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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1963, p. 1

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VOLTYME 25, NAMBER 22 Weokly Tmo 1WIU1SDAY, JULY ll8th, 196Ô,OOO, ONTARIO Fire Destroy'sBarn Livestock AdFe rire late Wednesday afternoon totall y destroyed a barn, livestock v ain5 ' f iae disory Co m te The fire occured on the f armi oNwned by Mr. K. Sorensen on a PlIans Voc. CouircaQ sjideroad between the foUrth and tb4ýIrd ne West of HighWaY 115. The The Advisory Vocational Com- ,irueasen f arm 'is directîY suhc mitte will seek approval f rom the Mx.C. alleY's- Durh-am District Higli School Thefir muhromedthrughtheBoard to conduct Niglit School Vo- bar, $0 fast that it was impossible cational Classes at Port Hope teO get ail the cattle and livestock High School this October. out. Besides the loss of the large barn and attached shed there was It 15 planned that the classes Uiclos 0 si cos,10 calves, 15 xiii mn one or two nights, a week Sows, a hog, geese and ducks. Also from aboutOctober lth to March lest was a large quantity of hay 15th. If a sufficient number of and 400 bushels of grain. students apply for a course, cour- The fire was noticed by, Mrs. ses will be offered in the follewi ng Sorenseil and lier son just as theY subjects. completed the miling. The fire TECEHNICAL SUBJEOTS spread so rapidly that they had At ehne _Urne to only put eut a f ew cows At ehnc of those in the barnata the tine The Drafting - Architectural and Me- > tre wus first noticed shortly after chancial. faur o'clock. Mr. Sorensen was at Bine Print Reading. the time on his way home from Electrical Construction work.Machine Shop Practice The barn was the onlY barn on Sheet-Metal Work thefar an th los i oosidr- Welding (Arc and Acetylene) jTbe. The cause of the fir e is nt Bricklaying lýn"q. iý Carpentry and Woodworking The fire did not threaten the' Painting and Decorating hrouse. Srnoke f rom the blaze could Sewing, Cooking and Persenal, Development. br seen from Orono and the bura- iing.rematins was still glowing late COMMERCIAL SUBJEOT iantc the night. Typewriting Ne fire departmelt would answer Shorthand the caîl for help. Bookkeeping 4~ KIeInAcdn t A car was squashed flat in a col- The car left the west-beund lane lismon with a transport truck re- and travelled for about 100 yards sulting in the death of four per- along the median before hitting, gons on highway 401, three miles the transport. It was buried be-, Bowma.nville on Monday neath the cab as the truck toppled afternoon. over on top after the impact. The west-bound car crossed the Bystanders aided provincial pet- median and ploughed head-on in- iice in clearing the hig'hway of el- to an oncoming tandemtrailercab, ectreal equipmen.t andi wreckage killng the three occupants of the of the two vehicles which wias car and aso the driver of the truck. strewn over a wide area. A de- Occupants of the car were Lester partment of highWays front- end Varnas, Avenue Road, Toronto loader was required to push the whom police believe was driving, romains of the tracter clear of the Susan Fudge, 24 of Hamilton and shoulder (X the road. ber diauglter Brenda, 7. Clearing the debris took more Thýe truck driver wasGiar han three hours to complete. The Nelanson, 38, of Ville d'Anjou, car was a xnangled, unrecognizalble îQuibec, father of eight eilîdren, wreck while the truck was also ra-nging in age fromi three to 14. beyond repaïr. Bis relief driver, Paul Pepin, 38, The quadruple fataity occurred of Mý>ntreal was the only survivor. haIf a mile fromn the place where Re was asleep in a bunk I a spec- a Toronto woman, Mrs. Aline il compartment behind the seat. Berude, was killed Sunday when Pepin, who suff red minor cuts, her car rolled over. 