WE~ 'r~rimg T~lV Tt. lh 93T4J8W4 AVtlg .-- ---_____________________________________________ Report From Queen's Park On 1April 26, third ýanýd final~ read- ing was given by the Ontarlo Letg-c stu10Bill10- n dtoi provide for the Extension, m pi.ovemnent and Solvency of pension Plans andý for- the port abilitY 01 pension Ecnefits. It wa&s my privilege ta act as c7nairmnan 0f the Special CommTittee of the Whole Hlouse Wlhich mect, 1n March 26 ta disdliSS the provisions of th e BÎiI. Present for the Oc- casion ta provide informati on for the memybers were: Mr. George . Cathe rcoeichairman of the On- tarlo Conimirittee on, portable Pen- s,«or,,, and mnembers Of bis com- mtttee including Profesor ID. C.ý MacGi'egoi' 0f the University of Toronto, Professor Robert Clark'et the UniversitY Of Britishi Colunmbia, Mr. R. E. Davis, former Director 0f the Wefai'e Council for Canada, Mr. Jh Tuk of the Canadian Lif e UnderwrItei'5 Association and Professor H-endry, Director Of the School of Social Work at the Uni- versIty of Toronto. Aiso present were the consulting actuaries for thie Committee, Prof essor Shep- pard, Mr. Lawrence Cowa'd and Mr. Samuel Eckier. Considerable discussion centred around Subsection (t) Section 1 Of the Bill which provides mandatoI'Y coverage under the plan for thdse emplo>yers with 15ý or more em- ployees. it was feit, that thîs would beave a large group Of employees in the Province wlthout the bene- fits 0f the plan. Mr. Vern Singed, M.P.P. for York Centre, referred to this section of the Act when he addressed a meeting recentiy at Warkworth. "Portable Pensions", lie said, "were proniised for people wlio work in estabiislime nts where there are more than 15 employees. This takes care of about lhaif the people of the province." In the discussion respecting th15 section of the Adt the following f acts were brouglit out as to wly the nuniber 15 was cliosen. 1. Aithougli the Committee would liked to have recommended cov- erage for ail emnployees at the starI 0of the plan, il would have pre- sented a very serious administrat- ataesand others knoWiedge- able in the field. With oniy a 11dm- ited numrber of these trained per- sonnel available, any furtlier ex- tension of the plan at this timne would add a greater admiinistrative burden and would delay introduC- tion of the plan. 6. The aim Of the plan is Of coure tacovr every emiployee in coue pr ove vefltuaîîy. There are at the present tirfeie anY eTnpoy ers with fewer thanl 15 empoYe who have pension plans and these will no doflbt corne it the plan on' a coluntary basis. 7. Many employers wlio are not comnpelled to follOW« the mandatOrY provisions of the Act wl voluntar- ily or because incopetitive forc- es be brought intO a position where tliey will adopt pension plans and have themn registered undet' the A1ýct «on s. Under the -present provlslof1. of the Act, wherbY firmns With or maore emnplO>Yees are enrolled, 5ppOxiiatlY60 per cent or 2,- 400,000 of the paid emIPloYesin the province will be brought withifl the scope of this plan. There are miany enPIpoyers with f ewer than 15 employees Who Would perhaps bave a very limiited numn- ber of their emnpoyees eligible for the plan because workers under the age of 30 are not comipeiled to participate. This age limnit is set becaUse of the large numnbet' of, wa7rkei'5under the age o 0who are constanty changing jobs n wlia if covieied would present a real administrative probiemn. Tt is therefore possible that an emplý,oy- er might not have any eligible 'n- ployees. ThiS WoUld therefoi'e de- crea se considerably the numnber of those not covered under the plan. 10. WIth the view of covering as ,quickiy as possible ahl employees in the province, provisious have been made for the appointiiieflt Of an advisory committee, in 1970 and at intervals of 5 years thereafter to examine the Act and report to the Miisgter its recommiendatiOns for amendmehts to the Act and its regulations. irune Flowers Create Setting For Shak-Hanmcock Wedding decorated with peonies and other June flowers was the setting for the marriage ceremofly of Peter, soln of Mrs. Natalia Shak of Tor- onto, and Helen Margaret, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nobert lîancoçk of Orono on Saturday, June 20kh, 1963 at 4:00 o'clock. the, double-ring ceremofly. The wedding music was played by the bride's sister, Miss Peggy Jane Hancock. The bride was radiant in a long gown of white organza over taffeta with pointed esleeves andi a ful skirt falling te a slight train, and buttdlied down the back to the hîps. Her headdress was a Shoulder- length tulle veil caug'ht te a peari and crystal crown. She was carry-, ing a cascade of sweetheart roses and stephanotis. Miss