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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1963, p. 2

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- -- - --~ -~ -- - w-- ~ ORONO WEEKLI ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authoiized -as ecn Cas aiPost OfficeDpafnl, (Yttawa. Establiihed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester- Editor and Maneger Orïono To Watch ithý" I nterest The planned July meeting Of Provicial and Federal representatives in Ottawa rnay -have somne effect on the tax rate for municipal water in ýOrono. The meeting whichi s ta ha ield later this monti between tie ten provinces and the FederalGoverument will discuss the $400 million boan fuud whici bas corne under f ire especially from the Province of Quebec. The Orono Police Trustees have made contact wîth the faderai goverament on makiug use of tVisls an and the 25 percent grant that is ta be given for municipal projects. As yet the Board of Trustees have rcceived no information on tie working of the fund and its application lu respect to the installation of water la Orono. This is understandable at the present tirne as the fund is under discussion. It appears that tie objection ta the fund, which bas been instituted by the Federal Govemnment, stems from the dlaim that suc an undertaking infringas on Provincial rights and the Province of Quebec appears ta feel tiat the Province siould disperse fils sum and be given a greater portion of the fax doll ar collected ai the Federal level. Legally we 'would be at a losa ta dîscuss this .part of the administration between the two governments. However in the case af the individual taxpayer in Or- ana. a saviag is a saviug no matter fram where if cornes. If a free -grant of twenty-five percent is planned for rnunici4pal prajects through the use oftfils fund tien Orano should laich on and pass the advantage on ta the property owners in tia Village. Twenty-five percent of $175,000.00 is a considerable, amount. If is ta be hoped that clarification and implementation of the fund is brought forth immediately after the July meeting ln Ottawa. The local taxpayar is mare interested in a rate for water fiat bas' been eut by 25% than wiefher or naf it infringes on Provincial rghts. In the case of education the Provincial and the Federal Govrnments have worked band-mn-baud wlth bath parties. providing sums of maney for the construction of Voc.tional Schaols. The sarne bas been true in fie winters works pro- grains. No conf ief bls arisen here. There seems ta be littie doiübt the problem rests with Premier Lasage who is under the stress of separatism ta a degrea and who is revolutianizing bis governiment in Quebec. The plan of programin l Orono Is- 1963 and the July meeting could very well be a windiall for the Village or a d1sappontment. Cleciner Maini Street During the past two weeks we hav'e heard a number of complaints on the appearance of, the Main Street of lhe Vil- lage witiin tie busines area. Criticism rested wit'h tie amount of garibage, litter, dirt and wrhat-have-you on the street. At times one cauld ual dispute the daim that the main business area is a cluter of litter and dirt. The appearance :s unsightly and surely not conducisive ta good business prac- tices for the individual businessman. Ia comparisan ta ailier centres one must judge Omano silipping. Where is aur pride. Tie residential areasai the Village are certainly one oifie neatest la lie district but th business area is falling be- hind. Some dlean their street every day and these business establishes are suffering f rom lie lack of interest on lie part of others. It wQuld take little effort if every played their part lu keeping lie business section dlean. There 15 alsa garbage pick-up in the area every Tusday, so why not use t. OTHER EDITORSI OPINIONS A DICTATORSHIP 'me Ontario goverument bas restrictions on fia amount -of tobacco anyone can grow in the province, and Vils ediet wve feel is somewhat of a dictatorship. It rigit ha eased somewhat, howevar, firaugh fia action of Tam Jackýson, a former reeve af Cooksville, wba 'feels tiat anyone glhould be able fa grow anything tÉey. like on their own property, and if il daesn't grow or can't be sold, il is just lie property owner's lass. Y~ TIMES, TOVRSDAY, JULY iStia, 190 Plans Announced For Soit 1 __1 1And Land-Use Tour Cavan TawnS hip willi be the scene on July 23rd of the fifth annual jDurhamn County Soý)ils Tour and Land Use ,Judging Competition This annual event, bas become more poýpular each year and ît is