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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1963, p. 3

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- "Ill.,'SXrw' 1' 1 - ORONO WZJ 44GOD AND YOU"9 I. God Guides 'You question o« Divine Providence waS Why -Do These Thlngs HfaPppeR? voiced by an old man ln London, after Dr. Her4bert Gray asked hlm EVeryone mugt ask at one turne whether he would cure to ive bis or another, "Why did this happen lie over &ain provided it would to me or to my family?" If God turn oui to be exactly the saine. is a Futher of love, why does hg jThe old M'an replied, "Yes, and permit so many harsh things tolespecialy would I like 10 live a- tuke place? gain throug~h my limes of trouble, because il was in those limes that 1 Aâuit Ente1ttaîfIeflt KLY ~~~~ ~ ~ 9I TJ8 T RSA, U,4.18 Cash Saver! - X'ou Save 14e - 4e off pack - Salad Dressing 3j2oz jar 61 Cash Suver! You Save 32e - 20e off pack - Instant Coff-e CH!ASE% & SANBORN '®r Cash Saver' You Save 25e - 2e off paek 15-os. Tins CU MDOOF wmO lO10for$1l CashSaer You save% e1, Ch17eQuuty20-oz. Tins AYL CREAM CORN 6$ A wldowed mother and her two Ï Ïîearned most of what 1 know littie sons are burned. Onle boy about God." lives to face the tragedy and loss. road grader rolls on a man and We are himited in our under- six stories to kil another. at the time we may find out later f A hi'ghway is loaded with dyna- on that- God's purpose is being inite. Lighteninig sets off the blast ifulfilled in a wonderful way. and no One is huit. An elderly mnan walks in the The Bible is full hotu of suff ering centre of a rock explosion and goes I and the overcomiflg of il. We mien-' urtpuched. tioned last week, Isaiah's concept One man travels a highbway dur- of te "Suffering Servant"' We ing, a tornado and was unbarnred. >know how Jesus saw Himself in :-ls neighbour speeds along the that role. There is Job with bis caIne highway at another timne and deathless declaraïtion, , Thou lhe is augt b a alingtre whebslay me, yet will I trust Hljm."l is cnigh by~ f lbn tre wh There is Paul crying out that biso c rushed his car. thorn in the flesh be removed and 1 'Why do these things bappen? Arercevnthaser"M gae so we ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w atirn flck sou îsu fficient for Thee." And there !5 jj d.eerrnrned by fate? Or arewei Christ who could not say, "t i o the control of God? We don't have finiShed" until He bad hung for ail the answers but the Christianl long and de sperate hours on thc ca,, say "'God guides." Cos. The writer of the letterG The Bible Aiiswers ' to the Hebrews says 0f Christ, It was faith in the guidanice ot Tog ewsa oytîan God batsusaind tb grat ro-ed He obedience by the things Hie- pbets like Isaiah and Jeremiah in- Suffered." the dark days when they saw the The 'Cross and the Resurrection f olly and sin of their f eiloW country- men driving the nation towards To find our answer to the ques- ruin. Igaiah believed that God to de o ud? eme woul useeventhe onqurlf' turn to thbe Cross, the very centre 1 CJyruJs t aid in the final fulfilment of our faith. The Cross shows us of bis plans. that the worst that can happen.1 'The. early Christiafis knew the can be made a meails of the fu]fil- Iioqtile designs of unbelevers, but ment of God's boly wIll. The Res-G they also knew that over ail and urrection tells us that love iso through all -things there is a sav- stronger than deatb and cannot be irîg will of God, and when one door heîd by il. The Cross and Resur- is closed another opens. They be- rection means that the purposes of lieved that both 1fe and deatb God cannot be frustrated or defeat- ( were' in the keeping of God and ed by the strongest alliance of sin- were content to0 leave the issue in ners. It means that the fulfilmerit fils hands, so that nothing could and the justification of man must. depress or defeat them. The'hum- be sought not in time but beyond b1l -st believe(r could say with tbe lime. F. R. Barry points out, "If gr,,t apostie, " I have learned in we forget the dimension cf eternity wa isoeveri state I amn therewith 0ýf our Lord Jesus Christ, - -. heGodr to be contenýt." "I can do ahl things Christian faith in God- does ,net through Christ who strengthens work out. But the God and Father' rme." Bible people were God-giided 10 whom persons are dear* -- s no t people and those wtho share the the God of the dead but 0f the lv- faïth of the Bible stili are. Even ing.' The purpose of Cod for the vilien they corne face 10 face with lives lie made to love is not con- the worst, they are sustained by fined to this world of time. It is their belief that God plans the best. fulfil'led on the other side of death.'I The Christian Answer The Christian answer 10 the Our experience as Christians ROYALBowmanville R (gma ) YA L 623-5589 TIIURS at 7:30, FR1. axid SAT. at 7 and 9:15, ALFRED HUtCUCOOK'S THE BIRDS Céor lIod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Aduit EntertaiMnent SUN., MON.:. TUF-S. and W'fD. at 7:30 P.M. JULY 21 to 24 ýEveryYhIlg1s'COrnINg Up POSES! 20-os. Tins 2for 45C Cash Saver - You Save 12e - Buy 1 - (let 1 Free 11 Twin Puck 24 os. MIR LIQUID' DT ERGENT1 79c Seclally Selected Value Check'd Branded ýP BL4DE ROASTg 0 Re Brad - onelss Rllg FIor Breues Bra Boeles B o h3l 0LEAN 1EEF OHUOK lb 55cQ G Mild Seasoned g STrend Pure PORK SAUSAGE lb 55ca OOPPOIRTUNTY BUVI PORK HOCKS lean, mecxiy 2 lbs 45c Save 4e Condensed - Eegle Brand ML- 1 r% -%, ll&VKL ii dFLaUeu % ISave 3e - Raiston Purina 9-os. Pkgs. S Rice Chex 2-39c 0 Save 4c - (Jypress Garde'n> 48-os. Tin S ~Or ange Juice 53CF oFor Better Health - Outspan H Oranges ôFresh, Iceberg, No. 1 Lge. size Hleadi oettuce ea 1lOc gOLusclous,'Black, Sweet, No. 1i SôCherries qt 39c Q8 = ~ OC=>a o oc=o=oD--o==o=c:>c>(=O 0 0Red& White Se ' Cornish's Red 0,~ ~ àve 2c - Boneless Chicken 7-0z. TMn Copper Kettie 47c' ;ve 23e - Reg. - Super or Slenderflne Pkg. 121& [Ço'tex 2 for 79C ;ae 9c Blanched - Planter's 10 os. CeHo Peanuts' 2 for 69c 5Ib69c~ New, Young, Bumch - No. 1 Carrots 2 bnc I19C Garden Fres3hnc19 Radshes and 3 n 9I ts -The Price and White ONTARIO' =>Ocr Cash Saver You Save 2c - New m Introducing - Canadian Style AYLM BEmANS 10 oz. OMM

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