Janet Streefkerk as Maid- of-Honour, and' Miss Nina Shak, sister of the groom as brîdesmaid were lovely in street-l1ength, full- skirted dre,2i,,es af mauve taffeta and wore dainty white crowns and white. accessories. They carried small cascades f sweehear#t roses and pink carnations. The gromsman was Mr. Paul, Radkowâsly f Toranto and John Hancock, brother of the bride, act- ed as usher. Th~e reception was held at Mil- ler's Restaurant. Guests were pre- sent f rom Ottawa, Toronto,' Nia- gara-On-The-Lake, CleveIand, Ohio and Orono. CONDUCTOR HURT A Canadian Nationau Railways freight train was derailed near cre- rar, 44 miles east f Sudbury on Monday. Conductor A. J. Bucknell of Capreol, Ont., was treated for chest injuries suffered when lie was thrown by the impact. ive prololeni.______________________________ 2. The introduction of the plan would have been delayed because D n " g~ of these administrative difficulties. D on W . Jose A p 1Linted 3. The, reduction of' the number covered f rom 15 to 5 would in-L .( I crease the number of finms n AissistantL LuLor 'Û,n Grower' manufacturing by 75 per cent but would liing in only an additional Mr. Pauli A. Kile, President of Magazine as Assistant editor and five per cent of ail eniployees in the Ontario Fruit and Vegetaible duving the limne he was connected ,Ontario wthin the scope of the Grower'5 Association,'lias announ- witli the Farmner's Magazine cov- plan. ced the appointemient of Mr. Don ered ail phases of Ontario agricul- 4. There are at the present Umie W. Jose to tlie adminstrative staff ture. aýbout 5000 pension plans in opera- of the Association as Assistant Ed- tien in Ontario vÉ'tli some 15,000 itor of! "The Grower" Mr. Jose as- More vecently Mv. Jose lias been einployers emplýoying 15 or more su med biis duties on June 3rd., Agicutural Representative with workers. To adjust these 5000 plans Don Jose is a native of the Vil- the Canadian National Radlways. te the Portable Pension Scheinie lage of Newcastle being practicaily In this capacîty he was brougilt in- will in itself create an enormous vaised in an appie orchard. He lias to very close contact wtli tlie fruit administrative tasÇic. bee4 colse to agriculture and the and vegetaible industry. Becailse 5. It is estimated thlat it will take fruait industry in particular ail his of lits experience and knowlecige of one and one haif years to fit these if e. Ater graduating f rom the On- the industry problems Mr. Jose 1d000 plans into the -Provincial plan. tario Agriculture College in 1949, should prove a weicome addition Inore to do this it will require -.r. Jose vetuvned to the f arm. L-t h nal ri n eeal the services of a great number of ter lie joined tlie staff of Favmer'j Grower's Association staff . POST OFFICE CHANGES DATES 0F ISSUE 0F NEW COMMEMORATIVE STAMIPS A special commemorative post- age stamp lionouving Sir Martin Frobisher will be releasedfor sale on August 2lst instead of July 29tli as previously anneunced. This was made public today by the Honour- able Azelus Denis, Postniastei' General. Th~e issue dates of Io ter' stamps wiii be affeted bycthe change. A stamp te marlk the Post- al Bicentennial, oiiginaly sched- uled for release on August 23rd, î111 now lie released on September 25th. The new regular 15 censair mail stamp whicli was b lie re- leased on September MOthWMflb. issued on October 301h. Mr. Denis explained that lie had set back the release date f the stamp ta August 2st in order that the Frobisher stamp could be placed an sale at the lime a! "Pas- sage 7", a proposed mnotor vessel tr-p which was to enter many ar- eas opened originaly by Frobisli- crs explorations. The voyage lias now been postponed until 1964. Th, Posimraaster General explain- ied that caýncellation f 't'e vyg cane taa late to le tlthe stamp f s>eidue stand as previoýýusly au-l' thone'seove Otaco gets to the hottom of mower problenis!, LOOK AT THESE FEATURES, Safety buffle prevents in-corner clogging, Blacle adaptor for positive blade.drive - ',' octs cranc shoft Broached., offset steel Moade -works liarder, lasts longer "I Dishare eflct dQnwrd prvets njry"xo foreign objects Oyer.sized muffler reduces engine noise ta a hum Gleuaming baked-on enamnel finish Rugged,heavy..gauge steel deck for longer life Smooth, non-cloggîng rubber tires Self-lubricuting iron bearings eliminate messy oiling Prices start ot jiust WATSONS Marine &Cy cl1e MAIN STREEIT ORONO, ONT. For Your Printing Needs CONTACT THEt Orono 'Weekly Times Counter Check. Books Continous Forma,all sizes CodedBusiness and' Personiàl Cheques Rubber Stctmps Weddinig Stationery ThcLnk-You Notes Servi attes It "ays' Toas Advertise G Cake Boxes . ............ , v.iriv 10