expected that there will again bc a large turnout of farmers, junior farmers and 4-H club members for this annual event. The programme will start ai 9:00 a.m., at the corner of the 7tb concession of Cavan and 115 higfr' way ýat thc roadside park. During the rnorning, the tour will be made of varlous roads in..,Cavan Town- ship where stops will bc made to show those wVho are on the tour the different types of profile and point out the uses to which various types of land couid bbe hast adapt* ed. Improper drainage, erosian, and other factors will be dîscussed. Harvey Wright, Soi and Field Cropç Specialist from Lindsay wili be in charge of tie programme and wîll be assited hy Hal Hooke f rom the Conservation Branch of lhe De- partment of Lands and Forests and John Ingratta, Fruit and VegetaJle Specialist, Bowmanville. The group viill Journey by car durin'g the morning programme, returning to tic roadside, par'k, where they wil will have their noon lunch. Every one should bring along his or hei own lunch and soft drinks will bE provided. The afternoon programme wîll b( held at the farm 0of Gerald Ari strlong, just east cf highway 115 F~our pits wiil be du'g on tie farr and ail those present will be aske to view the profile and decidi Which crops are begt suited foý thus type of soul. Following Ibis, th, contestants wili give their reason to one of the officiai judges. Aiýs during the afternoon, there wil b a claffs of baled iay to be judge< A. 0, Dal'ryrnple,, Agricultural Rer resentatve, wîll be ln chargec tbis section 0f the programme. Special prizes are being provide for the variaus competitions ar tihe feature wili be the presentati o nine books, enitîtled "Diagnosi of Minerai Deficiencies in Planl by Visual Symptorns". Tiesç boa] valued at $14.60 each are the laieý edition on this subject and with Ci illustrated coloured pictures, couý be a ýgreat deal of benefît to t]. farmers who will be racaiving ti Otier prize money is being pal ta the 4-H and Junior Farm( membars, as well as books ta t top threa in each section, name. 4-H and Junior Farmers up >and includilig 16 yearsof age; 4 and Junior, Farmers, 17 years age and over; and ail farmers a erating their own tarmns. In the hay judging competitio this wiil be open to 4-H and Junil Farmer members only and priz, of $500; $400; $300; $2.00; a $100 will be presented to the wi ners. .Ail farmers throughout the cou ty are invited t0 attend. Ail 4- Club menibers in. the field er clubs, must attend for this w rq count in their attendance. The programme wili start proi ptiy at 9:00 a.rn., the tour wili concluded by nooýn. Any seni farmers wishing ta take in -the to but not stay for the afterno( will ba very welcome, but hope t ail will stay for the d'ays progra DurhamCounty bas had the lama4 compatition in Via province for1 past few years and we hope t wa will again have a gaod turw of seniors, as we'll as juniors the entire day. ýSend Your News to the Times CREW LOSES OUT SKEENA DINGHY The two man dinghy crews froM R.C.S.C.C. "Skeena" Port Hope, plus a spare man, failed to gain a chance to compete as they did last year in the Sea Cadet Dominion Regatta, to be heldd bis year at Vancouver. iThe Port Hope boys competed last weekend in the provincial championships at Hamilton. The winning crews were f roni Hamilton and Ottawa. Richard Sehippers and Don Coul,, one of "Skeena's" crews crews. were beat out in ihe preliminary 'The rces were held at the Roy- races, but Rofbert Taylor and Al. ai Hamilton Yacht Club, and the bert Piers went on to thýe finals boys stayed overnight at the Great where they placed fourth of 13 Lakes Naval Training Base. A U C TIOÀ gàN AL E Fymofe's Antiques Orono Community Centre Fîiday, July 26t Items on view Thursday evening. Alil classes of Antiques Partner dPlumbig&Hatin Are ýe Le [y ONE BLOCK SOUTI1 o p- Watch for Grand Opening of Our New Offices and Showrooms, one door south s of I.G.A. id n- SIR W ERRIES ERESHDAILY 6 QUART BASKET: $1.00 If you pick them ORDERS TAKEN AND DELIVERED ON WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS You may corne in to get some at ai' times, except Sunday. PLEASE CALL IN ÂiTERNOON KLAAS REITSMA, RAR. 2, Orono Telephone 1177 1000Attend held ai tie Oddfelaw'p CormiiltY and Dutýham TB3 Association clinic people attend the Northumberland Tiursday of last week saw 1000 Hrall, ta have their tests read and x-rays taken. The week previous 896 had taken- tie TB test at Orano. Authorilies fait il was a gaod clinie, well organized and well mini

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