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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1963, p. 4

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Report 'From Ottawa FLQNO WEEKLY TIMS, TRUIRSDAY, JIILY 18. 1963 the tour were jack 1Roidbptii'g (L- Norfolk) and Eugenle Whelan (L. Oro] Essex SJutb). QttaWa officiais at- some oIfilhe problems facing file frbacco industry. Thle ail-day four commenced witil an inspection oIfilhe Dominion Tobacco Experîmental Station at' Delhil where the Minister inspected researchl facilities and hld discus- sions Wtti station personnel relait- ing f0 currenf studies in fils field, particularly in respect fa fthe in- creasing occurrence of "grey" f0- bacco in Ont ario. otiler items in file four included inspection of two fabocco farms, one at Delhil and one at Ayimer. In bofil cases file Minisfer discuss- ed the practical aspects of tobacco production wvitil. fie growers. The group inspectedfile Tobacco Auc- ton warebouse af Delhi and file Imperiai Tobacco Company plant af Ayimer. Otiler members 0f Parimn Nothing to do but press the button yours for $189 regular $2 1.50 STUTT'S PHARMACY Il .- no Ladies Win Over N4ewtonville At Local Park Thc Orono Ladies Sottball, team regisfered a win over fthe Newfton- vill Ladies Soffball team on Friday evening af the Orono Park. This v icfory was a, welcomed feature for file local girls wilo came tilrougil in vie last inning to edge ouft vie victory 13-12. Marie Hooey pitciled the gamne for Orono witil Donna Carvetil catciling. Al vihe Orono girls were 10 4Iy, 1963 !ished in 19 56 to bring up f0 date tei-n- ng ere ±'upuay Aà relief fromn budget conrtOvtrSY fthe old body of laws whIic~h I-ad Agriculture, Dr, S. C, BarrY, Mr.É was afforded f-ils week wien the been inherited f rom ftheNott Nor matAhMsReDiecor0 House of Gommirons passed a Res- Territories of 1905. If is a matter Tobacco Research for Caniada, and olution to d\iVide the Northwesf of interest to Durham County res- S* Williams, Chairman of the Na-, Territories and f0 make two new idents that Newcastle Iawyer, E.1 tional Agricultural Produets Sf ab- 'lerritories, thle one on the West to' R. Lovekin is one of a very few ilization Board. Officiais frorn the te called Mackenzie and the one on lawyers who is a mernber of fthe lclae eeL .Vce the- EasIt and far forth f0 be calied bar of the Nortfhwest TerriforieS Superintendent of the Toiac Ex- Nunasiaq Th firt Teritry cr- id as such is enfitled to practice perîmental Farm at DelhiGog Éles fthe name of the mrighty river in tIre Courts of the Territories I De Meyre and Charles N. Hetil, whIichtraverses it f rom south f0 The Resolution passed this we îaî'ytieychima n sce north, and the latter Terrifory i a furfiler step in -the week ou trspecthveOntaio ln Crd secr- bears a name selected by the res- efr which bas been maeanoasciUMaoethegOntard.ueCre o effortf made, andbingan sk idents 0f fat area, beng an Esk substantially complete, _____ ,imonam fo "Býauifu Lad.- I to put the legisiafive, financial and The present Northwest Territor- administrative arrangemensfo les are so large and so diverse that the goverflmenflth ie Territories it is exceedingly difficult for one on a basis that Will Iend itself over government adequately f0 lookfthe years to a smooth evolution f0-___________ atter file needs of aill the people. ward provincial status. If bas been_________ The present Norfhwest Territor- accepted that fthe formns of goverfl- ______ les are wilat was left over froni ment sliould, as far as possible,____ " Maximum P the old Northwesf Territories when be in accord with British eonstitu- j ___ fthe provinces of Abert a ani Sas« tional prac tice. Thle legislation pro]-formi katchewan were esfabiished in 1905 vides for an elenfed majority 01, .From past exp and fthe provinces of Manitoba, On- councils which will govern the new other makes, vi fario and Quebec were eniarged to Territories.