'ad lie heard a crish and the next1 A provincial police offiicer 'laid tâing he knew he was lying on lie had neyer seen a werse acci- the ground beside the transport. Ident. Pictured ,tbove are Mr. and Mrs.1 daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. E. Gra- Ther, n as Charles BEurnett folcwing ham of Orono and the groom thes theiýr recent marriage at the Orono son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bur- -nitedClurcli. The bride Is theneicOsaa Planis MuadeFt or Hor- ticultoral FlowerShrw At an executive meeting of thee Orono Hrticultural Societv held at the home of Mr. John Caldwell, president, on Thursday, July 11, plans were mnade for a bigger and1 better Flower Show to be held in conjunction with the Orono JuniorÀ Gardeners' Show in the L..O.F. Hall on Thurs3day, August 22. Most lasses correspond to those of iast yerbut there are à f ew newadditions such as a novelty ar- rangement class for men only and an arrangemïent suitable for a bridal shower. Eatons of Canada 'have kindly dohiated a silver flower bowl to the exhibitor recelving the most points There are other special prizes be- Üng donated as welil. More will be heard of this later. Durhami MPP Alex Carruthers, speaking at the Orange parade in Port Hope on Saturday, appealed fer achiance toe explain the Ontario government's tax foundation plan te Orange, edges la hie riding. He said there had bee n a great deai of misunderstandîng about it and that in fairness, Orange ledges sliouid give his an opportunity te cutline its provisions. The County Orange Ledge of Toronto last week ceademined the plan and said it wouid advise Orangemen net te support candi- dates who favoured it>in the aext provincial eleetien. IMr. Carruthers told the gathering at the bandsheil that three Otil peliticai parties supperted a tax foundation plan, which was backed aise by ail Protestant, churdlies, the intýr -c'hurdh cemmittee, and the public sdhools trustees asso- ciation. "Where dees that leave us as memfbers of the Orange order?" asked Mr. Carruithers. The Durham MPP said the Orange order sheuld be a unifying force in Canadian ]ife. "If we adopt positive thinking, we cannd)t go wrong," le admion- ished, Mr. Carruther,, said lie wouid take a stand foi, equal riglits fer ail and special privileg-ds for none within the constitution of Canada. He aise advocated the strongest possible support for the Canadian ensign as Canada's natio iai ýlag. Mr. Carruthers is a past woehip- fui master of GardenIL-11LOL 385 and a former' East Durhiam county treasurer. Mayor JaMes Carr exte-ided a welceme to, the- visiting iedges <. 1 Worshipful Bre. H. Duval of the the late Wer Bro. C. B. Tyrrelli Orono Masonic Ledge was elected The Ontario District emcompass.. te theoffice of District Deputy es Lodges from Whitby te Colborne Grand Master for Ontario District, land north te Port Perry. A.F, & A.M. at Grand Lodge in Wor. Bro. Duvail has been a mem- Toronto on Wednesday. Wershipful ber of the Oreno Lodge for elghteca Bro. H. Duval xvii be appointed te years being its Master ia 1957. He. his ne-w office te-day, Thursday. is aise serving bis fourtli term as Wor. Bre. Duvail was nominated secretary of the Lodge. by the Rt. Wor. Bro. O. W. 1olh He is ah f an Eighteen Degrees of Oreno who alse is a former is- Scottish Rite Mason of Perfection trict Deputy Grand Master as was Peterbereugh Valley, Equitable Income Tax Foun-, dation Urges Co-op Taxation The Equitabie Income Tax Feun- spending through civil service pay dation is urging that the Finance increases remedying the deficit in Miaister, Walter Gordon, in search' unempioyment insurance fund, acw of aew revenue of taxation, Ilft the legisiative, programns and revenue exemption f rom Co-operative and losses through tax inceatives aimed Credit Unions and bring themn in at invigorating depressed areas. uine with other similar businesses. Obviously substantial econonues Thefolowng s rerin o thirmust be effected or new tax rev- letter te the Finance Minister: enue found immediately te put our national financial affairs la order The Equitable Income Tax Foun- or Canada wili end up on the rocks dation support your pronouncemeat as foreoast by you in parliainent made in the House of Commons, on July second. The tax foundation Juiy second that additionai revenue aise, concurs witli your statement must be secured if the Govera- that personal 'and corporate in- ment's objective of moving toward corne taxes have reached a level a balanced budget is te be a'chieved which makes furtlier increases i- the faundation neted with concern advisable. You have aise indicated that you predicted a budgetary de- tMat you deen increased taxes on ficit of seven hundred millions of liquor and tobacce and