach- ing and subject matter at that lev- el. Subjects covored are Alge'bra, Trigonomnetry, Biology, Chemistry English, French, Latin and Physics Fee for the course is nominal, with tihe bulk of the cost boing car- ried by the Ontario Secondary Sc'hool Teachers' Federation. Ac- cording to Mr. Noble, "OSSTF con- siders the cost a worthwhile in- Callyour licensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractor who selis, installe and guaranteee CA RI A9 PLUMBING REATINQà Phone 143 Orono ORONO TINSHDP Clearance, Sale Complete stock of plumb- ing and heating goods as well ai;paints, and enamels will be sold it' Discoun rd Pces R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Orono. Ontario Summr' ale Continues Be sure to see our Spriug, and Summer Dresses which we are cil'ear- ing at reduced prices. The regula;rprices range f rom $8.95 to $21.5a~ $ 6,a95 to0$169 Ladies Shoes A quantity of Ladies' Summer Shoes ineduding Canvas, Moccasîns an d Whit e Flattiýes. Broken sizes. per pair $1.98 Ladies Gloves Several styles in Ladies' Nylon Gloves. Black, navy and white in sizes 6½t/2 Regular values $1.95 ~cper pair Men 's Shoes Men's Oxfords and Loafers sizes 6, 7,and 8. Brown Regu- lar $6.95 ON SALE FOR per pair $3.95 Ladi'-às Sockees Stetchv Terry Socks of absor- be nt Coiton and Nylon to fît sizes 9 to -il1 in white only. Regular 69e. RRY Good quality striped Terry Tow.- h.' els, in dark shads-, Ideal for us eat RL' thecotta e chor SVIMmin , J APÂI T vesten, as it serves to incra&ae L C L NINS F.J.Ç rtr akn teaching competence and keepa bfre- J<hni~t ain d C re a ig profession abreastof the I1tes7 0f Naan ra Fa John ie it h Re re .er1our e 1vlopplents ,ii text books audl. Olbo iaaaFIý iie i h1R -r sh rC U Sýteachirng techniiques." Mr. and Mrs. 0. 'W. Rolfph lastIA* cwe anp- week.1 Frederick J. Carter, of dlairkeiAcrft-eofous mp- ývrss Camilla lirwiin, Toronto was H,,gh iSehool, is armong the rmore tiorýisl given t o ach teacher at-- a wekendguet ofMrs N. t n 200 Grade 13 teachers frorn tendng. A st0adilyiy ereasing nti- Porte.-. econdary schools throughout On-ý ber of loalds of ducatiion thlro)uýghl- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webber have tai'Io Who have- been takirg thie Out Ontario are recogigthe, returned home after spendîng their Simmer Refresher Coursespn certificate as a mark of addilionai. holidays visiting Engî'and and! sored by the Ontario1 Secondary qualification, Mr. Noble said. Scotland.1 School Teachers' Federation, at Mr. and'Mrs. R. H. Carveth of'[Lawrence Park Collegiate Inst2ut Grand-Prairie, Aberta are vils*tng in Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth, This is the ninth year for the Nowaste.summer course, wh-h since its in- Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa ception has attracted more than 1-7 spent the weekend with Mr. and100scnay oho tecr. Mrs.CarlBillngs.The teachers, who are the "stu- Mr. and MrS. Donald Staples and dents", at the summer school, take ~ . family and Mrs. lone Forrester instruction from their collea- ~ spent last weekend at their cot- gues who have been selected for tageon Lke Bptise. recognized competence in their Mr. S. B. Rutherford is attend- fields." Director of the course is ingQuens niversiity, Kingston, tWilliam Nblvice-principal of this sumn-mer where he is taking Lawrence Park CollegiÎate. OrJntEPastoral Charg e (A Minlister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY 14th Uirby'- 9:45 a.m. Orono - Il a.m. eskard -~- Withdrawn during July and August SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL Kirby - Il a.m. pho-n'e 11816

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