- that Chevrolel their present size in 1912. *Tbe legisiation was spousored, in less to operai( Since file Norfilwest Territories the House by fthe Honourable Ar- tain. Ou r 5 ChE ,came-info confederafion tile federa] thur Laing, Minister of Nortfiern Trucks are doi government has provided for the Affairs -and Natural Resources. Re- lent job-givin administration. These are areas of ferring to a recent visit fo fthe new -mumn performa great expanse and smail population Territories, the Minister said, -1 ____ um cost." lte federal governmenit bas al- found among the people there a ____ ways accepted the role of a turstee, mifture of very great responsibii ______ bofil for the people of Canada who ity and indimîfaible courage. 1 amn_______ l own, the land and resources, and quite certain those people, possess Cha_________ s.xl for fthe future residents oIfihe area I fiese qualities because they are _____________ who'wll take over responsibility living tilere, and 1 think if fhey did______ for ffemn when the po 1pulation has not possess these qualifies fhey ____ gro-wn f0 file point where provinci- -wOuld foi be living tilere. 1 think ___ CHEVI ai status can be contemplated. ftle'Point has now been reac'hed___ There has been a steady devol- iwheIl we can say, tilough we kedp ution of authority f0 local and ter- fihe reservation always fbat thle na- -T rîôilagencies as vie population tional govern'ment of Canada will T H grows and sûbStanftial, setfled com have f0 assis those Territoisln lo munifies develop. file future as fhey have in fthe pasf, inv recent years the legisiative filaf vie time bas arrived f0 give c fabric of the ferritories bas been theiuitfhe maximum possible am- largeiy overhauied. Revised ordin- ount of self government. Thle legis. ances Of the territories were pub. lation wlicil we propose as a re -___ suif of this resoluf ion will. be a DE____ a________a _______ move i in taf direction,._____ I ~~RUSSELL C. HONEY_____ M. P. - DURHAM______ AD I AJC J ~ HoneyAccompan- -_ ies Agr. Tour Durham M.P. Russell Honey ac- j , VOVENE ERcompanled Agriculture Minister TRIED fSilN E a four of file DeË'hllisonburg foi0- SOTH L OSTr E bcoarea on FridaS, July l2th. IYOMfR d8UdSJ)fNE5S afuilte Minister and Depart -__ !~'Vf/I"fliD ~ment officiais from Otfawa wifi ___ 0W NE ,ROI DA hitting weil in thle game. Orono lineup: Marie Hooey pit-~ cher; Donna Carvefli, catcaer Madeline Madiii, firsf; Oilery1 Cooper, 2nd; Gail Lane, 3rd; hr on Wîllis, shorfsfop; Sharon 'Ta;rn- blyn, ieff field; Peggy Hancoock, centre field and Marilyn Quantrili rigilf field. Subs: June Kramer and Faye Nicholson. On Tuesday nigilt .if MIIRki 'ioký (Continued on page 5) are the Lest', "My busine§s includes geri- ___ oral delivery and long dis- - tance moving. Years of ex- - perience have proved fa me - thaf for ail-round perform- - ance, dependability and economical operation, - Chevrolef Trucks are the best." ________________W. A. Hanter, President, _________________W. A. Mnter Moving & Storage, ____________________ ith Street tait, __________________________ Hasover, Ontario. cHVOETRCS WORK HARDER-LAST LONGER-COST LESS! À=> A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE De sure to see Bonanza on thé CBCTV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for cliannel and time. CT-15630l ROY W.mNI ', m"OHo 0'LS BOWMANVILLE Phone 7860 H EAT SERVI E ~~N~PS~V!~E ,-Mwe<m "Imm w , "mm Oýwm" performance Wîmum ces?", perience with we have fou nd dTrucks cost de and main- evrolet Panel ing an excel- ig us miaxi- ince for mini- as. L. Guay, Manager, Ic., 173 3rd Avenue, Quebec 3, Quebec. FROLET IEVi PEN ERS KNOW__ JEOF' etwouIdn't have_____ unything but Chevrolet" ___ 'We really appreciafe the __ dependability of our, two Chevrolet Trucks. Our '61- C-60 just goes and goes and the ride'and.power of our- '63 Chevrolet Piçkups are greaf. We wouldn't have- anything but Chevrolet." ?'~johnBran, Presidenit, _______ John Braun & Son, Building Çontractor, 18 Agar Drive, St. Catharines, -- Ontario, __________ uChevrolet gives us the,____ dependability we need" __ IlWe do general haulage and __ contract delivery and need- relia ble trucks. We have had other trucks, but Chevrolet gives us the dependability- we need. That is why \*t buy only Chevrolet." .. 1= ORONO,ý ONT. PHONE 16U 1

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