further in- dollars unless new taxes are im- creases in the saýles tax level, in- posed and that, the deficit next advisable. Numerous organizations year will reocli ene billion dollars have urged your, government to arising from additienai projected (Centinued page 5) 5 Counties Celeb-rate B-attie' 0f Boyne V\/ictory Orange ledges from five ceunities Fine sunny weîlher attracted a marched in a three-miie procession crowd of nmarchersanad spectators in Port Hope Saturday to coml- that sorne estimaites put at over memorate «"the pieus, glorious and 1(),()0(. immor(tal memory of King William The Durhiam lodges were te the 11I", victor at -the Batîle Of thefoeadfgrdpmietyn B one 73 ears 25ago. sand the prize ist. Taking prt were Accopanid b 25 andsandlodges from Peterboroughl, Victor.- half a, a drum- majorette la, Mast and West Durham, Onitarîo, corps, the h ead of' the parade land Northumlberland counties. swung around Walton street te its1 startlng point at the bandsheill Some snialler lodges marched just as the tail was wending it s with larger ones, making a ca}cu- way airound John street ente Wal. lation of the number, of lodges on bon te begmn tlie hour long mardi., parade impossible. Public School -Resuits..... S. S. NO. 10 CLARKE (STARKVILLE) To Grade 9-Ted Stark, Bruce Trim, Doris Tedd.. 1To Grade 8-Wayne Stark, Don- na Barnes, Peter Westlheuser. To Grade 7-Terry Stark () , Rudy Wybenga (H), Marilynr Trim. ToGrade 6-Doris Marie Robin-, To Grade 5-Henry Wybenga (H) Reggie Jackson. To Grade 4-Raymond Rypstra (H), Bonmie Jackson, Colin Jack- son, (nec). To Grade 3-Gordon Robinson, Barry Jackson. To Grade 2-Susan Stark (H), Cathy Wybenga (H). prize winners: Perfect Attendance: Bruce Trîm, Marilyn Trirn, Ted Stark, Doris Marie Robinson. Hfiglest Percentage: Terry Stark, Raymond Rypstra. 'Conduct: Marilyn Trim. Public Speaking: Doris Marie Robinson. Scrap Bock: Rudy Wybeaga.- 1 Catherine W. Stewart, Teacher. NEWTONVIILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL RESULTS, t Please note corrections over 1last week report Senior Boom Frem Grade' 8 te Grade 9: Suz- ianne Eydcn (hon.); Bill Gilmner; rJudy Gorton: (hon.); Garry Green, Donna Hatheriy, Robert Henderson L(hon.); Janie Stlacc-y, Gary Staple- 1ton. From Grade 7 te Grade 8: Bruce Green (rec.); Patsy Hatheriy, Bruce MacDonald (hon.); James Nichais (lion.); Sandra, Payne, Linda Stapleton. From Grade 6 te Grade 7: Dc. nis Burley, John Campbell (lion.); Denise Ellicit, James Eydea (hbn.) Randy Gireen, Bill Henderson, Pet- er Henderson (,hon.);. Gary Hug- gins (rec.); Detibie Mileis (hon.); Frances Stacey, Neîl Stapleton, Garrni VanLondon (hon.) From Grade 4 te Grade 5: Cathy Eiliott (lieu.); Mark Green; Bren- da Henderson (lien.); Wayne Jones, Vfalerie Jones, Judy Stacey, Lois Stapieton, Suzanne Worrai (lion.). Principal: Mrs. Elliett Junior Boom From Grade 3 te Grade 4: Nancy Adair (hon.);- Jimmie Clarke (lion.) David Hendersen (lion.); Bill Mac- Donald (hon.); Jiminie Stacey, Gary Gerton., Bcbby MacLean (rec. Henry VanLeadon (rec,). Frcm Grade 2 te Grade 3: James Atchison (hon) Judith Brown (Ion) Linda Ccx (lien.) Mary Gilmer (lion.); Bonnie Green (hon.); Rus- sel Green, David Oudshoarn (lien.) Glen Woodl, Philp Jones, Sheila Stacey. From Grade 1 te Grade 2: Cindy Eliott (lion.); Carol Henderson (hon.); Douglas Henderson (bon.) Ross Huggins (hon.); Brian Jones, iD'wight Searle (lion.); Gcrald Vel- eke (lien.). Teaclier: Mrs. W-oodland Business Machines1 GENEéRAL SUBJEOTS English Mathematics Mathemnatics (Technical)1 Matemaies(Commercial) Industial. Chemistry (Photo-1 graphy)- Advertising- will be carried out at a later, date also personal* con- tacts with industry and postersi wvi'l be used. Merry'Musie Mak-, ers Final Meeting On June 29th "The Merry-Music Maker's Club" met for their fin-i meeting of the summer term, at the home of their teacher, MIrs. M. H. Sals After an interestl ng musical prii'a, al assembie on the lawn for a social time and ice-cream, Siiceessfnl students at the Jume examinations are: Grade IV Donald McKenzie. hon- ors and Idska Rienstra honors. Grade III Sally Stapdes honors and John Duval honors. Grade IH Billy Caldwell. M.P. Ask Chance To Explaik Ldge Plans jý 0

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