ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, 1¶ItiRSDAY., UYllth, 1963 _______ KE ND)A L to lb 47c lb 53c lb 53c lb pkg 65c California Juicy Size 163's »ORANGES 3 o $1b Sz 2' Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade - A Delious Dessert CANTALOUPES Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade - Red Beaties S ANT A ROù"àS A P.LUVm s Only the Fresh Teste Best SUNKIST LEMONS each 39c qt 39c 6 for 29c 248 oz ti*ns 49c 2 20Ooz tins 41~ Clover Leaf Crispy Critters - Sugar (Jrisp Aiphabits 10CE CREAM IGA Royal Gold Fraservile Frozea FANCY PEAS 2 lb bag 43c Igospitality - Avallable Thurs., Fni., Sat. APPLE PIE only 39C Cleken - Fiait - Liver - Puss N Boots CAT FOOD 15 ez '2 foi- 39c Raspberry and jStrawberry - with added peetin AYLMEK'S JA-., 24 oz jar 49c Aunt Jemima Reg. or Buttermilk -, with 8c coupon on Old Tylue Syrup PA. iýAKÊ MIX 2 lb pkgs 39c Royal - Assorted Fiavours - 2e Off liN'STAïNT PUDL> NG 2 for 25e 7 oztfin, 39c 3 pkgs 95 c 2 gallon 79c EXTRA A Total Of $44000à lx BONUS TAPES RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH INSTANT COFFEE - IGA DeLuxe 6-oz. Jar EASY ON SPRAY STABCH- 20e off 15-oz. size RECEIVE $6-00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH PALMOLIE SOAP - Regular 1-cent sale 5 bars BEACH SANDALS - Ladies or Kiddies Pair RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH FLEECY LAUNDRY RINSE - Free Measuring Cup 32-oz. Size RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH ODL CHEESE STIX - Black Diamond White or Coloured 8-oz. Cut HADlDOCK ISH STIX - Bluewater Frozen 10-oz. pk. NO. 1 GRADE POTATOES - Caniada, 10-lb. Bag PURE PORK SAUSAGE - Sebneiders Country Style 1-1b. pkg. Miss Clara Senes of Peterboro and Miss Margaret Senes of Ot- tawa were spending 'a f ew holu. days, witli their sister Mrs. Reg. Elliott this past week. Mrs.. Lawrence Greenwood. lias her nephew and niece with lier while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ard are altending the funeral of Mrs. Ard's mother, near Corn- wall, Ontario. Rev. A. W. Harding, Bowmsai-,i vie took tihe service on Suné as Rev. R. C. White liad hîs bit in the rear and \vas suffeŽr t'roni lî~ lash to hit' neck causing a fe ver. TPhere ivill be service at 11:15 arn. next Sunday rnorning. We hope tisait Mr. White will he wel 'l enoubi- to take it hlrn)elf. M"s. Chas. Cooper passed away an Saturdiay evenilg, July Ofli as lace resuit of a heart attack, Sle ýas born ad raised, n thae villae Gf Kndaa, aways taki;ng an act- ivce j i i ranrnan and cliurcli a' e.She lhved for many ycara. wilh jer husband and family -, a the farrn where laer daugiter MrLs. Jack Stapleton now lives o)n the sixla lune. Rer rnany friends and relatives attended- the large funeral in Orono United Olurch on Tuesday afternoon. Syn-ïpamy 15 extended to Mr. Cooper and thse family in tise los 0f a beloved wife and mother. Also te lier brother sMr. Lorne Bryson of Tor- onto; and Mr. Ernesit Bryson o!, Kirby. Mrs. Normans Kennedy has been enttertaining lier sister from Cali- fornia. They motored to Fort Erie for a famd4y reunlon. fier sister is flyirtg to Italy te rejoin lier hus- band wlso was sent there on busin- ess.1 Thse Orange Walk will be in Port Hope this year on Saturday,, July 13. TÈhi s colourful parade is mort interesting led by sonse of the finest Kiltie Bands in Ontario. CUSTOM HOUSE STAYS IN PORT HOPE Port Hope lias been re-establirlied as a port of entry and thse customsa house will reniais, Russell C. Honey, MP for'Durham, announe- ed recently. An order-in-council rescinding an earlier order dated 'January 3 lias the effect o! keeping the customs house in Port Hope. Tlie earlier order closed, the Port Hope office and transferred thse operations to Cobourg. TOBACCO PATCH GROWER DEFIES GOV'T RULING Despite government restrictions on tdbacco growing, Tom Jackson 39 formner Cooksville reeve, Plant- ed a 20-foot-sguare tobacco Patchs on his property, tlien telepliones Agriculture Minister William A. Stewart. 'II defied liim te make me tear it up, since 1 have no tobacco grow- ing riglits," Mr. Jackson said. He said lis'tobacco now is a foot liighlt and Mr. Stewart lias flot taken Up thse challenge. CHIRISTMAS TREE PBUNING b y J. A. Waddell, Forester Eacli year during the last week o! June and tise first two te three, weeks3 of July, large soale Christ- muas tree trimming operations take place tihrougliout certain sec- tions of Northum'beralnd and Dur- Jham Counties. Here, Scotch 1'ine I Christmas trees are big business, particularly in tise P9ntypol ar- ea, and thse success or failure )f thse business depends to a great extent on how well thé~ trees are pruned oach year., Pruning or tiïimring te an art designed to stimulate tise produc- tion of buds by cutting back cer- tain shoots o! the cuvrent years growth. By Bo doing, a well shsaped bushy tree will resuit whuich can cO'mmand a good price on thse mnarket. Each grower has ltemmw indIvidual trinsmIng technique wliich, ie liopes, Will produce a Itop quality' product. 1n Tise firqtprnn-iuafy r. SHORT RIB, ROASI Cross Cut- RIB ROAST Boneless Shoulder Roast Sliced SIDE"â BACON Combination Offer No Waste - No Leftovers pkg of 8 Tablerite Weiner8 pkg of 8 Christies Buns ail for 59c TOMATO JUICE Heinz BEANS & PORK Libby's WHITE TUPNA POST CEREALS ,ý"f to,